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90 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Thayer Mahan
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History; the control of the sea is key to world dominance
Theodore Roosevelt
VP under McKinley (who was shot), Nobel Peace Prize for the Gentleman's Agreement, Rough Rider
George Dewey
Commander of the American Asiatic Squadron
Emilio Aguinaldo
Leader of the Filipino revolt against Spain, then America
Capture/colonization for the betterment of another nation (for political/economic/physical imperialism)
USS Maine
Feb 15, 1898; blew up in Havana Harbor
Teller Ammendment
provision that the US would give up Cuba after winning the Spanish/American War
Rough Riders
cowboy infantry under Lt. Col. Roosvelt and Col. Wood
Treaty of Paris
US gets the Philippines, PR, and Guam
Platt Amendment
Cuba agreed not to negotiate its independance; also US gets 2 bases (now 1, Guatanamo)
William McKinley
War proclaimed and decided to keep the PI
Spanish American War
Begins April 11, 1898 over Cuba
Puerto Rico
Attacked during the Sp/American War; ceded to the US
annexed in 1893, Cleveland withdraws, then annexes again in 1898
William H. Taft
Sponsored reform, trust busts, etc.
John Hay
Secretary of State under McKinley (Open Door Notes)
Theodore Roosevelt
VP Under McKinley, Pres. when M. is assasinated
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese insurgent rebellion of 1900
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese insurgetn uprising; 1900
Yellow Peril
Asian discriminatory term
Open Door Notes
China would be open to all and the American entites should be protected with equal fares, etc.
Philippines Insurrection
1899-1903; failed
Big Stick Diplomacy
Harsh, strict rule
Panama Canal
canal waterway through Panama, Columba; required the overthrow of the government
Roosevelt Corollary
Pre-Emptive protection for Laitn American and Central-American Countries
Russo-Japanese War
Japanese invasion of Port Albert over Korea and Manchurian (R) posessions
Portsmouth Conference
J/R have a peace conference lead by TR, lead to his Nobel Peace Prize
Great White Fleet
Sparkling, white smoke-belching battleships
Jacob Riis
Danish immigratn who wrote "How the Other Half Lives." An account of native life in the NY slums
Robert LaFollete
Govenor of Wisconsin who ratified interests and regulated public utilities, used U faculty as experts
Upton Sinclair
wrote "The Jungle" which turned pbulic attention to food canning sanitation
voters could direclty propose legislation themselves
voters would vote for laws on the ballet checking the "bought" state legislators
Young reporters fueled by Collier's, etc.; looking for the dirt the public loved to hate
17th Ammendment
direct eelction of US senators
18th Am
outlaws liquor consumption nation-wide
Elkins Act
Vines for railroads who gave rebates and to the companies who accepted them
Hepburn Act
made free rides/coupons illegal
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Forty burned alive in fire, leads ot public outry and attention, factory labor laws and factory condition reform takes place
Meat Inspection Act
preparation of meat shiped over state lines would be subject ot federal inspection from corral to can
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of food and pharmaceuticals
Dollar Diplomacy
Lever of American investments to boost American political interests abroad
Bull Moose
the Progressive Party's mascot (New Nationalism)
Woodrow Wilson
Democrat sponsored governor of NJ (1910), who won the presidency in 1912 (New Freedom)
Eugene Debbs
Socialist candidate
Pancho Villa
Mexican crusador who killed Americans in hopes of spurring a war between Canenza and Wilson
New Nationalism
under Roosevelt, consolidaiton of trusts/labor unions, powerful regulatory agencies, social reform, and female suffrage
New Freedom
Under Wilson; small enterprise, fre entrepaneurship, and an unmonopolized and unregulated market
Underwood tariff
Reduced import fees
16th Ammendment
allowed Congress to raise an income tax
Federal Reserve Act
1913--Fedreal Reserve Board oversaw a national system of 12 regional banks, all owned privately, but with the final control owned by the Board. Federal Reserve Notes could be printed
Federal Trade Commission
1914--Commission in regulating interstate commerece, curbed monopolies at the source---certain trade practicies: unlawful competition, false advertising, mislabeling, adulteration, and bribery
Clayton Act
Expanded Sherman Anti-Trust Act to include discrimination and interlocking directorates; exempted labor unions and ag. firms
Central Powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria
France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy
Briitsh steamer sunk off the coast of Ireland, carrying 128 Americans (et al) an ammunition for the Br.
French steamer sunk by the U-Boats prompted Wilson to threaten the discontinuation of diplomatic relations between the US and Germany
Herbert Hoover
Leader of the Food Admn. Turned to volutnary measures, no ration cards, and encouraged the nation through propaganda
Warren Harding
Sen. from Ohio, Republican, won presidential race and signalled the death of the League
Zimmerman Note
proposed German/Mexican alliance with promises of recovering AZ, NM, and TX
14 Points
Abolished secret treaties, guar. freedom of seas, removal of eco. barriers, reduction of armamaent burdents, adj. of colonial claims, and the League of Nations
League of Nations
an international organization of Wilson which would provide a system of collective security
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Any criticism of the US gov't could be censored and punished
Industrial Workers of the World
poor laborers band together as sabeteurs of the private industries
19th Am
American women gain the right to vote
18th Am
Prohibition of Liquor
Communist leaers in Russia who backed out form the war, leading German Soldiers to France
Big Four
Orlando (Italy), Clemenceau (Fr.), George (Br.), Wilson (US)
those who voted against Ledge's Ammendment (14 reservations) to the Senate
Treaty of Versailles
few of the original 14 pts., included the inclusion of the US within the League
Al Capone
Mobster who made millions go to the sale of liquor (others: prostitution, narcotics, protection $), convicted of tax evasion
John Dewey
Columbia professor who believed that the workbench was as important as the blackboard
John Scopes
Bio teacher who wanted to teach evolution in TN
William Jenings Bryan
part of the Scopes prosecution (died of stroke 5 days after trial)
Clarence Darrow
defense criminal lawyer for Scopes
Henry Ford
revolutionary car maker who could prodcue a car eveyr 10 sec., one-track gospel of standardization
Charles Lindbergh
aviator-hero whose son was abducted and killed, spurred the Lindbergh law, which made abduction in some instances elligible for the death penalty; first to cross the Atlantic
Margaret Sanger
open champion of the use of contraception (birth control measures)
Sigmund Freud
sexual repression responsible for major health problems and conditions
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"This Side of Paradise," told of flappers and their wooers
Ernest Hemingway
Farewell to Arms/The Sun Also Rises; reacted to teh Am. propganda to war with his WWI experience
Sinclair Lewis
Main Street---woman's unsuccessful war against provincialism
William Faulkner
Soldier's Pay: lookd at the characters from the psychological viewpoint
Red Scare
of 1919-1920, led to teh arrest of thousands of American "left-wingers"
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
2 Italian atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers who were executed for killing paymaster and assistant
Sinclair Lewis
Main Street---woman's unsuccessful war against provincialism
extremist unltraconservative group of nationalists (rather than night riders) with conservation views who wanted to keep the traditional American culture; broken up after a 1920 Congressional probe
Immigration Quota Act
2% of the nation's population in 1890 could immigrate (vs. 3% of the 1910 census)
Volstead Act
18th am. implementation which illegalized liquor (bathtub gin and home brew created)
"loose" ladies