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96 Cards in this Set

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Is the fit of a model better or worse when the squared error is smaller


3 ways to enter predictors into a model


Forced entry


What is stepwise

When predictors are entered into a model based on a criteria (semi-partial correlation with the outcome)

Issue with stepwise

Can produce spurious results (false/fake)

Can be arbitrary which predictor should go in first, bad decision at the start can spiral

Getting dressed example

What does standardizing parameter estimates allow for?

Comparison between them, see which has more of an effect (have to look at the b values and actual context tho)

What's another name for mean squared error?


What's the equation for the mean squared error?

What is SST

Total variability (between scores and the mean - whole cake)

What is SSR

Residual/error variability (half of cake)

What is SSM

Model variability (dif in variability between the model and the mean, part of cake)

What is the F ratio

Ratio between SSR and SSM


What is R^2

The proportion of variance accounted for by the model

Correlation between observed and predicted scores

How big is the slice of cake relative to the model in relation to the whole cake, what proportion of the original variability is the model explaining by fitting it


What is the adjusted R^2

An estimate of the R^2 in the populations

What is adjusted R^2

An estimate of R^2 in the populations

What are confidence infervals

Intervals that contains the 'true' population value of the parameter in 95% of samples

How big does n need to be to assume the sampling distribution is normal?

About 150

How to calculate the confidence interval

Lower bound = Mean - 1.96 × SE

Upper bound = Mean + 1.96 × SE

What is a type 1 error

Reject a true null hypothesis

Not pregnant but say they are

If 0.05 gets bigger, increases error

False positive

Positive or negative comes first?

What is a type 2 error

Failure to reject a null hypothesis that is actually false. Reject alternative hypothesis but it does not occur due to chance

If 0.05 gets smaller, error increases

False negative

What comes first, negativity or positivity?

4 ways to see the effect size

The parameters, b

Standardized b

Pearsons r

Cohen's d

Pearsons r effect size cut offs

0.1 = small

0.5 = large

Cohen's d effect size cut offs

0.2 small

0.8 large

How to calculate Cohen's d

Difference in means divided by SD (pooled or control)

How to calculate the SD pooled

What are these called?

Influential cases

3 ways to detect outliers and influential cases


Standardized residuals

Cooks distance

Above what value is a standardized residual likely to be an outlier?

3 or above

Above what value of cooks distance is cause for concern?

1 and above

What are the key assumptions of the linear model

Linearity and additivity

Spherical residuals (Homoscedasticity errors, independent errors)

Normality (residuals)

Sampling distribution

What is linearity and additivity

Relationship between predictor and outcome is linear

The combined effect of predictors is additive

How to test linearity and additivity

Look at graphs

What does independent errors mean

The error is prediction (residulas) for one case should not be related to the error in prediction for another case (autocorrelation)

What does homoscedasticity mean

Varience of errors (residuals) consistent at different values of the predictor variable

What does it mean if the spherical errors assumption is violated?

b values are unbiased but not optimal

Standard errors are incorrect meaning t-tests, p values and confidence intervals will also be incorrect

How to detect spherical errors

Graph of standardized residuals: ZRESID against standardized predicted ZPRED

What is heterogeneous variance

Where variances are different at different points

In the GLM, does the data have to be normally distributed

No, normality if residuals and Sampling distribution important

In the GLM, does the data have to be normally distributed

No, normality if residuals and Sampling distribution important

If the residuals are not normally distributed, what does this mean?

Doesn't really matter

b will be unbiased and optimal (I.e. will minimize the variance) but there may be classes of estimator that are more accurate

Why is normality of sampling distribution important?

P values associated with bs of the model assume the test statistic associated with them follows a normal distribution

Also, confidence intervals for bs are constructed using a quartile from a null distribution assumed to be normal

If residuals are not normally distributed, what do you use

Central limit theorem, increased sample size makes it more normal, issues of normality goes away

What graphs can be used to explore normality?



P-P/Q-Q Plots

Above what value shows skew


What is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test

A bad test of normality

4 robust estimations for correcting problems

20% trim


The bootstrap

Adjust SE or test statistic for heteroscedacity

Method of the bootstrap

Gets a sample from your sample

Gets value, puts it back, etc until the same n as your sample

Repeats 1000 times

Order value and work out which fall in 95%

Gives a CI based in the data of the sample not population, no issues in normality

What does the F statistic show

If the predictor help to improve our ability to predict the outcome

Equation for F


In dummy coding, what does b0 mean?

The mean of the control or 'zero coded' group

In dummy coding, what does b1 mean?

The difference between the 2 variables

How do you test the difference between two groups to see if its significant?


Equation for the mean squared error

MS = SS/df

What 2 things can correct Heteroscedacity



2 reasons to do contrast coding over dummy coding

Control the error rate - make sure its 5% across all sig tests across all of model

Want to override what SPSS automatically gives you

What is another name for contrast coding

Orthogonal contrast

Opposite test to contrast coding

Post hoc tests

Is the contrast coding planned/hypothesis driven


What are post hoc tests

Multiple t-tests with adjusted p-values

When you have ordered means, what could you use to compare them?

Trend analysis

Why is dummy coding error rates not independent

Uses the control, or category 0 more than once

How many contrast should there be?


Should always end up with 1 less contrast than the number of groups

What are the 4 rules to coding planned contrasts

1. Groups coded with a +ve vs groups coded with a -ve

2. Sum of weights for a comparison should be 0

3. If a group is not involved in a comparison, assign it a weight of 0

4. For a given contrast, the weights assigned to the group(s) in 1 chunk of variation should be equal to the number of groups in the opposite chunk of variation

General linear equation for the contrast model

Y = bhat 0 + bhat 1(contrast 1) + bhat 2(contrast 2) + E

Are constrast coding or post hoc tests better n why?

Contrast coding, much better to be theory driven and design and test theories in a scientific way

What is the problem with post hoc tests

Inflates the type 1 error rate, comparisons of all means

Increases chances of false positive

Solution to the issue of post hoc issue

Adjust the alpha (or test statistic) to be more conservative


However/ lose power to detect differences

Name for comparing means adjustong for other predictors using a linear model

Analysis of covariance ANCOVA

2 advantages of ANCOVA

Can reduce error variance (explains some SSR)

Greater experimental control (gain greater insight into the effect of the predictor variable)

When do you bootstrap

When there's no normal distribution/sample is small

What is a covariate?

A continuous predictor

What does it mean if a covariate shows heterogeneity of slopes

Relarionship between predictor and covariate is not consistent across groups - cannot interpret the effect of the covariate as it changes between predictors

What is SPSS's name for dummy coding

Simple contrast

What means should you look at if including a covariate


If the interaction is significant between IV and covariate, what does that mean

Assumption of homogeneity broken, BAD

What is a factorial design

More than 1 IV/predictor variable that has been manipulated

Benefit of factorial designs

Can look at moderation interactions effects

Equation for factorial design

Outcome = b0 + b1 predictor + b2 moderator + b3 interaction + E

If there is a significant interaction, what do you consider about the main effect?

Ignore it

Benefits of repeated measures design

Sensitivity (unsystematic variance is reduced, more sensitive to experimental effects)

Economy (less ppts needed)

What assumption does a repeated measures design violate?

Independent residuals

How do you correct for repeated measures breaking the assumption of independent residuals

Impose extra assump - the assumption of sphericity

Estimate degree it breaks, then adjust the DoF by amount it violates the assumotion

What is the assumption of sphericity

Means the correlation between treatment level is the same

Assumes variances of differences between conditions is equal

The assumption of sphericity is adjusted for using what 2 things

Greenhouse-Geisser estimate

Huynh-Feldt estimate

If the GG or HF estimates are 1, what does this mean

Data is perfectly spherical

What do you multiply the GG or HF estimates by to correct for the effect of sphericity?


What is the difference between GH and HF

GG conservative (safer)

HF liberal

What does the lower bound estimate show in assumption of sphericity

Lowest value possible value that sphericity could be, given the data

What are the follow-up tests you can do after repeated measures

Built in contrasts (e.g. simple contrasts)

Post hoc tests: H/ only 3/18, bonferroni

What does the bonferroni test do

Correcting test statistic so across all tests you do, the alpha rate never rises above 5% as thats what you have it set as

What does ANOVA stand for?

Analysis of Variance

If you have categorical outcomes, what do you predict?

Log odd of the outcome occuring

What is b when you have categorical outcomes

The change in the log odds of the outcome associated with a unit change in the predictor

If b1 is less than one in categorical outcomes, what does this mean?

Predictor ^, prob of outcome occuring v

If b1 is more than one in categorical outcomes, what does this mean?

Predictor ^, prob of outcome occuring ^

Methods to add parameters to the model in categorical outcomes

Forced entry (variables added simultaneously)

Hierarchical (enterd in blocks based on past research)

Stepwise (SPSS based on stat criteria)

2 unique problems with categorical outcomes

Incomplete info (inflates SE)

complete separation (when the outcome variable can be perfectly predicted, messes up SE, model completely nonsensical)