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128 Cards in this Set

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Obstacle … ( N )

A thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress

Engel … Engeler … engelli

عقبة ، العائق ، مانع ، حاجز

Economic ( adj )

Relating to economics or the economy

Ekonomik … iktisadi


Physical ( adj )

Relating to the body as opposed

to the mind

Fiziksel , bedensel , maddesel

بدني ، جسدي ، فيزيائي ،

Overcome, get rid of , ( V )

Succeed in dealing with ( a problem or difficulty )

Aşmak … üstesinden gelmek

التغلب على ، تغلب ، قهر ، هزم ، سيطر

Abandoned ( adj ) abandon ( v )

Having been deserted or cast off .

Left someone behind

terk edilmiş

مهجور ، مهمل ، منبوذ

تخلى ، تنازل عن ، ترك ، هجر ، اقلع

Equally ( adv )

In the same manner or to the same extent .

Eşit olarak , aynı derecede

با التساوي ، على حد السواء ، با المناصفة

Eventually ( adv )

I the end , especially after a long delay , dispute , or series of problems . Finally , lastly, ultimately, at last, lately last time .

Sonuçta ,sonunda, nihayet , neticede ,

في النهاية ، أخيرًا ، في آخر مرة

Meager , poor , sparse ( adj )

( Of something provide or available ) lacking in quantity or quality.

Yetersiz , az ,

ضئيل ، هزيل ، غث ، نحيل

Meager , poor , sparse ( adj ) € plentiful

( Of something provide or available ) lacking in quantity or quality.

Yetersiz , az ,

ضئيل ، هزيل ، غث ، نحيل

Misery ( N ) , distress , discomfort, hardship, suffering. Sadness

a state of feeling of great distress or discomfort mind or body ,

Sefalet , acı

بؤس ، شقاء ، معاناة ، تعاسة ، شدة ، ألم

Yearned for ( V ) long , longed

Strongly desired , wanted

Özlenen , çok istemek

اشتاق ل

Existence ( N ) the fact or state of living or having

Alive , extant , existent

Varoluş , varlık , hayat

وجود ، بقاء ، حياة ، تعايش ، أسلوب حياة

Curious ( adj ) eager to know or learn something


فضولي , غريب الاطوار ، محب للاطلاع

Tormented , suffering, murdered , Painful ( adj )

Experiencing or characterized by severe physical or mental suffering.

Acı çektirmek , eziyet etmek

معذب ، عذاب ألم

Poverty , ( N ) ¥ wealth

Having a little money or few material things .

the state of being extremely poor .

Yoksulluk , fakirlik , parasızlık

الفقر ، ندرة ، حاجة ، جدب ، عسر

humor , anecdote , joke ( N )

the quality of being amusing or comic , especially as expressed in literature or speech .

Mizah , şaka , espri

دعابة ، فكاهة ، سخرية ، ظرف سخيف

relentless, ( Adj ) oppressively constant ; incessant .



لاهوادة فيها ، قاس صلب ، متصلب

Hopelessness ( N) a feeling or state of despair ; lack of hope

Being without hope



humiliated ( adj ) embarrassed, mortified

make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect , especially publicly.


إذلال , أخزى

Shame ( N ) embarrassment

a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

ayıp , utanç , yazık

الخجل ، خزي ، حياء ،

defeated ( adj )

having been beaten in a battle or other contest


مهزوم ، مغلوب ، مقهور

storytelling ( N )

The activity of telling or writing stories.

hikaye anlatımı

سرد قصصي

sordid , seamy ( adj )

İğrenç , pis , sefil , çıkarcı

دنئ ، خسيس ، قذر ، وسخ ، بائس ،

dilapidated , broken-down ( adj )

of a building or object in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect .


متهدم ، خرب ، مهلهل , متداعية

inquisitive ( adj ) curious or inquiring

inquisitiveness €¥ indifference

Meraklı , araştırmacı


فضولي ، محقق ، باحث ، محب للإطلاع ، للتحقق

عدم الامبالاة

لا مبالاة ، عدم إكتراث ، عدم أهمية

gaze ( V ) stare , eye

look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.he could only gaze at her in astonishment

dik dik bakmak , göznünü dikmek

نظرة ,حدق, تحديق

ponder ( V ) meditate, contemplate, think, speculate

think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion

meditasyon yapmak

تامل ,تفكر , فكر مليا ,اعتبر

Enthusiasm ( N ) eagerness, fervency . Intense and eager enjoyment, interest for life

heves , heyecan , istek , gayret , hayranlık

حماس ، حماسة ، حمية ،

Stride , strode ( V , N ) stridden

A long step you make while you are walking .

Uzun adımlarla yürümek

يخطي واسع ، يشغي بسرعة .

Claim ( V & N ) a state or assert that something is the case , typically without providing evidence or proof

İddia etmek , talep etmek

طلب ، زعم ، دعا ، ادعاء ، مطالبة

unwrapped ( adj )


يفك ربطة

Layer ( N ) a sheet quantity, or thickness of material , typically one of several , covering a surface or body .

Tabaka , katman

طبقة ،

accusation ( N ) a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong .

suçlama , itham

اتهام ، تهمة ، تهمة موجهة

Shaddup , be quiet 🤫 🤐


unconventional ( adj ) unusual , not typical

Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed


غير تقليدي

Humorous ( adj ) funny , causing lighthearted laughter and amusement ; comic

Nükteli , komik , gülünç

روح الدعابة ، مضحك ، فكه ، فكاهي ، مزوح ، ظريف

Go on ( V )

Continue, keep , hold , persist , go ahead.

Devam etmek

تابع ، استمر ، واصل

recount , recite , narrate ( V )

Tell someone about something; give account of an event or experience .


حكى ، سرد ، روى ، عدد ، قص

Playfulness ( N ) the quality of being light hearted or full of fun

Oyunbazlık, oyunculuk

هرج ، مزح ، مرح

deprivation ( N ) lack , shortage

the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society

Yoksunluk , mahrumiyet , ihtiyaç

حرمان ، نقص ، فقدان

Sort of ( N ) variety, kind

a category of things or people having some common features; a type

Çeşit , tür , tip

نوع ، فرز ، رتب ، صنف ،

paradise ( N ) heaven , bliss

in some religions heavens as the ultimate abode of the just .


الجنة ، الفردوس ، نعيم ، جنة على الأرض ، بلد جميلة

infested ( adj )


موبوء ، وباء

flea s ( N ) midget

a small wingless jumping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals and birds , it sometimes transmits diseases through its bite ; including plague and myxomatosis



Intensity ( N ) the quality of being intense .

Yoğunluk , şiddet ,

كثافة ، شدة ، حدة ، قوة ،

glisten , shine , sparkle , twinkle , glimmer , shimmer ( V )

of something wet or greasy shine , glitter

Parlamak , pırıltı

تلألأ ، لمع ، أومض ، لمعان

damp ( adj ) moist humid , slightly wet

Nemli , ıslak ,

رطوبة ، مبلل ، كئيب

Bronchitis ( N )


التهاب شعبي

Pneumonia ( N )


التهاب رئوي

Tuberculosis ( N )


مرض السل

Remedy ( N & V ) a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury , cure , drug

İlaç , deva , çare

علاج ، دواء

trifle , a thing of little value or importance

A dessert made with fruit and cake covered with jam and cream

Pandispanyalı tatlı

بسيط ، مقدار ضئيل ، كعكة من الخمر والكريم

aside ( adv ) to one side ; out of the way .

Kenara , ayrı , tarafta

جانبًا ، على انفراد ، كلام يقال جانبي

tendency ( N ) an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior

Eğilim , meyil

نزعة ، ميل، اتجاه ، قابلية غاية ، هدف ، غرض

Squander ( V ) to waste something especially money or time in reckless and foolish manner

İsraf etmek , boşa harcamak

تبذير ، اسرف في الإنفاق ، بدد

wage , pay , salary , ( N )

wage ( V ) carry on or a war or campaign, engage in

Maaş , ücret


الأجر ، أجرة ، عاقبة

شن حرب

resort ( V ) have recourse to


لجأ الى ، منتجع ،

exalted ; glorious , dignified

illustrious, lustrous, ( adj )

of a person or their rank or status placed at a high or powerful level ; held in high regard


ممجد ، سام ، رفيع ، مفخم ، جليل

tragedy ( N ) an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress , such as a serious accident , crime , or natural catastrophe .

Trajedi , facia , felaket

مأساة ، فاجعة

tough ( Adj )

of a substance or object strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling , durable , strong resilient , resistant

Zorlu , sert

صارم ، قاس ، متين ، قوي ، صلب ،

relieve ( V ) cause pain distress or difficult to become less severe or serious

Hafifletmek, rahatlamak

يخفف ، اسعف ، ازال ، لطف ،

scarlet fever

Kızıl hastalığı

حمى قرمزية

Scarce ( adj ) rare

especially of food , money or some other resource insufficient for the demand

kıt , nadır , az bulunur

نادرة ، نادر ، شحيح ، قليل

adversary ( N & adj ) one’s opponent in a contest conflict or dispute ,

discount, rebate , foe

düşman , rakip , hasım

الخصم ، عدو ، خصم ، غريم ، مقاوم

typhoid fever ( N )


حمى التيفود


Arkadaş oldu

يصبح صديق ل

Illiterate ( adj ) unable to read or write

Okuma yazma bilmeyen

Cahil ,

أمي ، جاهل ، أمي لايقرأ ولا يكتب


Koşul , durum , şart

طرف ، حالة ، حال

Thrilled ( adj )


بسعادة غامرة

Brilliant ( adj )


متألق ، ذكي ، بارع ، زاهر ، فاقع

enabled ( adj ) adapted for use with the specified application or system



Shortcomings fault or failure to meet a certain standard typically in a person’s character a plan or a system

Eksiklik , kusur , noksan , ihmal

عيب ، نقص ، موطن ضعف ،



احترام الذات ، حب الذات ، تقدير الذات

plague , plagued ( N &V )


مصدر إزعاج ، طاعون ، بلاء ، كارثة ،

Backpedal ed ( V )

geri pedal

سير الى الخلف ، تراجعت

Merchandise ( N ) good to be bought and sold

Eşya , mal ,

بضائع ، سلع ،

Merchandise ( N ) good to be bought and sold

Eşya , mal ,

بضائع ، سلع ،

perspective ( N& adj )


إنطباع ، ، منظور، وجهة النظر

elite ( N ) a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group society


نخبة ، صفوة ، زهرة ، طبقة راقية

demand , request , order , seek , require ( V ) ask

talep etmek

يطلب ، تطلب

remain , stay , rest , continue, stick around, exist ,

griye kalmak

بقى ، ظل ، مكث

invariably , firm , fixedly ( adv )

In every case or on every occasion always

her zaman

بثبات، بثبوتية ، بدون تغير

Perceptions ( N ) the ability to see , hear , or become aware of something through the senses

algı , algılama

الإدراك ، فهم ، ملاحظة

melanoma ( N ) a type of skin cancer


سرطان الجلد ، الورم الجلدي

indelible , unforgettable ( adj )

Silinmez , sabit

لا يمحى ، ولا ينسى

Scatter ( V )

throw in various random directions


مبعثر ، بعثر ، نثر ، فرق

amidst ( pre ) among amongst

Ortasında , arasında


blind ,

unable to see because of injury , disease or a congenital condition,

Kör , görme engelli

أعمى ، كفيف

Excelled , excellent


برع ، ممتاز

mundane ( adj ) boring

Lacking interest or excitement dull

very ordinary and therefore not interesting:

Sıradan , sıkıcı

عادي ، معتاد ، ممل

Profound ( adj )

felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way:

His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.

derin , şiddetli, Engin

عميق ، متعمق ، عويص ،

Profound ( adj )

felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way:

His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.

derin , şiddetli, Engin

عميق ، متعمق ، عويص ،

Stargardt’s disease

Stargardt hastalığı

مرض ستار غاردت

degenerate ( Adj )

to become worse in quality:

Educational standards are degenerating year by year because of a lack of funds.


تتدهور ،

indistinct ( adj ) = shadows

not clear:

an indistinct shape/sound/recollection




غير واضح ،

Peripheral ( adj )

Something that is peripheral is not as important as something else:

The book contains a great deal of peripheral detail.

Çevresel , periferik

هامشي ، محيطي ، خارجي ، سطحي

Permanent ( adj ) lasting for a long time or for ever:

Kalıcı , sürekli , devamlı , daimi

دائمًا ، مستمر ، باقي


a book about a person's life, written by that person:

Tony Blair's autobiography was a bestseller.


السيرة الذاتية ، قصة حياة الكاتب بقلمه

Purplish ( n ) almost purple in colour:

He has a purplish birthmark on his chee



Purplish ( n ) almost purple in colour:

He has a purplish birthmark on his chee



Splotch ( n ) spot , stain , blot

a mark or spot that does not have a regular shape:

He put his hand on the bed, and left a splotch of blood on the bedspread.

Leke , benek

لطخة ، بقعة

Fade away ( v )

to slowly disappear, lose importance, or become weaker:

The voices became louder and closer and then faded away again.

Solup , unutulup gitmek

Gözden kaybolmak


specialist ( N )

someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject:

Uzman , mütehassıs

متخصص ، الإخصائي

specialist ( N )

someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject:

Uzman , mütehassıs

متخصص ، الإخصائي

Philanthropist ( adj ) a person who donate his or her time or money to help others.

a person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money:

a donation from a wealthy 19th-century philanthropist


محب الخير ، سخي ، محسن ، فاعل خير

grace ( v&n ) given

a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way:

Joanna has natural grace and elegance.

to be in a place, on a thing etc. and make it look more attractive:

zarafet , lütuf

شرف ، زخرف ، زين ، نعمة او وقت سماح

self-reliance ( n ) independence the ability to depend on yourself or your own abilities:

the quality of not needing help or support from other people:

From early boyhood he learned the lesson of sturdy self-reliance. quality of not needing help or support from other people:

From early boyhood he learned the lesson of sturdy self-reliance.

Kendine güven

الاعتماد على الذات

instill ed ( v) plant , implant , ingrain to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves:

It is part of a teacher's job to instil confidence in/into his or her students.


غرس ، طبع ، رسخ ، دخل

deaf , unable to hear, either completely or partly:

He's been totally/partially deaf since birth.

unwilling to listen


أصم ، اطرش

Laborious ( adj ) grueling 😩 arduous , hard , punishing needing a lot of time and effort:

a laborious task

zahmetli , yorucu ,

مرهق ، شاق ، مجهد ، متعب

track , path , course , road , way


مسار ، طريق ، مسلك ، سبيل

navigate ( V ) to direct the way that a ship, aircraft, etc. will travel, or to find a direction across, along, or over an area of water or land, often by using a map:

Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.

gezinmek ,

أبحر ، عبر ، قاد ، اجتاز ، قادة ، سفينة

sympathy , empathy , pity ( n ) a feeling or expression of understanding and caring for someone else who is suffering or has problems that have caused unhappiness:

Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune

Sempati , acısını , paylaşma , sevgi ,

تعاطف ، عطف ، شفقة ، مشاركة وجدانية

sympathy , empathy , pity mercy ( n ) a feeling or expression of understanding and caring for someone else who is suffering or has problems that have caused unhappiness:

Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune

Sempati , acısını , paylaşma , sevgi ,

تعاطف ، عطف ، شفقة ، مشاركة وجدانية

Whatever , whatsoever ( adv& art)

At all used for emphasis ,

used after a negative phrase to add emphasis to the idea that is being expressed:

He has no respect for authority whatsoever.

I can honestly say that I have no interest whatsoever in the royal family.

ne olursa olsun , herhangi , her ne

مهما ، أيا كان ، أيما ، مهما يكن

Spotlight , spot ( V , N ) to light something or someone with a spotlight:

a lamp whose beam can be directed, or a circle of light produced by such a lamp

Spot ışığı

بقعة ضوء ، ضوء موضعي ، سلط الأضواء على

accountable ( adj ) responsible, answerable € irresponsible

Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it:

She is accountable only to the managing director.

Sorumlu , mesul , açıklanabilir

مسؤول ، ممكن تفسيره أو تعليله

self-reliant , self-confident, self-assured ,

not needing help or support from other people:

Single parents have to be self-reliant and inventive.

Kendine güvenen , özsaygılı

الإعتماد على الذات

Synonyms the same or nearly word

antonyms the opposite words

Bad , good

eşanlamlı sözcük

Zıt anlamlı

نفس الكلمة مترادف ، عكس الكلمة المضادة متضادات ، متناقض

struggle ( v ) € felt free extremely difficult

zor olmak

blame ( v & n ) someone else’s fault


liberated ( adj ) free , open , loose , independent

Of a person showing freedom from social convention or traditional ideas , especially with regard to sexual roles

of a place or people free from imprisonment , slavery ,or enemy occupation



enlivened ( v ) to make something more interesting:

Canlandırmak , Canlanmış

مفعم با الحيوية ، أحيا ، فعم با الحياة

Noble ( adj ) moral in an honest, brave, and kind way:

belonging to a high social rank in a society, especially by birth:

a noble family

Asil , muhteşem , soylu

نبيل ، شريف ، شهم ، كريم ، نفيس ، ممتاز

exalted ( adj ) of a person or their rank or status placed at a high or powerful level held in high regard

Yüce , Engin

تعالى ، ممجد ، مفخم ، سام ، رفيع ، جليل

Yearning = longing a feeling of intense longing for something

Hasret , Özlem

توق ، شوق ، اشتياق ، حنين ، صبا ، لهفة

Prestigious ( adj ) respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high quality, success, or social influence:

The company has gained international prestige.


مرموقة ، ذو هيبة ، رائع ، اعتباري ، ذو مقام

Urge ( v& n) try earnestly or persistently to persuade someone to do something


حث ، إلحاح ، استعجل ، استحث ،