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110 Cards in this Set

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Learning science is exciting because it is both a set of ideas or concepts and a ___________.

- process

A comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a considerable body of evidence is called a scientific __________.

- theory

Locating your own scientific ______ refers to finding your inner scientist.

- self

Current thinking about how children learn is based on the learning theory called ________.

- constructivism

When an individual is able to reflect on his or her own thinking, this person is said to have the capacity for _________.

- metacognition

"Hands-on learning" in science has given way to hands-on and _______ learning.

- minds-on

Core concepts are an example of important ________ ideas.

- science

A five or sometimes three step procedure that engages students in learning science is called the ________ _________.

- learning cycle

When teachers and students explore what they have learned from a classroom science experience, they are said to be in the ___________ phase.

- explanation

Incorrect answers are often referred to as ___________.

- alternative conceptions

Engaging students in inquiry experiences in the classroom may be referred to as science as __________.

- practice

Hands on science experiences are valuable only when they lead to greater _____________.

- understanding

A core concept for science instruction is teachable and learnable over multiple __________.

- years

Learning about your students included finding out if they have opportunities to connect with ___________.

- nature

When natural events generate the science topic of the day it is called a(n) science learning experience.

- informal

When you tailor your science instruction to meet the needs of students with diverse abilities, this is known as __________ instruction.

- differentiated

When learning environments are created in a way that they are as accessible as possible by all people, regardless of age, ability, or situation, this is an example of ______ design.

- universal

Technology has made it possible to observe models of natural events or experiences that are not within the reach of the classroom. These are called ___________.

- simulation

When students are able to modify content on a web site, it is called a _________.

- wiki

When some students in our population have ready access to computer technology and others do not, this has become known as the ___________ ___________.

- digital divide

In the story of Rose and the blue liquid, Susan showed she had a strong scientific _________.

- self

Images of scientists that represent them as "mad" "male" and "messy" are pervasive _________.

- stereotype

Because we teach who we are as well as what we know, it is important to write our own science _________.

- autobiography

As people spend more time at computers, they spend less time observing ______.

- nature

Observing the natural world is one way to begin to understand the role of ______ in making meaning of how nature works.

- science

Keeping a science _______ is one way to monitor your own understanding of the natural world.

- journal

In the bird story the author becomes attached to the flickers because of the _______ she has invested in observing them.

- time

Elementary school teachers are often reluctant to teach science because they lack personal ______ in science.

- confidence

Connecting with nature often feels good. Scientists refer to this as __________.

- biophilia

Finding representations of scientists who do not resemble the stereotype is important because it encourages the participation of __________ in science.

- women or minorities

Students make an attempt to solve a problem and sometimes come up with flawed or incorrect responses. These are called __________.

- misconceptions

In Ms. Hudson's class the bottle and balloon set up is a closed system because the balloon on the bottle fills with air from ________ the bottle.

- inside

The method by which heat energy travels in liquids and gases is called _________.

- convection

Ideas that are not scientifically accurate but represent a step toward fuller understanding of a concepts are called _________ ___________.

- alternative conceptions

Teachers support student understanding by providing temporary intellectual platforms that help guide them to complete understanding. This process is called __________.

- scaffolding

In a science experiment, the elements that are kept the same are called ________ and the elements that are subject to change are called ___________.

- constants

- variables

The educator and philosopher who believed that concrete experiences generated the thinking process was ____________.

- John Dewey

The concept that real learning only takes place when it occurs in a real world context is called _________ __________.

- situated cognition

Some insects appear to "walk" on water due to their anatomy and a property of water called _______ _______.

- surface tension

A graphic representation of students' thinking processes is called a ________ _________.

- concept map

When a teacher engages in discussions to help students develop the concept that relates to the science experience, we say that the teacher is acting like a ___________.

- facilitator or mediator

Because the students bring their life experiences into the classroom, it is important to access their _______ _______ before starting the lesson.

- prior knowledge

Water striders are adapted to hunt their prey on the water's surfaces due to the structure of their ______.

- feet

In science learning groups, a student who makes sure her or his team understands the investigation is sometimes called the ___________.

- director

Helping students to learn science means guiding them to develop their own _______.

- ideas or thinking or concepts

A reason that the number of washers that students can place in a cup of water before it overflowed is different from group to group is ______________________.

- the way the students put the washers in

The pepper on the surface of the water is scattered when the soap was added because soap breaks the _______ _______ of the water.

- surface tension

Students can demonstrate understanding of a science concept by applying it to a ________________________.

- new or different context

Students' beliefs based on their own understanding of a concept at a particular level of cognitive development is referred to as their _________ _________.

- personal theories

Experimenting with materials in a way that gives students personal freedom helps them to become unafraid of being ___________.

- incorrect or wrong

The practices of scientific study involve the use of _____ ______.

- process or inquiry skills

Gaining information about an object by using all your senses is called ______________________.

- observations

When we make statements about how an object came to look the way it does as the students do when they examine an old rotting log, or the burst opened soda can, we are making ________.

- inferences

As soda cans increase in temperature, the solubility of the carbon dioxide dissolved in it ________.

- decreases

Water is a liquid that __________ as it freezes, explaining why soda cans burst in the freezer.

- expands

Sorting objects from nature according to similar properties is the development of the skill called _________________.

- classifying

The unit of liquid measurement used in science is called __________.

- milliliters or liters

The science behind the penny in the water station refers to light ________ as light enters a different medium.

- refraction

Though experiments can help the skill of ________ an investigation.

- designing or planning

Thought experiments can be frustrating for students of the experiment itself cannot be _________.

- performed or implemented

In science, if an inference or a guess is stated in a way that allows it to be tested, it is called a ________.

- hypothesis

Determining such quantities such as distance, volume, time, or mass requires instruments and is referred to as the skill of __________.

- measuring

Discovering similarities and differences between objects or events is referred to as _______ and ______.

- comparing and contrasting

A video microscope is a scientific instrument that extends our _____ and improves observations.

- senses

The foundation of scientific inquiry or science as practice is testing our _______.

- ideas or guesses or hyothesis

When families attend science nights they are often given makeshift ________ to record their data.

- notebooks

When procedures get refined and repeated based on interim findings, this is called an _________ process.

- iterative

By middle school, students can design a greater variety of investigations, including experiments that involve more than one or two _________.

- variables

Activities like those at the science circus stations succeed only if they generate students' ______________.

- questions or interests

A comprehensive explanation of some aspects of nature that is supported by a considerable body of evidence is called a _________.

- theory

Using authentic data to teach about the environment helps students to understand the _______ impact on the environment.

- human

The region most affected by salting icy roads is the __________ area.

- urban

When salt is added to liquid water the freezing point is __________.

- lowered

When snowy and icy roads abound in northeastern winters, there is a problem with fresh water ________ levels.

- salinity

Salt in an ecosystem is referred to as a(n) ________ factor.

- abiotic

Road surfaces prevent precipitation from filtering down into the ground soil causing water to leave the roads in the form of ________ _________.

- run-off

Planting _______ _________ allows water from precipitation to soak into the soil.

- rain gardens

Using the outdoors as a science lab helps students connect science to their _____________.

- daily lives or local contexts or personal lives

Field trips are most valuable when they are connected to the class's _______________.

- unit or curriculum

The cracks in the rocks of the urban park are aligned with regional _________.

- faults or fault lines

In the classroom, an unusual east coast earthquake takes precedence over the plans for science that day. It is part of the _______ science curriculum.

- informal

The three major rock types are igneous, sedimentary, and __________.

- metamorphic

The effect of ocean wave action on rocks is called ___________.

- weathering

The earth's crust is made of huge chunks of rock called _______.

- plates

Examples of land forms are coastal plains, interior plains, mountains, or ___________.

- plateaus

The third grade science center with seashells engaged the students in __________.

- classifying

in a sixth grade science center, students measured the pH of water which refers to water's ____________.

- acidity or alkalinity

The most effective classroom science centers are designed by teachers and ___________.

- students

When a solid is transformed directly into a gaseous state, skipping the liquid phase, the process is called _______.

- sublimation

Electronic presentations of scientific research from the American Museum of Natural History in New York are called ______ _________.

- Science Bulletines

Grouping materials with similar properties into the same categories is referred to as ___________.

- classifying

The basic term we use to describe the material world are sometimes called ______ words.

- property

Matter is anything that takes up space and has ________.

- weight or mass

The random array of very hot gasses, so hot that they no longer resemble any known gases, is the state of matter called ______.

- plasma

Air is a mixture of gases, about 78% of which is the element ________.

- nitrogen

The cornstarch and water mixture is called a ________.

- suspension

The study of science does not always provide a clear ________.

- answeres

The ability to do work, moving a force through a distance is the way scientists define _________.

- energy

A(n) __________ is the building block of all matter.

- element

The smallest part of an element that still has the properties of that element is called a(n) __________.


The smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is called a(n) _________.

- molecule

Because there are only ninety-two naturally occuring elements, most matter we encounter is either a compound or a _________.

- mixture

Scientists call the energy that an object has because it is moving, like a moving car, a falling rock, or a strong wind, __________ energy.

- kinetic

Objects can also have energy when they are not moving. The stored-up energy that your body has when you are sleeping on the night before a big race is called ________ energy.

- potential

Corn starch and water in the right proportions demonstrates properties of both liquids and _________.

- solids

The science education reform movement recommends that you use a variety of materials when doing science. It is understood that this process will not always be __________.

- neat or tidy

The scientific process involves testing an idea and evaluating ___________.

- evidence

The study of matter and energy are part of a branch of science referred to as ________.

- physical science, chemistry, or physics

We know that air is matter because it takes up space and has __________.

- weight or mass

Gases and ________ take the shape of their container.

- liquids