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59 Cards in this Set

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What is an automated external defibrillator and how is it used?

an automated external defibrillator is a device that can be used in an emergency situation when a person's heart has stopped beating. It works by delivering an electrical impulse shock the restarts the stopped heart.

What are elements of a machine safety presentation

training employees in machine safety should include the following elements: presentation of the general types of machines and machine hazards such as rotating shafts and blades conveyor belts chain driven shaft and a sharp edges. The methods of guarding against machine hazards include physical guards mechanisms for keeping hands and body parts out of the point of operation and safety interlock such as like curtains and two hand switches. the employees should be trained in how to inspector machines and to ensure guards are present.

What should a disciplinary action be taken with regard to a violation of safe work practices?

Consistent enforcement of safe work practices should take top priority in any workplace.consistency means always enforcing safe work rules and wearing a personal protective equipment, doing routine inspections and following up to correct deficiencies, and coaching employees when they are taking safety shortcuts or doing unsafe acts. there should also be a progressive disciplinary policy that will be used to guide the severity of the disciplinary action taken.

What is restricted Duty and why should all workplaces have a policy to accommodate restrictions?

Restricted Duty refers to any injured employee who do to there injury cannot perform his or her regular work duties. To manage workers compensation cost an employer should have established accommodation procedures for employees on restricted Duty studies show that employees who are accommodated return-to-work more quickly.

What are the appropriate extinguisher methods for the five types of fires.

Class A class B and class c fires can be extinguished by a ABC fire extinguisher or by water. class ABC extinguishers are filled with a chemical powder that deprives the fire of oxygen needed to sustain combustion.class D fires must be extinguished by class D extinguishers only in class c fires such as computer equipment should be put out by carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

Describe emergency planning considerations for tornadoes.

Tornadoes are common in the Midwest and they can occur with little to no warning and cause localized severe damage. Listen to the radio for tornado warnings and updates be aware of approaching storms get into a designated safe room or basement to protect yourself and do not park under an overpass and never try to outrun a tornado in your vehicle.

How is basic CPR performed?

CPR is a technique used in emergencies by first responders should try to restart the heart that has stopped beating. it involves checking to ensure there is no Airway obstructions then positioning the person's head so that the trachea Street in the head is back to cook brats are then given by mouth while pinching the nose. If there is no heartbeat 15 chest compressions are given followed by two breaths.

Describe why housekeeping is important for a safe workplace

Proper housekeeping and cleanliness are key contributors to safe workplace.Good housekeeping also diminishes slips trips and falls and helps with minimizing ways to assist with proper dust control it also helps with minimizing fire hazards and helps with managing tools appropriately to ensure they are not damaged and property stored away.

What are the supervisors duties in implementing a hot work program

Supervisors are responsible for planning the work and ensuring that the hot work permit system is implemented this means of ensuring the proper safety precautions are taken and sharing employees have the proper PPE on hand and providing the proper Manpower and a designated fire watch employee if necessary. The supervisor is also responsible for ensuring that employees have received and required safety and operational training to conduct a hot work.

What are the requirements of a hot work program

I'll workers first to work with Hotmail such as brazing welding soldering cutting with a torch and drilling are grinding potentially creating a fire hazard. Employees engaging Hotwork must be trained in the house or posed by the work and how to mitigate them.a hot work program must be including assessment of industrial hygiene hazards assessment of noise hazards assessment the proper PPE and an assessment of fire hazards posed by the hot work.

What should be included in a hot work permit

you're hot work permit system is a means of providing a checklist and management tool to ensure safety risks are obsessed and address prior to conducting hotwork project. The permit should document that the employees have received the required training. They should also be prepared for hotwork by scanning the area for flammable materials and moving them out of reach. The permit sure direct the fire extinguisher must be readily available and the correct type. If a fire watch is necessary this must be documented. The permit should also document the required firewatch time and who observed

What hazards must be considered when planning a welding project

the safe use of compressed gases must be considered. The types of metals to be welded should be considered to determine whether hazardous metal fumes or dust will be generated that will require respiratory protection. The I hazards posed by exposure to wavelength of light emitted by the welding process must be considered and their appropriate welding glasses or face Shields must be obtained.

At what working hine are guardrails required by OSHA and what are guardrail design requirements

OSHA regulations regarding the guardrail requirements may be found in 29 CFR 1910. 23. guardrails are required when employees are working at an any platform greater than 30 inches from the floor guardrail should have a top rail 42 inches high and be able to withstand a 200 pound Force applied either downwards or along the top edge.the toe board is a lip around the bottom of the work surface and should be 3.5 in high.

How can poor housekeeping contribute to fire hazards

or housekeeping can increase fire hazards in a number ways for housekeeping lead to accumulation of orally or solving land and rags and wipes which are combustible hazards poor housekeeping walls to contribute to a higher-level combustible debris lying around such as boxes are pallets in addition poor housekeeping lead to accumulation of dust and services and an electrical panels which could be combustible.

Describe the elements of a management system to ensure tools are inspected regularly

and it affected management system to ensure tools are inspected regularly must first identify what types of tools are on hand and in which locations and departments. a scheduled of inspections and a responsibility matrix by job title must be developed and finally the system must include inspection checklist a document findings and follow up with corrective actions.

Describe basic elements of hand tools inspections

The term hand tools refer to handheld tools that are not powered one should examine hand tools and sure that the metals not cracked or thinning to the point that it may break during use when should also check the handles to ensure they are firmly seated and that they are plaster group coverings in place and not lose. Tools that are comprised of several parts should be checked to make sure that they are parts are securely attached.

Describe the elements of a safety inspection focused on limiting slips trips and falls

Slips trips and falls are a major source of lost time in the workplace a focus safety inspection can be conducted the spot problems and correct them before they cost injury items to include our cores left across walkways small objects such as screws nuts and bolts spilled material rugs that are trip hazards uneven walkways or broken concrete and uneven doorway transitions.

Describe potential health consequences of slips trips and falls

slips trips and falls account for almost 20% of the workplace injuries and can be even fatal can also cause contusions and brain damage even strains

What material should be given special consideration in housekeeping with regards to fire hazards

in regards of fire hazards one should look for accumulated rags and wipes soaked with solvents or similar materials they should be stored in metal canisters rated for flammable rack storage and empty daily into suitable containers

Describe basic elements of power tool inspection to ensure they are safe to operate

basic elements would be checking and that the metal parts are not cracked or worn the electrical cord should be inspected to make sure it is not worn or the plastic insulation is frayed the electrical problem should also be inspected to make sure they are not bad or missing

What are requirements for safety using a forklift attachable device to lift it employee to an elevated work platform

the cage must be equipped with guard rails of an appropriate height access gate must be in words instead of out words and they must undergo regular inspections under no circumstances should be ever using a homemade work platform OSHA regulations you specify that one is using such a cage as a manlift when she to obtain a letter from the forklift manufacturer specify what the low limits are using the cage and the capacity.

What determines a low limit of a forklift

This is the three-point triangle formed by the three rules of stability triangle one must be mindful the center of gravity in relation to this sibility triangle in determining the load limit of the forklift.manufacturers of salvage the load limit for various loads be able to to load Center for example 48-inch pallet has a load Center 24 in.the load limit therefore depends on three factors the load center of the object being lifted or transported the height of the load being lifted and the counterbalance weight of the forklift itself

Describe best management practices for pedestrian safety around powered industrial trucks

although pedestrians always have the right away is important for pedestrians to observe best management practices when walking in areas with forklift traffic at all intersections forklifts are instructed to stop and sound their horn possession should stop at all intersections and look for forklifts pedestrian should stop and wait for not acknowledge meant to pass through the path of traveling forklift to ensure that the driver sees them and will stop for them and never walk under raised forklift forks

List of daily inspection checklist for elements for a forklift

Daily forklift inspections must be conducted by each driver and they should check that the horns and alerts are operational check that the parking brake works check the master operation for smooth operation and no broken chain links it should also check forks for signs of cracked or where check the tires check the fluid levels in the forklift and check for leaks and sure that the seat belt is present in operational and if there is a propane tank check for leaks and rest

Describe best management practices for control of forklift traffic

A wall design traffic pattern plan for forklift traffic can greatly increase the safety of the workplace rules of the road should be established and designated Lanes of travel for forklifts should be created.pedestrian walkway should be designated and separated from the forklift lanes and high traffic areas such as receiving dock should restrict pedestrian access

How can I load limit of a forklift be determined

all forklifts are equipped with a capacity plate it fixed by the manufacturer this play list the load limit of the forklift for several common load centers.the load limit assumes that the forklift will be operated at reasonable speed especially around corners and forklifts that affect the stability triangle or maximum Mass height will affect the load limit and that manufacture must be consulted.

Does OSHA recommend using a fall protection harness from working on an aerial lift why or why not.

a aerial lift is a basket on an extended arm for lifting workers at Heights is his lift as it comes to the same thing but it's made up words vertically both have grinder rolls around the platform some safety professionals believe that a worker using an aerial lift or is this really should also wear a safety harness in case of false ever this is not a requirement according to OSHA interpretation letter dated July 21st 1998

What are the occupational safety and health administration requirements for providing working platforms and working surfaces

working surfaces require that employees protect employees from slip trip and fall hazards and slippery surfaces these work areas must be accessed and the hazards mitigated through either construction of a physical control or by providing appropriate fall protection plans and personal protective equipment

Describe the requirements of implementing a Fall protection

When a workplace risk assessment is conducted discover operations or activities that employ must conduct an elevated Heights above 30 in on the floor Fall protection program is required.area plan should identify the activities that require fall protection and should identify how the risk will be mitigated the plan may also Institute administrative controls to prevent the need to conduct work at Heights.

Describe pre-job inspection elements for scaffolding

scaffolding should be inspected after directed before use and then periodically thereafter on a daily basis platforms must be at least 18 in wide and must be secured so they don't wobble the scaffolds should not block any exits and must be accessible by ladder or ramp. It should not be erected near any power lines there must be diagonal cross racing to support the file for him and protection must be provided overhead to protect against falling objects

Describe general machine guarding requirements

machine guarding involves examining machines for places or operations that can injure hands or other body parts during normal operation this includes assessing potential pinch points rotating shaft that might pull arms fingers into equipment expose chains that my plans are digits in the Machinery or conveyor belts and maintain go employees successful machine guarding involves fabricating Gaara that shield employee from contact

Define a pinch point in the potential solutions to eliminating them

a pinch point is a place where a figure or other body part can get caught between moving Machinery or stationary parts of the machine. eliminating page points often involves installing machine guarding to shield the pinch point from being accessible to fingers it can also be provided by wearing leather or other heavy-duty gloves but it always preferable to install guards.

Describe physical controls that can be used to provide fall protection

physical controls that can be used included installing guard rails around elevated work services or platforms are using fall protection harness is fall protection harness is must be inspected regularly to ensure that the fabric is not afraid or broken. Safety nets can also be installed to catch employees who have fallen.

Describe safe work practices when working at Heights or an elevated work platform

There should be guardrails that conform to OSHA guardrail guidelines.employees to be trained in and use fall protection harnesses if the height is accessible using a ladder make sure the ladder is on stable surface and that A co-worker is available to hold the ladder and position.

Describe the training requirements for employees that will operate a forklift

All employees who will drive a forklift must be trade both of the classroom and all the job. the classroom training portion should cover the principles of safe forklift operation how to determine the load limit of a forklift and how to conduct an inspection of a forklift.it should also cover how to drive the forklift on ramps how to carry loads at UPS truck The view and forklift traffic rules.finally the employee must pass the behind-the-wheel proficiency test to demonstrate skill and safe operation

What are housekeeping requirements associated with me Katie clearance around electrical panels if fire extinguishers

Electrical panels must have a minimum of 30 inches of clearance around them for voltage between 120 to 250 volts. Higher voltage panels require greater clearance. OSHA regulations do you stayed that fire extinguishers must remain accessible at all times and then employees must not have to travel more than 75 ft through each of fire extinguisher if they are working today or with the touch of combustible materials

What is the bcsp code of ethics and who does it apply to

the bcsp code of ethics as a set of guiding as a principles that apply to all safety professionals who hold certifications issued by the board.it buying certified safety professionals to impersonality fairness protection of the safety and health employees and personality and experience is scientific fast base conclusions.

How can employees access fit for Duty

when formulating a fit-for-duty program the first step is to document with the physical and operational requirements are for performing the job.the document should list the physical requirements of the position with regard to lifting in the ergonomic requirements stooping bending twisting caring loads standing and sitting time grasping with hands and so on

How can safety professionals coordinate with human resource Professionals in a disciplinary situation

the safety professional is an advisor where is the line supervisor is enforcer of safety the human resource department must have the progressive disciplinary consequences of violating safety policies and must retain the documentation of any verbal and written warnings

When is it appropriate to stop work for unsafe conditions it said of coaching employees on safe practices

stopping work is appropriate for immediate dangerous situations especially those that have not had a proper Hazard analysis or any new procedures it is also appropriate when there are no new control mechanisms available to the supervisor or work team

What are the five classes of fires

class A fires are were considered ordinary fires class B fires are flammable liquid fires such as burning gasoline class c fires are flammable gas fire such as burning propane class D fires or metal fire such as burning finally divided magnesium class E fires are electrical fires

Describe emergency planning considerations for earthquakes

Very very quakes preparing emergency kit and stay inside and do not stand in doorways.want you to also get down on hands and knees to minimize the danger of falling over and protect the head and neck from falling debris. Stay away from Windows and objects that can fall

What are potential pitfalls of behavioral-based safety program

It proper training and support of not provided the observations made will not be useful.in addition the team has to understand the potential benefits of improving safety behaviors and cannot be made to feel that they are being blamed for injuries that are out of their control

Describe the elements of a robust contractor safety communication program

There should be a safety aspect to the selection of contractors. one selected the contractors should be able to provide evidence that employees have received relevant general and specialized safety training.

How is a portable fire extinguisher used

A portable fire extinguisher works by depriving the fire of oxygen. A mnemonic is used to remember the steps to take when using fire extinguishers- PASS

P stands for pulled the PIN

A stands for aim the nozzle

S stands for sweep the dazzle and

S side to side

Describe the emergency planning considerations for hurricanes and tropical storms

Planning for these types of emergencies is similar to any other type one must ensure they have an emergency kit containing a Flashlight batteries non-perishable food cash medication and radio for communication.

What are the OSHA requirements for providing first aid response

OSHA regulations require that all workplace make provisions for providing employees with first aid response. this means that first aid supplies as be on hand to adjust minor cuts related to the first aid situations

Describe methods of resolving conflict between two employees who are peers

conflict should be addressed sooner rather than later waiting address conflicts never improve the situation if a supervisor believes there is an aesthetic conflict between two Piers it is important to intervene if it still take the resolution both parties should be made to understand that their disagreements are not personal and should strive to ensure each party is listen to in treated fairly

Describe how an effective training course is designed

a training course design starts with determining what the course of the octaves are what should the employees learn how it will benefit them they should be cute clearly communicated at the start of the course the course she began with a novia what will be covered it what the regulatory background of bases for the training that will occur

What are some effective techniques a supervisor could use to coach employees on safe practices

a supervisor should be instrumental in coaching and police on safe work practices not just decided to Asif Ali got to see if they are done.well correction of unsafe behaviors important essential supervisors should also give employees positive reinforcement when they are seeing to be performing safely or taking safety into account when planning non-routine tasks.

How can make it within the control be applied to motivating for safe behavior

the phrase make it within their control refers to restructuring the job function in the save the execution of the job to give as much responsibility to the worker as can be within a given contexts.

When should a supervisor alert managers of safety situations

A supervisor the first item management resource representative charged with ensuring the safety of employees the supervisors charged with the force with a policies ensure proper PPE is available and Warren ma during the physical environment for hazards. the supervisor should alert upper management of a safety situation that it's either out of his or her ability to fix or when it says systematic safety hazard exists.

What are valuable resources to determine the compliance requirements of a job task

there are numerous variable resources available online that can assist in determining the compliance obligations of a job task

What are type of inspections must be done on fire sprinkler systems

fire sprinkler systems have been inspection requirements outlined in national Fire protection association. they must be inspected quarterly to ensure that the alarm system works properly the drainage system works properly in the water flow alarm it's operational the annual inspection conveys an inspection of pipes and fittings sprinkler heads inspection the antifreeze solution inspection the valves and testing of the backflow prevention device

Describe basic first aid for burns

Basic first aid for burns as similar to that for cuts one should only be applied to minor Burns Burns that are greater than second degree require medical attention so do second-degree burns if they are large. first aid for minor burns involves keeping the burned area protected with a loosely applied clean sterile dressing such as gauze pad

What are universal precautions

Universal precautions is a term used in the control of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.the premise is that any and all blood and bodily fluids are potentially contaminated with blood-borne pathogens such as HIV or hepatitis.

What is behavioral-based safety

behavioral-based safety is a system of improving a safety culture and safety performance that concentrates on recognizing and changing employees unsafe behaviors. although it is preferable to improve safety by engineering out of hazards are means the fact that many all the job injuries off of individual please do gun safe taxes by policies and procedures that are put in place to ensure a safe workplace

Describe techniques to communicate safety information to employees other then a training class

training classes for safety topics or a necessary component of any safety communication program however they must be supplemented by additional communication methods for their program to be robust. This includes signs and visual aids and also potentially installing television monitors in PowerPoint or video presentations

Define a near-miss and explain how it relates unsafe conditions

An air mass is a safety event that is nearly results in an employee injury but does not.immature and we're both safety system will track responded near misses as a leading indicator rather than only you act actual injuries improvements an employee safety could also be sustained by paying particular attention to the potential severity of the new Miss