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16 Cards in this Set

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When can a conditional line up clearance be used? Give an example of the phraseology?

Conditional clearances to line up on the active runway shall only be used when:

  • the aerodrome controller and pilot have the conflicting traffic in sight; and
  • the aerodrome controller can monitor the situation; and
  • the conditional aircraft is identified by type and position and any other information necessary to ensure correct identification; and
  • only one aircraft is to be lined up (no multiple line ups permitted); and
  • the aircraft or vehicle causing the condition in the clearance shall be the first aircraft/vehicle to pass in front of the aircraft receiving the conditional clearance; and
  • the preceding departing aircraft has been cleared to take-off; or
  • the conditional arriving aircraft is number one to land.

The clearance shall be given as follows:

  • Callsign
  • The condition
  • The clearance
  • A brief reiteration of the condition. "LINK 402, BEHIND THE B737 ON SHORT FINAL, LINE UP BEHIND" "MOUNT COOK 501, AFTER THE DEPARTING SAAB, LINE UP BEHIND’ Controllers shall ensure that the read back of the clearance clearly indicates that the conditions are understood.

Describe the method of control including the clearance issued to a departing aircraft that is about to be cleared for take off?

A take-off clearance shall be issued when the aircraft is ready for take-off and is at or approaching the departure runway, and the traffic situation permits. A take-off clearance shall contain such of the following elements as are necessary, and the runway designator, and shall be transmitted in the order shown:

  • Aircraft callsign
  • Any significant change in meteorological information already given to the aircraft
  • Runway surface conditions
  • Other temporary hazards such as the presence of birds
  • Special instructions, reporting instructions and/or other pertinent information
  • Direction of turn after take-off
  • Cautionary advice of wake turbulence
  • Any qualification applicable to the clearance
  • "(RUNWAY or GRASS or SEAL as appropriate) (number)"

Describe when a departing aircraft may be issued with a qualified takeoff clearance before a preceding landing or departing aircraft or vehicle has cleared the runway including the phraseologies?

A departing aircraft may be issued with a qualified clearance to take off prior to the appropriate runway separation being achieved, provided that:

  • it is during daylight hours; and
  • visibility is 5 km or greater; and
  • there is a reasonable assurance that the appropriate runway separation will exist at the time the departing aircraft commences take-off; and
  • the pilot is advised of the preceding departing or landing aircraft (or personnel/vehicle crossing/vacating the runway), and will be able to keep it in sight until runway separation is in place.

"(aircraft type or personnel/vehicle) VACATING (LEFT or RIGHT), (RUNWAY or GRASS or SEAL as appropriate) (number) CLEARED FOR TAKE-OFF"; or "(aircraft type) DEPARTING, (RUNWAY or GRASS or SEAL as appropriate) (number) CLEARED FOR TAKE-OFF".

Demonstrate the phraseology to be used to cancel a pilots take off clearance prior to commencing take off roll?

Should a take-off clearance need to be cancelled prior to an aircraft commencing its take-off roll, the following phraseology shall be used: "(callsign) HOLD POSITION, CANCEL TAKE-OFF I SAY AGAIN CANCEL TAKE-OFF (reason)".

Demonstrate the phraseology that is to be used when a pilot is instructed to abandon take off after a perilous situation develops?

Should a perilous situation develop after an aircraft has commenced its take-off run, the pilot may be instructed to abandon the take-off. This action shall only be taken in extreme circumstances when an aircraft is in imminent danger. The decision to abandon take-off remains with the pilot.

  • Use the following phraseology: "(callsign) STOP IMMEDIATELY, (repeat callsign) STOP IMMEDIATELY" followed immediately by the nature of the emergency.

Describe the method and joining instructions options an aerodrome controller shall issue on receipt of the initial call from an arriving aircraft?

On receipt of the initial call from an arriving aircraft, the aerodrome controller shall issue, as appropriate:

  • a clearance into the CTR, or
  • circuit joining instructions, or
  • instructions to delay the aircraft's entry into the CTR/circuit, and/or
  • instruct the aircraft when to call again, and/or
  • acknowledge the call where the aircraft is established on a straight-in instrument approach.

Describe the methods and instructions an aerodrome controller can use to join arriving aircraft, including circuit joining?

Circuit joining instructions shall contain such of the following elements as are necessary, and shall be transmitted in the order shown:

  • Aircraft callsign
  • "JOIN (direction of circuit and position to enter)", or
  • "CROSS OVERHEAD [level instructions], JOIN (direction of circuit and position to enter)", or
  • "MAKE STANDARD OVERHEAD JOIN [level instructions] LEFT (or RIGHT) TRAFFIC CIRCUIT""RUNWAY (number)" or "GRASS (number)"
  • "MAKE STANDARD OVERHEAD JOIN [level instructions] LEFT (or RIGHT) TRAFFIC CIRCUIT""RUNWAY (number)" or "GRASS (number)"
  • Level instructions, if the clearance/instruction authorises entry into controlled airspace, and level instructions have not already been given
  • (Meteorological information - see MET section)
  • Position reporting instructions
  • Traffic and aerodrome information.

Describe the methods and instructions an aerodrome controller can use to achieve sequencing of aircraft in the circuit?

The sequencing of aircraft in the circuit shall be achieved by issuing instructions to aircraft to:

  • Enter the circuit at a specified position and/or level
  • Follow a specified circuit or part circuit
  • Hold over a specified position
  • Orbit (right or left) from a particular position
  • Extend or shorten legs of the circuit
  • Follow any other specified manoeuvre, or combinations of the above, compatible with safety.

▪︎To facilitate effective sequencing, take-offs of aircraft on local circuits and landings should, if necessary, be regulated to avoid congestion and the need for delaying manoeuvres in the air. ▪︎Sequencing instructions shall ensure that aircraft are not head-on on opposing base legs and there is no confliction from aircraft approaching each other as they turn onto final. E.g. “TURN ONTO FINAL BEHIND (aircraft) (aircraft’s position)”

Describe when a landing clearance shall be issued?

A landing clearance shall not be issued:

  • until an aircraft is established downwind, on base leg or on final approach;
  • to any aircraft, except as a qualified landing clearance, until it is number one in the landing sequence and the landing area is available for use.

List the elements of a landing clearance in the correct order?

A landing clearance shall contain such of the following elements as are necessary, and the runway designator, and shall be transmitted in the order shown:

  • Aircraft callsign
  • Any significant change in meteorological information already given to the aircraft
  • Runway surface conditions
  • Other temporary hazards such as the presence of birds
  • Any special information or instructions relating to turning off the runway after landing
  • Cautionary advice of wake turbulence
  • Any qualification applicable to the clearance
  • RUNWAY [or GRASS or SEAL as appropriate] (number)

When a pilot request for a touch and go landing cannot be approved what phraseology shall be used?

When a touch-and-go, or stop-and-go cannot be approved, the phraseology "MAKE FULL STOP" shall be used, followed by a landing clearance at the appropriate time.

Describe the action an aerodrome controller shall take when an aircraft has been cleared for a "Buzz and Break" at a civil airfield and calls "INITIALS"?

At civil controlled aerodromes an aircraft (or formation) may be cleared to join the circuit via an initials point for a "buzz and break". On receipt of the "INITIALS" call the aerodrome controller shall:

  • advise total number of aircraft in the circuit and any other relevant information; and
  • position in the landing sequence; and
  • the instruction to follow or position behind the relevant aircraft; and
  • traffic information on the relevant aircraft; and
  • if applicable, provide traffic information to other circuit traffic. If it is not possible to accommodate aircraft wishing to use this procedure, the aircraft or formation shall be issued with alternative joining instructions.

How shall helicopters be permitted to arrive/depart from controlled aerodromes?

Helicopters should conform with any established circuit pattern(s) and be sequenced with other aircraft, however, more direct departure and arrival tracks may be issued provided:

  • In accordance with RAC 4 Control Of Circuit Traffic, instructions to the helicopter ensure the helicopter will not conflict with aircraft in other traffic patterns, and
  • safety is not jeopardised Clearances issued to helicopters utilising more direct routing from/to a take-off/landing area, that will cross a runway, shall include an explicit clearance to cross.

A helicopter may be permitted to take-off or land at an aerodrome:

  • on the manoeuvring area, provided a take-off or landing clearance is issued.
  • outside the manoeuvring area, subject to any operating limitations imposed by the aerodrome operator. In this circumstance the phraseology to be used shall be: ". . . TAKE-OFF (or LAND) AT YOUR DISCRETION . . .".

What is the requirement for obtaining POB information?

Pilots of departing aircraft should advise POB to ATS prior to taxiing onto the manoeuvring area, and arriving aircraft when establishing RTF communication with aerodrome control or AFIS.

Whenever POB information is advised, it shall be recorded on flight progress strips in accordance with MATS RAC 9.

What do the following light signal mean for Personnel, Equipment and Vehicles?

What do the following light signals mean for aircraft?