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20 Cards in this Set

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If you see a pedestrian with a guy dog or a white cane waiting to cross at the crosswalk, you must stop

Honk your horn

Swerve around them

At the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian across

Stop at the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian to cross

Always search for motorcycles before changing lanes because

Their smaller size it makes them hard to see

Their lights are very bright

They have the right of way

Their smaller size makes it harder to see them

When you are behind a school bus that is stopped outside the city limits with its red flashers on

You can pass them

Stop at least 20 feet from the bus and wait until the bus turns off it’s red flashers

Pull off the roadway

Stop at least 20 feet from the bus and wait until the bus turns off it’s red flashers

When approaching a person crossing the street who is using a white cane or using a guide dog you should

Stop in yield the right of way

Run them over

Turn the opposite way

Stop and yield the right of way

You must stop at the intersection ahead. Just before the intersection you have to cross railroad tracks you should stop

On top of them

To the side of them

Before you cross the railroad tracks when you do not have room to completely cross the tracks

Before you cross the railroad tracks when you do not have room to completely across the tracks

You are driving on a city street and have a green light. A pedestrian begins to cross the street ahead of you. You should

Run them over

Must stop regardless of the signal light

Honk at them

Must stop regardless of the signal light

When traveling on a 2 Lane road Way and an emergency vehicle approaches you should

Move to the right edge of the roadway and stop

Speed up

Follow behind them

Move to the right edge of the roadway and stop

When you use a cell phone while driving you should

Quickly on the left then move ahead of it

Take both hands off the wheel

Pull off the roadway

Pull off the roadway

When driving through Highway work zones you should

Stay in the right lane

Speed up

Be prepared for lane shift and Lane closures

Prepare for Lane shifts and lane closures

Motorcycle operators

Have the right to use a full traffic lane

are bad for our ecosystem

Have to use the sidewalk

Have the right to use a full traffic lane

You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because

They are really big

You need extra room to see around the truck

They don’t like when you’re really close to them

Need extra room to see around the truck

When a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped on your side of the road, you must

Go around them

Honk at them

Stop until the light stop flashing

Stop until the light stop flashing

When you encounter large trucks on the expressway you should

Cut them off

Avoid driving between two trucks

Drive in there blind spot

Avoid driving between two trucks

Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction

Will hit cars

Stop at least 20 feet from the curb

Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn

Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn

While driving in an urban area, a pedestrian may appear unexpectedly when you approach a

Parked car or stopped vehicle

Lamp post


Parked car or stopped vehicle

When traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the upcoming intersection, you should

Stop even if there is no stop sign

Wait until you can Completely cross the tracks before proceeding

Wait for a train to start coming

Wait until you can completely cross the tracks before proceeding

The biggest issue with using cell phones while driving is

The mental distraction

They could blow up

You might have to charge them

The mental distraction

The driver of a large truck will have the most difficulty seeing


The skyline

To the sides in the rear of their vehicle

He sides and rear of their vehicle

A large truck is traveling in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic going the same direction. You want to pass. It is best to pass

At least 20 feet away

Moving quickly to the left then move ahead of it

When they start slowing down

Quickly to the left Then move ahead of it

When passing a large truck, do not cut in front of the truck to quickly because

They can’t see the ground

They will run over you

You may not allow adequate room for the stopping distance of the truck

You may not allow adequate room for the stopping distance of the truck