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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the two systems a glass cockpit is made up of?



What is the CDS made up of?

5 MFDs and 1 VDU

What is the ACS made up of?




What do the MFDs do?

display info in different formats and the entering of commands using specific keys

What does the VDU do?

Distribute Digital Map Generator channels one and two among the five MFDs

What do the DKUs do?

display system data and process crew commands

What does the CMC do?

manages the core bus and aux bus

manages core system data exchanges between MFDs, DKUs and CMCs

What does the RFI do?

Displays active communication and radio statuses

can quickly set radios to emergency frequencies

What is special about MFD 1 and 2?

They are the master MFDs which means only they transmit data to the computers. All info from MFDs 3, 4 and 5 are routed through 1 and 2

Can you use both DKUs on both CMCs?

Yes. Because they are connected

What do the colour codes mean on the MFDs?

Blue- units

white- switched off status, pilot info, values and scales

Grey- analgue display, parameter chart bar, fuel tank quantity, connection and system positioning

Green- functioning system and flight controls

Red- warnings and limitations

Amber- cautions and limitations

Yellow- symbolic helicopter

Magenta- ILS info

Brown- ground info

Cyan- armed flight control system modes

What do the colour codes mean on the DKUs?

Steady green- active not selected

Green inverse video- active and selected

steady white- default units. cant be selected. scratchpad characters

Steady cyan- inactive or standby

Cyan inverse video- inactive or standby and selected

steady magenta- unavailable or invalid status

Yellow- non default units and symbols

what does the reconfig panel do?

Changes the sources displayed on the MFDs. In case of failure, MFDs cannot automatically reconfigure the displays. so the reconfig panel allows you to do it manually

What is the Reconfig panel connected to?