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15 Cards in this Set

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1. Which trait is absent from some kinds of cellular microbes?

a. A nucleus with a nuclear membrane

b. A cell membrane( plasma membrane)

C. One or more chromosome of DNA

D. Enzymes that conduct metabolism

a. Nucleus with a nuclear membrane

2. Which of the following applies only to Archaea?

A. Microbes have no nucleus

B. Microbes are not true cells

C. Possess mitochondria

D. Have never been shown to cause disease

D.have never been shown to cause disease

3. Which trait of cells do viruses share?

A. A genome that undergoes replication

B. Ribosomes that synthesize protein

C. Active metabolism

D. Motility

A. A genome that undergoes replication

4. Which person was admired for tending victims of a deadly disease?

C. Catherine of Sienna

5. Which person first demonstrated that the failure of spontaneous generalization of microbes was not due to lack of oxygen?

D. Louis Pasteur

6. Which epidemic disease inspired a large demonstration at the Washington monument?

A. Bubonic Plague

B. Influenza


D. Smallpox


7. Florence Nightingale’s Pilar área chart and CDC chart of influenza have what in common?

A. Both charts graphically represent patterns of public nutrition.

B. Both charts represent the rise and fall infectious disease

C. Both charts depict the role of disease in an army campaign

D. Both charts include data from culturing the causative agent of disease.

B. Both charts represent the rise and fall

Which of Koch’s postulates requires modification for study of a human disease?

A. He microbe is found in a all cases of the disease bus is absent from healthy individuals.

B. The microbe is isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture.

C. When the microbe is introduced into a healthy, susceptible host, the same disease occurs.

D. The same strain of microbe is obtained from the newly diseased organism. When cultured the strain shows the same traits as before.


9. Which statement about antibiotics is incorrect?

A. Antibiotics reproduce themselves to form. More antibiotics.

B. Antibiotics are chemicals produced by specific microbes

C. A specific antibiotic can kill certain classes of microbes

D. Free antibiotics are known for viruses than for bacterial pathogens

A. Antibiotics reproduce themselves to form more antibiotics.

10. Which class of microbes gains energy from oxidizing inorganic minerals?

A. Enteric bacteria

B. Lithotrophs

C. Rhizobia

D. Algae

B. Lithotrophs

Which class of microbes most closely resembles the ancestor of chloroplasts?

A. Enteric Bacteria

B. Mycobacteria

C. Cyanobacteria

D. Archaea

C. Cyanobacteria

12. Which important cellular process requires bacteria or archaea?

A. Fermentation

B. Nitrogen fixation

C. DNA replication

D. Membrane formation

B. Nitrogen fixation

13. The person who’s X-ray crystallography data first revealed the fundamental structures of DNA and RNA was?

A. James Watson

b. Francis Crick

C. Dorthy Hodgkin

D. Rosalind Franklin

D. Rosalind Franklin

14. Who led the team of scientist that sequenced he genomes of numerous microbes including Basilia Anthracis and Treponema pallidum?

A. Frederick Sanger

b. Walter Gilbert

C. Clair Fraser- Liggett

D. Hamilton Smith

C. Clair Fraser- liggett

15. Which molecular technique is now used to identify a very specific strain of a disease-causing microbe?

A. Centrifugation

B. Plate culture

C. Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) amplification of DNA

D. Gram stain

C. Polymerase chain reaction PCR amplification of DNA