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112 Cards in this Set

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/ə'kɑməˈdet/ KK US
to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit 提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等) VN
to provide enough space for somebody/something 容納;提供空間 VN
to consider something, such as somebody's opinion or a fact, and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining something 考慮到;顧及 VN formal
to help somebody by doing what they want 幫忙;給…提供方便 VN ~ sb (with sth) formal
See also: oblige Synonym
to change your behaviour so that you can deal with a new situation better 順應,適應(新情況) ~ to sth ~ sth/yourself to sth formal
/əˈkɑmə'deʃən/ KK US
a place to live, work or stay in 住處;辦公處;停留處 uncountable British English
somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services 住宿;膳宿 plural American English
Alternate: accommodations
a satisfactory agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions; the process of reaching this agreement 和解;調解 countable uncountable formal
air freight
/fret/ KK
goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries/trucks; the system of transporting goods in this way (海運、空運或陸運的)貨物;貨運 uncountable
to send or carry goods by air, sea or train 寄送,運送(貨物);貨運 VN
to fill something with a particular mood or tone 使充滿(某種心情或口氣) usually passive literary VN
/'stuɚd/ KK US
a man whose job is to take care of passengers on a ship, an aircraft or a train and who brings them meals, etc. (輪船、飛機或火車上的)乘務員,服務員
a person employed to manage another person's property, especially a large house or land (私人家中的)管家
a person who helps to organize a large public event, for example, a race, public meeting, etc. (大型活動的)組織者,操辦者 British English
a person whose job is to arrange for the supply of food to a college, club, etc. (大學、俱樂部等的)伙食管理員 British English
/aɪl/ KK
a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train, etc., or between rows of shelves in a supermarket (教堂、戲院、火車等座位間或超級市場貨架間的)走道,過道 noun
aisle seat
/'æltəˈtud/ KK US
the height above sea level 海拔;海拔高度 countable usually singular
a place that is high above sea level (海拔高的)高處,高地 countable usually plural uncountable
/'æŋkɚ/ KK
a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side of a ship or boat to keep it in one place 錨
a person or thing that gives somebody a feeling of safety 給以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;頂梁柱 written
anchorman Synonym anchorwoman Synonym especially American English
to lower an anchor from a boat or ship in order to prevent it from moving away 拋錨;下錨
to fix something firmly in position so that it cannot move 使固定;扣牢;繫牢 VN
to firmly base something on something else 使扎根;使基於 VN usually passive ~ sb/sth (in/to sth)
to be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio 主持(電視、廣播節目) American English
/ə'naunsmənt/ KK
a spoken or written statement that informs people about something (一項)公告,佈告,通告 countable
the act of publicly informing people about something (指行動)宣佈,宣告 uncountable
/ə'sɛnd/ KK
to rise; to go up; to climb up 上升;升高;登高 verb formal ~ (to sth)
baggage claim
the place at an airport where you get your suitcases, etc. again after you have flown (機場)提取行李處 British English noun uncountable
Variant: baggage claim American English
/klem/ KK
to say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it 宣稱;聲稱;斷言
to demand or ask for something because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it 要求(擁有);索取;認領 VN
to ask for money from the government or a company because you have a right to it 索要;索取
to get or take somebody's attention 引起注意 VN
to gain, win or achieve something 獲得;贏得;取得 VN written
of a disaster, an accident, etc. 災難、事故等 to cause somebody's death 奪走,奪去(生命) VN written
Phrasal: claim something↔back
to ask or demand to have something returned because you have a right to it 索回;要回
a statement that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not agree with or believe it 聲明;宣稱;斷言 countable ~ (that…)
a right that somebody believes they have to something, especially property, land, etc. (尤指對財產、土地等要求擁有的)所有權 countable uncountable ~ (on/to sth)
a request for a sum of money that you believe you have a right to, especially from a company, the government, etc. (尤指向公司、政府等)索款,索賠 countable ~ (for sth)
/bɔrd/ KK US
a long thin piece of strong hard material, especially wood, used, for example, for making floors, building walls and roofs and making boats 板;(尤指)木板 countable uncountable
See also: chipboard; floorboard; hardboard; skirting board
a piece of wood, or other strong material, that is used for a special purpose …用木板(或板材) countable
sailboard Synonym surfboard Synonym countable
a group of people who have power to make decisions and control a company or other organization (公司或其他機構的)董事會,委員會,理事會 C + sing./pl. verb
used in the name of some organizations 用於機構名稱 countable
the meals that are provided when you stay in a hotel,guest house, etc.; what you pay for the meals (旅館、招待所等提供的)伙食,膳食;膳食費用 uncountable
See also: bed and board; full board; half board
exams that you take when you apply to go to college in the US (美國大學的)入學考試 plural old-fashioned American English
Alternate: boards
the stage in a theatre 舞台 plural old-fashioned informal
Alternate: the boards
Idiom: across the board
involving everyone or everything in a company, an industry, etc. 全體;整體;全面
Idiom: be above board
especially of a business arrangement 尤指商業安排 to be honest and open 開誠佈公;公開
Idiom: go by the board British English
of plans or principles 計劃或原則 to be rejected or ignored; to be no longer possible 被廢棄;被忽視
Idiom: on board
on or in a ship, an aircraft or a train 在船上(或飛機上、火車上)
Idiom: take something on board
to accept and understand an idea or a suggestion 採納,接納(主意、建議)
See also: sweep the board
to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc. 上船(或火車、飛機、公共汽車等)
when a plane or ship is boarding, it is ready for passengers to get on 讓乘客登機(或上船等) V
Alternate: be boarding
to live and take meals in somebody's home, in return for payment 付費(在某人家裏)膳宿 V ~ at…/with sb
to live at a school during the term/semester (在學校)寄宿 V
Phrasal: board somebody out
to arrange for somebody to live somewhere away from their place of work, school, etc. in return for payment 把(某人)安排在外膳宿
Phrasal: board something↔up
to cover a window, door, etc. with wooden boards 用木板封住(窗門等)
boarding pass
/baund/ KK
adjective, verb, noun
See also: bind; bound; bound
certain or likely to happen, or to do or be something 一定會;很可能會 ~ to do/be sth not before noun
forced to do something by law, duty or a particular situation 受(法律、義務或情況)約束(必須做某事);有義務(做某事) ~ (by sth) ~ (by sth) (to do sth) not before noun
prevented from going somewhere or from working normally by the conditions mentioned 因…受阻(或不能正常工作) not before noun
travelling, or ready to travel, in a particular direction or to a particular place 正旅行去(某地);準備前往(某地) ~ (for…) not before noun
Idiom: be bound together by/in something
to be closely connected 因…(或在…方面)密切聯繫
Idiom: be bound up in something
very busy with something; very interested or involved in something 忙於某事;熱中於某事
Idiom: bound up with something
closely connected with something 和某事密切相關
Idiom: I'll be bound old-fashioned, British English, informal
I feel sure 我敢肯定
See also: (feel) honour bound to do something
to run with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way 跳躍着跑 V VN + adv./prep.
to form the edge or limit of an area 形成…的邊界(或界限) VN usually passive formal
a high or long jump 蹦跳;跳躍 written
See also: bounds; by/in leaps and bounds
/'bʌkḷ/ KK
to fasten something or be fastened with a buckle (使)搭扣扣住 ~ (sth on/up)
to become crushed or bent under a weight or force; to crush or bend something in this way (被)壓垮,壓彎
when your knees or legs buckle or when you buckle at the knees, your knees become weak and you start to fall 雙腿發軟 V
Phrasal: buckle down (to something) informal
to start to do something seriously 開始認真做;努力幹
Phrasal: buckle up American English
See also: belt up Synonym
a piece of metal or plastic used for joining the ends of a belt or for fastening a strap on a bag, shoe, etc. (皮帶等的)搭扣,鎖扣
See also: fastener
cabin crew
the people whose job is to take care of passengers on a plane (飛機上的)全體乘務員 noun C + sing./pl. verb
/'kæbɪn/ KK
a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep (輪船上工作或生活的)隔間
See also: yacht
one of the areas for passengers to sit in a plane (飛機的)座艙
See also: plane
a small house or shelter, usually made of wood (通常為木製的)小屋,小棚屋
/kru/ KK
all the people working on a ship, plane, etc. (輪船、飛機等上面的)全體工作人員 C + sing./pl. verb
See also: aircrew; cabin crew; flight crew
all the people working on a ship, plane, etc. except the officers who are in charge (輪船、飛機等上面不包括負責人員的)全體乘務員,全體船員 C + sing./pl. verb
a group of people with special technical skills working together (有專門技術的)一組工作人員 C + sing./pl. verb
See also: ground crew
a group of people 一群(或一幫、一夥)人 singular usually disapproving
a team of people who row boats in races (賽船的)划船隊員,划船隊 C + sing./pl. verb
the sport of rowing with other people in a boat 賽艇運動 uncountable American English
to be part of a crew, especially on a ship 當(尤指船上的)工作人員
/'kæbənət/ KK
a group of the most important government ministers, or advisers to a president, responsible for advising and deciding on government policy 政府內閣;(總統的)顧問班子,顧問團 C + sing./pl. verb
Alternate: the Cabinet usually
a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and/or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things 貯藏櫃;陳列櫃 countable
/kə'næl/ KK
a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water for boats and ships to travel along; a smaller passage used for carrying water to fields, crops, etc. 運河;灌溉渠
a tube inside the body through which air or food passes 氣管;食道
/kep/ KK
a loose outer piece of clothing that has no sleeves, fastens at the neck and hangs from the shoulders, like a cloak but shorter 披肩;披風;短斗篷
a piece of high land that sticks out into the sea 海角;岬
/'kæptɪn/ KK
the person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft 船長;機長
an officer of fairly high rank in the navy, the army and the US air force (海軍)上校;(陸軍或美國空軍的)上尉
See also: group captain
the leader of a group of people, especially a sports team 首領;領導者;(尤指運動隊的)隊長
an officer of high rank in a US police or fire department (美國警察局的)副巡長;(美國消防署的)中隊長
to be a captain of a sports team or a ship 擔任隊長(或船長) VN
/ˈkærə'sɛl/ KK
merry-go-round Synonym especially American English
a moving belt from which you collect your bags at an airport (機場的)行李傳送帶
carry-on luggage
charter flight
/'tʃɑrtɚ/ KK US
a written statement describing the rights that a particular group of people should have (說明某部份民眾應有權利的)憲章 countable
a written statement of the principles and aims of an organization constitution (表明某一組織之宗旨和原則的)憲章,章程 countable
an official document stating that a ruler or government allows a new organization, town or university to be established and gives it particular rights and privileges (政府或統治者准許成立組織、城鎮、大學等並授予其特權的)特許狀,許可證,憑照 countable
a law or policy that seems likely to help criminals (法律或政策的)不完善,疏漏,缺陷 singular ~ (for sth) British English
the hiring of a plane, boat, etc. (飛機、船等的)租賃 uncountable
to hire/rent a plane, boat, etc. for your own use 包租(飛機、船等) VN
to state officially that a new organization, town or university has been established and has special rights and privileges 特許設立;給予…特權;給…發許可證(或憑照) VN
/ˈkoə'lɪʃən/ KK US
a government formed by two or more political parties working together (兩黨或多黨)聯合政府 C + sing./pl. verb
a group formed by people from several different groups, especially political ones, agreeing to work together for a particular purpose (尤指多個政治團體的)聯合體,聯盟 C + sing./pl. verb
the act of two or more groups joining together 聯合;結合;聯盟 uncountable
/kə'laɪd/ KK
if two people, vehicles, etc.collide, they crash into each other; if a person, vehicle, etc.collides with another, or with something that is not moving, they crash into it 碰撞;相撞 V ~ (with sth/sb)
of people, their opinions, etc. 人、意見等 to disagree strongly 嚴重不一致;衝突;抵觸 ~ (with sb) (over sth) written V ~ (with sth/sb)
/kə'lɪʒən/ KK
an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other 碰撞(或相撞)事故 countable uncountable ~ (with sb/sth) ~ (between/of A and B)
a strong disagreement between two people or between opposing ideas, opinions, etc.; the meeting of two things that are very different (兩人之間或對立意見、看法等之間的)衝突,抵觸 written countable uncountable ~ (with sb/sth) ~ (between/of A and B)
Idiom: be on a collision course (with somebody/something)
to be in a situation which is almost certain to cause a disagreement or dispute 幾乎導致衝突(或爭端、糾紛)
to be moving in a direction in which it is likely that you will crash into somebody/something 朝着可能會碰撞的方向移動;有可能相撞的趨勢
/kɔn'sjɛrz/ KK US
a person, especially in France, who looks after a building containing flats/apartments and checks people entering and leaving the building (尤指法國公寓等處的)看門人,司閽
a person in a hotel whose job is to help guests by giving them information, arranging theatre tickets, etc. (賓館中負責提供信息、訂票等的)服務枱職員 especially American English
/'kʌvərɪdʒ/ KK
the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio and television 新聞報道 uncountable
the range or quality of information that is included in a book or course of study, on television, etc. (書、課程學習、電視等的)信息範圍,信息質量 uncountable
the amount of something that something provides; the amount or way that something covers an area 提供的數量;覆蓋範圍(或方式) uncountable
/kruz/ KK
a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday/vacation 乘船遊覽;航行
to travel in a ship or boat visiting different places, especially as a holiday/vacation 乘船遊覽
of a car, plane, etc. 汽車、飛機等 to travel at a steady speed 以平穩的速度行駛 V usually VN + adv./prep.
of a car, etc. or its driver 汽車等或駕駛員 to drive along slowly, especially when you are looking at or for something (尤指查看或尋找時)慢速行駛,巡行
to win or achieve something easily 輕而易舉贏得(或獲得);輕取 V VN + adv./prep.
to go around in public places looking for a sexual partner (在公共場所)尋覓性夥伴,獵豔 V VN slang
/kɝb/ KK US
to control or limit something, especially something bad 控制,抑制,限定,約束(不好的事物) VN
See also: check Synonym
something that controls and puts limits on something 起控制(或限制)作用的事物 ~ (on sth)
kerb Synonym American English
/'kʌstəmz/ KK
the government department that collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country, and that checks what is brought in (政府部門)海關 plural
Alternate: Customs usually
Variant: Customs and Excise British English
Variant: US Customs Service American English
the place at a port or an airport where your bags are checked as you come into a country (港口或機場的)海關 plural
the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought in from other countries 關稅;進口稅 plural
/'kʌstəm/ KK
See also: customs
an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community 風俗;習俗 countable uncountable ~ (of doing sth)
the way a person always behaves; a habit or practice 個人習慣;習性;慣常行為 singular formal literary
the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop/store or business (顧客對商店的)惠顧,光顧 uncountable British English formal
Variant: business
/'kʌstəˈmɛrɪ/ KK US
if something is customary, it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation 習俗的;習慣的
typical of a particular person (某人)特有的,獨特的,典型的
Derivative: customarily adverb /ˈkʌstəmərəli/ DJ /ˌkʌstəˈmerəli/ DJ, US /ˈkʌstə'mɛrəlɪ/ KK, US
/dɛk/ KK
the top outside floor of a ship or boat 甲板;艙面
one of the floors of a ship or a bus (船或公共汽車的)一層,層面
See also: double-decker; flight deck; single-decker
pack Synonym especially American English
Variant: deck of cards
a wooden floor that is built outside the back of a house where you can sit and relax (屋後供憩息的)木製平台 especially American English
See also: house
a part of a music system that records and/or plays sounds on a disc or tape (唱機的)轉盤支托面;(錄音機的)走帶機構, 錄音座
See also: clear the decks; hit the deck
to decorate somebody/something with something 裝飾;佈置;打扮 often passive ~ sb/sth (out) (in/with sth) VN
to hit somebody very hard so that they fall to the ground 用力擊倒;打倒在地;揍趴下 slang VN
decked out in
pf. 裝飾; 打扮
/dɪ'klɛr/ KK US
to say something officially or publicly 公佈;宣佈;宣告
to state something firmly and clearly 表明;宣稱;斷言
to tell the tax authorities how much money you have earned 申報(收益) VN
to tell customs officers (= at the border of a country) that you are carrying goods on which you should pay tax 申報(應納稅品) VN
in cricket 板球 to decide to end your innings(= the period during which your team is batting) before all your players have batted (在擊球員還未全部出局時)宣佈結束賽局,宣佈停止擊球 V
Phrasal: declare against somebody/something British English, formal
to say publicly that you do not support somebody/something 聲明反對;表示不贊成
Phrasal: declare for somebody/something British English, formal
to say publicly that you support somebody/something 聲明支持;表示贊成
/dɪ'le/ KK
a period of time when somebody/something has to wait because of a problem that makes something slow or late 延遲(或耽擱、拖延)的時間 countable
a situation in which something does not happen when it should; the act of delaying 延期;耽擱;延誤 countable uncountable
to not do something until a later time or to make something happen at a later time 延遲;延期;推遲
to make somebody late or force them to do something more slowly 使遲到;使耽擱;使拖延 VN
/dɪ'pɑrt/ KK US
to leave a place, especially to start a trip 離開;離去;起程;出發 ~ (for…) (from…) rather formal
to leave your job 離職 American English rather formal
See also: departure
Idiom: depart this life
to die. People say depart this life to avoid saying die. 離開人世,去世,亡故(委婉說法,與 die 同義)
Phrasal: depart from something
to behave in a way that is different from usual 違反,背離(常規)
/laundʒ/ KK
a room for waiting in at an airport, etc. (機場等的)等候室
a public room in a hotel, club, etc. for waiting or relaxing in (旅館、俱樂部等的)休息室
a room in a private house for sitting and relaxing in (私宅中的)起居室 British English
lounge bar Synonym American English
See also: sun lounge
to stand, sit or lie in a lazy way 懶洋洋地站(或坐、躺)着 V usually VN + adv./prep.
/dɪ'sɛnd/ KK
to come or go down from a higher to a lower level 下來;下去;下降 formal
See also: ascend Antonym
of a hill, etc. 山等 to slope downwards 下斜;下傾 V formal
See also: ascend Antonym
of night, darkness, a mood, etc. 夜晚、黑暗、情緒等 to arrive and begin to affect somebody/something 降臨;來臨 V ~ (on/upon sb/sth) literary
See also: fall Synonym
Phrasal: be descended from somebody
to be related to somebody who lived a long time ago 是某人的後裔
Phrasal: descend into something no passive, formal
to gradually get into a bad state 逐漸陷入
Phrasal: descend on/upon somebody/something
to visit somebody/something in large numbers, sometimes unexpectedly 突然大批來訪
Phrasal: descend to something no passive
to do something that makes people stop respecting you 降低身分去做;竟做出;墮落到…地步
/ˈdɛstə'neʃən/ KK
a place to which somebody/something is going or being sent 目的地;終點 noun
/'dɛstɪnd/ KK
having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier time, especially by fate 預定;注定;(尤指)命中注定 ~ for sth ~ to do sth formal
on the way to or intended for a place 開往;運往;前往 ~ for formal
/dɑk/ KK US
a part of a port where ships are repaired or where goods are put onto or taken off them 船塢;船埠;碼頭 countable
See also: dry dock
a group of docks in a port and the buildings around them that are used for repairing ships, storing goods, etc. 港區 plural
Alternate: docks
jetty Synonym countable American English
a raised platform for loading vehicles or trains (供運貨汽車或鐵路貨車裝卸貨物的)月台 countable American English
the part of a court of law where the person who has been accused of a crime stands or sits during a trial (法庭的)被告席 countable
a wild plant of Northern Europe with large thick leaves that can be rubbed on skin that has been stung by nettles to make it less painful 酸模(北歐闊葉野草,用以揉擦被蕁麻刺傷的皮膚,可止痛) uncountable
if a ship docks or you dock a ship, it sails into a harbour and stays there (使船)進港,停靠碼頭,進入船塢
if two spacecraft dock, or are docked, they are joined together in space (使宇宙飛船在外層空間)對接
to take away part of somebody's wages, etc. 扣除(部份工資等) VN ~ sth (from/off sth)
to cut an animal's tail short 剪短(動物的尾巴) VN
[ˌɛmbɑrˈkeʃən] KK
embarkation card
C. 入境卡
/ɪk'skɝʒən/ KK US
a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people (尤指集體)遠足,短途旅行
a short period of trying a new or different activity (短期的)涉足,涉獵 ~ into sth formal
/'fæsṇ/ KK US
to close or join together the two parts of something; to become closed or joined together (使兩部份)繫牢,紮牢,結牢,扣緊 ~ (sth) (up)
See also: do up Synonym
See also: unfasten Antonym
to close something firmly so that it will not open; to be closed in this way (使)關緊,蓋好
See also: unfasten Antonym
to fix or place something in a particular position, so that it will not move 使牢固;使固定 VN VN + adv./prep.
to attach or tie one thing to another thing (使兩物)繫牢,紮牢,結牢,扣牢 VN ~ A to B ~ A and B (together)
if you fasten your arms around somebody, your teeth into something, etc., or if your arms, teeth, etc.fasten around, into, etc. somebody/something, you hold the person/thing firmly with your arms, etc. 握住;抓牢;咬住
if you fasten your eyes on somebody/something or your eyes fasten on somebody/something, you look at them for a long time 盯住
Phrasal: fasten on(to) somebody/something
to choose or follow somebody/something in a determined way 抓住;對…鍥而不捨;堅決跟隨;糾纏
See also: latch on to somebody/something Synonym
/'fɛrɪ/ KK
Irregular: -ies plural
a boat that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea 渡船;擺渡
flag down
ph. 發停車信號
/'flægˈstæf/ KK US
/'flɝɪ/ KK US
Irregular: -ies plural
an occasion when there is a lot of activity, interest, excitement, etc. within a short period of time 一陣忙亂(或激動、興奮等) usually singular
a small amount of snow, rain, etc. that falls for a short time and then stops 小陣雪(或雨等)
a sudden short movement of paper or fabric, especially clothes (紙張、織物,尤指衣服的)窸窣
/'folɪɪdʒ/ KK US
the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together (植物的)葉;枝葉 noun uncountable
/'fjuəl/ KK
any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt 燃料 uncountable countable
See also: fossil fuel; add fuel to the fire/flames
Irregular: -ll-; -l-
to supply something with material that can be burnt to produce heat or power 給…提供燃料 VN
to put petrol/gas into a vehicle 給(交通工具)加油 ~ (sth) (up)
to increase something; to make something stronger 增加;加強;刺激 VN written
/get/ KK
a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or a wall outside a building 大門;柵欄門;圍牆門 countable
See also: starting gate
an opening that can be closed by a gate or gates 大門口 countable
a barrier that is used to control the flow of water on a river or canal 閘門;閥門 countable
a way out of an airport through which passengers go to get on their plane 登機門;登機口 countable
the number of people who attend a sports event (體育比賽的)觀眾人數 countable
the amount of money made by selling tickets for a sports event (體育比賽的)門票收入 uncountable
Variant: gate money
a political scandal connected with the person or place mentioned (與所提到的人或地方有關的)政治醜聞
Alternate: -gate
/'gɛtəˈwe/ KK
an escape from a difficult situation, especially after committing a crime (尤指犯罪後的)逃跑,逃走 usually singular
a short holiday/vacation; a place that is suitable for a holiday/vacation 短假;假日休閑地;適合度假的地方 usually singular
/'hɛlɪˈkɑptɚ/ KK US
an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round. It can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in one position in the air. 直升機 noun
/ˈɪmə'greʃən/ KK
the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own; the number of people who do this 移居(入境);移民人數 uncountable
See also: emigration
the place at a port, an airport, etc. where the passports and other documents of people coming into a country are checked 移民局檢查站 uncountable
Variant: immigration control
/aɪ'tɪnəˈrɛrɪ/ KK US
a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit 行程;旅行日程 noun
See also: agenda
/'lævəˈtɔrɪ/ KK US
Irregular: -ies plural
a toilet, or a room with a toilet in it 抽水馬桶;廁所;衞生間;洗手間;盥洗室 especially British English old-fashioned formal
a public building or part of a building, with toilets in it 公共廁所(或衞生間、洗手間、盥洗室) British English old-fashioned formal
a sink in a bathroom 浴室水池 American English old-fashioned formal
/'liʒɚ/ KK US
time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working or studying 閑暇;空閑;休閑 noun uncountable
Idiom: at leisure
with no particular activities; free 閑散;悠閑
without hurrying 不慌不忙;從容
Idiom: at your leisure formal
when you have the time to do something without hurrying 有空時;空閑時
/lɑdʒ/ KK US
a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport (供參加戶外運動者暫住的)鄉間小屋,小舍 countable
a small house at the gates of a park or in the land belonging to a large house (公園或宅第的)門口小屋,門房 countable
a room at the main entrance to a building for the person whose job is to see who enters and leaves the building 管理員室;傳達室 countable
the members of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons; the building where they meet (共濟會等會社的)地方分會,集會處 C + sing./pl. verb
the home of a beaver or an otter (河狸或水獺的)穴,窩 countable
a Native American's tent or home built of logs (美洲土著人的)帳篷,原木住宅 countable
to make a formal statement about something to a public organization or authority (向公共機構或當局)正式提出(聲明等) VN ~ (sth) (with sb) (against sb/sth)
to pay to live in a room in somebody's house (付款)寄住,借宿;租住 V VN + adv./prep. old-fashioned
to provide somebody with a place to sleep or live 為(某人)提供住宿 VN
to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make something become fixed or stuck somewhere (被)固定,卡住 ~ (sth) in sth
to leave money or something valuable in a safe place 存放,寄存(錢或貴重物品) VN ~ sth with sb/in sth
/'lɑdʒɪŋ/ KK US
temporary accommodation 暫住;寄宿;借宿 uncountable especially British English
a room or rooms in somebody else's house that you rent to live in 租住的房間 countable usually plural old-fashioned especially British English
/'lʌmbɚ/ KK
timber Synonym especially American English uncountable
pieces of furniture, and other large objects that you do not use any more 廢舊傢具;不用的大件物品 British English uncountable
to move in a slow, heavy and awkward way 緩慢吃力地移動;笨拙地行進 V VN + adv./prep.
to give somebody a responsibility, etc., that they do not want and that they cannot get rid of 迫使擔負(職責等) VN usually passive ~ sb (with sb/sth) informal
U. 木材
vi. 緩慢的移動
/lʌg'ʒurɪəs/ KK US
very comfortable; containing expensive and enjoyable things 十分舒適的;奢侈的 adjective
See also: spartan Antonym
/ˈmomən'tɛrəlɪ/ KK US
for a very short time 短促地;片刻地
See also: briefly Synonym
very soon; in a moment 立即;馬上 American English spoken
/ˈovɚ'kæst/ KK US
covered with clouds; dull 陰天的;多雲的;陰暗的 adjective
overhead compartment
/kəm'pɑrtmənt/ KK US
one of the separate sections which a railway carriage is divided into (鐵路客車車廂被分隔成的)隔間
one of the separate sections that something such as a piece of furniture or equipment has for keeping things in (傢具或設備等的)分隔間,隔層
See also: glove compartment
package holiday
/pedʒ/ KK
one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc. (書刊或紙張的)頁,面,張,版
See also: front-page; full-page; Yellow Pages
a section of data or information that can be shown on a computer screen at any one time (計算機的)頁面,版面
See also: home page
an important event or period of history 歷史篇章,歷史篇頁(指歷史大事或時期) literary
pageboy Synonym British English
in the Middle Ages 中世紀 a boy or young man who worked for a knight while training to be a knight himself 學習騎士(接受訓練期間做侍從,可晉升騎士)
a student who works as an assistant to a member of the US Congress (美國議員的)青年助理(其本身為學生) American English
See also: the printed word/page
to call somebody's name over a public address system in order to find them and give them a message (在公共傳呼系統上)呼叫 VN
to contact somebody by sending a message to their pager 用傳呼機傳呼(某人) VN
[ˌpænəˈræmɪk] KK
/'pæsṇdʒɚ/ KK
a person who is travelling in a car, bus, train, plane or ship and who is not driving it or working on it 乘客;旅客
a member of a group or team who does not do as much work as the others 白吃飯的人;閑散人員 informal disapproving especially British English
/'pæθˈfaɪndɚ/ KK US
a person, group or thing that goes before others and shows the way over unknown land 探路者;開路人
a person, group or thing that finds a new way of doing something 先鋒;開拓者
/pə'trolɪəm/ KK US
mineral oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce petrol/gas,paraffin,diesel oil, etc. 石油;原油 noun uncountable
/pɪr/ KK US
a long structure built in the sea and joined to the land at one end, often with places of entertainment on it (常設有娛樂場所的)突堤
a long low structure built in a lake, river or the sea and joined to the land at one end, used by boats to allow passengers to get on and off (突入湖、河、海中的)碼頭;突碼頭
a large strong piece of wood, metal or stone that is used to support a roof, wall, bridge, etc. 柱子;牆墩;橋墩 technical
/'plætˈfɔrm/ KK US
the raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train 站台;月台
See also: track
a flat surface raised above the level of the ground or floor, used by public speakers or performers so that the audience can see them 講台;舞台
a raised level surface for example one that equipment stands on or is operated from 平台
the aims of a political party and the things that they say they will do if they are elected to power (政黨的)綱領,政綱,宣言 usually singular
an opportunity or a place for somebody to express their opinions publicly or make progress in a particular area (公開表達意見或在某方面發展的)機會,陣地,講壇
the type of computer system or the software that is used 計算機平台
a high thick sole of a shoe 厚鞋底
the open part at the back of a double-decker bus where you get on or off (雙層汽車的)上下車出入口,入口平台 British English
/'pɔrtɚ/ KK US
a person whose job is carrying people's bags and other loads 行李員;搬運工
a person whose job is to move patients from one place to another in a hospital (醫院裏護送病人的)護工 especially British English
a person whose job is to be in charge of the entrance to a hotel, large building, college, etc. 門衞;門房 British English
See also: doorman
a person whose job is helping passengers on a train, especially in a sleeping car (尤指卧鋪車廂的)列車服務員 American English
/pro'h-/ KK American English
to stop something from being done or used especially by law (尤指以法令)禁止 often passive ~ sth ~ sb from doing sth formal
See also: forbid Synonym
to make something impossible to do 阻止;使不可能 ~ sth ~ sb from doing sth formal
See also: prevent Synonym
/rɪ'dʒuvəˈnet/ KK
to make somebody/something look or feel younger or more lively 使年輕;使更有活力 verb VN
/rɪ'zɔrt/ KK US
a place where a lot of people go on holiday/vacation 旅遊勝地;度假勝地 countable
the act of using something, especially something bad or unpleasant, because nothing else is possible 訴諸;求助;採取 uncountable ~ to sth
the first or last course of action that you should or can take in a particular situation 應急措施;可首先(或最後)採取的手段 the first/last/final ~
in the last resort
/rɪ'zɔrt/ KK US
a place where a lot of people go on holiday/vacation 旅遊勝地;度假勝地 countable
the act of using something, especially something bad or unpleasant, because nothing else is possible 訴諸;求助;採取 uncountable ~ to sth
the first or last course of action that you should or can take in a particular situation 應急措施;可首先(或最後)採取的手段 the first/last/final ~
roller coaster
a track at a fairground that goes up and down very steep slopes and that people ride on in a small train for fun and excitement (遊樂場的)過山車,環滑車
a situation that keeps changing very quickly 不斷變化的局勢
/'rolɚ/ KK US
a piece of wood, metal or plastic, shaped like a tube, that rolls over and over and is used in machines, for example to make something flat, or to move something 滾筒;滾軸
See also: blind
a machine or piece of equipment with a part shaped like a tube so that it rolls backwards and forwards. It may be used for making something flat, crushing or spreading something. 碾軋機;碾子
See also: steamroller
a piece of wood or metal, shaped like a tube, that is used for moving heavy objects 滾軸;滾柱
a long, powerful wave in the sea/ocean 捲浪;巨浪
a small plastic tube that hair is rolled around to give it curls 塑料髮捲
See also: curler Synonym
/'kostɚ/ KK US
a small flat object which you put under a glass to protect the top of a table 玻璃杯墊
a ship that sails from port to port along a coast 航行於沿海港口間的輪船
/'rʌnˈwe/ KK
a long narrow strip of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on 飛機跑道
/sɪ'kluʒən/ KK
the state of being private or of having little contact with other people 清淨;隱居;與世隔絕 noun uncountable
/spɑrk/ KK US
a very small burning piece of material that is produced by something that is burning or by hitting two hard substances together 火花;火星 countable
a small flash of light produced by an electric current 電火花 countable
a small amount of a particular quality or feeling (指品質或感情)一星,絲毫,一丁點 countable usually singular ~ of sth
a special quality of energy, intelligence or enthusiasm that makes somebody very imaginative, amusing, etc. 生氣;活力;才華;熱情 uncountable singular
an action or event that causes something important to develop, especially trouble or violence 誘因;導火線 countable
feelings of anger or excitement between people 憤怒的情感;激烈的情緒 countable usually plural
See also: a bright spark
to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly 引發;觸發 VN ~ sth (off)
to produce small flashes of fire or electricity 冒火花;飛火星;產生電火花 V
stamp out
/stæmp/ KK
a small piece of paper with a design on it that you buy and stick on an envelope or a parcel/package before you post it 郵票 countable
Variant: postage stamp formal
a tool for printing the date or a design or mark onto a surface 印;章;戳 countable
See also: rubber stamp
a design or words made by stamping something onto a surface 印記;戳記 countable
a small piece of paper with a design on it, stuck on a document to show that a particular amount of money has been paid 印花 countable
the mark or sign of a particular quality or person 特徵;痕跡;烙印 ~ (of sth) formal
a kind or class, especially of people 類型,種類(尤指人) singular formal
an act or sound of stamping the foot 跺腳(聲);跺蹄(聲)
to put your foot down heavily and noisily on the ground 跺(腳);重踩;重踏
to walk with loud heavy steps 邁着重重的步伐走 V VN + adv./prep.
See also: stump Synonym
to print letters, words, a design, etc. onto something using a special tool 在…上蓋(字樣或圖案等);把(字樣或圖案等)蓋在…上 VN often passive ~ A on B ~ B (with A)
See also: rubber-stamp; stamp something on something
to make a feeling show clearly on somebody's face, in their actions, etc. 顯示出(感情) VN usually passive
to show that somebody has a particular quality 表明(某人)是… VN ~ sb as sth
to stick a stamp on a letter or parcel/package 在…上貼郵票 VN usually passive
to cut and shape an object from a piece of metal or plastic using a special machine or tool 衝壓 VN ~ sth (out) (of/from sth)
See also: stamp something out
Phrasal: stamp on something
to put your foot down with force on something 用力踩
to stop something from happening or stop somebody from doing something, especially by using force or authority 壓制;鎮壓
Phrasal: stamp something on something
to make something have an important effect or influence on something 在…上打上…印記;把…銘刻在…中
Phrasal: stamp something↔out
to get rid of something that is bad, unpleasant or dangerous, especially by using force or a lot of effort (尤指通過武力或不懈努力)消除,消滅,鎮壓
to put out a fire by bringing your foot down heavily on it 踩滅(火)
/sto/ KK US
to put something in a safe place 妥善放置;把…收好 verb VN ~ sth (away) (in sth)
/stræp/ KK
a strip of leather, fabric or other material that is used to fasten something, keep something in place, carry something or hold onto something 帶子
See also: bag
to fasten somebody/something in place using a strap or straps 用帶子繫(或捆、紮、扣)好 VN + adv./prep. VN
to wrap strips of material around a wound or an injured part of the body 包紮;給…打繃帶
strap in
vt. 把安全帶繫上
/swit/ KK
a set of rooms, especially in a hotel (尤指旅館的)一套房間,套間
See also: en suite
a set of matching pieces of furniture 一套傢具
a piece of music made up of three or more related parts, for example pieces from an opera 組曲(由三個或更多相關部份組成)
a set of related computer programs 套;套裝軟件 computing
/'tæksɪ/ KK
Variant: cab; taxicab
a car with a driver that you pay to take you somewhere.Taxis usually have meters which show how much money you have to pay. 出租汽車;計程車;的士
Irregular: taxiing; taxied; taxied
of a plane 飛機 to move slowly along the ground before taking off or after landing (起飛前或降落後在地面上)滑行 V
/'tɝmənḷ/ KK US
a building or set of buildings at an airport where air passengers arrive and leave 航空站;航空終點站
a place, building or set of buildings where journeys by train, bus or boat begin or end (火車、公共汽車或船的)終點站
a piece of equipment, usually consisting of a keyboard and a screen that joins the user to a central computer system 終端;終端機 computing
a point at which connections can be made in an electric circuit (電路的)端子,線接頭 technical
of an illness or a disease 疾病 that cannot be cured and will lead to death, often slowly 晚期的;不治的;致命的
of a person 人 suffering from an illness that cannot be cured and will lead to death 病危的;臨終的;晚期的
certain to get worse and come to an end 不可救藥的;無可挽回的
at the end of something 末端的;末梢的 only before noun formal technical
Derivative: terminally adverb /-nəli/ DJ /-nəlɪ/ KK
traffic congestion
U. 交通阻塞
[kənˈdʒɛstʃən] KK
/træns'mɪʃən/ KK
the act or process of passing something from one person, place or thing to another 傳送;傳遞;傳達;傳播;傳染 uncountable formal
the act or process of sending out an electronic signal or message or of broadcasting a radio or television programme (電子信號、信息或廣播、電視節目的)播送,發射,發送,傳輸 uncountable formal
a radio or television message or broadcast (電台或電視)信息,廣播 countable formal
the system in a motor vehicle by which power is passed from the engine to the wheels (機動車的)傳動裝置,變速器 uncountable countable formal
[ˈtjunˌʌp] KK
/'tɝbjələns/ KK US
a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, confusion, disagreement and sometimes violence 騷亂;動亂;動盪;混亂 uncountable
a series of sudden and violent changes in the direction that air or water is moving in (空氣和水的)湍流,渦流,紊流 uncountable
/'ʌpˈraɪt/ KK
of a person 人 not lying down, and with the back straight rather than bent 直立的;挺直的
placed in a vertical position 豎直的;直立的;垂直的
of a person 人 behaving in a moral and honest way 正直的;誠實的;規矩的
See also: sit/stand bolt upright
a long piece of wood, metal or plastic that is placed in a vertical position, especially in order to support something (支撑用的)直柱,立柱,立放構件
/'vælɪd/ KK
that is legally or officially acceptable (法律上)有效的;(正式)認可的
based on what is logical or true 符合邏輯的;合理的;有根據的;確鑿的
that is accepted by the system 有效的;系統認可的 computing
/'væləˈdet/ KK
to prove that something is true 證實;確認;確證 VN formal
See also: invalidate Antonym
to make something legally valid 使生效;使有法律效力 VN formal
See also: invalidate Antonym
to state officially that something is useful and of an acceptable standard 批准;確認…有效;認可 VN formal
/'vihɪkḷ/ KK American English
a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car or lorry/truck 交通工具;車輛 rather formal
something that can be used to express your ideas or feelings or as a way of achieving something (賴以表達思想、感情或達到目的的)手段,工具 ~ (for sth)
/'vɛsḷ/ KK
a large ship or boat 大船;輪船 formal
a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc. (盛液體的)容器,器皿 old-use technical
a tube that carries blood through the body of a person or an animal, or liquid through the parts of a plant (人或動物的)血管,脈管;(植物的)導管
See also: blood vessel
/'vɔɪ·ɪdʒ/ KK
a long journey, especially by sea or in space 航行;(尤指)航海,航天 especially written
to travel, especially in a ship and over a long distance 航行;遠行;(尤指)遠航 V VN + adv./prep. literary
/jɑt/ KK US
a large sailing boat, often also with an engine and a place to sleep on board, used for pleasure trips and racing 帆船;遊艇;快艇 noun