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14 Cards in this Set

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Prime factors

Factors related to x-ray emission that are under the direct control of the radiographer; milliamperage (mAs), kilovoltage (kVp), and distance (SID)

X-ray quantity

A measure of the number of X-ray photons in the useful beam

Is directly affected by mAs, kvp, distance, filtration

X-ray quality

A measurement of the penetrating ability of the X-ray beam

Is directly affected by kilovoltage and filtration

Half value layer

X-ray quality is numerically represented by the __

(HVL)X-ray quality is numerically represented by the __This layer of an x-ray beam is that thickness of absorbing material needed to reduce the X-ray intensity (quantity) to half its original value

This layer of an x-ray beam is that thickness of absorbing material needed to reduce the X-ray intensity (quantity) to half its original value

Exposure index (IE)

With a digital imaging system, exposure to the IR must be assessed by reviewing a Numerical exposure value known as the ____


As mAs increase, x-ray exposure will ____ proportionally

Kilovoltage (kVp)

Controls both the quantity and quality of the X-ray beam.

Increasing this on an X-ray control panel will cause an increase in speed and energy of the electrons applied across the x-ray tube.


The ability of the X-ray to pass through structures and tissues


If kvp is doubled, the amount of X-ray photons increases approximately ___ times

The square of the ratio of the change in kvp

What is the X-ray quantity approximately proportional to


Kvp is the primary controller of the differences in density / IR exposure. This is known as ___

15% rule

An increase in kvp by 15% that causes a doubling and exposure, and vice versa

Exposure maintenance formula

A direct square law; mAs must increase when distance increases, and vice-versa, in order to maintain image receptor exposure

Direct square law

A direct relationship is necessary to compensate for the changes in intensity and IR exposure