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92 Cards in this Set

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What is the rough weight of the heart?

< 1 lb.

What is the rough size of the heart?

a person's fist

Where is the rough location of the heart?

medial cavity of thorax

What are the layers of the serous membrane that covers the heart?

parietal, visceral (epicardium)

What are the three layers of the heart wall?

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium


outer, visceral pericardium


"skeleton of heart"

thick bundles of cardiac muscle twisted into ring like arrangements, actually contracts


thing, glistening sheet of endothelium, lines heart chambers, continuous with linings of blood vessels leaving and entering the heart

heart murmur

abnormal or unusual heart sounds

What is the function of the coronary arteries?

fill when the heart is relaxed, when compressed the ventricles are contracting, branch from base of aorta, encircles the heart

What causes angina pectoris?

myocardium deprived of oxygen

angina pectoris

crushing chest pain


rapid, uncoordinated shuddering of heart muscle

phases of the cardiac cycle

systole, diastole






closing of AV valves, longer, louder


semilunar valves close at end of systole, short and sharp


cardiac output


stroke volume

cardiac output

amount of blood pumped out by each side of heart in one minute

stroke volume

volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat


pressure wave created by the alternating expansion and recoil of an artery that occurs with each beat of left ventricle


where blood is pumped, carries blood from heart


smallest arteries

Blood travels from the _____ to the _____ to the _____ ______ to the ______ and finally to the _____.

arteries, arterioles, capillary beds, venules, vein

capillary beds

intertwine among body cells, provides access to "homes", through their walls exchanges between tissue cell and blood can occur


empty into veins, smallest veins


drain tissues and return blood to heart

_____ and _____ have three tunics versus capillaries which only have one - the tunica intima.

arteries and veins


tunica intima, tunica media, tunica extena

What is the largest artery in the human body?


Where is the aorta located?

left ventricle of the heart

What is the largest vein in the human body?

vena cava

Where is the vena cava located?

right atrium of the heart

What is the purpose of the hepatic portal circulation?

drains digestive tract organs and carriers blood through liver before it enters systemic circulation

The hepatic portal circulation causes unusual function for a vein because the veins feed the ______ instead of the capillary beds.


vital signs

good indication of a person's circulatory system

blood pressure, arterial pulse, respiratory rate, body temperature

vital signs

What are the most common sites for palpating pulses?

radial, caratoid artery

Blood pressure has two measurements, the high number being the _____ pressure and the lower being the _____ pressure.

systolic, diastolic


pressure in arteries at peak of ventricular contraction

measured when first sound is heard


pressure when ventricles are relaxing

measured when last sound is heard

The normal range for BP in an adult is 120/__.


When measuring BP the cuff goes just above the _____.


Causes of Hypertension

diet, obesity, heredity, race, stress, drugs, kidney problems, obstructive sleep apnea

interstitial fluid

(tissue fluid)

solution that surrounds and bathes cells

varicose veins

overworked valves give way, veins become twisted and dilated


serious complication of varicose veins, inflammation of a vein that results when a clot forms in a vessel with poor circulation

pulmonary embolism

common consequence of thrombophlebitis


decreased elasticity of arteries

direct diffusion through membrane

straight through if lipid soluble

diffusion through intercellular clefts

most capillaries limited passage of fluid and small soluble

diffusion through pores

fenestrated capillaries is FREE passage for small solutes and fluids, absorption is priority

transport via vesicles

some lipid-insoluble substances may enter or leave

Routes across plasma membranes of single layer of endothelial cells forming capillary wall include: 1. ______ ______ through membrane

2. Diffusion through _________ clefts

3. Diffusion through _____.

4. Transport via _______.

direct diffusion, intercellular, pores, vesicles

A woman's blood volume ______ during pregnancy.


reasons why a woman's blood volume increases

The body is doing more work, the body requires more oxygen, the body needs more nutrients, the body needs to get rid of more waste.

During pregnancy WBCs _____ by about _____/mm3.

increase, 5000-12000

During pregnancy plasma proteins ______ by ____%.

decrease, 10-14

During pregnancy clotting factors go into a _________ _____.

hypocoaguable state

During pregnancy cardiac output _____ because there's an _____ in venous return and an increase in _____ ventricular output.

increases, increase, right

During pregnancy the heart rate _____.


During pregnancy blood pressure usually _____ because intravenous volume is balanced by decreased ___.

decreases, SVR


systemic vascular resistance

During pregnancy vascular resistance _____ by 20-30% which paraslels the decrease in __ because ______ of collagen fibers and hypertrophy of ______ ______.

decreases, BP, softening, smooth muscle

During pregnancy oxygen consumption progressively ______ by 20-30% because of the _______ needs of mother and fetus.

increases, metabolic

During pregnancy the cardiac silhouette (chamber size) _____.


During pregnancy the cardiac ventrical wall _____ by 10-15%


During pregnancy there is an _______ in arrhythmias because of the effects of hormones, rise of vitamin __, _____ disease, an increase in _______ nervous system activity.

increase, K, cardiac, sympathetic


fetal hemoglobin

HbF has a _____ affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin.


HbF is _____ resistant to acid elution than adult hemoglobin.


____ of the infant's blood volume can be restricted if the cord is clamped "early".


What is the normal range for hemoglobin in newborn cord blood?

60-80% HbF

An infant's ability to clot is _______-__ dependent.


An infant is at a _______ risk of hemorrhage.


What is the normal range for FHR?



fetal heart rate

During asphyxia, adaptive mechanisms fail and arterial oxygenation will fall ______below critical levels.


The brain becomes ischemic when there is _______ depression and a loss of autoregulation in _______ blood flow.

myocardial , cerebral

The fetal umbilical cord contains ___ vein(s) and ___ artery(s).

1, 2


carries nutrients and oxygen to the fetus


carry waste from the fetus

The placenta takes the place of which adult systems?

lungs, digestive

Mother's Blood carries _______ and ______ to the fetal blood via the _______ _____ and the _________.

oxygen, nutrients, umbilical cord, placenta

The umbilical cord removes ____ and ______ _____ blood.

CO2, debris laden/waste

ductus venosus

closes during the first week of life in most cases

ligamentum venosum

what is left after the ductus venosus closes postpartum

foramen ovale

visible in the right atrium, shortly closes during the postpartum period

fossa ovalis

what is left after the foramen ovale closes shortly postpartum

ligamentum arteriosum

what happens when the ductus arteriosus collapses shortly postpartum