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79 Cards in this Set

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18 yo white G1P0 @ 28 weeks presents for routine PNC. Hgb 10.6 MCV 88.2. No PNV use. Anemia etiology?
relative hemodilution of pregnancy. 36% increase in blood volume (peak @ 34 weeks) Plasma peaks @ 47% and RBC mass 17%.
34 yo G3P1 @26 weeks c/o dyspnea after exertion x 2 months. PE: II/VI systolic murmur. Hgb 9.9. Etiology?
Psyiologic dyspnea of pregnancy present in up to 75% of women by 3rd trimester.
24 yo G4P2 @ 34 weeks w/ viral URT symptoms/signs. pH 7.44, PO2 normal, PCO2 slightly low, HCO3 slightly low. CXR normal. Interpretation of ABG?
compensated respiratory alkalosis. increased minute ventilation during pregnancy causes compensated respiratory alkalosis. Breath out more CO2, body responds w/ decreased HCO3.
T/F: minute ventilation is increased in pregnancy 2/2 increased RR.
False. RR unchanged, TV increased which increases minute ventilation --> respiratory alkalosis.
24 yo G1P0 @ 30 weeks c/o dyspnea and frothy sputum. Admitted for PTL, now receiving terbutaline. PE dx. Most likely cause of PE in patient?
tocolysis w/ terbutaline (B2 ag) esp w/ use of isotonic fluids. plasma osmolaity is dec --> inc susceptibility to PE.
Pregnant patient in septic shock develops PE? most likely cause?
T/F diastolic murmur is pregnancy can be normal.
diastolic murmurs are never normal.
T/F maternal SVR is decreased .95% of women will have a systolic murmur due to...
True. murmur d/t increased volume
maternal CO increased due to...
increased HR and SV. it increases 33% by 12 week.
etiology of Right-sided hydronephrosis and + right CVA tenderness in pregnant woman w/o calculi, or evidence of infection.
compression by the uterus and right ovarian vein (dextroverted uterus) as well as smooth muscle relaxation 2/2 inc progresterone can cause urinary system dilatation.
In a 34 yo G4P2 @ 18 wks c/o n/v/wt loss w/ +FHx of Graves and low TSH but asx, what would you expect to find w/ total thyroxine and TBG?
TBG increased 2/2 increased estrogens and increased total. free thyroxine remains constant.
Next step in management of patient diagnosed w/ Gestational trophoblastic disease (HCG, CBC, U/S, T4 already obtained).
Get a CXR. lungs are most common site of mets in patient w/ GTD suspicious of neoplasia.
T/F: Chorionic somatomammotropin (hPL) induces insulin resistance.
True. look for a patient w/ genetic predispositions, previous macrosomic infants, age and obesity. All RFs for Type II and GDM.
T/F: Glycosuria is always an abnormal finding in pregnancy
False. Glycosuria during can be due to increased GFR and increased filtering but impaired reabsorption. Does not always mean hyperglycemia.
Mom: Brother is a carrier of sickle cell. Dad: African American. Carrier rate in blacks 1/10. Odds child will have SCA.
2/3 x 1/10 x 1/4 = 1/60. SCA is autosomal recessive. explain the math to yourself.
Black couple w/o significant FHx of disease wants to start a family. What blood test should you order tos creen for Hgb abnormalities?
Hgb electrophoresis and CBC. electrophoresis is preferred over SC preparations because other hemoglobinopathies can be detected including Hgb C trait (defect in beta chain) and thalassemia minor (inc HbA2)
Name 4 AR conditions which are increased in Askenazi Jews.
Fanconi, Tay-sachs, CF and Niemann-Pick Dz.
What is th emost common recessive genetic disease among individuals of Eastern European Jewish Decent?
Tay-Sachs disease, a lysomal storage disease (Defective Hexosamidindase A) occurs in 1/3000.
which anti-epileptic drug is assoicated w/ increased risk of NT defects, hydrocephalus and craniofacial malformation.
valproic acid
T/F: women w/ poorly controlled diabetes immediately prior to conecption and during organogenesis have an incresed risk of structural anomalies.
Majority of lesions associated w/ poorly controlled DM during conception and organogeneis are involved in what organ systems?
CNS and cardiovascular
Chorionic villus sampling is generally performed @ ____ weeks gestation. What is analyzed? What can't it detect.
10-12 weeks. analyzed for fetal chromosomal anomalies, biochemical and DNA-based studies. Can't detect NT defects (do u/s and blood work)
What's are the analytes of the Quadruple Screen? When is it performed?
AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin A. Performed b/w 15-20 weeks
NT and adbominal wall defects will show an elevated _______ on quad screen.
Screening results for Trisomy 21
low AFP, inc hCG, dec uE3, inc inhibin A (more sensitive for Down's)
Screening results for Trisomy 18
low AFP, inc hCG, dec uE3, normal inhibin A
Risk of miscarriage associated w/ CVS?
MCC of inherited mental retardation?
Fragile X (CGC repeats - anticipation). 2nd most CC of MR behind trisomy 21
Most reliable method of confirming gestational age?
Obstetrical Ultrasound. bHCG will not be reliable to predict age.
Most effective screen for Down's in 2nd trimester?
Quad test. addition of inhibin A achieves a detection rate of 80-85%.
Describe 1st trimester for Down's.
nuchal translucency measurement + maternal PAPP-A and free b-hCG (cominined test). 85% detection @ 5% FP rate.
Describe cutoffs for normal results of 3h OGTT, initial management of GDM
FBS < 95, 1h < 180, 2h < 155, 3h < 140. 2+ abnormal diagnosis for GDM. start diet and BG monitoring
risk factors for gestational diabetes
hx abnormal intolerance, previous large baby (> 9lbs), obese, mexican or native american.
T/F: 29 yo G2P1 @ 36 weeks & GDM requiring insulin is at for IUGR.
False. IUGR is seen in women w/ pre-existing DM. GDM places risks of dystocia, pre-E, polyhydramnios & macrosomia
woman w/ Past OBHx of anecephaly requires what dose of folic acid?
4 mg daily before conception and throughout 1st trimester.
what is the most comon anomaly assoicated w/ prenatal exposure to valproic acid?
NT defects. 1.2% incidence, specifically lumbar. get a fetal u/s @ 16-18 weeks to detect. can also cause cardiac, facial clefts and radial limb aplasia.
recommendation for weight gain in pregnancy for women w/ BMI > 30
11-20lbs. majority of weight gained in 2nd half of pregnancy
Patient taking labetalol, phenobarbital and citalopram @ 10 weeks gestation. If she stops now does she decrease her risk?
No. organogenesis is during the first 8 mentrual weeks. baby already effected. cannot decrease risk. risk of teratogenesis not present for entire pregnancy. phenobarbital is associated w/ defects.
of the following which does not pose a risk to pregnancy: warfarin, methyldopa, retinoic acid, phenytoin, enalapril.
methyldopa. sympathoplegic used for pregnancy induced HTN.
23 G1P0 @ 38w0d c/o lower abdominal pain and mild nausea. +irregular contractions 2-8 minutes, cervix closed long and high. Vital signs normal.
Braxton Hicks contractions. shorter in duratino, less intense than true labor w/ discomfort in lower abdomen.
routine antepartum care counseling is to return to the hospital for suspected labor if any of the following occur...
UC's q5minutes for 1 hr, rupture of membranes, FM less than 10 per 2 hours or VB.
if FHR externally cannot be achieved, what is the next step in management?
fetal scalp electrode. do this especially to document FHT in patient request epidural.
+10/100%/+2 w/ FHR in 60s and scalp @ introitus. Next most appropriate step?
Assisted operative vaginal delivery (forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery). Do not confirm FHR w/ electrode or repeat US, wasting time!
uterine perforation may occur w/ placement of intrauterine pressure catheter. Next step in managment?
perforation indicated by blood and amniotic fluid, if patient in active labor, withdraw IUPC monitor fetus and replace if tracing reassuring.
MCC of variable decelerations?
umbilical cord compression. oligohydramnios increases risk of compression.
>10cm/100%/+3 station w/ decelerations AFTER onset of contractions. Etiology?
uterplacental insufficiency (late decelerations). station and dilation are distractors.
T/F: episiotomy enlarges the vaginal outlet
True. midline increases risk of 3/4 degree lacs. Prophylactic episiotomy are debatable.
Define 4th stage of labor.
immediate postpartum period of 2 hrs after delivery of placenta. 1st stage, onset till full cervical dilation. 2nd stage: dilation --> delivery of infant. 3rd stage: after delivery --> delivery of placenta.
Infant delivered w/ flat nasal bridge and small rotated ears. Mother had scant prenatal care. Next step in management?
Further examine infant for sandal gap toes & hypotonia. Along w/ protruding tongue, short borad hands, simian creases, epicanthic folds and olique palprebal fissures, these are associated w/ Down's.
Mom diagnosed w/ preeclampsia and is treated with MgSO4 x 40 hrs. What is most likely complication to be encountered in infant?
Respiratory distress 2/2 use of magnesium. However, w/o Rx, baby most likely at risk for complications 2/2 hypoperfusion
T/F: Large hyperglycemic babies are assoicated w/ mothers w/ type I diabetes.
False. small and hypoglycemic babies are more common in type I DM v gestational. Macrosomic infants are associated w/ gestational diabetes.
While in labor, 24 yo G1P0 spikes a fever + tachy. GBS unknown, during delivery, foul smell. What is appearance of baby?
Lethargic, pale w/ high temp. Chrioamnionitis and foul smell upon delivery is a sign of sepsis.
In TTTS, twin A is large and pleothoric and B is small and pale. Diagnosis and next appropriate step?
TTTS. Polycythemia is common complication for plethoric large twin as well as polyhydramnios --> HF and hydrops, anemia for small twin and thus IUGR. TTTS is complication of monochorionic pregancies, charaterized by blood flow imablace.
Name infant risks associated w/ gestational diabetic mothers.
PCV, RDS, thrombocytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia. These kids are born puffy, ruddy and jittery.
Infant born unresponsive, HR>100 bpm, no respiratory effort. Mother incomplete history, +marijuana use, during labor treated w/ demerol (opioid anagesic).Next step?
give PPV and prepare to give naloxone. Naloxone (narcan) may be negated if mom has hx of narcotic use as baby can go into life threatening w/drawal. Suction will not necessitate respiratory effort.
Infant born to 32 yo G3P2 @ 36 weeks w/ hx of HIV+. Apgar scores 9,9, most appropriate next step?
treat neonate w/ AZT immediately after delivery. Testing begins @ 24 hrs post. No breast feeding
T/F: adjusting head position to modified flex position will NOT improve PPV in a newborn.
True. This position is typically used in adult CPR. Correct position is sniff position. secure mask to face and observe chest rise. Recommended rate is 10L/min
@ 1 min, HR > 100, crying, acrocynaosis, gags when suctioned and moves all 4 extremities. APGAR
9. gets 1 point for acrocyanosis
28 yo G3P3 delivers 4150g baby w/ NSVD. OBHx previous LSTCS 2/2 to tranverse lie. immediately post placental, rapid vaginal bleeding 700cc. Most likely cause?
uterine atony. postpartum hemorrhage is emergency (> 500 cc after vaginal birth, > 1000 after CS). Uterine atony is MCC
At post-partum f/u patient who suffered PPH w/ IVVR has slurred speech, moderate, non-pitting edema, breast atrophy and amenorrhea. diagnosis?
sheehan syndrome. hypovolemia results in anterior pituitary necrosis --> decrease in gonadotropin, TSH and ACTH.
Most important risk factor for development of postpartum enometritis?
cesarean delivery. Other factors related to increased rate of infection: prolonged labor, prolonged ROP, internal fetal monitoring, manual removal of placenta & low socioeconomic status
MCC of postpartum fever?
endometritis. DDx: UTI, LTI, wound infxn, pulm infxn, thrombophlebitis, and mastitis.
bacterial isolates related to postpartum endometritis are typically...
aerobic and anaerobic. Most causative agents are s aureus and streptococcus
Signs and Symptoms of depression < 2 weeks postpartum.
Postpartum blues. self-limited. If beyond 2 weeks, PP depression.
Patient presents 10 days postpartum. c/o depression, delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations and thought disorganization.
postpartum psychosis
What symptom of postpartum depression is useful for distinguishing it from PP blues?
Ambivalence toward the newborn.
T/F: A complicated labor and delivery is NOT a risk factor for postpartum depression.
True. Risk factors: hx of depression, marital/mother conflict, lack of social support, stress, uterine irritability.
What is the safest method of lactation suppression in this patient?
breast binding, ice packs and analegesics. Hormonal interventions (OCPs, depo) increase risk of thromboembolisms and rebound engorgement. Bromocpritine was assoicated w/ HTN, stroke and seizures.
Physicians should enourage breast feeding at least for the first 6 months after birth. T/F
True. benefits: increased uterine contraction 2/2 oxytocin, major source of IgA to baby (prevents GI infxns). Note: breast milk i slow in iron and majority of drugs will enter breast milk
T/F: poor positioning of infant can be a cause for bleeding cracked nipples.
True. Belly-to-belly is important for good latching.
T/F: both oxytocin and parlodel (bromocriptine) are not responsible for synthesis of milk.
False. Progesterone, estrogen, hPl, prolactin, cortisol and insulin act to + G&D of mammary gland. Prolactin is inhibited by elevated E&P. Bromocriptine IS NOT involved.
Most appropriate treatment of mastitis? specific name of treatment...
antibiotics. usually staph, so if CAO use penicillin or cephalosporin. If persists, I&D.
What hospital policy should be included for women who want to exclusively breastfeed their baby?
Unlimited access of mom to baby
What the are the 2 hormones that decrease after delivery. How does this effect milk production/letdown.
Progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone has inhibitory effect on a-lacalbumin and prolactin. Resultant increase in prolactin and lack of prog causes the increased a-lactalbumin stimulates milk lactose.
Breastfeeding mom has sore, sensitive buring nipples which is worse when feeding. pink and shiny w/ peeling at periphery. Diagnosis.
candidiasis. Next step: inspect baby's oral cavity
Best BCM for mother who wants to breastfeed and is unsure if she wants any more children.
IUD. estrogen may have negative impact on quality of milk and progesterone may have inhibitory effect on prolactin.
What signs that baby is getting sufficient milk?
3-4 stools/24hrs. 6 wet diapers in 24 hrs, weight gain and sounds of swallowing
List strategies that may help with breast engorgement in mothers who wish to breastfeed.
nurse q1.5-3hrs. warm shower/compress to enhance flow, massaging the breast and wearing good bra support and analgesic use 20 minutes before feeding.
suckling stimulates what hormone?
oxytocin which helps with milk ejection.