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48 Cards in this Set

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The common water soluble vitamins are

vitamin c & b

Large pieces help preserve the

nutrient content of the vegetable.

causes a rapid loss of vitamin C from some green and leafy vegetables.


Vegetables are best when held for less than

20 minuter

Recipe/directions for cooking _________________ have been developed to keep the green color.

green vegetables

more stable than green vegetables.

orange & yellow vegetables

the biggest problem when it comes to flavor.


When vegetables are placed on the serving line, they should be between

160°F and 180°F

Vegetable come form different parts of a plant. They may be

tuber, bulbs, roots, stems, leaves, seeds, flowers

example of very strong flavored vegetables

onion, leeks, garlic

examples of strong flavored vegetables

brussles, sprouts, broccoli, turnips

examples of mild flavored vegetables

spinach, celery, beets

2 types of vegetables

1.) starchy

2.) veggies w/ high water content

examples of starchy foods

potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, legumes

examples of veggies w/ high water content

tomatoes, celery, lettuce

Promotes the normal growth of bones and teeth; helps maintain the healthy skin tissues and night vision.

vitamin a

helps the body to form and maintain collagen; helps the body to repair itself and fight infections.

vitamin c

Prevents beriberi; helps the body to use carbohydrates; helps the body to break down proteins.

vitamin b

The human body needs 21 minerals to maintain good health. It is needed to build bones, soft tissues, and other compounds.


substances found in plants that makes them green.


Supplies the body with energy


easy way to include more nutrient-rich foods in your diet.

frozen vegetables

this technique is like boiling but uses less liquid and a lower heat to gently cook more fragile vegetables.


A large pot and a simple steamer basket are the tools needed to cook vegetables with this method.


Desirable qualities of fresh vegetables

crisp, bright color, firm, absence of decay

storage life of fresh vegetables

2-3 days

canned vegetable advantages

precooked & convenient

4 market forms of vegetables

fresh, canned, frozen, dried

canned vegetables disadvantages

Higher in sodium, Possibly mushy texture

frozen vegetables benefit

Partially prepared, No need to thaw before cooking, No sodium added, Retain the appearance and flavor fresh-picked veggies, Usually cost less than fresh, Available “out of season”

The most common dried veggies


dried vegetables benefits

long shelf life

dried vegetables disadvantages

Must soak dry beans before cooking

liquid or steam us used to cook the food.

moist heat methods

5 moist heat methods

blanching, boiling, braising, poaching, steaming

Vegetables are briefly put into a saucepan of boiling water and the timing begins immediately.


you have up to seven minutes before there is a major color change, so timing is everything.


Vegetables contain lots of natural moisture, which releases in cooking.


These evaporate moisture in the vegetables quickly, which cause the juices to brown and the natural sugars to concentrate and become very flavorful.

dry heat method

It is a light, easy sauce that supplies a sweet, tangy, Asian flair to steamed vegetables.

vinegar sauce

It provides a blend of sweet and tangy flavors to accentuate the flavors of steamed vegetables.

sweet mustard sauce

It is a cool, refreshing sauce that provides a mild herb flavor to steamed vegetables.

yogurt sauce

main dish plating

Between 3 to 9 o’clock

starch plating

Between 9 to 11 o’clock

cegetable plating

Between 11 to 3 o’clock

These are marketed just as it is caught


may hot water na may lasa kineme


This is a fish with a long, cylindrical body, and an eye located on each side of the head.

round fish