nothing to do with them, they are simply the consumer of the end product. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is drastically different from all current models of production and it is starting to blur the line between consumers and producers (Finocchiaro). This new technology allows physical products to be printed as easily as words can be printed on a piece of paper and is rapidly becoming more prevalent in consumers ' homes (Brean). 3D printing uses an additive manufacturing process, in which products are constructed layer by layer, with a series of cross sectional slices. The models for these products are created using 3D Computer Aided Design…
only thing that limits us is our creativity. Well 3D printing allows just that! Invented by a man named Chuck Hall, 3D printing allows us to take a digital file from a computer and “print” a real life physical 3 dimensional object. So how does 3D printing work? A 3D printed object is built up one layer at a time from bottom-upwards by repeatedly printing over the same cross-sectional area. After that these layers are arranged on top of each other and as a result forming a solid 3 dimensional…
Military: - 3D printing technology has the potential to play a crucial role in combat. Military applications often need custom designed and miniaturized units. 3D printing can support rapid production and development to fulfill the specialized functional requirements of the military. Army is already using 3D printing in combat zones. 3D printing can influence strategies and tactics of future aerial combat and Air Force is looking into the advanced manufacturing capabilities that 3D printing has…
3D Printing in Medicine Technology today has come so far and is progressively advancing for tremendous changes in the healthcare fields. These changes will not only save lives, but will give patients quicker, cheaper, and more precise care in many aspects. A new cutting edge technology available today in medicine is 3D printers with computer aided drafting software to create designs that can actually mold medical devices and parts for patient care. Even though 3D printing was invented in the…
3D Printing and the Additive Manufacturing Process Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process where an object is created by adding layer-upon-layer of material. This basic process requires the use of a computer, CAD software, the material(s) and the appropriate machine to fabricate the end result. AM has been used in many applications. At first, it was used in Rapid Prototyping (RP). Today, AM is used to create end-products used in many different applications, from aerospace, automotive and…
advancement introduces new opportunities, as well as obstacles, that aid or hinder mankind in advancing to the next step in their evolutionary chain. The 21st century 's latest technology is the 3D printer, a device capable of redefining day to day lives by printing all of our needs. It is claimed 3D printing will be an absolute positive technology to benefit mankind, but we will soon encounter situations where uncontrolled, illegal substances…
Additive manufacturing technology, more commonly known as 3D printing, is everywhere in the news! Innovations made possible by 3D printers are changing the world and propelling society into the future. With this technology, it is possible for anyone to make anything. 3D printers are ushering a new industrial age, but the current US patent system is restricting its potential. The Federal government of the United States is questioning the legality of additive manufacturing and considers it…
Psychological considerations and sociological effects of 3D Printing The use of 3D printers will bring about many changes, the biggest being in the manufacturing industry. While most discussions about 3D printing are in regards to its impact on manufacturing, one of the underlying topics that is overlooked is the impact that 3D printing will have on society. The biggest case against 3D printing is its ability to make weapons. In 2013, 3D printing made headlines in the U.S. when the printers…
Introduction/Background -What is the nature of the product or technology? The nature of 3d printing is nearly any area you can think of applying it to. -What is its development history? Rapid prototyping came about in the late 1980s and early 1990s. ‘Rapid prototyping ‘paved the road for all the 3d printing companies out today. (Rapid prototyping created prototypes for a manufacturer to create a prototype of a product with plastics before executing their plans and mass producing them from…
Though there are many benefits of using 3D printing technology, there are some negative effects that consumers should be aware of. First, as 3D printing becomes more popular and widely used around the world, it could affect the international supply chain and trade relations between other countries. In the research article “Research on the Impact of 3D Printing on the International Supply Chain,” Zhen Chen, Business professor at Lingnan Normal University in China, explains that “3D printing is a…