A main reason why the knowledge of traditional public health disciplines such as epidemiology, biostatistics, or toxicology, is insufficient to plan, develop, and implement information systems in public health practice, is due to these disciplines coming at a time before health informatics were at the forefront of health topics. Thus, these disciplines viewed as outdated by health officials, as they came before these innovations.
Another reason would be because they are two different variables, which do not make logical sense when discussed on the compatibility of the older disciplines and health informatics, although this can be widely debated. Thus, there is a challenge to merge these two components together. Which brings us to the next question…?
Are the two compatible? As mentioned above, there is a challenge to merge the two together. The answer, according to health officials, is that it is indeed possible to merge the two components together, but first there needs to be clear specifics on the relevancy and …show more content…
To define the three main components of public health: 1) Assessment – “surveillance of disease and injury” to include monitoring trends, analyzing etiology, and identifying needs within public health; 2) Policy Development – Promotes community involvement, using a scientific basis for decision-making, adopting a strategic approach, and the development of comprehensive public health policies; 3) Assurance – The fulfillment and assurance of proper health care for all U.S. citizens (Pavlica, H.,