The Project is located approximately 32 miles northeast of McGrath and eight miles north of Medfra in west-central Alaska (Figure 1; see Appendix A for report figures). The Project is not connected with the Alaska road system; therefore site access is by charter plane flown out of Anchorage, Fairbanks, or McGrath. The Project includes a 4,200-foot long airstrip, which is the sole source of access to the site for all workers, equipment, and supplies. The Project consists of roughly 775 acres located …show more content…
Since the time of that submission and regulatory approval, the planned Project activities have been modified by the proponent. This document is intended to reflect both the currently authorized Project activities contained in the 2011 Plan of Operations, as well as proposed modifications. As such, MCRI is submitting this updated Mine Plan of Operations Permit Application (Plan) to the BLM and ADNR for the Project. This Plan is submitted in accordance with BLM Surface Management Regulations at 43 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3809, as amended, Alaska reclamation regulations at 11 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 96.150 and 11 AAC 97, as amended, and surface occupancy under 43 CFR 3715. The combined acres of existing and proposed disturbance on BLM administered land and State of Alaska land will exceed the regulatory threshold of five acres, thereby requiring the submittal of this Plan. The format for this Plan is consistent with the requirements of 43 CFR 3809.400 and 11 AAC …show more content…
Additional Larox filter press;
6. Addition of a carbon regeneration system;
7. Pipeline from the FTDS to the mill;
8. FTDS pad expansion;
9. FTDS pond water treatment system and discharge;
10. Airstrip extension; and
11. Development of a wind farm and associated distribution lines.
A Reclamation Cost Estimate (RCE) update for 2013 is included with this Plan (Appendix C). Standardized Reclamation Cost Estimator (SRCE) software, which is based on the software that was developed in accordance with the Nevada Standardized Unit Cost Project, was used to prepare the RCE
Section 401 of 43 CFR 3809 requires the following operating plans be included within the Plan:
• Monitoring Plan (Appendix D);
• Waste Rock Characterization Plan (Appendix E);
• Interim Management Plan (Appendix F);
• Quality Assurance Plan (Appendix G);
• Invasive Species Management Plan (Appendix H);
• Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (Appendix I); and
• Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (Appendix J).
The RCE and operating plans will require additional detailed engineering and analyses to adequately address the proposed components for the Project. The final operating plans will be submitted to the BLM and ADNR when they are