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72 Cards in this Set

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Is a device used to improve the contrast of the radiographic image by absorbing scatter radiation before it can reach the image receptor (IR)

The patient

What is the primary source of scatter radiation during an x-ray


Does scatter radiation have diagnostic value?

Pass-through unaffected (transmission)

Be absorbed


Interact and change direction (scatter)

When x-rays interact with patients, what three things can they do?

Dark areas

Transmission radiation is responsible for

Light areas

Absorption radiation is responsible for

Lowers contrast

Scatter radiation lowers what?

scatter radiation

Primary radiation that interacts and, as a result of this interaction, changes direction is known as

A grid

Increase technique when using what?

Increased kVP

Patient thickness

Larger field sizes

Decreases in atomic number of the tissue

The amount of scatter radiation increases with

Patients with part thickness greater than 10cm

kVp greater than 60

Grades are recommended when..


Radio plaque lead strips separated by radiolucent interspace material

Grids are made of

Plastic or aluminum cover

The lead strips of a grid are protected by

Foil, aluminum

The lead strips are a very thin ____ and the interspace material is thicker and usually made of _____

1913, Gustav Bucky

The very first grid was made in ____, by _____

Gustav Bucky's first grid

Crude design by today's standard.

Wide LED strips, two inches apart.

Crosshatch design.

Greatly improved image contrast.

Could see checkerboard gridlines in image

Dr. Hollis Potter, 1920

Made improvements to the Bucky design by realigning thinner lead strips strips to run in One Direction.

Invented the Potter Bucky diaphram ( moving grid)

Improvements paved way for modern grid design and functionality

Potter Bucky diaphragm

Device that allowed the grid to move during the exposure to blur out gridlines, making them invisible

Benefits of grids

Allows primary radiation to reach image receptor.

Absorbs most scatter radiation

Primary disadvantages of using grids

Gridlines on film

Some absorption of primary radiation if not used properly

Low-dose grids

Interspace material and grid encasement are made of carbon fiber

Carbon fiber interspace grids

Are preferred when using low kvp techniques where their application can contribute to lower patient dose, such as in mammography

Grid ratio

The ratio of the height of the lead strips to the distance between the strips

= H/D


3 / 0.25 = 12

12:1 grid ratio

If the lead strips are 3 mm high and are separated by an interspace of 0.25 mm, what is the grid ratio?


If the height of the grid is a constant, decreasing the distance between the lead strips would result in a ____ in the grid ratio

Think about it

Higher grid ratio

Is more effective in removing scatter

Requires more exposure

5:1 to 17:1

Typical grid ratio range:

Digital grids and analog (film/screen) grids

Grid ratio can vary between what two types of grids


What is the conversion factor at a grid ratio of 8:1

Absorption, contrast


The higher the grid ratio, the higher the ____, which leads to higher ____

Increase or decrease exposure?


If the height of the grid is a constant, decreasing the distance between the lead strips would result in a ____ in the grid ratio

Think about it

Grid frequency

The number of grid lines per inch or centimeter

The grid lead content

What is most important in determining the Grid's efficiency at cleaning up scatter

Measured in mass per unit area: g/cm^2

The total quantity of lead in the grid

By combining information about grid ratio and frequency, you can determine

Higher, lower

The lead content is greater in a grid that has a ____ grid ratio and ____ grid frequency


As the lead content of a grid increases, the ability of the grid to remove scatter and improve contrast..

Grid cutoff

Is the undesirable interception of primary beam photons, by the grid strips

The results of the primary beam being angled into the lead strips

Cross-hatched or crisscross grids

2 linear grids placed on top of one another so that the lead strips form a crisscross pattern

Not widely used due to positioning limitations and dose

Linear grids

A grid with lead strips running in only one direction

Linear grid

Allows primary beam to be angled along direction that lines are running.

Allows for angling tube toward head or feet of patient since the strips run along long access of the table

Short access grids

Has grid lines that run across the short access of the grid.

Are useful for mobile chest procedures to decrease the chance of grid cut off when the image receptor is placed clockwise

Focused linear grids

Lead strips angled to match Divergence of beam

Primary beam will align with interspace material

Must be used with a range of SIDs

If these led strips were extended, the strips would intersect along the line in space known as the Convergence Line

Beam is diverging from tube (flashlight)

Primary beam has to align with interspace


_____ ratio grids require careful alignment with tube

Primary beam

Beam before it hits patient

Secondary beam (remnant)

Beam after patient but before IR

Parallel linear grids

All lead strips parallel to one another.

Absorbs large amount of primary beam resulting in some cut off.

Least expensive, but unpopular due to positioning limitations

Function best at long as opposed to short, SID

Stationary grids

Words that can be attached to image receptor cassette.

Grid lines on the image will usually be noticed on close inspection

Stationary, Potter-Bucky diaphragm

A grid is used either in a ____ position or mounted in a ____

Potter-Bucky diaphragm (Bucky)

The most common use of the grid is for procedures using the

Involves reciprocating or oscillating devices

Reciprocating grid

A motor drives the grid back and forth during the exposure for a total distance of no more than 2 to 3 cm

Oscillating grid

And electromagnet pulls the grid to one side and then releases it during exposure. The Grid oscillates in a circular motion with the grade frame

Whenever a grid is used to remove scatter

Image receptor exposure of radiographic go down

Exposure factors must be increased to compensate for a lack of image receptor exposure

Grid conversion factor or Bucky Factor

Required increase in technique due to using grid can be calculated by using

A satisfactory chest radiograph is produced using 5 mAs at 85 kvp without a grid. A second image is requested using a 12:1 grid. What mAs is needed to produce a second satisfactory image?

When converting from one grid ratio to another, the following formula is used

A satisfactory abdominal image is produced using a 8:1 grid, 35 mAs, and 85 kvp. A second image is requested using a 12:1 grid. Calculate what mAs is needed to produce a second satisfactory image

Proper alignment between x-ray tube and grid.

Improper alignment results in Cut Off

Very important avoidable grid error

Off level Grid error

A grid error that occurs when the tube is angled across the long axis of the grid strips. This can be the result of improper tube or grid positioning

Can occur with a focused grid and is the only positioning are possible with a parallel grid

Off-level error

When this error occurs, there is an undesirable absorption of primary radiation, which results in a radiograph with a decrease in exposure across the entire image

Off-center grid error

The X-ray tube must be centered along the central axis of a focused grid to prevent this.

The center grid strips are perpendicular and become more and more inclined away from the center.

This design coincides with the Divergence of the X-ray beam from the tube

Off center grid (off-axis or lateral decentering)

This error results in a decrease in exposure across the entire image

Off focus grid error

When a grid is used at a distance other than that specified as the focal range, this error resultsCauses grid cutoff along peripheral edges of the image

Causes grid cutoff along peripheral edges of the image

Causes grid cutoff along peripheral edges of the image

Off-focused grid error

Results in Grid cutoff along the peripheral edges of the image

Upside down grid error

Causes severe peripheral grid cutoff.

Radiation will pass through the grid along the Central Access where the grid strips are most perpendicular and radiation will be increasingly absorbed away from the center

Upside down grid error

Moire effect

Is a grid error that occurs with digital IR systems when the grid lines are captured and scanned parallel to the scan lines in the Imaging plate readers

Can be prevented by using high-frequency grids design for computed radiography

Grid errors

Off level.

Central Ray angulation across grid


Off center.

Off focus.

Upside down.

Moire effect (grid aliasing)

Air-Gap technique

Alternative to grid use.

Scatter radiation is lost in air space between patient and receptor.

10 inch air gap has similar clean up of 15:1 grid.

SID needs to increase equal amount to maintain image Revolution

Air gap technique

The _____ technique reduces the amount of scatter radiation reaching the image receptor

Digital receptors, increase, 50

When _____ are used, increasing kvp values is strongly recommended. Use 15% rule and an _____ in kVp can be offset with a ___% reduction in mAs


Grids that absorb a greater amount of scatter then primary radiation are described as having a greater degree of

Contrast Improvement Factor

A scatter increases, contrast decreases, as will the...