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18 Cards in this Set

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1. Public health measures that contribute most to people being healthier today then they were a century ago are
1. A Sanitation, better nurition, and occupational safety
2. The cor functions of public health are?
3.Which of the following statements best expresses the market justice view?
2. C. Assessment, policy development, and assurance.
3. A every adult individual is respinsible for his or her own lot in life.
4. the supreme Court decision in the case of jacobson vs. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set a precedent allowing a state to restrict an indivduals freedom for the common good. What specific issue did the case apply to?
4. Small pox vaccination
5. John Snow is called the father of modern epidemiology because
5. He was the first to use epidemiololy be recognizing a natural experiment was occurring.
6. Which of the following is not required by law to report to the country or state health department when they encounter a notifiable disease
6. A Patient
7. The main purpose of epidemiologic surveilance is?
9. Which of the following questions is not nessarily part of an epidemiologic investigation?
10. When epidemiologist are called on to investigate an outbreak of an infectious disease, what is the first thing they must do?
7. D to recognize when an outbreak is occurring so that control measures may be instituted.
9. D Was this a bioterrorist attack
10. C Agree on a case definition
11. International comparisons of cancer mortality suggest that which of the following factors accounts for difference among countries in colon and retum cancer
11. A Diet
12. Which of the following has been proven effective as a treatment for the disease indicated?
13. The Law of Small Probabilities states that:
14.Which of the following is true of cost-benefit analysis
12. C Penicillin for syphillis
13. the probable is not always what happens.
14. A It has found that immunization of children is worth the cost.
*** 8. Which of the following statement is not true of hepatitis A?
15. Hepatitis C can lead to cirrhosis of the liver or to liver cancer?
16. Some people who have hepatitis C have no symptoms?
17. Pertussis is a very contagious disease only found in humans and is spread from person to person
***8. B It is usually fatal
15. A True
16. A True
17. A True
19. Data is collected on all of the following events as part of vital statistics Except/
20. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the data collected by governments?
21. which of the following populationhealth surveys does NOT rely on people to report their own health:
19. D Hospitalization
20. C Collecting data is more expensive than it is worth.
21. C. national health and nutrition Examination Survey
22. Which of the following is not part of the chain of infection?
23. Which of the following statements about infectious diseases is true
24. the Chinese herbal formula- Xiao Chai Hu Tang is contraindicated with interferon
25. Which of the following diseases in transmitted by a vector?
26. which of the following is a method of tinerrupting the chain of infection?
22. B Immunization
23. C Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens
24. A True
25. A Malaria
26. D all the above.
27. Which of the following statements about vaccination is true
28. Which of the following practices does not contribute to widespread antibiotics resistace?
29. HIV can not be transmitted by which of the following routes
30. Which of the following cancers can be prevented by immunizastion?
31. Drugs called Statins are used as a prevention of which of the following diseases:
27. D Polio Vaccination can occasionally cause polio
28. A Patients taking a full course of antibiotics
29. D Donating Blood
30. B. Cervical cancer
31. B Cardiovascular diseases
32. Diet has not been implicated as a cause of whcich of the following deseases
33. Which of the following statements about genetic diseases is true
34. the risk of which of the following infectious diseases is most significantly affected by behavioral factors
32. B Cancer
33. A Most conditions tested for in newborn screening problems are autosomal recessive
34. B Aids
35. which of the following statements is true of education as a way of changing peoples behavior:
36. Socioeconomics status is determined by all of the following except?
37. Which of the following factors is associated with self efficacy:
38. Primary prevention refers to?
39. Public Health interventions are?
40. Epidemiology is part of what function of public health
35. C The food and Drug aDministrations practice of requiring labels stating the fat content of prepared foods has not reduced the prevalence of obesity in the United States.
36. C race
37. C A sense of control over one's behavior
38. D Prevention of exposure to risk factors
39. B measures that interrupt the chain of causation that leads to an illness or injury
40. A Assessment
41. Which of the following statement is true?
42. Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions is an important part of the public health approach to health problems in the community
43. Restriction indibidual freedoms for public health purposes is unconstitutional
44. Which of the following justifications for limiting peoples freedom is likely to be the most controversial?
41. B Peoples behavior is strongly influenced by their social enviroment
42. A True
43. B False
44. C to prevent someone form harming himself
45. Which of the folllowing statement is NOT True of HIV?
46. Scientists believe that all of the following are responsible for the emergence of infection Except?
47. Which of the following practices is NOT effective in preventinge HIV transmission:
45. C HIV infection typically causes AIDS within a year
46. D Immunization campaings
47.A imminization
48. Which of the following bacteria has a reservoir in water towers used for air conditioning?
49. Which of the following bacteria has a reservoir in the intestines of cattle
48. B Legionnaires disease
49. D. E coli 0157:H7
**** 50. Hepatitis D is a viral infection that damages the liver, but it can propagate only when hepatitis B virus is also present
50. A True