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50 Cards in this Set

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What explanation does functionalism have for prejudice and discrimination today?

c.Prejudice and discrimination are established on an international level.

d.Prejudice and discrimination are more or less nonexistent because, as functionalism would predict, they are nonfunctional.

b.Prejudice and discrimination are perpetuated by economic, not racial, factors.

e.Prejudice and discrimination help to increase group cohesion.a.Prejudice and discrimination are the result of a struggle for scarce resources.

Schooling refers to:
c. mandatory education

a. informal education.

b. formal, institutionalized education.

d. luxury education.

Why is it hard to recognize that the values and beliefs of one’s own culture are learned rather than innate?
a.We are born with these values and beliefs.

b.We learn values and beliefs slowly and incrementally.

c.It is human nature to accept one’s own culture as superior.

d.Values and beliefs are only taught in school.

e.all of the above

How is prejudice different from discrimination?
e.Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an action.

d.Prejudice requires the negatively affected group to be a minority group; discrimination does not.

a.Prejudice is an action; discrimination is an attitude.

c.Prejudice only occurs within minority groups, but discrimination can happen anywhere.

b.Prejudices can only be negative; discrimination can be either negative or positive.

The fact that so many people are asked, “What are you?” in reference to their race is evidence that:
b.race must be established interactionally.

c.race has a biological basis.

a.race is not all that important.

d.it is usually easy to tell someone’s race just by looking at them.

d.people are generally very comfortable talking about their own race

The parents of a deviant child often want to find some way to excuse their offspring’s behavior, and it’s common to hear them say, “He just fell in with a bad crowd.” Which symbolic interactionist theory of deviance does this explanation most closely resemble?
a.differential association

b.labeling theory

c.self-fulfilling prophecy

d.structural strain theory e.in-group orientation

Education is the main predictor of upward social mobility.


What aspects of stigma are symbolic interactionists interested in?
a.how people manage their stigmatized identities on an everyday basis

b.how stigma is related to the animal world

c.which stigmas are fair and which are unjustly applied

d.how stigma always leads to positive life outcomes

e.all of the above

What are the positive consequences of racial and ethnic categories?
a.They help create hierarchy.

e.They create a large pool of people who can be forced to work in less desirable jobs.

d.They help create conditions of inequality.

b.They allow for split labor markets.

c.They create a sense of identity and lead to feelings of solidarity.

What is the relationship between income, gender, and education?
b. When a woman has more education than a man she can be expected to earn more than he does.

a. At every level of education the average income of men is higher than the average income of women.

c. Women with a bachelor’s degree consistently earn more than men with only a high school diploma.

d. There is no relationship between income, gender, and education.

What do we call norm violations that are codified into law?


c.violent crimes



Societies that encourage racial and ethnic diversity have embraced the value of:



d.racial assimilation.

e.cultural assimilation.

Which of the following is true regarding prison as a mechanism for punishing crime?
e.Prison is commonly used as a punishment because it is extremely cost effective.

b.Historically, only relatively humane and ethical societies have used prison as a form of punishment.

c.Even today prison is rarely used.

d.Prison was rarely used before the nineteenth century.

a.Throughout history, most societies have used prison to punish at least the most serious crimes.

A person’s blood type is closely correlated with his race.


Although branding is no longer used as a form of punishment in the United States, some subcultures have adopted it as a form of body art. This demonstrates that:
e.deviant acts of the past become mainstream acts of the future.

c.many people find punishment desirable.

a.branding must still really be a form of punishment.

d.some acts are simply inherently deviant.

b.what is considered deviant changes over time.

If you decided that you could never get into a good school and therefore could never get a good job, you might decide to sell crack cocaine instead as a way to make a living. According to Robert Merton, what sort of deviant would you be?
c.an innovator

b.a ritualist

d.a rebel

a.a conformist e.an extremist

Because laws represent the interests of those in power, crimes committed by the upper classes are typically treated more leniently than crimes committed by the lower classes. This argument is consistent with:
b.conflict theory.

c.principled deviance.

e.functionalist theory.

d.lack of deterrence.

a.differential association theory.

From the perspective of symbolic interactionism, the expectations that teachers have for students and the way they interact is an important determinant of educational outcomes.


What has modern science determined about racial categories?
a.There is greater diversity between racial populations than within them.

b.Biologically there is no such thing as a pure race.

c.Some racial groups are genetically predisposed to be more intelligent than others.

d.Some racial groups are genetically predisposed to be more athletically inclined than others.

Research on tracking has found all of the following, except:
a. students in the lower tracks learn less because they are taught less.

b. even students with the same test scores are put into different tracks according to their race and social class.

c. less is expected of lower track students and so their academic performance is lower.

d. detracking penalizes high achieving students.

When Marshall McLuhan said that “the medium is the message,” what did he mean?
a.Changes in technology allow us to deliver a much wider variety of cultural content than ever before.

b.The medium through which we deliver our cultural content has the greatest power to change our cultural framework.

c.Television allows for a much more nuanced message to be delivered.

d.The Internet allows individuals to contact others much more easily than they could in the past.

What do sociologists claim is the most significant component of culture?





Which perspective focuses on the process of how expectations are created as students and teachers interact?

a. functionalist

b. conflict

c. symbolic interactionist

d. postmodern

How do sociologists define race?

a.an inherited set of predispositions

b.a group with a shared cultural heritage c.the same way they define ethnicity

d.the difference between Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid people

e.a social category based on real or perceived biological differences

What do sociologists call the norms and values people actually follow?
b.applied culture

a.ideal culture

d.real culture

c.material culture

Which of the following describes how deviance can be explained from the functionalist perspective?

e.Functionalist theory has no explanation for deviance because it has no societal function.

b.Deviance makes it easier for the upper class to control the poor.

d.Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms.

c.Deviance helps the upper class maintain its power and influence in society.

a.Deviance breaks down social cohesion and leads to revolution.

How do sociologists define ethnicity?

a.people who share a common physical characteristic

c.a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

d.the same way they define race

b.people with the same skin color

e.a genetic predisposition toward certain behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs

Separating students according to some measure of cognitive ability (ability grouping) is most commonly called _________.

c. classroom stratification

a. cognitive differentiation

d. student leveling

b. tracking

The “Jim Crow” laws in the American South, which mandated separate facilities for whites and blacks, were an example of:


e.institutional discrimination.

a.population transfer.

d.individual discrimination.

c.conflict theory.

When expectations are converted into reality or actual performance, this is called:
d. predicted expectations

a. reality tracking

c. a self-fulfilling prophecy

b. performance prophecy

Sociologists refer to the norms and values people aspire to as:

d.symbolic culture.

c.normative culture.

b.applied culture.

a.ideal culture.

A latent function of education in the U.S. is that it supervises young people and keeps them from getting into trouble.



In the United States, what do legislatures, police, courts, and prisons make up?

a.the full state system

b.deviance system

c.positive deviance

d.judgment system

e.criminal justice system

Sociologists can say that deviance is relative because whether a behavior is considered deviant depends upon the historical, cultural, and/or situational context in which it occurs.



In the United States, which of the following groups would have the most freedom in choosing to display or not display their race or ethnicity?
c.African American


e.Native American



According to the structural strain theory of deviance as articulated by Robert Merton, what is one of the principal reasons people turn to deviant behavior in the United States?

c.Deviant behavior is glamorized in the media and therefore becomes increasingly attractive to young people.

d.Deviant behavior has become so widespread that many people think of it as normal.

e.The goal of success is shared by a majority of people, but not everyone has equal means for achieving that goal.

a.There are a lot of people with inborn antisocial tendencies.

b.American society is very lax in enforcing laws.

According to _____________, education supports the needs of a capitalist economy.

a. functionalists

d. feminists

c. symbolic interactionists

b. conflict theorists

Educators are in agreement that there is one fundamental type of intelligence that may be measured using standardized testing instrument



According to conflict theory, what is the real source of racism?

e.the ways people use cost-benefit analysis to decide if they want to display their ethnicity

d.the desire for assimilation

a.the need for social equality for capitalism to function

b.the people who attempt to live as if they were members of a different racial group

c.the struggle for power and control

According to sociologists, most people have never engaged in any acts of deviance.


How is a subculture different from a counterculture?

a.Members of a subculture actively protest and fight to change society, while members of a counterculture drop out of society.

d.Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a counterculture actively opposes important aspects of the mainstream.

b.Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but only members of a subculture actively oppose important aspects of mainstream culture.

c.Subcultures are always smaller than countercultures.

Which theory emphasizes that education unifies and stabilizes society?

d. Feminist theory

a. Functionalist theory

c. Symbolic interactionism

b. Conflict theory

Although many people feel that expectations for personal space (usually about 18 inches for Americans) are innate, members of many cultures are used to noticeably less personal space than we are, which helps to demonstrate that our expectations for personal space are:

c.a part of our culture and as such are learned rather than innate.

b.usually negotiable and not all that hard to change.

e.something that is innate, more an instinct than something learned.

a.the direct result of hormonal differences in the limbic system.

d.impossible to measure accurately.

In many cultures the “squat toilet,” where one squats rather than sits, is still the most common type of bathroom facility. Americans are often shocked when they encounter these toilets, seeing them as hopelessly disgusting. This attitude is an example of

a. ethnocentrism d. multiculturalism

c. economism

b. social control

e. dominant culture

According to conflict theory, why are vagrancy laws passed?

a.to improve public health by preventing the spread of disease

b.to prevent the sort of crime that is often associated with vagrant populations

c.to ensure that someone is paying attention to the homeless so they receive help and assistance from the government

d.because the working poor demand them, as their communities are the most likely to have vagrant populations

e.as a way of targeting groups who threaten society’s elites

Many Americans are outraged by the number of illegal immigrants who enter the country every year, despite the fact that some studies show that such immigrants are, on the whole, economically beneficial. What function would this anger serve in our society?

a.It completely prevents illegal immigration.

b.It helps to punish people who violate immigration laws, as widespread anger makes it easier to pass harsh immigration laws.

c.It ensures that most business owners will never employ illegal immigrants.

d.It helps to teach the illegal immigrants a lesson, rehabilitating them so they can return to their own countries as productive citizens.

e.It helps to promote social cohesion, as our society can come together in shared anger at a relatively small group of outsiders.

What is it called when a minority group is absorbed into the dominant group

d.internal colonialism.




b.population transfer.

Which of the following is an example of a prejudice?
b.giving African Americans higher mortgage interest rates

e.making fun of classmates for looking different

d.believing that Asians are better at math

c.only searching people of certain ethnicities at the airport

a.not hiring someone because of their ethnicity

Which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?
e.illegal activities

d.immoral or unethical behaviors

b.violations of social norms

c.criminal activities

a.actions that are harmful to society

Today, using the wrong fork to eat a salad at a dinner party would not usually qualify as deviance. Why not?
c. Most dinners are eaten with friends, who don’t apply sanctions for deviant behavior.

e. It is not a serious enough norm violation to provoke sanctions.

a. American society no longer has rules and etiquette governing which utensil to use for salads.

d. There aren’t norms governing food and eating.

b. That sort of norm violation is seen as an intentional rebellion against convention