The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a historical fiction novel set in Germany during the time period of the Holocaust. Bruno and his family have to move from their house in Berlin and moved to Auschwitz next to a concentration camp. There his dad works for the Nazi party and goes to work at the camp next to his house, the camp is ran by Hitler and other Nazi officials. Bruno was out exploring and was curious about if there was anyone to play with one the other side of the fence which is the concentration camp and found a boy named Shmuel sitting on the other side of the fence. Bruno is very curious and wants to play with him. Him and Shmuel become friends and they try to help each other out by Shmuel gave Bruno a pair of Striped pajamas so they…
Not everybody responds to conflict the same way. Some respond in a positive way or a negative way. They can be very harsh situations, but it depends how people respond to conflict to overcome them. Yet many try to avoid them, it still affects their daily lives. For example “The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play” shows how a young girl named Anne Frank tried to overcome a problem that was affecting her and including her family. Anne Frank was always thinking positive and had hope that they would…
People can best respond to conflict by being nice and polite. Some people call this peaceful protest, showing that they stand against something without involving violence. This is what happens in both I am Malala and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. The characters stand against the violent ways of resolving conflict even though violence is happening around them. People should respond to conflict by not being violent, but instead showing compassion and kindness. The reason there is conflict in I…
The Boy In The Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne is about a young boy who lived during the holocaust and is faced with fears no young boy should face. His parents won’t tell him what is going on so he made some “bad” choices that led to the end of Bruno as we know him. The moral of the story is innocence. The two elements was the internal conflict of man vs himself and the external conflict man vs man. The moral of the story is how Bruno and Shmuel's innocence in the…
Response to Conflict Disputes occur more often than thought. Although many are simply overcome, most aren’t. For this reason, there are many ways to go about the issue, sadly not all will result in a satisfactory way. Controversially, we could avoid the problem, but steering clear of the dilemma may not always be the best option. Then what is the most successful way to approach a problem? Remaining positive is the best way to solve a conflict. In fact, there are many examples in…
A conflict is a serious disagreement. Everyone in their life will have a conflict they have to face. People respond to conflicts differently, for example in the story “Diary of Anne Frank”, she dealt with her conflict of hiding in secret for nazis by writing in her diary. In the story “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” Burno faced his conflict of living somewhere that he disliked by talking to a friend he made named shmuel. In “Dear Miss Breed”, kids at the internment camps also dealt with their…
For many years, Jewish people lived in harmony until WWII started. Hitler was killing all of the jews so they needed to hide. The Jews in these stories tied to ignore all of the dangers they were in.These stories in WWII have ways that they did to hide and ignore it. The best way to respond to conflict is to avoid it or hide. In Anne Frank, The Diary of a Little Girl, her family went into hiding because the nazis were going into . They ignored the fact that the nazis were in Amsterdam. I was…
The film debuted in 2008 it explores the history documented by British forces during World War II. The films were conceptualized by John Boyne while Mark Herman was behind the recording of the movie under the Miramax Films production company. In the movie, which is a Holocaust drama it shows two perspectives of the quality of life during the rule of the Nazi regime within Germany and how it affected the people of the country. The movie highlights the genocide of the Jewish people during World…
Conflict is everywhere no matter what you do. The situation isn’t what matters though. It’s how you react to it. Friendship is one of the best ways to respond to conflict. Dear Miss Breed, Maus II, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a prime example of using friendship to deal with conflict and Hardships. Maus II used friendship to deal with conflict. Anja brought her friends food even though she was deathly skinny and needed the energy. In return Anja’s friends didn’t give her up when a…
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas portrays the overwhelming experiences of a young lad as he comes to the realization of the happenings around him. Bruno is uprooted from his townhouse in Berlin when his father is granted a promotion by the Führer. The family is then forced to relocate in Poland to reside next to Auschwitz. Upon their arrival, naïve Bruno becomes aware of people in a nearby field, whom he refers to as farmers. As the movie progresses, Bruno begins to comprehend that his new home is…