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60 Cards in this Set

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Often linked between behaviorism and cognitive theory.

Sign Learning Theory

Learning involves beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal directed. (True or False)


Learning is acquired through meaningful _____________.


Learning is always ______________ and ____________.

Purposive and goal directed

Famous experiments in rats concluded that organisms or individuals to be exact, learned the location and will select the shortest or easiest path to achieve goal.

Cognitive maps

Learning that remains or stays with the individual until needed.

Latent learning

Reinforcement is not essential for learning, although it provides an incentive for performance. (True or False)


Focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context.

Social learning theory

Learning is mediated or influenced by expectations, perceptions, representation, needs, and other internal or environmental variables. (True or false)


People can learn by ____________ the behavior of the others and the outcomes of those behaviors.


Learning can occur without a _________ in behavior.


Cognition plays a ________ in learning.


Social learning theory can be considered a bridge or a ___________ between behaviorist learning theories and cognitive learning theories.


The observer is reinforced by the __________.


The observer is reinforced by a third _________, the observer might be modelling the actions


The imitated behavior itself leads to ________________ consequences.


_______________ reinforcement is where the model reinforced for a response and then the observer shows an increase in that same response.


Contemporary theory proposes that both reinforcement and punishment have _________ ___________ on learning.

Indirect effects

Reinforcement and consequence influence the extent to which an individual exhibits a behavior that has been learned. (True or false)

False, reinforcement and punishment

The _______________ of reinforcement influences cognitive processes that promote learning.


Edward Tolman makes a distinction between learning through observation and the actual imitation of what has been learned. (True or False)

False, Albert Bandura

Social learning theorists contend that ___________ is a critic factor in learning.


As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

As a result of being reinforced, people form expectations about the consequences that future behaviors are likely to bring. Choose the correct answer.A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

B- expectations

Bandura proposed that behavior can influene both the environment and the person. Choose the correct answer. A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

Bandura proposed that behavior can influene both the environment and the person. Choose the correct answer. A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

A. ModellingB. ExpectationsC. Reciprocal causation

C- reciprocal causation

Give the 3 variabes of reciprocal causation.

Person, the behavior, and the environment

Many behaviours can be learned, at least partly, through ____________.


_______________ can be learned through models.


Moral thinking and moral _____________ are influenced by observation and modeling.


The person must pay __________ to the model.


The observer must be able to remember the behaviour that has been observed. What condition is this?


The third condition is the ability to replicate the behavior that the model has just demonstrated. What condition is this?

Motor reproduction

The final necessary ingredient for modelling to occur is ________________.


Modeling teacher new behaviors. (True of false)


Modeling doesn't influence the frequency of previously learned behaviors. (True or false)


Modeling may discourage previously forbidden behaviour. (True or False)


Modeling increases the frequency of similar behaviours. (True or False)


Students often learn a great deal simply by observing other people. (True or False)


Teachers should expose students to a variety of other models. (True or False)


Teachers and parents should not model appropriate behaviors. True or false


An Ameican Psychologist and a psychology professor who founded who is now a branch of Psychology known as purposive behaviorism.

Edward Tolman

He is known for his social learning theory.

Albert Bandura

The word Gestalt is used in modern German to mean the way a thing has been placed or _______________

A. Put together

B. Active together

C remove together

A- Put together

______________ was the initial cognitive response to behaviorism.

Gestalt theory

Learners were not passive but rather active. (True or false)


Elements that are closes together will be perceived as coherent object. What principle is this?

Law of proximity

Gestalt principles that fill the gaps or close the figures we perceive.

Law of closure

Individuals have tendencies to continue contours whenever the elements of the pattern establish an implied direction. What principle of Gestalt is this?

Law of good continuation

The stimulus will be organized into as good as figure as possible.

Law of good pragnanz

We tend to pay attention and perceive things in the foreground first.

Law of figure/ground

Gestalt psychology adheres to the idea of learning taking place by _____________ or insight.


____________ include his own motivation, attitudes, and feelings.

Inner forces

_____________ may include the attitude and behavior of the teacher and classmates.

Outer forces

Kurt Lewin used the term ____________ to denote the totality of all the influences on a person at a given moment in time, both the outer environment and inner personal environment

Life Space

Who are the founders of Gestalt theory?

A. Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Kohler

B. Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Lewin

C. Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler


Factors like past experiences, needs, attitudes, and one's present situation cant affect their perception. True or false?


Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its part. True or false?


Autonomy and freedom of the student is stimulated by the psychologist. True or false

False, teachers

Gestalt principles focused on the experience of contact that occurs in the here and now. True or false?

False, Gestalt Psychology

Form and _________ are the usual translations that is often interpreted as pattern or configuration.


Experience is a source of learning. True or false?
