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151 Cards in this Set

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True or false

Regardless of whether there are major differences between generations, problems can arise especially when perpetrating positive stereotypes of generations.



True or false

During group employee performance review meetings, respectfully ask each employee what could make the workplace even more supportive for them.



Communicate to people according to their?

Preferred communication styles

As much as practical, customize their work according to their?


Recognize your own?


We all have them and they can greatly affect what we see, and don't see in the workplace.


True or false

One of the most powerful ways for people to overcome differences is arrange ways for people from different generations to meet each other


It can be offensive to many

Generational stereotypes

Style that is participative and consensus oriented

Leadership style

Enables students to create their own apps in the comfort of their classrooms

MIT App Inventor

Education-related games that enhance skills in English language arts and other subjects have exploded in popularity, which provide practical, true to be life experiences.


Get the Math

Result of the recent explosion in education-related apps. Students become comfortable utilizing online games to learn

App Innovation and Gamification

True or false

Creating a digital literacy curriculum can be based on students' developmental stages, and educators should be cognizant of both the risk (such as distractions) and myriad learning opportunities.


It published a plethora of resources about understanding digital literacy and digital citizenship, including YouTube videos, teacher's guides and lesson plans.


It may encompass simple students tasks, such as creating classroom presentations, or more intricate, collaborative work, such as video clip creations or posting online "mind-maps" using digital tools

Digital literacy

True or false

Librarians' job descriptions and key responsibilities have drastically changed


It remain informed about new technologies and research methods, and students integrate digital formats into their work.

Library Media Specialist

It will continue to grow in importance as technology is integrated into 21st century curriculum

Library Media Specialist

They not only must establish technology policies and become responsible for budget oversight, but they must also plan the physical and virtual library space

Library Media Specialist

They evaluate and produce information through the active use of a broad range tools, resources and information technologies

Library Media Specialist


Professional Development

Provide educators opportunities to complete interactive learning components to remain abreast of the latest development in education

Self-directed Professional Development

New applications are making it easier for classroom teachers to be both innovative and interactive

Collaborative learning

New application worth highlighting


Educators may conceive of fun quizzes and learning activities to enhance student engagement

Collaborative learning

Enables educators more flexibility in managing students' learning and documenting progress from any device

Collaborative learning

Another way for both educators and students alike to asses, jointly present, or partake in interactive activities.

Educreations Interactive Whiteboard by Edmodo

True or false

Powerful learning experience are often immersive


Bringing the power of place to classrooms

Virtual Reality (VR)

Enables students to explore the world with an inexpensive viewer

Google Expeditions

Becoming widely used in job training where simulation is beneficial as well


Has made it easier to extend project-based learning from the classroom to the community

Mobile technology

Will soon allow learners to immerse themselves not only in local environments, but in the associated data sets

Augmentad reality (AR)

Students can experience such findings in a more personal and memorable way

Augmentative reality ( AR)

A growing number of k-12 schools are leveraging the power of place to explore the ecological, cultural and economic aspects of a community

Immersive learning

Increasing focus on work based learning is an example of?

Immersive learning

The ability to manage yourself and your relationships

Success skills

They consider popular culture to be cool

Young people today

Students may find themselves regularly working autonomously in addition to collaboration with remote colleagues

Success skills

Relationship associated with young people's everyday interests of music, art, media, internet, tv, radio, and fashion- it offers creativity, challenges, participation and engagement

Popular culture

Has a major impact and influence on the development and learning experiences of young people

Popular culture

Worlds second-largest archipelago which consists more than 7,000 islands


National language of Philippines


True or false

The Philippine education system is based on the Spanish system where English is medium of instruction



Foundation of education


Provides perspective, methodology, principles, assessment, and framework, and evaluation


Teaching strategy


It is not only about old things but also about new objects, practices, places which hold cultural values for recent generations.

Cultural heritage

Is honored with incredible cultural heritage.

Batangas city in the Philippines

Used to teach linear motion

Karerang Bangka

Moderately applicable to teaching physics

Batangueño cultures

It is the primary key to any culture


When was Tagalog officially declared as the national language of the Philippines?

July 4, 1946

Is a morphological complex, and is an Austronesian language


Next important key on accessing a culture.

The written language

Link which allowed understanding Egypt's hieroglyphs

Rosetta stone

Population of literacy of the Philippines


Security mark in the new Philippine banknotes. Ancient alphabet


First book printed in the Philippines

Doctrina Christiana

When and where was Doctrina Christiana been published?

1593 in Manila

Who wrote and printed librong pagaaralan ng mga Tagalog ng Wikang Kastila?

Tomas Pinpin

First news publication made in Philippines

Successos Felices

The depressing fact in Philippine history is what seems to be our native aversion

A heritage of smallness

Old Asian influenced music refered to as the?


Various kinds of instruments are made of bronze, bamboo or wood

Indigenous music

It include epics relating genealogies and exploits of heroes and gods

Vocal genres



Skill-based interpretation




It is performed anytime and anywhere


True or false

Dancing keeps us near from negative things


Who locally filmed Panorama de Manila and is first movie producer in the Philippines?

Antonio Ramos

Was judged as the best director of Cannes Film Festival for his film kinatay

Brillante Mendoza

Serve effectively as a medium of social awareness and entertainment


A liberal and artful way of expressing opinions and talents


On stage performance that re-enacts the passion of Christ


Expresses the conflict between Christians and Muslims in the country


Usually a drama play, that is shown after the harvest season


Famous theater performance, a local version of Spanish operetta


True or false

The first paintings were commissioned works during the American colonial era



True or false

Until the 19th century, art was only for the church and religious use


They were commissioned in 1786 by a Spanish botanist. Painters that did the first still life paintings in the country?

Jose Loden

Tomas Nazario

Miguel de los Reyes

Are kept in the house or granary, and usually made in pairs

Bulols or ifugao rice gods

The carvings brought to the Philippines by early Arab and Russian missionaries were beveled type as slanting type called?


Father of modern Philippine sculpture

Napoleon V. Abueva

You can see anytime and anywhere in the Philippines


True or false

Humanism has become entrenched philosophy of Filipino culture


Biological aspects of individual as determined by their anatomy. Something assigned at birth


Social construction relating to behaviors and attributes based on labels of masculinity and feminity


Personal, internal perception of oneself

Gender identity

Social norms defining acceptable and appropriate actions for women and men in a given group or society

Gender norms

True or false

Gender norms play a role in shaping women and men's access resources and freedoms


True or false

Gender norms within culture shift over time


When people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities

Gender equality

True or false

The least issue about gender and sexuality that change Filipino culture was the LGBT community


The most and common


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning

A woman who's enduring physical, romantic, and or emotional attractions is to other women


People whose enduring physical, romantic and or emotional attractions are to people of the same sex


A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic and or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or to those of another gender


An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with sex they were assigned at birth


An adjective used by some people, particularly younger people, whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual


This is term describe someone who's questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity


Grew out of societies which considered sex typing to be an optimal as well as necessary practice

Gender schemas

Associative mental networks that link certain behaviors to either gender

Gender schemas

Term that describes shared culture-the practices, values, and beliefs of a group


Is difficult to describe and its meaning has changed over time


True or false

People within any given ethnic group typically have a wide range of personal appearance


True or false

Race matters because of the system of racism that create advantage


Administrative construct that has no place in daily life


Culturally diverse country


Recognize the right of IPs to manage their ancestral domains

Republic act 8371 or indigenous peoples right act

Is a powerful tool in an increasingly fragmented society

Popular culture

It's what often times is the key manner in which to link people, especially when it comes to certain Millennial sub-demos

Popular culture

Different thoughts possesses by different generational members, can be used to distinguish the view of both actions and beliefs. Was first used in 1960s

Generation gap

Millennials which are born between 1982-2002

Technology natives

Older generational members that tend to be less comfortable with personal usage of technology

Digital immigrants

Great depression survivors


They witnessed increasing social and economic equality and came of age

Baby boomers

Born between 1965 and 1980

Generation X

Born between 1980 and 1994.


Means that between the ages 18 and 25

Emerging adulthood

Value workplaces that are conservative, hierarchical and have clear chain of command


Value workplaces that have flat hierarchies, democratic cultures, humane values, equal opportunities and warm and friendly environment

Baby boomers

Values workplaces that are positive, fun, efficient

Gen X

Values workplaces that are collaborative


Is motivated by security, may be more competitive

Gen Z

Basis of culture, an object, word, or action that stands for something else


Famously public transportation


Popular, although unusual delicacy, serve everywhere from street stalls


Sweet Filipino dessert which consist of fresh soft tofu


Popular Filipino street food


Made with boiled chicken or duck eggs


Award winning beaches


Resemble giant steps reaching up to the sky

Banaue rice terraces

Unusual geological formation that consists of at least 1,268 individuals mounds

Chocolate hills

Nature lover's paradise

Puerto Princesa

It is a land known for its rich culture and traditions


When a suitor does chores


How much does it cost to paint jeepney in metro manila in 2011?


93 years old traditional tattoo artist

Apo Whang Od

Other term for pan de sal

Poor man's bread

Other term for pan de sal

Poor man's bread

They spread Buddhism


Minor influence. They have been emigrating and trading with the Filipinos


Who brought Hinduism


Its citizens constructed Suez canal


Their contribution to Philippine culture included better industrial technology and better literature


Invaded the Philippines during rebellion against Spain

United States

Popular way of dressing


System of words or signs that p ople use to express thoughts or feelings


The huge viewer demand has prompted Philippine television stations to import Korean drama
