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102 Cards in this Set

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/'pɝtʃəs/ KK US
the act or process or buying something 購買;採購 uncountable countable formal written
See also: hire purchase
something that you have bought 購買的東西;購買項目 countable formal written
a firm hold on something with the hands or feet, for example when you are climbing 握緊;抓牢;蹬穩 uncountable singular technical formal written
to buy something 買;購買;採購 VN ~ sth (from sb) formal written
/ə'bet/ KK
to become less strong; to make something less strong (使)減弱,減退,減輕,減少 verb formal
/ək'sɛsərɪ/ KK
Irregular: -ies plural
an extra piece of equipment that is useful but not essential or that can be added to something else as a decoration 附件;配件;附屬物 usually plural
a thing that you can wear or carry that matches your clothes, for example a belt or a bag (衣服的)配飾 usually plural
a person who helps somebody to commit a crime or who knows about it and protects the person from the police 同謀;從犯;幫兇 ~ (to sth) law
not the most important when compared to others 輔助的;副的 technical
at first glance
at first glance
when you first look at or think about something, often rather quickly 乍一看;乍看之下
/glæns/ KK US
to look quickly at something/somebody 瞥一眼;匆匆一看;掃視 V VN + adv./prep.
to read something quickly and not thoroughly 瀏覽;粗略地看 ~ at/down/over/through sth V VN + adv./prep.
Phrasal: glance on/off something
of light 光 to flash on a surface or be reflected off it 在…上閃爍(或閃耀);從…中反射
Phrasal: glance off (something)
to hit something at an angle and move off it in a different direction 斜擦而過;擦過;掠過(偏斜擊中某物後變向而去)
a quick look 匆匆一看;一瞥;掃視 ~ (at sb/sth)
Idiom: at a (single) glance
immediately; with only a quick look 立刻;一眼;(只)看一眼
Idiom: at first glance
when you first look at or think about something, often rather quickly 乍一看;乍看之下
[ˈbɑrgənˌbesmənt] KK
/'bɑrgən/ KK US
a thing bought for less than the usual price 減價品;便宜貨
an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do something for each other 協議;交易 ~ (with sb)
Idiom: into the bargain British English
also; as well 另外;而且;也
Variant: in the bargain American English
See also: drive/strike a hard bargain; strike a bargain/deal
to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an agreement that is satisfactory (和某人就某事)討價還價,商討條件 V ~ (with sb) (about/over/for sth)
Phrasal: bargain something↔away
to give something away and not get something of equal value in return 做虧本交易;賤賣
Phrasal: bargain for/on something
to expect something to happen and be prepared for it 預料到;料想到
be tied up
vt. 忍受 支撐 承受(重量)
/'bɪlɪŋ/ KK
the position, especially an important one, that somebody is advertised or described as having in a show, etc. (演員表上的)排名,演員名次 uncountable
the act of preparing and sending bills to customers 開具賬單 uncountable
the total amount of business that a company does in a particular period of time 營業額 countable usually plural
/'bɔɪˈkɑt/ KK US
to refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a way of protesting 拒絕購買(或使用、參加);抵制 VN
an act of boycotting somebody/something (對某事物的)抵制 ~ (of/on sth)
/brauz/ KK
to look at a lot of things in a shop/store rather than looking for one particular thing (在商店裏)隨便看看
to look through the pages of a book, newspaper, etc. without reading everything 瀏覽;翻閱 ~ (through sth)
to look for information on a computer (在計算機上)瀏覽信息 V VN computing
of cows, goats, etc. 牛、羊等 to eat leaves, etc. that are growing high up 吃(青草、綠葉等) V ~ (on sth)
Derivative: browse noun, singular
/'kænəbəˈlaɪz/ KK
to take the parts of a machine, vehicle, etc. and use them to repair or build another 拆用(舊零件修理或裝配另一部車或機器) verb VN
/kæʃ/ KK
money in the form of coins or notes/bills 現金 uncountable
See also: hard cash; petty cash
money in any form (任何形式的)金錢,資金 informal uncountable
Idiom: cash down British English
with immediate payment of cash 即付現款;即期付款
Variant: cash up front
Idiom: cash in hand British English, informal
if you pay for goods and services cash in hand, you pay in cash, especially so that the person being paid can avoid paying tax on the amount 現金支付(尤指受款人可避稅)
Idiom: cash on delivery
a system of paying for goods when they are delivered 貨到付款;交貨付現
to exchange a cheque/check for the amount of money that it is worth 兌現支票 VN ~ a cheque/check
Phrasal: cash in (on something) disapproving
to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or immoral 從中牟利;撈到好處
Phrasal: cash something↔in
to exchange something, such as an insurance policy, for money before the date on which it would normally end 把(保險單等)提前兌成現金
Phrasal: cash up British English
to add up the amount of money that has been received in a shop/store, club, etc., especially at the end of the day (商店、俱樂部等在每天營業結束時)結算當日進款
Variant: cash out American English
cash flow
the movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold 現金流動;資金流動 noun countable uncountable
cash register
a machine used in shops/stores, restaurants, etc. that has a drawer for keeping money in, and that shows and records the amount of money received for each thing that is sold 現金收入記錄機;現金出納機 noun
/kæ'ʃɪr/ KK US
a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank, shop/store, hotel, etc. 出納員
to make somebody leave the army, navy or air force because they have done something wrong 開除軍職 VN usually passive
[ˈkætəlɔg] KK
Variant: catalogs
transitive verb
Variant: cataloged; cataloged; cataloging
/'klɪrəns/ KK US
the removal of things that are not wanted 清除;排除;清理 countable uncountable
the amount of space or distance that is needed between two objects so that they do not touch each other 淨空;間距;間隙 uncountable countable
official permission that is given to somebody before they can work somewhere, have particular information, or do something they want to do (錄用或准許接觸機密以前的)審查許可,審核批准 uncountable countable
official permission for a person or vehicle to enter or leave an airport or a country (人、交通工具出入空港或出入境的)許可,准許 uncountable
the process of a cheque being paid by a bank (支票的)兌現 uncountable countable
a clearance in football and some other sports is when a player kicks or hits the ball away from the goal of his or her own team (足球等使對方不能破門的)解圍 countable
/kəm'pærəsṇ/ KK
the process of comparing two or more people or things 比較 uncountable ~ (with sb/sth)
an occasion when two or more people or things are compared 對比;相比 countable ~ (of A and/to/with B) ~ (between A and B)
Idiom: by comparison written
used especially at the beginning of a sentence when the next thing that is mentioned is compared with something in the previous sentence (尤用於句首)比較起來,較之
Idiom: by/in comparison (with somebody/something)
when compared with somebody/something (與…)相比較
Idiom: there's no comparison
used to emphasize the difference between two people or things that are being compared (強調比較之下的差別)無法相比,根本不能相提並論
/kəm'paɪl/ KK
to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different items, articles, songs, etc. 編寫(書、列表、報告等);編纂 VN
to translate instructions from one computer language into another so that a particular computer can understand them 編譯 computing VN
/ˈkɑnfə'dɛnʃəl/ KK US
meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people 機密的;保密的;秘密的
of a way of speaking 說話的方式 showing that what you are saying is private or secret 隱密的;秘密的
trusted with private or secret information 受信任的;委以機密的 only before noun
in confidential
adv. 機密地
/'krɛdɪt/ KK
an arrangement that you make, with a shop/store for example, to pay later for something you buy 賒購;賒欠 uncountable
See also: hire purchase
money that you borrow from a bank; a loan (從銀行借的)借款;貸款 uncountable countable
the status of being trusted to pay back money to somebody who lends it to you (借錢償還的)信譽,信用 uncountable
if you or your bank account are in credit, there is money in the account 結餘 uncountable
a sum of money paid into a bank account; a record of the payment (付入銀行賬戶的)存款金額,貸記 countable uncountable
See also: debit
a payment that somebody has a right to for a particular reason 有權索要的款項 countable uncountable technical
praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened 讚揚;稱讚;認可 uncountable ~ (for sth)
See also: blame; discredit
a person or a thing whose qualities or achievements are praised and who therefore earns respect for somebody/something else 為…贏得尊重的人(或事物) singular ~ to sb/sth
the act of mentioning somebody who worked on a project such as a film/movie or a television programme (電影或電視節目演職人員的)片頭字幕,片尾字幕 countable usually plural
a unit of study at a college or university (in the US, also at a school); the fact of having successfully completed a unit of study (大學,以及美國中小學的)學習單元;學分 countable
Idiom: do somebody credit; do credit to somebody/something
if something does credit to a person or an organization, they deserve to be praised for it 使值得讚揚(或表揚)
Idiom: have something to your credit
to have achieved something 完成;取得
Idiom: on the credit side
used to introduce the good points about somebody/something, especially after the bad points have been mentioned (尤用於提及缺點之後)就優點方面而言
Idiom: to somebody's credit
making somebody deserve praise or respect 使值得讚揚;使受尊重
to add an amount of money to somebody's bank account (給銀行賬戶)存入金額;把…記入貸方;貸記(銀行賬戶) VN ~ A (with B) ~ B to A
to believe or say that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially something good 認為是…的功勞;把…歸於 VN usually passive ~ A (with B) ~ B to A
to believe that somebody/something has a particular good quality or feature 認為…有(良好的品質或特點) VN ~ A with B
to believe that somebody/something is of a particular type or quality 認為…屬(某種類或性質) VN usually passive ~ sb/sth as sth
to believe something, especially something surprising or unexpected 相信(尤指令人驚奇或意外的事物) British English
/'pɑləsɪ/ KK US
Irregular: -ies plural
a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc. 政策;方針 countable uncountable ~ (on sth)
a principle that you believe in that influences how you behave; a way in which you usually behave 原則;為人之道 countable uncountable formal
a written statement of a contract of insurance 保險單 countable
deal with
/dɪ'dʌktəbḷ/ KK
that can be taken away from an amount of money you earn, from tax, etc. 可扣除的;可減免的 adjective
/də'rɛktərɪ/ KK /dɪ-/ DJ /daɪ-/ DJ /daɪ-/ KK
Irregular: -ies plural
a book containing lists of information, usually in alphabetical order, for example people's telephone numbers or the names and addresses of businesses in a particular area 電話號碼簿;公司名錄
a file containing a group of other files or programs in a computer (計算機文件或程序的)目錄
/dɪ'skrɛpənsɪ/ KK
a difference between two or more things that should be the same 差異;不符合;不一致 noun countable uncountable ~ (in sth) ~ (between A and B)
Irregular: -ies plural
/dɪ'spætʃ/ KK
Variant: despatch British English
to send somebody/something somewhere, especially for a special purpose 派遣;調遣;派出 ~ sb/sth (to…) formal VN
to send a letter, parcel/package or message somewhere 發出,發送(郵件、信息) ~ sth (to sb/sth) formal VN
to deal or finish with somebody/something quickly and completely 迅速處理;迅速辦妥;迅速完成 formal VN
to kill a person or an animal 殺死;處決 old-fashioned VN
the act of sending somebody/something somewhere 派遣;調遣;發送 uncountable formal
a message or report sent quickly from one military officer to another or between government officials (軍事人員或政府官員之間的)急件,快信 countable
a report sent to a newspaper by a journalist who is working in a foreign country (駐外國記者發給報刊的)新聞報道,電訊 countable
Idiom: with dispatch formal
quickly and efficiently 迅速而有效
/daɪ'vɝs/ KK US
very different from each other and of various kinds 不同的;相異的;多種多樣的;形形色色的 adjective
/daɪ'vɝʒən/ KK US
the act of changing the direction that somebody/something is following, or what something is used for 轉向;轉移;偏離 countable uncountable
something that takes your attention away from somebody/something while something else is happening 轉移視線(或注意力)的事物 countable
a road or route that is used when the usual one is closed 臨時繞行路;臨時支路 countable British English
Variant: detour American English
an activity that is done for pleasure, especially because it takes your attention away from something else 消遣;娛樂 countable formal
/ɪ'læps/ KK
if a period of time elapses, it passes (時間)消逝,流逝 verb V formal
/ɪm'bɑrgo/ KK US
Irregular: -oes plural
an official order that forbids trade with another country 禁止貿易令;禁運 ~ (on sth)
Irregular: embargoes; embargoing; embargoed; embargoed
to place an embargo on something 禁止…的貿易;禁運 VN
/'ɪnkwərɪ/ KK British English usually
Variant: inquiry
Irregular: -ies plural
an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something 調查;查究;查問 countable ~ (into sth)
a request for information about somebody/something; a question about somebody/something 詢問;打聽 countable ~ (from sb) (about sb/sth)
the act of asking questions or collecting information about somebody/something 查詢;探究;探索 uncountable
a place where you can get information 問訊處 plural British English
See also: directory enquiries
Alternate: enquiries
/'ɛstəmət/ KK
a judgement that you make without having the exact details or figures about the size, amount, cost, etc. of something (對數量、成本等的)估計;估價
a statement of how much a piece of work will probably cost 估計的成本;估價
/ˈestɪmeɪt/ DJ /'ɛstəˈmet/ KK
to form an idea of the cost, size, value etc. of something, but without calculating it exactly 估價;估算 often passive ~ sth (at sth)
/ˈɛkspə'reʃən/ KK
vt. 到期
/ɪk'spaɪr/ KK
of a document, an agreement, etc. 文件、協議等 to be no longer valid because the period of time for which it could be used has ended (因到期而)失效,終止;到期 V
See also: run out Synonym
of a period of time, especially one during which somebody holds a position of authority 任期等 to end 屆滿 V
to die 逝世;去世;故去 literary V
/'flɔləs/ KK
without flaws and therefore perfect 完美的;無瑕的 adjective
/flɔ/ KK
a mistake in something that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly 錯誤;缺點 ~ (in sth)
a crack or fault in something that makes it less attractive or valuable 裂痕;裂隙;瑕疵 ~ (in sth)
a weakness in somebody's character (品格上的)弱點,缺點 ~ (in sb/sth)
/'fribɪ/ KK
something that is given to somebody without payment, usually by a company (常指公司提供的)免費品 noun informal
[fʊlˈfɪl] KK
transitive verb
Variant: fulfilled; fulfilled; fulfilling
get on
used to talk or ask about how well somebody is doing in a particular situation (談及或問及某人)進展,進步
Variant: get along
to be successful in your career 獲得成功;事業有成
to manage or survive 對付;應付;活下來;過活
Variant: get along
get through to
ph. 連絡 忙於處理
have one's hands full
/ɪm'poz/ KK US
to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used 推行,採用(規章制度);強制實行 VN ~ sth (on/upon sth/sb)
to force somebody/something to have to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant 迫使;把…強加於 VN ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth)
to make somebody accept the same opinions, wishes etc. as your own 使(別人)接受自己的意見 VN ~ sth (on/upon sb)
to expect somebody to do something for you or to spend time with you, when it may not be convenient for them 勉強(某人做某事);硬要…和…在一起 V ~ (on/upon sb/sth)
to make somebody/something accept or be aware of your presence or ideas 使接受,使意識到(自己的在場或想法) VN ~ yourself (on/upon sb/sth)
[ɪnˈsɑlvənsɪ] KK
/ˈɪnsə'fɪʃənt/ KK
not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose 不充分的;不足的;不夠重要的 adjective ~ (to do sth) ~ (for sth)
/'ɪnvənˈtɔrɪ/ KK US
Irregular: -ies plural
a written list of all the objects, furniture, etc. in a particular building (建築物裏的物品、傢具等的)清單;財產清單 countable
all the goods in a shop stock (商店的)存貨,庫存 uncountable American English
/'ɪnvɔɪs/ KK
a list of goods that have been sold, work that has been done etc., showing what you must pay 發票;(發貨或服務)費用清單
See also: bill Synonym
to write or send somebody a bill for work you have done or goods you have provided 開發票(或清單);發出發票(或清單) VN ~ sb (for sth) ~ sth (to sb/sth) business
/'lebḷ/ KK
a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and gives information about it 標籤;籤條;標記
See also: packaging
a word or phrase that is used to describe somebody/something in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct (不恰當的)稱謂,綽號,叫法 disapproving
a company that produces and sells records, CDs, etc. 唱片公司
Irregular: -ll-; -l-
to fix a label on something or write information on something 貼標籤於;用標籤標明 VN often passive
to describe somebody/something in a particular way, especially unfairly (尤指不公正地)把…稱為 ~ sb/sth (as) sth often passive
/'mændəˈtɔrɪ/ KK US /mænˈdeɪtəri/ DJ British English
required by law 強制的;法定的;義務的 adjective ~ (for sb) (to do sth) formal
/'mænəˈfɛst/ KK
to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality 表明,清楚顯示(尤指情感、態度或品質) VN ~ sth (in sth) formal
See also: demonstrate Synonym
to appear or become noticeable 顯現;使人注意到 VN ~ itself (in sth) formal
See also: appear Synonym
easy to see or understand 明顯的;顯而易見的 ~ (to sb) (in sth) ~ (in sth) formal
Derivative: manifestly adverb
a list of goods or passengers on a ship or an aircraft (船或飛機的)貨單,旅客名單 technical
mark down
/ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs/ DJ /-daɪz/ DJ /ˈmɜːrtʃ-/ DJ, US /'mɝtʃənˈdaɪs; -ˈdaɪz/ KK, US
goods that are bought or sold; goods that are for sale in a shop/store 商品;貨品 formal uncountable
things you can buy that are connected with or that advertise a particular event or organization 相關商品;指定商品 uncountable
/ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪz/ DJ /ˈmɜːrtʃ-/ DJ, US /'mɝtʃənˈdaɪz/ KK, US
to sell something using advertising, etc. 推銷;(運用廣告等進行)銷售 VN written
/ˈmɪs'le/ KK
to put something somewhere and then be unable to find it again, especially for only a short time 隨意擱置,亂放(而一時找不到) verb VN especially British English
adj. 必備的
adj. 方便的
/fʌs/ KK
unnecessary excitement, worry or activity 無謂的激動(或憂慮、活動);大驚小怪 uncountable singular
anger or complaints about something, especially something that is not important (為小事)大吵大鬧,大發牢騷 singular
Idiom: make a fuss of/over somebody
to pay a lot of attention to somebody, usually to show how much you like them 關愛備至;過分愛護
to do things, or pay too much attention to things, that are not important or necessary 瞎忙一氣;過分關心(枝節小事) ~ (around) ~ (with/over sth) V
to worry about things that are not very important (為小事)煩惱,憂慮 ~ (about sth) V
Idiom: not be fussed (about somebody/something) British English, informal
to not mind about something; to not have feelings about something 不在意;無所謂;不關心
Phrasal: fuss over somebody
to pay a lot of attention to somebody 對…關愛備至;過分關心
on display
put in a place where people can look at it 陳列;展出
on hand
available, especially to help 現有(尤指幫助)
/'pemənt/ KK
the act of paying somebody/something or of being paid 付款;支付;收款 uncountable ~ (for sth)
a sum of money paid or expected to be paid (將付或應付的)款額,款項 countable ~ (for sth)
See also: balance of payments
a reward or an act of thanks for something you have done 報答;報償 uncountable singular ~ (for sth)
/'prɛmɪs/ KK
a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument 前提;假定 noun formal
/'primɪəm/ KK
an amount of money that you pay once or regularly for an insurance policy 保險費
an extra payment added to the basic rate 額外費用;附加費
Idiom: at a premium
if something is at a premium, there is little of it available and it is difficult to get 稀少;難得
at a higher than normal price 超出平常價;溢價
Idiom: put/place/set a premium on somebody/something
to think that somebody/something is particularly important or valuable 重視;珍視
very high (and higher than usual); of high quality 高昂的;優質的 only before noun
/pri'rɛkwəzɪt/ KK
something that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done 先決條件;前提;必備條件 noun usually singular ~ (for/of/to sth) formal
/ˈprɑblə'mætɪk/ KK US
difficult to deal with or to understand; full of problems; not certain to be successful 造成困難的;產生問題的 adjective
/prɑmpt/ KK US
done without delay 立即;迅速的;及時的
See also: immediate Synonym
of a person 人 acting without delay; arriving at the right time 敏捷的;迅速的;準時的 not before noun
Derivative: promptness noun, uncountable
to make somebody decide to do something; to cause something to happen 促使;導致;激起
to encourage somebody to speak by asking them questions or suggesting words that they could say 鼓勵,提示,提醒(某人說話)
to follow the text of a play and remind the actors what the words are if they forget their lines 給(演員)提詞 VN V
a word or words said to an actor, to remind them what to say next when they have forgotten (給演員的)提詞,提示
a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer has finished doing something and is ready for more instructions 提示符 computing
exactly at the time mentioned 準時地
quality control
the practice of checking goods as they are being produced, to make sure that they are of a high standard 質量管理 noun uncountable
/kwot/ KK US
to repeat the exact words that another person has said or written 引用;引述 ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) ~ (sb) (as doing sth)
See also: misquote
to mention an example of something to support what you are saying 舉例說明
to tell a customer how much money you will charge them for a job, service or product 開價;出價;報價 ~ (sb) (sth) (for sth/for doing sth)
to give a market price for shares, gold or foreign money 為(股票、黃金或外匯)報價 VN ~ sth (at sth) finance
to give the prices for a business company's shares on a stock exchange 為(企業的股份)上市,掛牌 VN finance
Idiom: quote (… unquote) spoken
used to show the beginning (and end) of a word, phrase, etc. that has been said or written by somebody else (用於引文的開始和結尾)引文起…引文止
See also: quotation Synonym
quotation marks Synonym plural informal
Alternate: quotes
/'ribet/ KK
an amount of money that is paid back to you because you have paid too much 退還款
an amount of money that is taken away from the cost of something, before you pay for it 回扣,返還(退還的部份貨價);折扣
/rɪ'sit/ KK
a piece of paper that shows that goods or services have been paid for 收據;收條 countable ~ (for sth)
Variant: sales slip American English
the act of receiving something 接收;收到 formal ~ (of sth) uncountable
money that a business, bank or government receives (企業、銀行、政府等)收到的款項,收入 plural business
Alternate: receipts
/'rɛktəˈfaɪ/ KK
to put right something that is wrong 矯正;糾正;改正 verb VN formal
See also: correct Synonym
/ˈriːfʌnd/ DJ /'riˈfʌnd/ KK
a sum of money that is paid back to you, especially because you paid too much or because you returned goods to a shop/store 退款;返還款;償還金額
/rɪˈfʌnd/ DJ /rɪ'fʌnd/ KK
to give somebody their money back, especially because they have paid too much or because they are not satisfied with something they bought 退還;退(款);償付 ~ sth (to sb)
/ʃɪp/ KK
a large boat that carries people or goods by sea (大)船;艦
See also: airship; flagship; lightship; jump ship; (like rats) deserting/leaving a sinking ship; run a tight ship
to send or transport somebody/something by ship or by another means of transport 船運;運輸;運送 VN
to be available to be bought; to make something available to be bought 上市;把…推向市場 computing
of a boat, etc. 船等 to have water coming in over the sides 舷側進水 VN ~ water
See also: shape up or ship out
Phrasal: ship somebody↔off disapproving
to send somebody to a place where they will stay 送走;遣送
/'ʃɪpmənt/ KK
the process of sending goods from one place to another 運輸;運送;裝運 uncountable
a load of goods that are sent from one place to another 運輸的貨物 countable
/'ʃɪpɪŋ/ KK
ships in general or considered as a group 船舶 uncountable
the activity of carrying people or goods from one place to another by ship 航運;海運
/'ʃɪpˈʃep/ KK
clean and neat; in good condition and ready to use 整潔;井井有條;良好可用 adjecti
/ʃep/ KK
the form of the outer edges or surfaces of something; an example of something that has a particular form 形狀;外形;樣子;呈…形狀的事物 countable uncountable
a person or thing that is difficult to see clearly 模糊的影子 countable
See also: figure Synonym
the physical condition of somebody/something 狀況;情況 uncountable
the particular qualities or characteristics of something 性質;特點 uncountable
Idiom: get (yourself) into shape
to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit 強身健體
Idiom: get/knock/lick somebody into shape
to train somebody so that they do a particular job, task, etc. well 把某人培養成材(或訓練出來)
Idiom: get/knock/lick something into shape
to make something more acceptable, organized or successful 把某事物整頓好;使某事物條理化(或更趨完善)
Idiom: give shape to something formal
to express or explain a particular idea, plan, etc. 表達,闡釋(觀點、計劃等)
Idiom: in any (way,) shape or form informal
of any type 任何形式
Idiom: out of shape
not having the normal shape 變形的;走樣的
of a person 人 not in good physical condition 身體不好;不健康
Idiom: the shape of things to come
the way things are likely to develop in the future 未來的狀況
Idiom: take shape
to develop and become more complete or organized 成形;有了模樣
to make something into a particular shape 使成為…形狀(或樣子);塑造 VN ~ A (into B)
to have an important influence on the way that somebody/something develops 決定…的形成;影響…的發展 VN
to prepare to do something, especially hit or kick something 準備(做某動作);擺好姿勢 V to inf.
Idiom: shape up or ship out American English, informal
used to tell somebody that if they do not improve, work harder, etc. they will have to leave their job, position, etc. 不好好幹就捲鋪蓋
Phrasal: shape up
to develop in a particular way, especially in a satisfactory way 進展,發展(良好)
to improve your behaviour, work harder, etc. 改善(行為、工作等) informal
/'skaɪˈrɑkɪt/ KK US
of prices, etc. 價格等 to rise quickly to a very high level 飛漲;猛漲 verb V
/ˈspɛsəfə'keʃən/ KK
a detailed description of how something is, or should be, designed or made 規格;規範;明細單;說明書 noun countable uncountable
/'spɛsəˈfaɪ/ KK
to state something, especially by giving an exact measurement, time, exact instructions, etc. 具體說明;明確規定;詳述;詳列 verb
/spɑt/ KK US
a small round area that has a different colour or feels different from the surface it is on 斑點
See also: beauty spot; sunspot
a small dirty mark on something 污跡;污漬;髒點
a small mark or lump on a person's skin, sometimes with a yellow head to it (皮膚上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺;膿疱 usually plural
See also: pimple; rash; zit
a particular area or place 地點;場所;處所
See also: black spot; blind spot; hot spot; nightspot; trouble spot
a small amount of something 少量;一點 usually singular ~ of sth British English informal
a small amount of a liquid 幾滴,少許(液體) usually plural ~ (of sth)
a part of a television, radio, club or theatre show that is given to a particular entertainer or type of entertainment (電視、廣播中或俱樂部、劇院演出中)某演員的固定節目,某類節目的固定欄目
a position in a competition or an event 排名位置
spotlight Synonym informal
connected with a system of trading where goods are delivered and paid for immediately after sale 現貨交易的;立即支付的 singular
put someone on the spot
to make somebody feel awkward or embarrassed by asking them a difficult question (提出難題)使某人尷尬,使某人為難
/stɑk/ KK US
a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop/store (商店的)現貨,存貨,庫存 uncountable countable
a supply of something that is available for use 貯備物;備用物;供應物 countable uncountable ~ (of sth)
the value of the shares in a company that have been sold 股本;資本 uncountable
a share that somebody has bought in a company or business 股份;股票 countable usually plural
See also: share
money that is lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest; an official document that gives details of this 公債;公債券 uncountable countable British English
farm animals, such as cows and sheep, that are kept for their meat, wool, etc. 家畜;牲畜 uncountable
See also: livestock
having the type of family or ancestors mentioned 家族;世系;出身 uncountable of farming, noble, French, etc. ~
a liquid made by cooking bones, meat, etc. in water, used for making soups and sauces 高湯;原湯 uncountable countable
a wooden structure with holes for the feet, used in the past to lock criminals in as a form of punishment, especially in a public place 足枷 plural
See also: pillory
Alternate: stocks
the degree to which somebody is respected or liked by other people 名聲;聲望;評價 uncountable formal
the part of a gun that you hold against your shoulder when firing it 槍托 countable
a garden plant with brightly coloured flowers with a sweet smell 紫羅蘭 uncountable countable
a plant from which a stem is taken to be added to another plant so that the two grow together; the plant onto which this stem is added 接穗;砧木 countable technical
stock company Synonym countable American English
See also: laughing stock; rolling stock
Idiom: on the stocks
in the process of being made, built or prepared 在製作(或建造、準備)中
Idiom: take stock (of something)
to stop and think carefully about the way in which a particular situation is developing in order to decide what to do next (對某情況)加以總結,作出評估,進行反思
See also: lock, stock and barrel; stocktaking
of a shop/store 商店 to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell 存貨 VN
to fill something with food, books, etc. 貯備,貯存(食物、書籍等) often passive ~ sth (with sth) VN
Phrasal: stock something↔up
to fill something with goods, food, etc. 在…中備足貨品(或食物等)
Phrasal: stock up (on/with something)
to buy a lot of something so that you can use it later 貯備,備足(某物)
a stock excuse, answer, etc. is one that is often used because it is easy and convenient, but that is not very original 老一套的;陳腐的 disapproving only before noun
usually available for sale in a shop/store (商店裏)常備的,通常有的 only before noun
/ˈsupɚ'fɪʃəl/ KK US
not studying or looking at something thoroughly; seeing only what is obvious 粗略的;膚淺的;粗枝大葉的;淺薄的 often disapproving
appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more carefully 表面的;外面的;外表的
of a wound or damage 傷口或損壞 only affecting the surface and therefore not serious 表層的;表皮的
not concerned with anything serious or important and lacking any depth of understanding or feeling 淺薄的;膚淺的 disapproving
See also: shallow Synonym
of or on the surface of something 表面的;淺表的 technical
/'sʌpləmənt/ KK
a thing that is added to something else to improve or complete it 增補(物);補充(物);添加物 ~ (to sth)
an extra separate section, often in the form of a magazine, that is sold with a newspaper (報紙的)增刊
a book or a section at the end of a book that gives extra information or deals with a special subject (書籍的)補編,補遺,附錄 ~ (to sth)
an amount of money that you pay for an extra service or item, especially in addition to the basic cost of a holiday/vacation 額外費用,附加費(尤指度假服務的)
/ˈsʌplɪment/ DJ /'sʌpləˈmɛnt/ KK
to add something to
/sə'plaɪɚ/ KK
a person or company that supplies goods 供應者;供貨商;供貨方 noun
/sə'plaɪ/ KK
an amount of something that is provided or available to be used 供應量;供給量;貯備 countable
the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition (軍隊或探險隊等的)補給,補給品 plural
Alternate: supplies
the act of supplying something 供應;供給;提供;補給 uncountable
/'sɝˈtʃɑrdʒ/ KK US
an extra amount of money that you must pay in addition to the usual price 額外費用;附加費;增收費 ~ (on sth)
to make somebody pay a surcharge 向(某人)收取額外費用
tall order
/'tærɪf/ KK
a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 關稅
a list of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms, meals, etc., or by a company for a particular service (旅館、飯店或服務公司的)價目表,收費表
a level of punishment for somebody who has been found guilty of a crime 量刑標準 law
/'tidɪəs/ KK
lasting or taking too long and not interesting 冗長的;囉嗦的;單調乏味的;令人厭煩的 adjective
/tɝmz/ KK US
the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement or a contract (協議、合同等的)條件,條款 plural
conditions that you agree to when you buy, sell, or pay for something; a price or cost (交易的)條件;價錢;費用 plural
a way of expressing yourself or of saying something 表達方式;措辭;說法 plural
/ju'nænəməs/ KK
if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group (決定或意見)一致的,一致同意的
if a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something (團體)意見一致的,一致同意某事的 ~ (in sth)
unheard of
/ˈʌp'frʌnt/ KK
not trying to hide what you think or do 坦率的;誠實的;直爽的 ~ (about sth)
See also: honest Synonym; frank Synonym
paid in advance, before other payments are made 預付的;預交的 only before noun
/ju'tɪlətɪ/ KK
Irregular: -ies plural
a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply 公用事業 countable especially American English
the quality of being useful 實用;效用;有用 uncountable formal
a piece of computer software that performs a particular task 應用程序;實用程序;公用程序 countable computing
that can be used for several different purposes 多用途的;多效用的;多功能的 only before noun
/'jutḷˈaɪz/ KK
to use something, especially for a practical purpose 使用;利用;運用;應用 verb VN ~ sth (as sth) formal
/'ʌtˈmost/ KK US
Variant: uttermost less frequent
greatest; most extreme 最大的;極度的 only before noun
the greatest amount possible 最大量;最大限度;極限;最大可能 singular
/'vɛrəˈfaɪ/ KK
Irregular: verifies; verifying; verified; verified
to check that something is true or accurate 核實;查對;核準
to show or say that something is true or accurate 證明;證實
/'wɔrəntɪ/ KK
a written agreement in which a company selling something promises to repair or replace it if there is a problem within a particular period of time (商品)保用單 noun countable uncountable
a vehicle that has been so badly damaged in an accident that it is not worth spending money to repair it 報廢車輛 British English
a period of time during which you do not achieve anything 無所作為的一段時間 singular informal
an act of cancelling a debt and accepting that it will never be paid (債項的)註銷,銷記 ~ (of sth) business