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71 Cards in this Set

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What type of tissue is the penis largely made of?


The testes are located outside of the body to maintain a temperature that is __-__C cooler than the body temperature.


Keeping the testes cooler than the rest of the body protects ________ ________.

spermatozoa production

What are functions of the testes?

produces testosterone, produces small amounts of other androgens

What is the function of the epididymis?

stores new spermatozoa as they mature

How many weeks does the spermatozoa mature in the epididymis?


What is done during a vasectomy?

ligation of both deferent ducts

vas deferenes

deferent ducts

accessory glands

seminal vesicles, prostate gland, cowpers glands

bulbourethral glands

Cowpers glands

seminal vesicles

produces alkaline fluid that is part of the semen produced at ejaculation

prostate gland

produces a thin, milky fluid that is part of semen produced at ejaculation

The fluid that the seminal vesicles produce makes up ___% of ejaculate.


The fluid that the prostate gland produces makes up ___% of ejaculate.


Cowpers glands

produces small amount of mucus into urethra before ejaculation

____ ________ sperm are released per ejaculation.

100 million

____mL of ejaculate are released per ejaculation.


About how long can sperm live in the ducts of the female reproductive system?

5 days

What is the function of the Skene's glands?

source of female ejaculate

Skene's glands

paraurethral glands

What is the function of the Bartholins glands?

secrete mucus to lubricate the vulva


vaginal opening


recesses in vagina


series of ridges formed by folding of the wall of an organ

What is the normal vaginal pH of a woman in her childbearing years?


What is the normal position of the uterus?

anteversion and anateflexion


leaning forward toward the bladder


curved forward on itself


formed at junction of uterine body and fallopian tubes


body/upper 2/3 of the uterus

made up of fundus, cornua, isthmus


upper rounded part of body of uterus above insertion of two fallopian tubes


junction between body of uterus and cervix


lowest third of uterus, cylindrical in shape with lower 1/2 projecting into vagina at right angles

When the internal os and external os are referenced, they are referring to the directional relationship to the ______ _________.

cervical canal

What are the layers of the uterine wall?

inner circular, middle oblique/spinal, outer longitudinal

inner circular

sited mainly around cervix in cornua, assists cervical dilation during labor

middle oblique/spinal

thickest in upper body of uterus where placenta usually is, ability to contract powerfully after placental separation

outer longitudinal

extend from cervix anteriorly over uterus to posterior of cervix, ability to shorten during labor which is also known as descent and expulsion

broad round, cardinal, pubocervical, uterosacral

uterine ligaments

broad round uterine ligament

connects sides of uterus to walls and floor of pelvis

cardinal uterine ligament

supports uterine angle

pubocervical uterine ligament

limited support to uterus, connects side of cervix to public symphysis

uterosacral uterine ligament

maintain position of anteversion

What is the primary source of estrogens and progesterone?


Breastmilk is produced in the _______ of the breasts.


______ amounts of breastmilk are produced for a ______ time.

small, short

When the breast is stimulated, nerve impulses go to the __________.


From the hypothalamus the impulse travels to the posterior ________ gland and releases ________ into the bloodstream.

pituitary, oxytocin

Myoepithelial cells surrounding the ______ contact and force milk into the ______.

alveoli, ducts

Increased __________ __________ and ______ ______ increase the milk flow rate.

intraductal pressure, duct dilation

proliferative, secretory, menstrual

phases of the 28 day menstrual cycle

The proliferative phase starts on day ___ and goes until day ____ of the menstrual cycle.

6, 14

The secretory phase starts on day ___ and goes until day ____ of the menstrual cycle.

15, 28

The menstrual phase starts on day ___ and goes until day ____ of the menstrual cycle.

1, 5

proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle

ovarian follicles mature and prime for ovulation, estrogen levels rise, endometrial blood supply increases, LH levels rise, ovulation is at the end of the cycle

secretory phase of the menstrual cycle

higher progesterone levels from the corpus luteum, endometrium is already primed by estrogen and there is an increase in blood supply, endometrial glands grow and release nutrients, embryo releases a LH like hormone

menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle

superficial, functional layer of thick, endometrial is detaching which causes bleeding, the blood goes to the vagina which is known as the menstrual flow


growth hormone


maturation hormone

Estrogens are responsible for what roles in the menstrual cycle?

development and maintenance of female reproductive structures, control of fluid and electrolyte balance, increase in protein anabolism

Progesterone is responsible for what roles in the menstrual cycle?

prepares endometrium for implantation of a fertilized ovum and mammary glands for milk secretion


follicle stimulating hormone


luteinizing hormone

follicle stimulating hormone

stimulates development of ovarian follicles and the secretion of estrogens by follicles

luteinizing hormone

stimulates further development of the ovarian follicles, brings about ovulation, stimulates production of estrogens, progesterone, relaxin via ovarian cells

What external factors can interfere with the normal cycling of a woman's hormones?

stress, dietary changes, environment changes, weather

hypothalamus/pituitary/gonad complex

These glands work together so often many find it helpful to describe them as one entity.


consists of two successive divisions of the nucleus


more common, consists of one division of the nucleus

Secondary sex characteristics that occur during puberty for females.

budding breasts, first menstrual period, axillary and pubic hair, widening and lengthening of pelvis, more fat deposits in the skin in the hip and breast regions

Secondary sex characteristics that occur during puberty for males.

deepening of voice because larynx grows, more hair all over the body esp. axillary and face, more skeletal muscles produce heavier muscle mass, greater heaviness of skeleton because of bone growth and density