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15 Cards in this Set

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Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome with the object of preventing collision between: 1.

Aircraft flying within the designated area of responsibility of the tower, including the circuit;

Area of responsibility

Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome with the object of preventing collision between: 2.

Aircraft landing and taking off;

Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome with the object of preventing collision between: 3.

Aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area;

Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome with the object of preventing collision between: 4.

Aircraft, vehicles and personnel operating on the manoeuvring area;

Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome with the object of preventing collision between: 5.

Aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area.

What shall aerodrome controllers do in order to fulfil their responsibilities?

Aerodrome controllers shall issue clearances, instructions and information to aircraft under their control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

Define the "Vicinity of an aerodrome"?

The vicinity of an aerodrome is defined as an area around an aerodrome where aircraft carry out manoeuvres associated with entering, leaving or operating within a circuit.

Describe how you would use the phrases Grass, Seal and Runway?

• The phraseology “GRASS (number)” is used to describe the unpaved or partially paved parallel runway; and either

• The phraseology “SEAL (number)” is used to describe the paved runway if the aircraft in question is capable of landing on either parallel runway; or

• The phraseology “RUNWAY (number)” is used to describe the paved runway if the aircraft in question is not capable of landing on the unpaved parallel runway.

What is Local Traffic?

Local traffic is any aircraft vehicle or personnel on or near the manoeuvring area, or traffic operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome that may constitute a hazard to the aircraft concerned.

Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when: 1.

The aerodrome controller and pilot have the conflicting traffic in sight; and

In sight

Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when: 2.

The aerodrome controller can monitor the situation; and


Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when: 3.

The conditional aircraft is identified by type and position and any other information necessary to ensure correct identification; and


Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when: 4.

Only one aircraft is to be lined up; and

One only

Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when: 5.

The aircraft or vehicle causing the condition in the clearance shall be the first aircraft/vehicle to pass in front of the aircraft receiving the conditional clearance; and

  • the preceding departing aircraft has been cleared to take off, or
  • the conditional arriving aircraft is number one to land.

First to pass

What are the elements of a conditional clearance?

  • Callsign
  • the condition
  • the clearance
  • a brief reiteration of the condition.