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79 Cards in this Set

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T/F: There is a much higher incidence of molar pregnancies in whites v asians.
false. 1/800 for asians v 1/2000 white people.
Age ranges for molar pregnancies? Incidence areas?
less than 20, over 40. incidence is higher in areas where people consume less beta-carotene and folic acid.
OB Hx that make you concerned for a molar pregnancy?
women w/ 2+ miscarriages
What diet changes can a woman make to decrease her chance of having another molar pregnancy?
increase folic acid intake before and after. etiology of molar pregnancy unknown. No factors have been specifically identified that may decrease the recurrence risk for a molar pregnancy.
what would you expect to see on ultrasound of a woman w/ suspected molar pregnancy?
snowstorm appearance. presence of hydropic villi.
How do most molar pregnancy patient present?
vaginal bleeding. exam will show S > D (25-50% of cases). extremely high hCG (over a million is diagnostic). May see HTN.
What is the most appropriate exam/lab to obtain in order to r/i or out molar pregnancy?
ultrasound. no single hCG value is diagnostic (is important though when deciding whether to do an ultrasound)
standard management for molar pregnancies?
suction curettage. can do a hysterectomy but risk > than risks fo D&C.
compared to a complete mole (had 1 patient), how is a partial molar pregnancy different (you've never had a patient)?
karyotype 69XX (dispermy v complete which is "empty" egg), fetal PARTs present. incomplete also present w/ larger uteri, higher risk of preeclampsia and decreased likelihood of post-molar GTD
Define gestational trophoblastic disease?
proliferative disorder of trophoblastic cells. histological types: hydatidiform moles, gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, choriocarcinoma, placental trophoblastic tumor
Woman who just underwentD&C for partial molar pregnancy wants to get pregnant ASAP. recommendations?
contraception until 6 months after negative beta-hCG levels. patient need serial hCG levels to ensure regression of mole. Contraception recommended to ensure no confusion in interpreting hCG levels. OCPs a good choice.
Woman who just underwentD&C for partial molar pregnancy wants to get pregnant again. Whats her chances of a viable infant?
Excellent. risk of developing another molar is 1-2% (though higher than women who never had a molar pregnancy). GTD is most curable gynecologic malignancy. even w/ chemo for choriocarcinoma or post molar GTD, pregnancy success rate is high. no known association b/w molar pregnancy and infertility.
T/F: risk of developing post molar GTD is greater in incomplete moles versus complete molar pregnancy.
false. complete molar pregnancies have a high risk of persistent post molar GTD.
a diagnosis of metastatic choriocarcinoma requires what tests/procedures?
recent history of pregnancy, imaging (CXR-lungs, CT-brain and liver) and beta-hCG. IUP and ectopic should be excluded, hCG and U/S should take care of that.
T/F: U/S is a diagnostic test for choriocarcinoma
False. w/o a hCG level it will provide no information. it can tell you if there is an IUP or ectopic present.
T/F: like all other malignancies, tissue diagnosis is the standard for diagnosing choriocarcinoma.
False. this is the exception because metastatic choriocarcinoma is very vascular, lesion should never be biopsied.
88 yo G2P2 nursing resident is brought in because of blood in her diapers. Long standing hx of incontinence and hx of lichen sclerosus of the vulva. Elevated irregular lesion on left labia. next step?
biopsy. don't treat because you need to r/o malignancy first. Lichen sclerosis is an inflammatory disease of w/ distinctive dermal changes, pruitus and pain.
72yo c/o vulvar itching worsening x 6mo. 3.5cm irregular lesion. Punch bx reveals moderately differentiated SCC. Next step?
radical vulvectomy and groin node dissection. ONLY microinvasive SCC of vulva can be treated w/ wide local incision (lesion <2cm, well differentiated, invasion < 1mm).
MCC vulvar malignancy
SCC (90% of vulvar cancers), may arise in the setting of chronic irritation (pruitus) from lichen sclerosus.
vulvar skin appears thin, inelastic and white, with a "crinkled tissue paper" appearance. +pruitus, +mild pain. Dx
lichen sclerosus of the vulva
vulvar lesion white plaquelike, no discrete mass. Lacy white mottling of the surface.
Paget's disease of the vulva.
Vulvar "cauliflower" white lesions.
Verrucous carcinoma
Pigmented lesion of vulva. irregular borders and size.
38 yo G3P3 c/o dark spots on vulva x 2y w/ occasional pruitus. Hx of laser therapy for CIN 10 y ago. no pelvic exam since. Multiple parters, uses condoms. BTL, 24y smoker. Hx of herpes, 2 recurrences/year. No induration of lesion or nodularity. Anatomy normal. dx?
HPV related VIN3 (Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia).
chronic, unrelenting vulvar skin infection causing deep, painful scars and foul discharge.
hidradenitis suppurativa
What are the greatest risk factors for developing vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (VIN 3)?
HPV and smoking. Remember cervical dysplasia implies exposure to HPV.
After Bx reveals VIN 3. Next step in management.
wide local excision.
44 yo G2P2 c/o intermittent vulvar itching x 6mo. PMHx Lupus on prednisone and gential warts. Vuvla has diffuse, erythematous labia w/ thin white filmy discharge. subtle multi focal flat white lesions <1.0cm. wet prep negative. next intervention?
colposcopy and directed biopsies of the vulva. Most likely HPV related condyloma or vulvar dysplasia. women on immunsuprresive are at higher risk. Her hx suggest most likley condyloma.
Patient diagnosed w/ multfocal vulvar dysplasia (VIN2). warty-type lesions on labia, whitish raised papules on minor, major and cltoral hood. most appropriate treatment.
CO2 laser ablation of multifocal vulvar dysplasia. skinning vulvectomy whould be the other choice, but its disfiguring and removes the clitoris.
58 yo G2P2 c/o vulvar rash x 2y. Hx of breast cancer, on tamoxifen. Steroid cream did not help. vulva red w/ whitish hyperkeratotic ares. Dx?
paget's disease of vulva. its an in situ carcinoma of the vulva. association w/ breast cancer is significant but not as high as paget's disease of the nipple.
What connects all risk factors of cervical cancer?
HPV exposure! These include early-onset sexual activity, multiple sexual partners (or a partner w/ multiple partners), history of HPV, immunosuppression, smoking, poor, lack of regular pap. Boom.
T/F: women with HIV have similar rates of cervical dysplasia and invasive cancer than women w/o HIV
False. its higher in HIV+.
recommendation for pap smears in HIV+
obtained twice in first year after diagnosis and if positive, can ressume annual surveillance. If abnormal, needs a colpo and directed biopsy if ASCUS, Low or high SIL or SCC.
34 yo G3P3 presents for WWE. No complaints, BTL 6 years ago. hasn't seen doctor since. small white plaque found on cervix in 12 o'clock position. In addition to a pap
Biopsy lesion. most likely leukoplakia.
colposcopy of cervix is performed. Biopsy shows aytpical vessels. Why is this concerning?
represent increased angiogenesis --> worrisome for cancer.
Next step when endocervical speculum and colposcopy cannot fully visualize lesion?
cervical conization. need to r/o dysplasia and cacner. cold knife cone biopsy is done to get pathology specimen.
Indications for cervical conization.
unsatisfactory colposcopy (inabilitty to visualize entire SCJ, positive endocervical curettage). Basically, if pap shows something far different than biopsies and the ECC.
Define CIS through CIN3
abnormal cells extending up to the full length of the squamous surface to the BM, but NOT BEYOND.
Define microinvasive cervical cancer.
extending less than 3mm beyond the BM.
Cervical bx show CIN. Pap shows LSIL. ECC shows high-grade lesion. Next step?
cervical conization. indicated if cervical bx show severe dysplasia, CIS or if patient has a postive ECC.
What is symptom most commonly assoicated w/ fibroids?
Menorrhagia 2/2 increase in uterine cavity size that leads to increased area for endometrial sloughing and/or an obstructive effect on vasculature that leads to endometrial venule etasia and proximal congestion.
other than mennorrhagia, what are some other symptoms of fibroids?
pain, pressure symptoms related to size of tumors as well as pressure against bladder, bowel and pelvic floor.
appropriate treatment options for uterine fibroid on anterior uterus in 25 G1 @ 17w?
No further treatment is necessary. Most are asx and do not require treatment. rarely symptomatic in pregnancy 2/2 hemorrhagic changes (red degeneration). If fibroid is located below fetus, lower uterine segment or cervix or may cause soft tissue dystocia --> CS!
MC solid pelvic tumors in women?
Why is removal of fibroid (myomectomy) contraindicated during pregnancy/at time of section?
risk of increased blood loss.
Which type of fibroid is more likely to cause subfertility? Best treatment?
submucosa. presumed mechanisms: focal endometrial vascular disturbance, inflammation or secretion of vasoactive substances. Best treatment is hysteroscopic resection.
Medical options for treating symptomatic uterine fibroids?
GnRH agonists (constant NOT PULSATILE) --> (-) estrogen --> decrease size of fibroids. Commonly used 3-6 months prior to hysterectomy. this therapy is commonly used in women close to menopause.
47yo G2P2 c/o recent weight gain 20lbs. She is concerned its 2/2 fibroids but w/o sx. BMI > , smoker. hCG negative. TVUS shows 4cm intramural fibroid. next step?
lose some weight fatty! she isn't symptomatic. no indication for asymptomatic small fibroids.
50 yo G3P3 c/o menorrhagia. Physical exam c/w 14w irregularly shaped uterus. Hct 35%. Next step in management?
Age group (approaching menopause) and normal Hct is suspicious for hyperplasia or cancer. Get an endometrial biopsy prior to GnRH agonist or hysterectomy/myomectomy.
What happens to the response of fibroids is a women stops her GnRH treatment?
resume their former growth potential. maximal response of GnRH is achieved by 3mo.
side effects of GnRH therapy for fibroids.
post-menopausal sx --. hot flashes (>75% but resolve after max 2mo).
48yo G2P2 c/o progressively heavier and longer menstrual periods x 12mo. +Fatigue. Irregularly shpaed 16w size uterus. Hct 28%. Dx?
Uterine fibroids. DDx: hyperplasia/cancer.
Patient c/o dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia. physical exam shows symmetric enlarged "boggy" uterus. Dx
31 yo G0 diagnosed w/ uterine fibroids. US show intramural (5 x 6cm and 2 x 3 cm) x 2 distorting cavity. h/o infertility x 2y. No etiology of infertility after work up. Most appropriate treatment?
Myomectomy as patient still wants children. A cause may be due to mechanical distortion 2/2 fibroids. GnRH not indicated as patient would like to get pregnant still. artery embolization not indicated either.
Of nulliparity, obesity, late menopause, HTN and exposure to unopposed estrogen, which confers greatest risk of developing endometrial cancer?
obesity, especially when patient is more than 50lbs over ideal weight.
Which confers a greater risk of endometrial cancer: obesity or Endo Bx positive for complex atypical hyperplasia.
Complex atypical hyperplasia. 28% will progress to invasive cancer if left untreated.
T/F: most women who are diagnosed w/ endometrial cancer are symptomatic.
True. 5% are asymptomatic. Most present w/ VB or discharge as their only presenting symptom.
Name top 5 cancers detected in women.
In descending order: Breast, Lung, Colon, Uterine, Ovary
Name top 5 gynecologic cancer
uterine, ovary, cervix, vulva, vaginal
72 yo G3P3 c/o abnormal discharge x 2 mo. Endorses VB x 2 over last year. Hx: HRT x 10 y (58-68yo). Tried antifungal creams. +abdominal discomfort. Exam: mucopurlent discharge from os, 10w size uterus. Which finding is most concerning for endometrial cancer?
vaginal bleeding. this is MC presenting symptoms in postmenopausal women. Remember, be specific on HRT (unopposed v combined).
65 yo G2P1 referred from internist 2/2 of persistent VB x 2mo. TVUS showed normal lining. from referral, an endometrial Bx: scant tissue w/ rare ayptia. next step in management?
D&C. Bx has high detection rate, and atypia warrants further investigation w/ D&C.
62 yo G0 had Endo Bx c/w FIGO grade 1 endometrial AC. No other significant hx and benign physical. Next test?
CXR. Lungs are the most common site of distant spread. When there is a low suspcion of advanced disease, CT, MRI, PET and other invasive and costly tests are not indicated.
Treatment for FIGO grade 2 endometrial cancer in premenopausal woman?
TAH/BSO, bilateral pelvic and para-aortic lympahdenectomy, pelvic washings. Can also do a lap-hys, BSO and staging.
patient w/ multiple risk factors for endometrial cancer. In tolerance found in speculum and bi-man exam as patient is a virgin. Next step?
D&C. intolerant to office procedures like endometrial bx, would make D&C next best choice to get cause of bleeding.
What are common causes of post-menopausal bleeding?
atrophy of endometrium (60-80%), HRT (15-25%), endometrial cancer (10-15%), polyps (2-12%) and hyperplasia (5-10%).
65yo G2P2 hx of stage I endometrial CA returns for routine surveillance. c/o dry cough x several months refractory to abx. elevated CA 125 and CXR: multiple nodules. Next step?
refer to oncologist.
T/F: Tamoxifen is known to increase risk of endometrial cancer.
True. remember, ultrasound isn't helpful because tamoxifen is known to cause changes in endometrium (thickening).
35 yo G0 has FHx +Ov CA in mother @ age 50. Onset of menarche at 14, OCP x 10y, 1 pack/wk smoker, hx of GC and herpes and LEEP 2/2 cervical dysplasia. Which places greatest risk of developing ovarian cancer?
FHx. events leading to the development of ovarian cancer are unknown. endocrine, environmental and genetic factors are importnant in carcinogenesis.
T/F: smoking is an associated risk factor for increased risk of ovarian cancer.
False. Nulliparity, fhx, early menarche, late menopause, white people and increase age.
What are some protective measures an 18yo G0 woman can take to minimize risk for developing ovarian cancer?
Start OCPs until ready to have a baby. OCPs cause anovulation.
25 you G0 wants to assess her risk for ovarian cancer. MGM + Ov CA, Mom +Breast CA w/ mets. Next step in management?
BRCA1 and 2 mutations should be checked on patient's mother. These mutations are seen in cases of hereditary ovarian cancer. There are no routine screening tests available.
25 yo G1P1 c/o LLQ discomfort. Regular menses. LMP 3 weeks ago. Exam + mass; 3 x 5 cm Left adnexal mass. U/S shows unilocular cyst. Most likely diagnosis?
functional ovarian cyst. US shows unilocular cyst w/o evidence of blood or excresences. Serous cystadenomas are generally larger than functional cysts
Describe how the following appear on ultrasound: functional ovarian cyst, muscinous cystadenoma, serous cystadenoma and dermoid.
functional ovarian cyst is a simple cyst on ultrasound. Serous appears similar to functional just larger. Mucinous tend to be multiloular and large. Dermoid tumors tend to have solid components or appear echogenic: teeth, cartilage, bone, fat and hair
72 yo G3P2 c/o of abdominal bloating and early satiety. Large pelvic mass identified on U/S. elevated CA125. What is most helpful in assessing extent of disease?
CT scan abdomen + pelvis. No SOB or sx so no CXR at this time.
Describe steps in surgical staging of apparent advanced ovarian cancer.
vertical skin incision, sampling ascites, inspection of entire peritoneal cavity, TAH/BSO, omentectomy, pelvic and para-aortic lymph node dissection.
When is neoadjuvant chemotherapy an viable option in treatment of cervical cancer?
when patient has unresectable disease or is a poor surgical candidate, at which point paracentesis for cytologic confirmation.
What information is most helpful in determining long term prognosis of papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary.
Tumor stage. 5 year survival of patients w/ epithelial ovarian cancer is ~ stage.
44 yo G0 is POD 21 s/p surgical procedure 2/2 Stage IIIB endometroid AC of the ovary. MHx significant for DM, HTN, HLD and depression. Most appropriate treatment at this time?
chemotherapy. in patients w/ advanced ovarian cancer, post-op chemo is standard of care.
30 yo G1P1 p/w left sided abdominal pain. Physical exam + 5 x 6cm mobile mass. U/S: left ovarian mass w/ solid and cystic components. Most likely Dx?
dermoid tumor. may contain differentiated tissue from all three embryonic germ layers. Look for teeth, har, sweat and sebaceous glands, cartilage, bone and fat. 80% occur during reproductive years.