Crime and Punishment

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    Culture, the beliefs and custom of a group of people, begins to shape a person from the second that they are born on to the rest of their life. Customs can affect how a child is raised, which in turn affects their thoughts and actions. In the novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky the main character, Raskolnikov, is pushed to commit a murder due to his beliefs on power and class. The strict class and power based Russian society directly affected Raskolnikov’s psychological and moral traits. The Russian society at the time of the book was class based, and Raskolnikov, coming from a high standing and now being broke, is desperate to gain status. In the beginning of the book Raskolnikov is afraid to meet his landlady because he is…

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  • Superior Essays

    The Underlying Theme in Crime and Punishment and The Stranger Both The Stranger by Albert Camus and Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky explore the criminal mind and its psyche. Each novel addresses the spectrum of emotions an individual deals with within their mind after committing a murder. Both books are centered on one criminal act that allows the reader to delve into the thought process of a convicted murderer, each varying from one another. In The Stranger, Meursault is seen as a…

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  • Improved Essays

    In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky uses the motif of delirium to convey the psychological torture of Raskolnikov’s commission of the crime. The novel’s approach in addressing crime and punishment is not what one would usually expect. Alyona’s murder took place in Part One and his punishment is decided in the Epilogue. The center of attention is not the beginning or the end, but what takes place in between those two endpoints. It is there where Raskolnikov’s inner world is explored and his…

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  • Superior Essays

    as their loved ones. This is exactly the situation displayed in the novel Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Rodion Raskolnikov, a poverty stricken man deals with his inner dilemmas and desperation in a very unconventional manner. For a temporary relief to his many problems he carries out a plan and kills his pawnbroker leading to an even more conflicted life. The conflicts surrounding Raskolnikov is the ideal reason to his inner dilemma that he experiences and for his opposing state…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The novel, Crime and Punishment, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky interprets the story of the main character committing a crime, and the phases he went through to plead guilty. The main character, Rodya Raskolnikov, goes through a financial crisis after being fired from his teaching job. He had to find a way to gain money and his solution was to kill Alyona, a pawnbroker, and steal some of her money. After thinking about his idea for a while, Raskolnikov decided to commit the crime and went to…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Throughout the novel Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, women play a large role in the plot. They show their strength, whether it is Dounia standing up to Svidrigailov, Sonia convincing Raskolnikov to confess, or Alyona starting the plot through her pawnshop. Women play important roles throughout the novel, and at times they are a part of their own subplot. Without women there would be no story, and no one to help Raskolnikov. Alyona Ivanovna, pawnbroker, sister, and victim of…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Crime And Punishment Fate

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    In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky reveals the psychological story of a murder and the road of guilt and suffering that had to be taken to find salvation. The role of fate in Raskolnikov’s life surrounds his crime and his eventual confession as Raskolnikov feels like another force is compelling him to make his decisions. Rather than take on the accepted definition of fate, Dostoevsky defines fate as the result of Raskolnikov’s hubris in his theory of the extraordinary man versus the ordinary…

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  • Decent Essays

    Reading Response 3-30 Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky was the most challenging book that I have read this year, prose-wise. Dostoevsky tends to go on at great length with his descriptions of Raskolnikov’s thought processes, which tends to lead to great blocks of text that can wear on the eyes after too long. However, I didn’t find the book boring - it was simply laborious to read and had a tone that was a little too nihilistic for me to really be able to get into it. I found that I…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Throughout reading the novel,Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky implies that the city of St. Petersburg is filled with poverty and that the city is not suited for many people. He uses the setting to describe where the characters lie in their society and how it has affected them within that setting. In addition, it gives us the knowledge that setting was a major factor towards the lives of the characters and how they came to be in the novel. The setting signifies the depression in which Dostoevsky…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    An Analysis of Intellectualism in Crime and Punishment On December 22, 1849, at eight A.M., Fyodor Dostoyevsky was roughly tied to a wooden stake and blindfolded (Townsend). An opponent of tsarist autocracy and serfdom, the young writer had joined a progressive group known as the Petrashevsky Circle. He was soon arrested for subversive political activity against Tsar Nicholas I and condemned to death. As members of the firing squad raised their guns, a courier arrived and revealed the…

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