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11 Cards in this Set

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positives of advertising

-advertising is a key part of modern business

- companies need to tell customers about their products

-advertisements inform us about the choices we have

-people enjoy advert

- advertising is a form of modern art

-without adrevtising we would have less choise

- without advertising there would be higher unemployment

- adversiting is a creative industry that employs many people

negatived of advertising

-advertising manipulates people

-advertisers focus on selling a brand image

- we now live in a cosumer culture

- they use glamorous, succesful people

-we are persuaded to follow the latest trend

-advertisersoften aim their marketing at chidren

-children can easily be influenced by advertisement

-children put pressure on parents to buy them things

opinion about advertising

-advertising should be regulated

-advertising aimed at children should be controlled or even banned

- unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that attract children

-warning must be displayed on cigarettes on tv

- in some countries it is illegal to advertise cigarettes on tv

-it creates demand for products

- products that can be risk to healthy should display warnings


arguments for animal testing

-animals are used in important scientific research

-it is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs

-animal testing help to advance medical and scientific knowledge

- many important medical discoveries involved experimentation

- researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience

-testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countries

arguments against animal testing

- the benefits of research using animals do not justify suffering caused

- there are alternative methods of research

-the lives of animals should be respected

- humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals

arguments for vegetarianism

-vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals

- many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons

- a healthy diet is possible without eating meat

- it is unnecessary to kill animal for food

-a vegetarian diet may reduce the risk od disease like canser

- many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms

arguments against vegetarianism

-veg do not eat a balanced diet

-in many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals

-meat- eaters argue that animals arr below humans in food chain

-it is completely natural gor us to kill them for food

- our aim should be improvefarming methods

- farms should produce organic food

positives of zoos

-zoo play an important role in wildlife conservation

-they can help to protect endangered species

-zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior

- zoos are educational, interesting and fun

- children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals

- zoos provide job opportunities

negatives of zoos

-zoo animals are kept in artifical environments

- they are keptin cages or have limited space

- zoo animals rely on humans

- they lose the freedom to hunt for food

- some people believe that zoos are unethical

- zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money

reason of urbanization

-people move to cities in search of job opportunities

-cities offer greater employment possibilities and higher standard of living

- people migrate to cities from the countryside

-traditional activities like fatming nedf fewer workers nowdays

negatives of city life

-life cities has its drawbacks

-the cost of living is higher than in rural areas

- some people do not manage to find work

-housing is usually much more expensive

-homelesses and poverty are common on cities