decided to sexually abuse her. One night Mrs. Li’s husband came home in a drunken state and threatened to kill her with an air rifle. She then grabbed the rifle and slammed in his head twice, killing him. Afterwards, she cut off his head and put it in the pressure cooker. Then chopped his body pieces and boiled it before calling the police. Before all of this happenings, Mrs. Li had called her lawyer but instead of doing…
while working. The question was, is there any way to know if this customer is getting the same prescription note from other doctors and going to other pharmacies to get the same medication? The answer depends on where you live. A large majority of the states in the country have their own form of a database, but not all. These databases are not connected, either. If every pharmacy or doctors office had access to a shared database regarding their clients prescription abuse rates would be lower,…
Emotional Abuse Hurts More Than Physical Abuse Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse; you can heal broken bones but never heal broken mind. We know that digital age has provided ways and methods to enhance human interaction. Made it easier for people to interact with relatives and friends easier but also opened up social rejection. A word ‘Unfriend’ on Facebook is linked with bullying a person. In advance world, we must need to learn connection between physical and emotional pain.…
I never really knew what the true definition of abuse was. According to the dictionary, abuse is the improper or excessive use or treatment. I learned that abuse can be both mentally obtained and psychically. Honestly I can say that at first I did not know that there was a fine line between abuse and discipline. I cannot say that any of it was discipline because one is disciplined when they have done wrong. However, I have also learned that one can get abused for no reason. I will not pretend…
people. The bitter truth is that the elderly in these homes are often the victims of various types of abuse that has an immense impact on their health. These forms of abuse include financial exploitation,…
class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.” (Stop Bullying) Verbal abuse…
Tale, in Redford’s The Horse Whisperer, and in the 1990s Newbery Winner Shiloh. These three pieces of literature can be associated with the month of April because it is Animal Abuse Awareness Month. “April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, and the ASPCA is urging supporters across the country to support their efforts to fight animal cruelty” (Chester). Organizations are reaching out for people to join and support the fight against animal abuse. The mission of the ASPCA was told in the…
Child Abuse and its Effects in Adulthood In modern times many children are abused out of rage and neglect. This abuse can leave a child physically and emotionally broken. These effects can last all the way through adulthood or possibly the rest of their lives, but what challenge do they face exactly? Child abuse has many consequences like behavioral and mental health problems. There are many ways a parental figure can abuse a child like neglect, verbal, physical, and sexual. Depression,…
In this day and age, most people realize, to some extent, that animal abuse is wrong. Most people will protest at a dog being beaten, but don't realize how much animal abuse is going on in the entertainment and media available to us. Zoos, bullfights, circuses, and even well-known amusement parks like SeaWorld have dark sides. In many cases, the abuse that animals face is completely unnecessary and only caused because humans continue to view as performers. In circuses, for example, animals…
Pet abuse are occurred in 88% of family homes that aren’t even reported .People take in animals for the right reason, while others take in animals for the wrong reason, people kill animals for their own use for clothing, jewelry, and food, and I am not saying everyone should be a vegetarian. 150 billion cats and dogs are killed each year, not including any other type of animal. Those cats and dogs had all probably been abused along the way, and some don’t even make it. Animal Cruelty,…