The target audience could anyone from middle or high school students to college students who are interested in immunology and virology. Zimmer does not do boring stuff; he puts in a non-textbook form, which makes it an enjoyable read with a little twist.
The book provides a good and engaging introduction to viruses for complete beginners. Zimmer takes you on a journey by opening your eyes and expanding your horizons. The author will walk you through a number of examples to show on how the viruses were found, their methods and purpose. The book gives more than one viewpoint to understand how scientists from different parts of the world have defined viruses and how viruses shape life.
Viruses are the smallest living things known to science, yet they hold the entire planet in their power. Common colds or flu, we are familiar with, but viruses can cause a range of other diseases. We are each possessed of multifaceted and diverse ecosystems of microbes that have a profound influence on our existence. Viruses are part of our human genome: the human genome contains more DNA from viruses than our own