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34 Cards in this Set

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Renal Capsule

outer layer of kidney that holds it in place


outer region of kidney


outer and inner medulla

contains regions of the nephron

separated into lobes called pyramids (just anatomical features, also called lobes)


pit where blood vessels come in and out

located in central kidney

What are the next two major parts where urine passes?

minor and major calyxes, into renal pelvis to ureter

Nephron - glomerulus

the end of an afferent arteriole and gives lead to an efferent arteriole

glom. capillaries filter about 20% of total plasma entering nephron, then exits to go to either peritubular capillaries or vasa recta

loop of henle

includes the proximal straight tubule

Renal corpusal

contains glomerulus and Bowman's capsule (which is the beginning of the nephron)

proximal tubule

connects bowman's to loop of henle?

Superficial Nephron

a nephron whose proximal convoluted tubule is in the outer part of the renal cortex and whose loop of Henle goes only a short way into the renal medulla.

Mid-cortical Nephron

largeamount of peritubular are used for reabsorp for solutes and water in kidney

Juxtamedullary Nephron

closeto medullary line (juxta = “close to”), have very long loop of henle (Which goes to inner medulla), loopis wrapped with vasa recta capbed, main job is to concentrate urine

Distal Tubule

Cortical Collecting Duct

Medullary Collecting Duct

filters about 20% of total plasma entering nephron, then exits

Peritubular capillaries

blood supply to tubular cells

Vasa Recta

blood supply to loops of juxtamedullary nephrons

afferent arteriole

also called resistant vessels

efferent arteriole

becomes peritubular capillaries that surround proximal tubule

efferent arteriole downregulates P heading into P cap. to help with reabsorption/resistance

P and R drops as blood leaves glomerulus so flow decreases

Peritubular capillaries

absorption and can modify how much filtration we get from kidney

Renal Circulation

indirectly determines GFR

Modifyproximal tubule absorption

Functionsin the concentration of urine

O2and CO2exchange by the cells of the nephron Deliverssubstances to be secreted

Flow of Renal Artery Equation

Q = (Renal artery P - Renal vein P) / Renal Vasc Resistance

Kidney Functions (7)

1.Excretion of foreign substances, chemicals, metabolicwaste, drugs and metabolites●2.Regulation of water and electrolytes – balance●3.Arterial blood pressure regulation●4.Acid-Base Balance●5.Regulate erythrocyte production (erythropoietin): nedocrine●6.Vitamin D regulation●7.Gluconeogenesis: can happen in extreme hunger

Excretion is equal to what?

excretion = how much filtered - reabsorbed + secreted

E = F - R + S

How do filtered materials we don't need get filtered?

all gets excreted

epithelial cell secretes it into tubule

What is an example of a substance we completely reabsorb after filtration?



The volume of plasma form which a substance is completelyremoved per unit time to completely remove sub X

- excretion rate:plasma conc of a solute

What 3 aspects do we need to know for clearance equation?

1. Plasma conc. (Px)

2. urine conc. (Ux)

3. urine flow rate (V)

Clearance equation:

Cx= Ux*V/Px

tells you that if you had X amount of plasma, you would clear Y ml amount of plasma per solute Z

Clearance can be used to determine GFR

creatinine and inulin are always filtered and then excreted, no secretion or reabsorption, so filtration rate equals clearance rate

- C inulin (GFR) = Ux * V/P inulin

Filtered Inulin

*can also be used to another solute

P inulin X GFR

Excreted Inulin

*can also be used for another solute

U inulin X V

Clearance Ratio
