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48 Cards in this Set

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make friends

When I came to Nowshahr and I coudnt make friends.

When you go to university you will a lot of new friends

با with می آید

casual acquaintances

casual acquaintances= people who you know on a basic level, but with whom you don’t have a significant relationship

آشنایی کم

good friends or close friends

My good friend is Atefeh

love at first sight

Do you believe in love at first sight?

fall in love

When I saw Amir I fall in love with him🥰

strong chemistry

strong chemistry this expression describes strong compatibility or connection between two possible romantic partners

کشش قوی

compatibility= تفاهم

significant other

significant other(their boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife) is their soul mate

soul mate نیمه گمشده

have feelings for another person

It’s possible for one person to have feelings for another person this expression is an indirect way to describe romantic feelings

the feeling is not mutual

but if the other person doesn’t feel the same way, then the feeling is notmutual

he’s/she’s just not my type

he’s/she’s just not my type meaning that they are interested in people of a different type of personality/appearance.

= lm not attracted to you

unrequited love

Ah, there’s nothing sadder than unrequited love!

childhood sweetheart

high school/ college sweetheart

Some people marry their childhood sweetheart or high school/college sweetheart this expression refers to a boyfriend or girlfriend from your childhood, teenage, or college years

mutual friend

make a commitment

happily married

make a commitment the man proposes to the woman – he asks her to marry him. If the marriage is good, then we say the couple is happily married.

Propose پیشنهاد دادن

an affair

Sometimes a husband or wife has an affair

they have sex with a different person

cheating on their husband/ wife

We can also say that they are cheating on their husband/wife

have an affair

cheating on

The expression have an affair is typically used only for married couples, and the expression cheating on can be used for married couples or for boyfriends/girlfriends.

Strick up a friendship

ایجاد دوستی

Start a friendship

Sara struk up a friendship with a boy he met on holiday

Form/develop a friendship

🚫Not make a friendship

Aundry formed a lasting friendship with the boy she sat net to at primary school.

Cement / spoil a friendship

Cement= strengthen

Spoil= have a bad effect on

Spending several weeks on holiday together has cement their friendship.

A friendship grows

Grow = get stronger

We were at college together, but our friendship grew after we would let college.

Close/special friends

Mutual friends

I'm glad our children are such close friends

Keep in contact / touch

❌ lose contact / touch

We must keep in contact when the course ends.

Feel madly in love with

I Feel madly in love with Amir from the moment I met him.

دیوانه وار عاشق شدن

the love of my life

I knew at oncehe was the love of my life

Once he

یک بار

desperately in love with me

After a few days, he told me that he was desperately in love with me

ناامیدانه عاشق شدن

Make a commitment

A couple of weeks later, we realised that we want to make a commitment to each other

Accpected his proposal

I accepted his peopposal

Live each other unconventionaly

We Live each other unconventionaly

غیر متعارف با هم زندگی کردن

Go out with

= have a romantic relationship with someone

I started to go out with Amir after I came to Tehran

Get to know

= Learn about and become friends with someone

It is easy for us to get to know each other.

Split up

= stop having a romantic relationship

I know married couples who have split up and are now divorced

Get on(well) with someone

= have a good relationship with someone

I get on very well with Atefeh

On my own

= alone or without other people

I met Atefeh at university. I was on my own

Be complete opposites

= be very different

Amir and I are complete opposites


= friendly and liking to talk to people

She is very sociable


= liking sport and good at it

My brother is very sporty


An organized person plans things well.

I'm very organized


= A tidy person likes everything to be in the right place.

❌ untidy


= A lazy person doesn't like working

❌ hardworking


= Happy to meet and talk to other people

× unfriendly

The students in my class are all really friendly: it's great


= Warm, friendly and always wanting to help other people

He visited me a lot in hospital, which was really kind


= kind and friendly

= pleasant

× horrible

I met Atefeh on holiday and she's a really nice girl.


= someone or something that makes you happy

I love Amir: he is great fun


= making you laugh

Amir makes me laugh . He is just a really funny man


= calm

My parents are really relaxed: they don't get angry if I'm late.


= able to learn and understand very quickly

= intelligent

× stupid

Tom is very clever


= someone who is quite doesn't say very much

She's quite, but she can be funny


Someone who is serious thinks a lot and doesn't laugh very much

I like our teacher but she's very serious