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72 Cards in this Set

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Gordon Allport timeline

born in late 1800's died in 1967

Allport childhood

Born in Indiana, son of doctor, youngest of 4 boys, parents were strong christians. Grew up with idea of right and wrong. Lonely, because he was so brilliant. taught english in turkey. PHD at 24.

Allports personality definition

personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment

personality traits

are distinguishable relatively enduring ways one person differs from another. They determine or cause behaviour. emperically validated. explain behaviour

5 categories of traits

personal disposition

cardinal disposition

central disposition

secondary disposition

common traits

individual or personal disposition

traits unique to a person, they define personality.

cardinal trait or disposition

dominant, master, ruling triat, makes possessor famous. eg. lesbian

central disposition

small number, tend to be highly characteristic of an individual. Usually 7

secondary disposition

weaker traits that operate in limited settings. eg. music taste, food preference,

common traits

shared by a group of people

Allports development of self (6)


self identity

self esteem

self extension

self image

self as rational coper

Allport Proprium

what is peculiarily ours, or appropriate to you

Pro: forward movement

Allport proprium function

develops throughout life

sense of bodily self (infancy)

discover body sensation (anchor)

emphasis on certain body parts

important for self-awareness

dont notice when were healthy, when we are ill, we are much more aware of our bodies.

Allport self-identity

18 months

awareness of sameness and continuity

what distinguishes me (name and occupation)

commitment to identiy (who am i)

Allport self esteem


self discover, exploration

develop mastery

test limits, assertiveness and autonomy

"No" is biggest assertive word.

self extension


ego centric (world revolves around me)

concrete literal thinking

possesive and selfish




learned expectation of roles

goals for the future

consciense, value, avoid dissaproval

self as rational coper

engage in reflective though

solve problems

gain competence

be rational

Erich Fromm Bio

Born in Frankfurt

born to jewish parents

studies OT, good student

aroused by compassion and human redemption

Erich Fromm 2 childhood happenings

family friends with a hot girl. her father died and she killed herself.

1st world war shaped him christian german people take extreme view to nationalism.

Existential orientation "human condition"

discover meaning in existence. we matter, but why?

above animals because we can reason and are self aware.

self awareness makes us aware we die.

either be healthy, or destructive.

Humans are social beings

humana re no longer one with nature, isolated.

we overcome alonness by love. love is an art. love takes practice. love is active giving.

Fromm's 4 elements of love





Fromm's care element of love

active concern for live and growth of lover

Fromms responsibility element of love

voluntary response to the needs of others

Fromm's respect element of love

ability to accept who the other person is and let them unfold as who they are

Fromm's knowledge element of love

know deeper feeling of one other. secrets n stuff

Fromm's 5 basic needs

Need for relatedness

Need for transendence

Need for rootedness

Need for identity

need for frame of reference and devotion

Fromm's need for relatedness

constructive union, need for mature love

2 types of Destructive union

passive/submission: you are everything and i am nothing.

acitive/domination: i am everything and you are nothing.

Fromm's need for transendence

need to be creators, requires love for self and others.

Fromm's need for rootedness

we need belonging

most fundamental relationship is moms

desire for brotherhood or universal peace.

Fromm's need for identity

need for self-awareness

sense of uniqueness and values

man defined as animal who says I

without it we are part of a herd.

Fromm's need for frame of reference and devotion

need for a worldview.

provides adaptation and adjustment

object of devition: god, truth, justice.

Fromm's 6th need

need for excitement.

Doesnt really count

Fromm's receptive orientation

source of good lies outside of ones self.

dependent upon others

passive, cheerful, friendly.

having mode

Fromm’s 6 Character/personality orientations

Receptive orientation

exploitive orientation

hoarding orientation

marketing orientation

productive orientation

necrophilious orientation

Fromm's exploitive orientation

source of good lies outside of self.

have to take it.

active, cunning, manipulative

Relates to Horneys aggressive type,and freuds anal exploitive.

having mode

Fromm's hoarding orientation

having little faith in the goodness of the outside world

orderly, neat, schedule

Horneys detached type, Freud's anal compulsive.

having mode

Fromm's Marketing orientation

treat yourself and others as commodities.

no inherint value, supply and demand

turn into chameleons. in fashion personality.

treat self and others like objects.

having mode

Fromm's Productive orientation

being mode

Productive reason:penetrate the surface of ideas, thoughts, actions, to understand their existence.

Productive love:break through walls that seperate people and the world .

productive work: imagine, create

necrophilous orientation

preoccupation with death.

attraction to all that is dead

seek distruction

freedom leads to..

freedom, choices, indecision, anxiety, scared of commitment, isolation.

Disposition theories

oldest, most persistent approach to personality. categorize people according to differences, descriptions.


classified people according to body fluids.

Hipocrates lots of blood

sturdy, outgoing, cheerful, sanguine.

Hippocrates lots of phlegm

slow, calm, easygoing

Hippocrates lots of black bile

melancholic, moody, impractical, ideal

Hippocrates yellow bile

choleric, volatile, determined, confident




body: thin, long-limbed, narrow chest.

personlaity: aloof, withdrawn, shy, sensitive


body: shorter, rounder, barrel chest

personality: moody, jovial, or depressive

Athletic body type

Body: athletic, muscular

personality: energetic, confident

2 main morphology illnesses

schizophrenia: athenic

manic, depression :pyknic

Kretchmans definition of traits

continuous dimensions individuals could possess to varying degrees. either bigger or smaller


used correlation to relate body shape to personality.


softer rounder

social, emotional, comfort


rectangular, muscle,

assertive, active, confident


linear, fragile, nervous.

inhibited, shy, cerebral

Raymond Cattell


Raymon Cattell personality:

a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation

Raymond Cattell traits:

hypothetical structures of personality, permit conclusions about people. personality dimensions.

Cattell's surface traits

description of way of being. no single source. eg. neuroticism> anxiety, indecision.

Cattell's source traits.

factors that are stable and actually explain behaviour. fewer of them, enable predictions

1. energy: more constituational

2. sentiments: environmental traits learned from external.


comprised of rating the person by an observer


self-reported data gathered form interview and questions. (subjective) presentation of self can be biased.


objective and projective tests that are standardized. more obective like a test.

Horney beliefs

thought there was womb envy.

sexist dad

became very smart

society was main influence on personality

Horneys anxiety definition:

source of human turmoil

Horneys anxiety erotic needs 9 things

affection and approval

partner to meet your needs


exploit others


personal admiration



Horneys three character types

compliant:love, approval, dependency. needs people and affection

Detached:moves away from people, independent isolated

aggressive:moves against people, power, control, competitive.

2 north american problems

competition: exploit others weaknesses

perfectionism: why we procrastinate, and are indescisive.