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120 Cards in this Set

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The five components of information systems are symmetrical in their functions.
Which of the following is a nonroutine cognitive skill?
Systems Thinking ability
________ refers to the ability to model components and show how the components' inputs and outputs relate to one another.
Systems Thinking
Users should take an active role in system development to create an information system that meets their needs
The term management information systems refers to the management and use of information systems that help businesses achieve their strategies.
Applications such as MS Word and Excel are examples of procedures.
Information systems exist to help people who work in a business to successfully implement the strategies of that business.
A manager will essentially require ________ skills to clearly understand how the resources that his or her company uses are converted to desired outputs
Systems Thinking
The five-component framework also applies to simple information systems
A  company should develop information systems if most of its competitors have developed information systems
The five components of an information system are computer hardware, software, data, procedures, and people
Which of the following ratios has fallen as a result of Moore's Law?
Which of the following types of skills is most likely be outsourced to the lowest bidder?
accounting skills
Abstract reasoning is the ability to ________.
make and manipulate models
According to Moore's Law, the ________.
number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months
A system is a group of components that interact without a specific purpose
Which of the following is a major implication of Moore's Law?
Costs of data communications and storage have become very low.
Kerin is a business student interning at Benson and Hodgson, a firm specializing in exports of sophisticated equipment to other countries. She finds that she is unable to create a representative chart depicting the relation between processes such as procurement, shipping, and billing. This indicates that she lacks ________ skills.
abstract reasoning
________ states that the number of transistors per square inch on an integrated chip doubles every 18 months.
Moore's Law
The number of components in an information system increases in proportion to its complexity.
Andrea, the floor supervisor at a call center, calls Bryan, a call attendant, to her office. She reports observing a few critical omissions in his calls, a finding supported by recent customer surveys. Bryan feels that Andrea is just throwing her weight around. Which of the following is a valid observation of this scenario?
Bryan needs to learn to receive feedback.
Which of the following is a key difference between collaboration and cooperation?
Unlike cooperation, collaboration gives importance to iteration and feedback.
According to Hackman, which of the following is a primary criterion for judging team success?
growth in team capability
Windows Live SkyDrive includes license-free Web application versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
All text messages that you send via Lync are automatically recorded and stored in your email folder.
SharePoint supports discussion forums in which team members can conduct an asynchronous online discussion.
Identify the least important characteristic for an effective collaborator.
being an experienced businessperson
SharePoint Online is an industrial-strength product for content sharing.
Which of the following is a primary purpose of collaboration?
becoming informed
Which of the following is the most important trait that an effective collaborator should have?
willingness to enter into difficult conversations
In version control systems, the shared directories used to store shared documents are called libraries.
Microsoft Exchange does not provide email services to its customers.
Being ________ is one of the most important characteristics of an effective collaborator.
able to give negative feedback
Collaboration occurs when a number of people ________.
work together to achieve a common goal
Collaboration tools that provide workflow control manage the activities that are predefined by the group.
Version management systems improve the tracking of shared content and provide version control.
Office 365 is a suite of programs that offers the collaboration facilities such as multiparty text chat.
________ occurs when a group of people working together to achieve a common goal via a process of feedback and iteration.
Only one user at a time can open SkyDrive documents for editing.
A student team, which is assigned a term project, meets and divides the work into sections and then team members work independently on their individual pieces. An hour before the project is due the team members meet again to assemble their independent pieces into a whole. Which of the following is lacking in this activity?
A(n) ________ is a network of activities that generate value by transforming inputs into outputs.
business process
Which of the following statements is true of business process designs?
Most process designs require people to work in new ways.
A service company asks its customers to fill out application forms before offering service. This is an example of a supporting business process.
A ________ is a collection of something, such as data and raw materials.
Material ordering is a part of ________.
inbound logistics
An inventory of raw materials is an example of a repository.
Which of the following statements is consistent with the central idea of business process design?
Organizations should create new business processes rather than improve existing systems
Each activity in a business process is a business function that receives inputs and produces outputs.
________ argues that firms should create new, more efficient business processes that integrate the activities of all departments involved in a value chain.
Business process design
The sales process involves sales and marketing as well as outbound logistics activities.
Most process design initiatives require people to work in new ways and to follow different procedures.
A database is an example of a ________.
In a manufacturing business, the ________ transforms finished goods into cash.
sales process
The cost of the business process is the sum of the cost of the inputs and the ________.
cost of the activities
Most of the value in a service company is generated by inbound logistics.
The central idea of business process design is that organizations should automate or improve their existing functional systems.
In a manufacturing business, the materials ordering process transforms cash into a raw materials inventory.
The cost of the business process is the cost of the inputs plus the cost of the outputs.
Streamlining of business processes to increase margin is key to obtaining competitive advantage.
RAC Associates is a car rental company. The company rents cars to customers in the United States. The company uses controls and procedures to prevent car theft. Such procedures are examples of ________.
supporting business processes
Symbian operating system is used for Nokia, Samsung and other mobile devices.
Main memory is also known as ________.
random access memory
Programmers cannot alter or add to an open source code.
Which of the following terms refers to a collection of servers?
server farm
The ________ is called the "brain" of the computer.
central processing unit
Mac OS and iOS applications are constructed using Java.
Source code is computer code as written by humans and understandable by humans.
Which of the following is an output device?
Bits are grouped into 8-bit chunks called ________.
With open source, anyone can obtain the source code from the open source project's Web site.
Which of the following devices is an example of a storage hardware device?
optical disk
The term open source means that the source code of the program is not available to the public.
Which of the following devices is used during the processing stage of computing?
main memory
Which of the following devices is an example of an output hardware device?
overhead projector
Windows operating system is used for Macintosh clients.
Thin-client applications cannot run within the browser.
Bits are used for computer data because they ________.
are easy to represent electronically
Android is used as a non-mobile operating system.
In a closed source project, say Microsoft Office, the source code is highly protected and only available to trusted employees and carefully vetted contractors.
Which of the following is an input hardware device?
bar code scanner
Special data that describes the structure of a database is called metadata.
A spreadsheet should be used to store data if the structure of the list is simple.
A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records.
The rows in a database need to have two or more primary keys.
A primary key used in a database is a ________.
column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table
Albert creates a relational database to store employee performance statistics. He stores each employee's data in independent rows and creates a column named "Employee Number" to assign unique numbers to each employee. This column is referred to as a(n) ________.
primary key
Relational databases represent relationships using ________.
foreign keys
A key is a column or group of columns that identifies a unique row in a table.
A database is best described as a collection of tables which are not related to each other.
The tables that appear in a database are known as ________.
The rows in a database are called ________.
Metadata refer to entities that users of a database want to process.
The purpose of a(n) ________ is to keep track of things.
Which of the following data elements is placed higher than records in the data hierarchy?
Columns that belong to a different table than the one in which they reside are called ________.
foreign keys
A group of similar rows or records is called a field.
The columns in a database are called ________.
The format of metadata depends on the software product that is processing the database.
The purpose of a database is to keep track of things that involve a single theme.
Which of the following is the smallest data element in a database?
An NIC is a device that connects a computer's or printer's circuitry to network wires.
Which of the following is a component of a LAN device that processes wireless traffic and communicates with the wired switch?
access point
NICs which support 10/100/1000 Ethernet allow for transmission at a rate of 10, 100, or 1,000 Mbps.
Wired LAN connections use the IEEE 802.3 protocol, while wireless LAN connections use the IEEE 802.11 protocol.
Which of the following statements is true about IEEE 802.3?
It is the protocol for wired LAN connections.
The World Wide Web sponsors committees that create and publish protocols and other standards.
Which of the following is the device that connects a computer's or printer's circuitry to network wires?
For two devices to communicate, they must use the same protocol.
A ________ is a special-purpose computer that receives and transmits wired traffic on the LAN.
A switch is a special-purpose computer that receives and transmits wired traffic on a LAN.
Wired LAN connections use a protocol standard called Ethernet to communicate.
A ________ is a set of rules that programs on two communicating devices follow.
UTP cable contains sets of wires that are twisted together to improve signal quality.
An intranet is a private internet that is used exclusively within an organization.
An internet is a network of networks that connects LANs, WANs, and other internets.
Most LAN connections are made using ________.
UTP cable
For a printer or laptop to connect to a wireless LAN, it must have a ________.
To enable the seamless flow of data across the networks that comprise an internet, an elaborate scheme called a ________ is used.
layered protocol
The IEEE 802.3 protocol standard is also known as ________.
Communications speeds are expressed in ________.