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Medical ( adj )



Genetic ( adj ) gene ( n )

Genetik, gen

جنيني ، وراثي ، أصلي ، جينة ،

Interpreting , explaining or deciding on the meaning of an event , statement , etc .

to decide what the intended meaning of something is: explain the meaning of information,words, or actions

It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.

Yorumlamak , açıklamak

ترجم ، فسر ،

impact ( n& v ) effect , influence

The effect that an event or situation has on someone or something



reliable ( adj ) = dependable,

able to be trusted ,

güvenilir , güvenli

موثوق بها ، ثقة ، جدير با الثقة

revolutionized ( adj )

to have completely changed the way people think or do things

Devrim yapmak

حدث ، ثورة ،

advocate ( adj ) Supporter

Someone who publicly supports someone or something


محام ، المؤيد ، أيد ، ترافع

Environment ( n ) the situation, things, people, etc, that surround people and affect the way in which they live and work



linked ( adj ) related, connected , joined, tied , United, associated

related or connected , often because one strongly affects or causes

Bağlantılı , bağımlı

مرتبط، متصل ، موصول ، مترابط

Potential ( adj & n) possibility,

Possible, likely , probably

The possibility that something will develop or happen in a particular way


إمكانية ، محتمل ، القدرة

interaction ( n ) a process in which two or more things have an effect on each other



risk factor ( n ) something that is likely to hurt you or be dangerous

risk faktörü

عامل الخطر

Consensus ( adj ) a general agreement

An opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts


إجماع ، إتفاق جماعي في الرأي

aspect ( n ) a particular part or feature of something, ; the part of a situation, plan , or subject

facet , side , characteristics


،وجه ، جانب ، مظهر ،مميزة شيء ما

Symptoms ( n ) display .. any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease:

He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache, and so on.

Semptom , araz , belirti , işaret

عرض ، علامة ، أمارة

tremendous ( adj ) enormous , very great in amount or level, or extremely good:

They were making a tremendous amount of noise last night.

muazzam , heybetli , kocaman

هائل ، كبير ، ضخم ، جبار ، رائع

Modification ( N ) a change to something, usually to improve it:

Modification of the engine to run on lead-free fuel is fairly simple.

değişiklik , değiştirme

تعديل ، تغيير ، تحويل ، تكيف ، تقييد

occurrence , event , incident ,

an incident or event

Olay , oluş ,

حادثة ، ظهور ، حالة ،

Severity , acuteness , seriousness , gravity , severeness , dangerousness ( N ) the fact or conditions of being severe .

ciddiyet , ağırlık , sertlik , sadelik

خطورة ، حدة ، قسوة ، صرامة ، قوة ، خشونة

trail a mark or a series of signs or object left behind by the passage of someone or something


أثر ، طريق ، ممر مشاة ،

collaborative ( adj ) cooperativeinvolving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal. produced or conducted by two or more parties working together.


التعاونيه, تعاوني

identify ( V ) recognize establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is

tanımlamak ,belirlemek

تحديد , ميز, عين الهوية

in tow: following closely behind someone or something


nudge ( V ) push , prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.

dürtmek, dirseklemek

دفع, دفع برفق , دفع بالكوع

embarking, embark on ..: starting something new, difficult. or exciting.. board ship ( V, N) go on board a ship, aircraft, or another vehicle. he embarked for India in 1817

gemiye binmek

صعد,صعد إلى ,ركب متن سفينة

courageous ( adj ) brave , not deterred by danger or pain; brave.her courageous human rights work

cesur , yürekli , yiğit


debilitate ( V ) weaken , make (someone) weak and infirm.a weakness that debilitates him despite his overwhelming physical might

güçten düşürmek ,zayıflatmak

منهك ,وهن أضعف

exhibiting , exhibit ( v ) manifest or deliberately display (a quality or a type of behavior).he could exhibit a saintlike submissiveness ..publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.only one sculpture was exhibited in the artist's lifetime


عرض, ظهر ,أبدى

shattering ( V) very shocking or upsetting.he found it a shattering experience

parçalayıcı ,yıkıcı ,bozucu , tahrip edici

ساحق,تهشيم , تحطم, كسر

devastating= destructive ( ADJ ) highly destructive or damaging.a devastating cyclone struck Bangladesh

yıkıcı , tahrip edici ,ezici

مدمر , مخرب

coordination ( N ) the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.both countries agreed to intensify efforts at economic policy coordination2the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently.changing from one foot position to another requires coordination and balance

Koordinasyon , eşgüdüm

تنسيق, تناسق , تسوية

jerky ( adj )convulsive characterized by abrupt stops and starts.shallow, jerky, irregular breathing

sarsıntılı , salak , salak

متشنج, منتخع

hesitate, hesitant ( V , adj ) tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.clients are hesitant about buying ..pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty.she hesitated, unsure of what to say

tereddütlü ,kararsız

tereddüt etmek

متردد, ترددي


proponent ( N ) advocate ,

a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.a collection of essays by both critics and proponents of graphology

taraftar , yanlısı

محام ,نصير, مؤيد

lean ( V )be in or move into a sloping position.he leaned back in his chair



stumble ( v ,N ) trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.her foot caught a shoe and she stumbled .. an act of stumbling.he broke a bone in his foot in a stumble down an Alpine pass

yanılmak ,


empower , empowering , ( V, N )give (someone) the authority or power to do something.nobody was empowered to sign checks on her behalf

güçlendirmek , yetki vermek

وكل, منح سلطة, فوض , أعطى سلطات واسعة

candid ,frank ( adj ) truthful and straightforward; frank.his responses were remarkably candid

samimi , açık, dürüst

صريح ,نزيه , مخلص, غير متحيز

associate , help , link , connect( V, N ) connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.I associated wealth with freedom .. a partner or colleague in business or at work.he arranged for a close associate to take control of the institute

birleştirmek,iş arkadaşı

شريك , مساعد , يساعد, صديق

wills , legal documents that show whom you want to have your money and property after you die



actionability : beingable toact upon

eyleme geçirilebilirlik

القابلية للتنفيذ

nearby ( adj , adv ) close at hand; not far away.he slung his jacket over a nearby chair .. close by; very near.his four sisters live nearby

yakında , yanında ,civarında

قريب ,مجاور ,بحوالي

crave , craved ( V ) feel a powerful desire for (something).a program to give the infants the human touch they crave

çok istemek ,can atmak

حن, تاق, التمس, طلب ملتمسا ,احتاجرغب

signature ,a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification in authorizing a check or document or concluding a letter.the signature of a senior manager

imza , işaret


home-free ; : safeand withoutproblems

Bedava ev

statin, any of a group of drugs that act to reduce levels of fats, including triglycerides and cholesterol, in the blood


French fries

patates kızartması

شرائح بطاطا مقلية




adherence ( N ) attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief.a strict adherence to etiquette .. the quality or process of sticking fast to an object or surface.


موالاة, التزام, التصاق, مشايعة, إخلاص

embedded ( adj ) (of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted.a gold ring with nine embedded stones .. (of a journalist) attached to a military unit during a conflict.


believed in very strongly,مغروس

genome ; the haploid set of chromosomes in a gamete or microorganism, or in each cell of a multicellular organism.

genetik şifre


unraveled ( V) undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads)... something very complicated was understood or explained..investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).they were attempting to unravel the cause of death


حل الخيوط أو الألغاز ,نحل

cost-prohibitive ;

maliyet engelleyici

باهظة التكلفة

myriad ; a large/great number/quantity .. a very large number of something ..

a countless or extremely great number. networks connecting a myriad of computers

sayısız , çok büyük sayıda

وافر, لا تعد ولا تحصى, عدد ضخم,

ذو عناصر لا تعد

mainstream ; the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.companies that are bringing computers to the mainstream of American life

ana akım


incidental ( adj ) accompanying but not a major part of something.for the fieldworker who deals with real problems, paperwork is incidental .. liable to happen as a consequence of (an activity).the ordinary risks incidental to a fireman's job

tesadüfi , önemsiz olay ,olası

عرضي , طارئ, ليس ذو أهمية ,حادث عارض


unanimously ( adv ) without exception,n complete agreement , without opposition( adv) without opposition; with the agreement of all people involved.



panels ; a flat or curved component, typically rectangular, that forms or is set into the surface of a door, wall, or ceiling.a layer of insulating material should be placed between the panels and the wall

panel ,


rollout ; the unveiling of a new aircraft or spacecraft.the official rollout is on July 30

açarak yaymak

يطرح, الطرح

clinical ( adj ) relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies

klinik , klinikle ilgili , hasta başında yapılan

مرضي ,سريري





eş başkanlık

برئاسة مشتركة

a forum

bir forum


co-chaired a forum

bir foruma eş başkanlık etti

شارك في رئاسة منتدى

non-issue ; a topic of little or no importance.I believe the topic is a nonissue

sorun değil

غير قضية

relent , change one's mind ( V ) abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment. she was going to refuse his request, but relented

birinin fikrini değiştirmek , vazgeçmek

يلين ,رجع في قراره , خفف

reconsider , ( V ) consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it.I beg you to reconsider

yeniden gözden geçirme , tekrar düşünmek , tekrar düşünmek, yeniden oya sunmak

غير رايه , رجع أعاد البحث, إعادة النظر

dilemma , predicament : situation in which you have to make a difficult choicebetween two or more actions.. a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.the people often face the dilemma of feeding themselves or their cattle

ikilem , çıkmaz

ورطة ,معضلة ,مأزق

fatal, deadly , lethal ( adj ) causing death.a fatal accident


قاتلة - مهلك ,مميت ,

invasion ; an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.in 1546 England had to be defended from invasion

istila , saldırı

غزو , اجتياح ,انتهاك ,تعد

controversial ( adj ) giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.years of wrangling over a controversial bypass


مثيرة للجدل, خلافي, جدلي,مثير للخلاف والجدل

scale (n , v) each of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another.


مقياس, جدول, أزال القشرة,سلم, مستوى

neutral, impartial ( adj ) not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial.during the Second World War, Portugal was neutral

doğal ,nötr ,tarafsız , yansız, tarafsız kimse

حيادي, متعادل, محايد,

thoroughly, rigorously ( adv ) in a thorough manner.he searched the house thoroughly

iyice , amamen


immobilize (v ) not able to move .. prevent (something or someone) from moving or operating as normal.fear had immobilized her

hareketsiz hale getirmek, sabitlemek

شل الحركة, جمد, جمد في مكانه

survival ( N ) he state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances.the animal's chances of survival were pretty low

hayatta kalma

نجاة, بقاء, كل ما يبقى بعد زوال

diagnosis : identification, usually by a doctor, of what illness a person has



concentrate ( v ) focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity.she couldn't concentrate on the movie


يركز, أصبح أشد قوة

elicit ( v )evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions.they invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests

çıkarmak, meydana çıkarmak, meydana çıkarmak, tepki göstermek

يستنبط, استنبط, استخرج

brace, ( V, N ) , a device fitted to something, in particular a weak or injured part of the body, to give support.a neck brace .. a pair of something, typically of birds or mammals killed in hunting.thirty brace of grouse

ayraç, destek , ağlamak

دعامة ي يحصن يقوى

recovery ( N ) a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.signs of recovery in the housing market

kurtarma, iyileşme

التعافي, انتعاش ,سترداد للعافية, نقاهة

Skeptical , dubiousdoubtfulhaving reservations( adj ) not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.the public were deeply skeptical about some of the proposalsSynonyms:

şüpheci , septik , inançsız, kuşkucu

متشكك , شكوكي, مرتاب

preliminary ( adj ) denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.the discussions were seen as preliminary to the policy paper

ön hazırlık, ilk, başlangıç

أولية, تمهيدي, مرحلة تمهيدية, افتتاحي

mysterious, puzzling strange ( adj ) difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.his colleague had vanished in mysterious circumstances

gizemli, esrarengiz, esrarlı, bilinmeyen

غامض, خفي ,سري, مبهم

alternative , different other another second possible( adj ) of one or more things) available as another possibility.the various alternative methods for resolving disputes


لبديل, المخير, البديل

unconventional ; not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.his unconventional approach to life , unusual irregular unorthodox unfamiliar uncommon


غير تقليدي

depict, portray , describe( V ) depicted ( adj ) , show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.paintings depicting Old Testament scenes

betimlemek, göstermek

تصف, صور, مثل, وصف, يصور, مصور

draw, sketch ( V, N ) a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture..make a rough drawing of.



chronologically ( adv )in a way that follows the order in which events or records occurred.the essays are arranged chronologically

kronolojik olarak


chronology ( N ) the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.the novel abandons the conventions of normal chronology

kronoloji , zamandizin

التسلسل الزمني, الكرونولوجيا تقسيم الزمن

combination, amalgamation amalgam merger union, mixture mix ( M ) a joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements are individually distinct.this color combination is stunningly effective

kombinasyon , birleşim, karıştırma

مزيج, مجموعة, تركيب, اتحاد, دمج

realm ( N ) a kingdom.the peers of the realm

Diyar, alan, krallık

مملكة, حقل, عالم دنيا

disastrous ( adj ) causing great damage.a disastrous fire swept through the museum


كارثي, مشؤوم, مسبب كارثة, مصدوم

regulations ( N )

düzenlemeler, yönetmelik, kurallar

أنظمة, قوانين

prohibited , forbidden, banned

( adj ) that has been forbidden; banned.they had deliberately fed prohibited material to their herd


محظور, ممنوع, محرم