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10 Cards in this Set

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purpose of the TCS?

-mission system management: manages mission system resources and data exchanged between various subsystems

-Mission data transfer

What does the MTC do?

manage the mission data

What does the MDTD do?

transfers mission data to mission system or retrieves mission data from the mission system

What does DID

stores mission data to be uploaded or downloaded to or from the MTC

Where are the MTCs connected to?

the mission bus where they act as a bus controller and to the core bus where they act as a remote terminal

What are the features of the weather radar system?

weather/turbulence and ground/sea mapping plus a beacon function

What color is areas of high turbulence on WRS?


can turbulence be detected in clear air?


where is the R/T and weather radar located?

under the nose avionics bay

where is the weather radar switch?

right side of OCP