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104 Cards in this Set

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/daɪn/ KK
to eat dinner 進餐;用飯 verb V formal
See also: wine and dine
dining out
外出用餐; 上館子
/'ælkəˈhɔl/ KK US
drinks such as beer, wine, etc. that can make people drunk 含酒精飲料;酒 uncountable
the colourless liquid that is found in drinks such as beer, wine, etc. and is used in medicines, cleaning products, etc. 酒精;乙醇 uncountable
[ˈæmbɪəns] KK
Variant: ambiances
/'æpəˈtaɪt/ KK
physical desire for food 食慾;胃口 uncountable countable usually singular
a strong desire for something 強烈慾望 countable ~ (for sth)
/'æpəˈtaɪzɪŋ/ KK
of food, etc. 食物等 that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty 開胃的;引起食慾的;使渴的 adjective
/ə'prɛntɪs/ KK
a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job 學徒;徒弟
to make somebody an apprentice 使某人當(某人的)學徒 VN usually passive ~ sb (to sb) (as sth) old-fashioned
/ə'spærəgəs/ KK
a plant whose young green or white stems are cooked and eaten as a vegetable 蘆筍;龍鬚菜 noun uncountable
/'ætməˈsfɪr/ KK US
the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth (圍繞地球的)大氣,大氣層,大氣圈 singular
Alternate: the atmosphere
a mixture of gases that surrounds another planet or a star (圍繞其他天體的)氣體 countable
the air in a room or in an enclosed space; the air around a place (房間、封閉空間或某處的)空氣 countable
the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or situation; a feeling between two people or in a group of people 氣氛;氛圍 countable uncountable
/ə'taɪr/ KK
clothes 服裝;衣服 noun uncountable formal
/'bæŋkwɪt/ KK
a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are often made 宴會;盛宴
a large impressive meal 筵席
/'bætɚ/ KK
to hit somebody/something hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage 連續猛擊;毆打 often passive ~ (at/on) sth
Phrasal: batter something↔down
to hit something hard many times until it breaks or comes down (連續重擊以致)砸毀,砸倒
a mixture of eggs, milk and flour used in cooking to cover food such as fish or chicken before you fry it, or to make pancakes 麵糊(煎料) uncountable countable
a mixture of eggs, milk, flour, etc. used for making cakes 麵糊(用於做糕餅) uncountable countable American English
in baseball 棒球 the player who is hitting the ball 正在擊球的球員;擊球員 countable American English
/'bɪtɚ/ KK
of arguments, disputes, etc. 爭論、爭辯等 very fierce and unpleasant, with a lot of anger and hatred involved 激烈而不愉快的;充滿憤怒與仇恨的
of people 人 feeling angry and unhappy because you feel that you have been treated unfairly 憤憤不平的
making you feel very unhappy; caused by great unhappiness 令人不快的;使人悲痛的;由痛苦引起的 usually before noun
of food, etc. 食物等 having a strong, unpleasant taste; not sweet 味苦的
See also: sweet
of weather conditions 天氣 extremely cold and unpleasant 嚴寒的
Derivative: bitterness noun, uncountable
Idiom: a bitter pill (for somebody) (to swallow)
a fact or an event that is unpleasant and difficult to accept 嚴酷的現實;(難以咽下的)苦果
Idiom: to/until the bitter end
continuing until you have done everything you can, or until something is completely finished, in spite of difficulties and problems 堅持到底;奮鬥到底
a type of beer with a dark colour and a strong bitter taste, that is very popular in Britain 苦啤酒(在英國很受歡迎) uncountable countable British English
See also: mild
a strong bitter alcoholic liquid that is made from plants and added to other alcoholic drinks to give flavour 苦酒原汁(從植物中提取的苦酒精液體,可增加其他酒精飲料的味道) U + sing./pl. verb British English
Alternate: bitters
/blɛnd/ KK
to mix two or more substances together 使混合;摻和 VN ~ A with B ~ A and B (together)
to form a mixture with something (和某物)混合;融合 V ~ (with sth) ~ (together)
to combine with something in an attractive or effective way; to combine something in this way (使)調和,協調,融合 ~ (with sth) ~ (together)
to produce something by mixing different types together 調製;配製 VN usually passive
See also: blend/fade into the woodwork
Phrasal: blend in (with something/somebody)
if something blends in, it is similar to its surroundings or matches its surroundings (與環境)和諧,協調
Phrasal: blend something↔in
in cooking 烹飪 to add another substance and mix it in with the others 調入
Phrasal: blend into something
to look so similar to the background that it is difficult for you to see it separately 融合到(背景)中
a mixture of different types of the same thing (不同類型東西的)混合品,混合物
a pleasant or useful combination of different things (不同事物的)和諧結合,融合 usually singular
/bə'fe/ KK US
See also: buffet
a meal at which people serve themselves from a table and then stand or sit somewhere else to eat 自助餐
a place, for example in a train or bus station, where you can buy food and drinks to eat or drink there, or to take away (火車)飲食櫃枱;(車站)快餐部
/'bɝdṇsəm/ KK US
causing worry, difficulty or hard work 負擔沉重的;難以承擔的;繁重的 adjective formal
/kæn'tin/ KK
a place where food and drink are served in a factory, a school, etc. 食堂;餐廳 especially British English
a small container used by soldiers, travellers, etc. for carrying water or other liquid (士兵、旅遊者等用的)水壺
a box containing a set of knives, forks and spoons (裝有一套刀、叉和勺的)餐具盒 ~ of cutlery British English
cater to
Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes. 這些報紙迎合低級趣味。
/'ketɚ/ KK
to provide food and drinks for a social event (為社交活動)提供飲食,承辦酒席 verb ~ (for sb/sth)
Phrasal: cater for somebody/something
to provide the things that a particular person or situation needs or wants 滿足需要;適合
Phrasal: cater to somebody/something
to provide the things that a particular type or person wants, especially things that you do not approve of 滿足需要;迎合
/'ketərɚ/ KK
a person or company whose job is to provide food and drinks at a business meeting or for a special occasion such as a wedding (婚禮等的)酒席承辦商,飲食服務公司 noun
/'ketərɪŋ/ KK
the work of providing food and drinks for meetings or social events (會議或社交活動的)飲食服務,酒席承辦 noun uncountable
/tʃen/ KK
a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things; a length of chain used for a particular purpose 鏈子;鏈條;鎖鏈 countable uncountable
See also: bicycle
a series of connected things or people 一系列,一連串(人或事) countable
See also: food chain
a group of shops/stores or hotels owned by the same company 連鎖商店 countable
a thing that restricts somebody's freedom or ability to do something 約束;束縛 countable usually plural formal literary
a situation in which a number of people selling and buying houses must each complete the sale of their house before buying from the next person 連環式(指一群房主先售後購的置屋方式) countable usually singular British English
See also: ball and chain; a link in the chain; the weak link (in the chain)
to fasten something with a chain; to fasten somebody/something to another person or thing with a chain, so that they do not escape or get stolen 用鎖鏈拴住(或束縛、固定) VN often passive ~ sb/sth (to sb/sth) ~ sb/sth (up)
/ʃæm'pen/ KK
a French sparkling white wine (= one with bubbles) that is drunk on special occasions 香檳酒 noun uncountable countable
/'kɑmprəˈmaɪz/ KK US
an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end 妥協;折中;互讓;和解 countable
a solution to a problem in which two or more things cannot exist together as they are, in which each thing is reduced or changed slightly so that they can exist together 妥協(或折中)方案 countable ~ (between A and B)
the act of reaching a compromise 達成妥協(或和解) uncountable
to give up some of your demands after a dispute with somebody, in order to reach an agreement (為達成協議而)妥協,折中,讓步 V ~ (with sb) (on sth)
to do something that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set 違背(原則);達不到(標準) ~ (on sth)
to bring somebody/something/yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible (尤指因行為不很明智)使陷入危險,使受到懷疑 VN ~ sb/sth/yourself
/kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt/ DJ /koʊˈɔːrd-/ DJ, US /ko'ɔrdəˈnet/ KK, US
to organize the different parts of an activity and the people involved in it so that it works well 使協調;使相配合 VN
to make the different parts of your body work well together 使(身體各部份)動作協調;協同動作 VN
See also: uncoordinated
if you coordinate clothes, fabrics, etc. or if they coordinate, they look nice together (衣服、布料等)搭配,協調 ~ (sth) (with sth)
Derivative: coordinator noun
Variant: co-ordinator British English
/kəʊˈɔːdɪnət/ DJ /koʊˈɔːrd-/ DJ, US /ko'ɔrdṇət/ KK, US
either of two numbers or letters used to fix the position of a point on a map or graph 坐標 countable
pieces of clothing that can be worn together because, for example, the colours look good together (顏色協調的)配套服裝,套裝 plural
Alternate: coordinates
/ˈkɑzmə'pɑlətṇ/ KK US
containing people of different types or from different countries, and influenced by their culture 世界性的;全球各國的;有各國人的;受各國文化影響的 approving
having or showing a wide experience of people and things from many different countries 接觸過許多國家的人(或事物)的;見過世面的;見識廣的 approving
a person who has experience of many different parts of the world 周遊世界的人
/kræk/ KK
to break without dividing into separate parts; to break something in this way 破裂;裂開;斷裂
to break open or into pieces; to break something in this way 砸開;破開;砸碎;打碎
to hit something/somebody with a short hard blow 重擊;猛擊 VN ~ sth/sb (on/against sth)
to make a sharp sound; to make something do this (使)發出爆裂聲,劈啪作響
to no longer be able to function normally because of pressure (因壓力而)吃不消,崩潰,瓦解 V
to find the solution to a problem, etc. ; to find the way to do something difficult 找到解決(難題等的)方法 VN
to find a way of stopping or defeating a criminal or an enemy 阻止,打擊,擊敗,戰勝(罪犯或敵人) VN
to open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it 開瓶;(尤指)開瓶飲酒 VN ~ (open) a bottle informal
to tell a joke 說(笑話);開(玩笑) VN ~ a joke informal
Idiom: get cracking informal
to begin immediately and work quickly 立即大幹起來
Idiom: not all, everything, etc. somebody's cracked up to be informal
not as good as people say 不像人們說的那麼好
See also: use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
Phrasal: crack down (on somebody/something)
to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it 竭力取締;嚴厲打擊;鎮壓
See also: crackdown
Phrasal: crack on (with something) British English, informal
to work hard at something so that you finish it quickly; to pass or continue quickly (為儘快完成而)努力幹;(急速)經過,穿過;快速繼續下去
Phrasal: crack up informal
to become ill, either physically or mentally, because of pressure (因壓力造成身體或精神)垮掉,崩潰
to start laughing a lot 開始大笑起來
Phrasal: crack somebody up informal
to make somebody laugh a lot 使大笑起來
a line on the surface of something where it has broken but not split into separate parts 裂紋;裂縫 countable ~ (in sth)
a narrow space or opening 縫隙;狹縫;窄縫 countable
a sudden loud noise (突然的)爆裂聲,劈啪聲 countable
a sharp blow that can be heard (可聽到響聲的)重擊,猛擊 countable ~ (on sth)
an occasion when you try to do something 嘗試;試做 countable ~ (at sth) ~ (at doing sth) informal
a powerful, illegal drug that is a form of cocaine 強效可卡因;強力古柯碱 uncountable
Variant: crack cocaine
a joke, especially a critical one (尤指挖苦人的)玩笑,俏皮話 countable informal
a good time; friendly, enjoyable talk 好時光;友好愉快的交談 uncountable singular from Irish English spoken
Variant: craic
Idiom: at the crack of dawn informal
very early in the morning 黎明;破曉;清晨
See also: a fair crack of the whip
expert and highly trained; excellent at something 訓練有素的;技藝高超的;優秀的;一流的 only before noun
/krwɑ's~ɑ/ KK US
a small sweet roll with a curved shape, eaten especially at breakfast 羊角麵包;新月形麵包; 牛角麵包 noun from French
/krʌʃ/ KK
to press or squeeze something so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape 壓壞;壓傷;擠壓變形 VN
to push or press somebody/something into a small space 把…擠入,將…塞進(狹小的空間內) VN + adv./prep. VN
to break something into small pieces or into a powder by pressing hard 壓碎;搗碎;碾成粉末 VN
to become or make something full of folds or lines (使)變皺,起皺 VN
to use violent methods to defeat people who are opposing you 鎮壓;(用暴力)制伏 VN
to destroy somebody's confidence or happiness 破壞,毀壞(某人的信心或幸福) VN
a crowd of people pressed close together in a small space (狹小空間中)擁擠的人群 countable usually singular
a strong feeling of love, that usually does not last very long, that a young person has for somebody older (通常指年輕人對年長者的短暫的)熱戀,迷戀 countable ~ (on sb)
a drink made from fruit juice 果汁飲料 uncountable
/kwɪ'zin/ KK
a style of cooking 烹飪;風味 uncountable countable from French
the food served in a restaurant (usually an expensive one) (通常指昂貴的飯店中的)飯菜,菜肴 uncountable countable from French
/'kʌləˈnɛrɪ/ KK US
connected with cooking or food 烹飪的;食物的 adjective only before noun formal
/'kʌltəˈvet/ KK
to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops 耕;耕作 VN
to grow plants or crops 種植;栽培;培育 VN
to try to get somebody's friendship or support 建立(友誼);結交(朋友);獲得(支持) sometimes disapproving VN
to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc. 逐漸形成(某種態度、談話或舉止方式等) VN
C. 杯狀蛋糕
/ˈdɛtrə'mɛntḷ/ KK
harmful 有害的;不利的 adjective ~ (to sb/sth)
/'dɛkstrəs/ KK
skilful with your hands; skilfully done 靈巧的;熟練的;敏捷的 adjective written
Variant: dextrous
/də'mɛnʃən/ KK
a measurement in space for example, the height, width or length of something (長、寬、高的)量度;尺寸;面積
See also: the fourth dimension
the size and extent of a situation 大小;規模;程度;範圍 usually plural
an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about something 方面;側面
having the number of dimensions mentioned …維的;…度空間的
/dɪp/ KK
to put something quickly into a liquid and take it out again 蘸;浸 VN ~ sth (into sth) ~ sth (in)
to go downwards or to a lower level; to make something do this (使)下降,下沉 usually VN + adv./prep.
if you dip your headlights when driving a car at night, you make the beam from them point down so that other drivers do not have the light in their eyes 把(汽車前燈)的遠光調為近光 VN British English
when farmers dip animals, especially sheep, they put them in a bath of a liquid containing chemicals in order to kill insects, etc. 給(牲畜,尤指綿羊)洗藥浴 VN
Idiom: dip into your pocket informal
to spend some of your own money on something 花錢;掏腰包
Idiom: dip a toe in/into something informal; dip a toe in/into the water informal
to start doing something very carefully to see if it will be successful or not 涉足試試;試做
Phrasal: dip into something
to put your hand into a container to take something out 把手伸進(…裏取東西)
to read or watch only parts of something 瀏覽;略為過目;涉獵
to take an amount from money that you have saved 提取(款項);動用(存款)
a quick swim 游一游;泡一泡 countable informal
a decrease in the amount or success of something, usually for only a short period (通常指暫時的)減少,下降,衰退 countable
a place where a surface suddenly drops to a lower level and then rises again 凹陷處;低窪處 countable
a thick mixture into which biscuits and pieces of raw vegetables are dipped before being eaten 調味醬,沙司(用來蘸餅乾或蔬菜片吃) countable uncountable
a liquid containing a chemical into which sheep and other animals can be dipped in order to kill insects on them 藥浴液,清洗液(用於綿羊或其他牲畜洗浴以殺死身上的蟲子) uncountable countable
a quick look at something 瀏覽;草草翻閱 singular ~ into sth
a quick movement of something down and up (降而復升的)一動 countable usually singular
See also: lucky dip
/dɪ'skrit/ KK
independent of other things of the same type 分離的;互不相連的;各別的 adjective formal technical
drop by
[ˈɑntre] KK
/ɪn'vɪʒən/ KK
to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation you intend to work towards 展望;想像 VN
/'ɛtɪˈkɛt/ KK
the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession (社會或行業中的)禮節,禮儀,規矩 noun uncountable
/ɪk'strævəgənt/ KK
spending a lot more money or using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary 奢侈的;揮霍的;鋪張浪費的
costing a lot more money than you can afford or is necessary 過於昂貴的
of ideas, speech or behaviour 想法或言行 very extreme or impressive but not reasonable or practical 無節制的;過分的;放肆的;不切實際的
/fə'siʃəs/ KK
trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other people do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious 亂引人發笑的;不問場合耍聰明的 adjective
/'fɔɪɚ/ KK US
a large open space inside the entrance of a theatre or hotel where people can meet or wait (劇院或旅館的)門廳,休息廳
See also: lobby Synonym
an entrance hall in a private house or flat/apartment (私宅或公寓的)前廳,門廳
/'fræntʃaɪz/ KK
formal permission given by a company to somebody who wants to sell its goods or services in a particular area; formal permission given by a government to somebody who wants to operate a public service as a business (公司授予的)特許經銷權;(國家授予的)特別經營權,特許 countable uncountable
a business or service run under franchise 獲特許權的商業機構(或服務) countable
the right to vote in a country's elections (公民)選舉權 uncountable formal
See also: enfranchise
to give or sell a franchise1to somebody 授予(或出售)特許經銷權(或經營權) VN usually passive
/gris/ KK
any thick oily substance, especially one that is used to make machines run smoothly 油脂;潤滑油 uncountable
See also: elbow grease
animal fat that has been softened by cooking or heating (煉過的)動物油脂 uncountable
to rub grease or fat on something 給…加潤滑油;在…上塗油(或抹油、擦油) VN
Idiom: grease somebody's palm old-fashioned, informal
to give somebody money in order to persuade them to do something dishonest 向某人行賄;用金錢收買
See also: bribe Synonym
Idiom: grease the wheels American English
See also: oil the wheels Synonym
/ɪm'pɛkəbḷ/ KK
without mistakes or faults; perfect 無錯誤的;無瑕疵的;完美的 adjective
/ɪn'kɔrpəˈret/ KK US
to include something so that it forms a part of something 將…包括在內;包含;吸收;使併入 verb VN ~ sth (in/into/within sth)
/'kɔrpərət/ KK US
connected with a corporation 公司的 only before noun
forming a corporation 組成公司(或團體)的;法人的 technical only before noun
involving or shared by all the members of a group 社團的;全體的;共同的 only before noun
/'ɪnˈflʌks/ KK
the fact of a lot of people, money or things arriving somewhere (人、資金或事物的)湧入,流入 noun usually singular ~ (of sb/sth) (into…)
/flʌks/ KK
continuous movement and change 不斷的變動;不停的變化 uncountable
a flow; an act of flowing 通量;流動 countable usually singular uncountable technic
/ɪn'gridɪənt/ KK
one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish 成分;(尤指烹飪)材料 ~ (of/in/for sth)
one of the things or qualities that are necessary to make something successful (成功的)因素,要素 ~ (of/in/for sth)
/nid/ KK
to press and stretch dough, wet clay, etc. with your hands to make it ready to use 揉,揑(麵糰、濕黏土等) VN
to rub and squeeze muscles, etc. especially to relax them or to make them less painful 揉揑,按摩,推拿(肌肉等) VN
/'ledḷ/ KK
a large deep spoon with a long handle, used especially for serving soup 長柄勺;湯勺
See also: kitchen
to place food on a plate with a large spoon or in large quantities (用大勺)舀,盛 VN
Phrasal: ladle something↔out sometimes, disapproving
to give somebody a lot of something, especially money or advice 大量給予(金錢或建議等)
[ləˈzɑnjə] KK
[ˈlidtaɪm] KK
/'lɑbstɚ/ KK US
a sea creature with a hard shell, a long body divided into sections, eight legs and two large claws(= curved and pointed limbs for catching and holding things). Its shell is black but turns bright red when it is boiled. 龍蝦 countable
meat from a lobster, used for food (供食用的)龍蝦肉 uncountable
/lɑdʒ/ KK US
a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport (供參加戶外運動者暫住的)鄉間小屋,小舍 countable
a small house at the gates of a park or in the land belonging to a large house (公園或宅第的)門口小屋,門房 countable
a room at the main entrance to a building for the person whose job is to see who enters and leaves the building 管理員室;傳達室 countable
the members of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons; the building where they meet (共濟會等會社的)地方分會,集會處 C + sing./pl. verb
the home of a beaver or an otter (河狸或水獺的)穴,窩 countable
a Native American's tent or home built of logs (美洲土著人的)帳篷,原木住宅 countable
to make a formal statement about something to a public organization or authority (向公共機構或當局)正式提出(聲明等) VN ~ (sth) (with sb) (against sb/sth)
to pay to live in a room in somebody's house (付款)寄住,借宿;租住 V VN + adv./prep. old-fashioned
to provide somebody with a place to sleep or live 為(某人)提供住宿 VN
to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make something become fixed or stuck somewhere (被)固定,卡住 ~ (sth) in sth
to leave money or something valuable in a safe place 存放,寄存(錢或貴重物品) VN ~ sth with sb/in sth
[ˈmɑrvələs] KK
Variant: more marvelous; most marvelous
/'mʌsḷ/ KK
a small shellfish that can be eaten, with a black shell in two parts 蚌;貽貝;淡菜 noun
/'ɑptəməm/ KK US
the best possible; producing the best possible results 最佳的;最適宜的 only before noun
Variant: optimal
the best possible result, set of conditions, etc. 最佳結果;最好的條件 noun singular only before noun
/ˈɑstɛn'teʃəs/ KK US
expensive or noticeable in a way that is intended to impress people 擺闊的;鋪張的;浮華的 disapproving
behaving in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich, important, etc. you are 炫耀的;賣弄的;夸示的 disapproving
of an action 舉動 done in a very obvious way so that people will notice it 誇張的;招搖的
/ˈovɚ'wɛlmɪŋ/ KK US
very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide how to react 巨大的;壓倒性的;無法抗拒的 adjective
[hwɛlm] KK
transitive verb
Variant: whelmed; whelmed; whelming
/pækt/ KK
extremely full of people 異常擁擠的;擠滿人的
containing a lot of a particular thing 有大量…的;…極多的 ~ with sth
pressed closely together 緊密地壓在一起 tightly ~
having put everything you need into cases, boxes, etc. before you go somewhere 收拾好行李 not before noun informal
/'petrəˈnaɪz/ KK US
to treat somebody in a way that seems friendly, but which shows that you think that they are not very intelligent, experienced, etc. 屈尊俯就地對待;擺出高人一等的派頭 disapproving
to be a regular customer of a shop/store, restaurant, etc. 經常光顧 VN formal
to help a particular person, organization or activity by giving them money 贊助;資助 VN
/pɪ'kjuljɚ/ KK
strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying 怪異的;奇怪的;不尋常的
See also: odd
belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others (某人、某地、某種情況等)特有的,特殊的 ~ (to sb/sth)
slightly ill 不適;不舒服的 British English informal
/paɪnt/ KK
a unit for measuring liquids and some dry goods. There are 8pints in a gallon, equal to 0.568 of a litre in the UK and 0.473 of a litre in the US. 品脫(容量單位,為 加侖,在英國約合 0.568 升,在美國約為 0.473 升)
a pint of beer (especially in a pub) 一品脫啤酒(尤用於酒吧) British English
pop in to
ph. 偶然來訪
/prɪ'zɝv/ KK US
to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept 保護;維護;保留 VN
to keep something in its original state in good condition 維持…的原狀;保存;保養 often passive
to prevent something, especially food, from decaying by treating it in a particular way 貯存;保鮮 VN
to keep somebody/something alive, or safe from harm or danger 使繼續存活;保護;保全 VN ~ sb/sth (from sth)
See also: conserve
an activity, a job, an interest, etc. that is thought to be suitable for one particular person or group of people (某人或群體活動、工作等的)專門領域 singular ~ (of sb)
a type of jam made by boiling fruit with a large amount of sugar 果醬 countable usually plural uncountable
a type of pickle made by cooking vegetables with salt or vinegar 醃菜;泡菜 countable usually plural uncountable especially British English
reserve Synonym countable American English
an area of private land or water where animals and fish are kept for people to hunt 私人漁獵場(或保留地) countable
/prɑk'sɪmətɪ/ KK US
the state of being near somebody/something in distance or time (時間或空間)接近,鄰近,靠近 noun uncountable ~ (of sb/sth) (to sb/sth) formal
/ræk/ KK
a piece of equipment, usually made of metal or wooden bars, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on 支架;架子
See also: luggage rack; roof rack
an instrument of torture, used in the past for punishing and hurting people. Their arms and legs were tied to the wooden frame and then pulled in opposite directions, stretching the body. (舊時的)拉肢刑具
Alternate: the rack usually
a particular piece of meat that includes the front ribs and is cooked in the oven (羊、豬等帶前肋的)頸脊肉 ~ of lamb/pork
Idiom: go to rack and ruin
to get into a bad condition 變得一團糟
Idiom: off the rack American English
See also: off the peg Synonym
Idiom: on the rack
feeling extreme pressure, anxiety or pain 倍感壓力;焦慮萬分;痛苦不堪
Variant: wrack less frequent
to make somebody suffer great physical or mental pain 使痛苦不堪;使受折磨 VN often passive
Idiom: rack your brain(s)
to think very hard or for a long time about something 絞盡腦汁;冥思苦想
Variant: wrack your brain(s) less frequent
Phrasal: rack up something especially American English
to collect something, such as profits or losses in a business, or points in a competition 累積;聚集(某物);累計(得分)
/rɪ'sɛpʃən/ KK
the area inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where guests or visitors go first when they arrive 接待處;接待區 uncountable especially British English
a formal social occasion to welcome somebody or celebrate something 接待儀式;歡迎會;招待會 countable
the type of welcome that is given to somebody/something 歡迎;接受 singular
the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast (無線電和電視信號的)接收效果 uncountable
the act of receiving or welcoming somebody 接納;接待;迎接 uncountable
/rɪ'lɪŋkwɪʃ/ KK
to stop having something, especially when this happens unwillingly (尤指不情願地)放棄
/ˈrɛzɚ'veʃən/ KK US
an arrangement for a seat on a plane or train, a room in a hotel, etc. to be kept for you 預訂;預約 countable
See also: booking
a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea 保留意見;疑惑 countable uncountable
an area of land in the US that is kept separate for Native Americans to live in (美國為土著美洲人劃出的)居留地 countable
See also: central reservation
Variant: reserve
/ˈrudə'mɛntrɪ/ KK
dealing with only the most basic matters or ideas 基礎的;基本的 formal
See also: basic Synonym
not highly or fully developed 未充分發展的;原始的 formal technical
See also: basic Synonym
/'sɔsɚ/ KK
a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on; an object that is shaped like this 茶碟;茶托;碟狀物 noun
[soˈte] KK
transitive verb
Variant: sauteed; sauteed; sauteing
/'skæləp/ KK, US
a shellfish that can be eaten, with two flat round shells that fit together 扇貝
any one of a series of small curves cut on the edge of fabric, pastry, etc. for decoration (織物、糕點等的)扇形飾邊
to decorate the edge of something with small curves 給…加上扇形飾邊 VN usually passive
/skɔrtʃ/ KK US
to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot; to be slightly burned by heat (把…)燙壞,燒煳;烤焦(物體表面)
to become or to make something become dry and brown, especially from the heat of the sun or from chemicals (使)枯黃,枯萎(尤指因曝曬或化學品的作用)
to move very fast 疾馳;飛馳 V VN + adv./prep. British English informal
/pæd/ KK
a thick piece of soft material that is used, for example, for absorbing liquid, cleaning or protecting something (吸收液體、保潔或保護用的)軟墊,護墊,墊狀物
See also: shoulder pad
a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge 便箋本;拍紙簿
See also: notepad; scratch pad
the soft part under the foot of a cat, dog, etc. 爪墊;肉掌
a small piece of rough material used for cleaning pans, surfaces, etc. 百潔布,菜瓜布(刷鍋等的小塊粗糙材料) countable
a flat surface where a spacecraft or a helicopter takes off and lands 發射台;停機坪
See also: helipad; launch pad
a piece of thick material that you wear in some sports, for example football and cricket, to protect your legs, elbows, etc. (運動用)防護墊(如護腿、護肘等) usually plural
See also: hockey
the large flat leaf of some water plants, especially the water lily 浮葉(尤見於睡蓮)
the place where somebody lives, especially a flat/apartment 住所;(尤指)公寓 usually singular old-fashioned informal
See also: ink-pad; keypad
to put a layer of soft material in or on something in order to protect it, make it thicker or change its shape (用軟材料)填充,覆蓋,保護 VN often passive ~ sth (with sth)
to walk with quiet steps 躡手躡腳地走 V VN + adv./prep.
to dishonestly add items to bills to obtain more money 虛報(賬目);做黑賬 VN American English
Phrasal: pad something↔out
to put soft material into a piece of clothing in order to change its shape 給(衣服)加襯墊
to make something such as an article, seem longer or more impressive by adding things that are unnecessary (用多餘的話)延長(文章等);充篇幅
scouring pad
/sɛns/ KK
one of the five powers (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) that your body uses to get information about the world around you 感覺官能(即視、聽、嗅、味、觸五覺) countable
See also: sixth sense
a feeling about something important (對重大事情的)感覺,意識 countable
an understanding about something; an ability to judge something 理解力;判斷力 singular
See also: road sense
good understanding and judgement; knowledge of what is sensible or practical behaviour 見識;良好的判斷;清醒的認識 uncountable
See also: common sense; good sense
a normal state of mind; the ability to think clearly 健全的心智;清醒的思維能力;理智 plural
Alternate: senses
the meaning that a word or phrase has; a way of understanding something 意義;含義;理解…的方式;看待…的角度 countable
See also: sensible
Idiom: knock/talk some sense into somebody
to try and persuade somebody to stop behaving in a stupid way, sometimes using rough or violent methods 開導某人別幹傻事;強使某人理智行事
Idiom: make sense
to have a meaning that you can easily understand 有道理;有意義;講得通
to be a sensible thing to do 是明智的;合乎情理
to be easy to understand or explain 表述清楚;易於理解;道理明顯
Idiom: make sense of something
to understand something that is difficult or has no clear meaning 理解,弄懂(不易理解的事物)
Idiom: see sense
to start to be sensible or reasonable 變得明智起來;開始明白事理
Idiom: a sense of occasion
a feeling or understanding that an event is important or special 隆重的(或特別的)氣氛
to become aware of something even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc. 感覺到;意識到;覺察出
to discover and record something 檢測出 VN
/'sɛnsərɪ/ KK
connected with your physical senses 感覺的;感官的 adjective usually before noun technical
/ʃɑt/ KK US
noun, adjective
See also: shoot; shot; shot
the act of firing a gun; the sound this makes 射擊;開槍(或炮);槍(或炮)聲 countable ~ (at sb/sth)
See also: gunshot; potshot
a person who shoots a gun in a particular way (well, badly, etc.) 優秀(或不高明等的)射手,槍手,炮手 countable a good, bad, etc. ~
a large number of small metal balls that you fire together from a shotgun 鉛沙彈 uncountable
See also: buckshot
Variant: lead shot
a large stone or metal ball that was shot from a cannon or large gun in the past (舊時用大炮發射的石質或金屬的)彈丸 countable
Irregular: shot plural
a remark or an action that is usually one of a series, and is aimed against somebody/something that you are arguing or competing with (針對對手、多為一系列之一的)一席話,一擊 countable
the act of trying to do or achieve something 嘗試;努力 countable usually singular ~ (at sth/at doing sth) informal
the action of hitting, kicking or throwing the ball in order to score a point or goal in a game 擊球;射門;投籃 countable
the heavy ball that is used in the sports competition called the shot-put 鉛球 singular
Alternate: the shot often
a photograph 照片 countable
See also: mug shot; snapshot
a scene in a film/movie that is filmed continuously by one camera (電影中的)鏡頭 countable
a small amount of a drug that is put into your body using a syringe 注射 countable informal especially American English
See also: injection Synonym
a small amount of a drink, especially a strong alcoholic one 少量飲料;(尤指)少量烈酒 countable informal
an occasion when a spacecraft is sent into space 發射 countable
a horse, dog, etc. that has the particular chance of winning a race that is mentioned 有…獲勝可能的馬(或狗) singular
Idiom: like a shot informal
very quickly and without hesitating 立刻;飛快地;毫不猶豫
Idiom: a shot across the/somebody's bows
something that you say or do as a warning to somebody about what might happen if they do not change, etc. (若不改變就會有某種後果的)警告
Idiom: a shot in the arm
something that gives somebody/something the help or encouragement they need 鼓舞的力量;令人振奮的事情;強心針
See also: a big noise/shot/name; call the shots/tune; a shot/stab in the dark; a long shot; not by a long chalk/shot; parting shot
of fabric, hair, etc. 織物、毛髮等 having another colour showing through or mixed with the main colour 雜色的;閃色的 ~ (with sth)
in a very bad condition; destroyed 破爛不堪;筋疲力盡;毀壞 not before noun informal
Idiom: be/get shot of somebody/something British English, informal
to get rid of somebody/something so you no longer have the problems they cause 擺脫;解決;處理
Idiom: shot through with something
containing a lot of a particular colour, quality or feature 佈滿,充滿,富有(某種顏色、品質或特徵)
a long shot
a long shot
an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying 成功希望不大的嘗試;把握不大的猜測;姑妄一猜
take a shot at
ph. 試試看
/sɪv/ KK
a tool for separating solids from liquids or larger solids from smaller solids, made of a wire or plastic net attached to a ring. The liquid or small pieces pass through the net but the larger pieces do not. 濾器;篩子;笊籬;漏勺
See also: kitchen
Idiom: have a memory/mind like a sieve informal
to have a very bad memory; to forget things easily 記性差;健忘
to put something through a sieve 篩;過篩;濾 VN
/sɪft/ KK
to put flour or some other fine substance through a sieve/sifter 篩(麵粉或顆粒較細的物質) VN
to examine something very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find something important 細查;詳審 ~ (through) sth
to separate something from a group of things 區分;挑選;精選 VN ~ sth (out) from sth
Phrasal: sift something↔out
to remove something that you do not want from a substance by putting it through a sieve 篩除;篩去
to separate something, usually something you do not want, from a group of things 剔除;淘汰
single out
/'smʌðɚ/ KK
to kill somebody by covering their face so that they cannot breathe 使窒息而死;悶死 ~ sb (with sth) VN
to cover something/somebody thickly or with too much of something (用某物)厚厚地覆蓋 ~ sth/sb with/in sth VN
to prevent something from developing or being expressed 抑制;扼殺;忍住 VN
See also: stifle Synonym
to give somebody too much love or protection so that they feel restricted (因溺愛等)使…覺得壓抑 VN
to make a fire stop burning by covering it with something 把(火)悶熄 VN
/skwɛltʃ/ KK
to make a wet sucking sound 發吧唧聲,發撲哧聲(如走在泥濘中似的) V often VN + adv./prep.
to stop something from growing, increasing or developing 制止;壓制;遏制;限制 VN American English
See also: squash Synonym
/strɔ/ KK
stems of wheat or other grain plants that have been cut and dried.Straw is used for making mats, hats, etc., for packing things to protect them, and as food for animals or for them to sleep on. (收割後乾燥的)禾稈,麥稈,稻草 uncountable
See also: hay
a single stem or piece of straw 一根禾稈(或麥稈、稻草) countable
a thin tube of plastic or paper that you suck a drink through (喝飲料用的)吸管
Variant: drinking straw
Idiom: clutch/grasp at straws
to try all possible means to find a solution or some hope in a difficult or unpleasant situation, even though this seems very unlikely (在危難中)抓救命稻草,不放過任何微小的機會
Idiom: the last/final straw; the straw that breaks the camel's back
the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer 壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草;終於使人不堪忍受的最後一件事(或因素等)
Idiom: a straw in the wind British English
a small sign of what might happen in the future (預示發生某事的)跡象,苗頭,徵兆
/stʌf/ KK
used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about (事物名稱不詳、無關緊要或所指事物明顯時用)東西,物品,玩意兒 informal sometimes disapproving uncountable
See also: foodstuff
used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say, think, etc. (泛指)活兒,話,念頭,東西 informal uncountable
the most important feature of something; something that something else is based on or is made from 基本特徵;特質;根本;基礎;原料 ~ (of sth) formal literary uncountable
See also: hot stuff
Idiom: do your stuff informal
to do what you are good at or what you have been trained to do 施展自己的本事;露一手
Idiom: not give a stuff British English, slang
to not care at all about something 一點不在乎
See also: kid's stuff; know your stuff; be made of sterner stuff; strut your stuff; don't sweat the small stuff
to fill a space or container tightly with something 填滿;裝滿;塞滿;灌滿 ~ A (with B) ~ B (in, into, under, etc. A)
to push something quickly and carelessly into a small space 把…塞進(或填進) VN VN + adv./prep.
to fill a vegetable, chicken, etc. with another type of food 在(蔬菜、雞等)裏填入(另外一種食物);給…裝餡 VN
to eat a lot of food or too much food; to give somebody a lot or too much to eat (使)吃撑,吃足,吃得過飽 VN ~ sb/yourself (with sth) ~ your face informal
to fill the dead body of an animal with material and preserve it, so that it keeps its original shape and appearance 製作(動物)標本 VN usually passive
Idiom: get stuffed British English, spoken
used to tell somebody in a rude and angry way to go away, or that you do not want something 滾開;不稀罕
Idiom: stuff it spoken, informal
used to show that you have changed your mind about something or do not care about something (表示改變了主意或不在乎)管它呢,去它的
Idiom: you, etc. can stuff something spoken, informal
used to tell somebody in a rude and angry way that you do not want something (粗暴或氣憤地拒絕)還是收起你的寶貝吧
the right stuff
U. 有適當的特質
/stʌft/ KK
having eaten so much that you cannot eat anything else 飽 adjective not before noun informal
/'sʌfəˈket/ KK
to die because there is no air to breathe; to kill somebody by not letting them breathe air (使)窒息而死;(把…)悶死
if it is suffocating, it is very hot and there is little fresh air 讓人感覺悶熱;憋氣 V
Alternate: be suffocating
/tɪp/ KK
the thin pointed end of something 尖端;尖兒;端
See also: fingertip
a small part that fits on or over the end of something (裝在頂端的)小部件
See also: felt-tip pen; filter tip
a small piece of advice about something practical 指點;實用的提示 ~ (on/for sth) ~ (on/for doing sth)
a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race (尤指有關賽馬的)內幕消息,指點 informal
a small amount of extra money that you give to somebody, for example somebody who serves you in a restaurant 小費;小賬
a place where you can take rubbish/garbage and leave it 垃圾場;垃圾堆 British English
an untidy place 髒亂的地方 British English informal disapproving
Idiom: on the tip of your tongue
if a word or name is on the tip of your tongue, you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it 話在嘴邊上(卻一時想不起來)
Idiom: the tip of the iceberg
only a small part of a much larger problem (問題的)冰山一角,端倪
to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move something into this position (使)傾斜,傾倒,翻覆 usually VN + adv./prep.
to make something/somebody come out of a container or its/their position by holding or lifting it/them at an angle 倒出;傾倒;傾覆 VN VN + adv./prep.
to touch something lightly so that it moves in a particular direction 輕觸;輕碰 VN VN + adv./prep.
to leave rubbish/garbage somewhere outdoors in order to get rid of it (在戶外)倒垃圾 British English
to give somebody an extra amount of money to thank them for something they have done for you as part of their job 給小費;付小賬
to say in advance that somebody/something will be successful 預言…獲勝;事先說…會成功 ~ sb/sth (as/for sth)
to cover the end or edge of something with a colour, a substance, etc. (用顏色、物質等)覆蓋…的末端,遮蓋…的邊 VN usually passive ~ sth (with sth)
Idiom: it is/was tipping (it) down British English, informal
it is/was raining heavily 大雨傾盆;大雨如注
Idiom: tip the balance/scales
to affect the result of something in one way rather than another 使天平傾斜;使結果傾向某方;起決定性作用
Variant: swing the balance
Idiom: tip your hand American English
See also: show your hand/cards Synonym
Idiom: tip the scales at something
to weigh a particular amount 重量為
Idiom: tip somebody the wink British English, informal; tip the wink to somebody British English, informal
to give somebody secret information that they can use to gain an advantage for themselves 給某人密送情報
See also: I tip my hat to somebody
Phrasal: tip somebody↔off (about something) informal
to warn somebody about something that is going to happen, especially something illegal 暗中警告,私下告誡,密報(尤指非法的事情)
See also: tip-off
Phrasal: tip up/over; tip something↔up/over
to fall or turn over; to make something do this (使)跌倒,傾覆
/traɪt/ KK
of a remark, an opinion, etc. 言語、想法等 dull and boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not original 老生常談的;陳腐的;老一套的 adjective
/'vigən/ KK
a person who does not eat any animal products such as meat, milk or eggs. Some vegans do not use animal products such as silk or leather. 嚴格素食主義者(不吃肉、奶、蛋等,有的不用動物產品) noun
/vaɪ'kɛrɪəs/ KK US
felt or experienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself 間接感受到的 adjective only before noun
/ˈwɔkɪ 'tɔkɪ/ KK
a small radio that you can carry with you and use to send or receive messages 步話機; 無線電通話機 noun informal