Johannes Petruschky in 1896 and was named because it was thought to only be from feces but in the 1896 it was also isolated from a stale beer (Piunno & Jackson, 2014). Alcaligenes faecalis is a biosafety level one, nonpathogenic, opportunistic, strict aerobe that does not ferment any sugars and is usually positive on the oxidase test (Parija, 2009). This bacteria can be motile or non-motile and found in fecal matter, gastrointestinal tract, cause sepsis, fever, appendicitis, abscesses, arthritis, pneumonitis, and endocarditis and has been known to be fatal because it is resistant to most antibiotics. It has been seen in the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients which is known to be pulmonary disease (Kaláb, 2011). This organism is can be found in the alimentary tract as a harmless saprophyte Most of the time this bacteria is seen in people who ae immunosuppressed because it is an opportunistic pathogen. According to research by Bode Science Center this bacteria is a rod shaped but comes in many different types of bacilli and may trigger local infections such as peritonitis, meningitis, appendicitis, and a bloodstream infection (Rauhut, n.d.). This bacteria is Catalase, oxidase, decarboxylase positive. It does not ferment any sugars nor sulfur. It is motile but also can be no motile. This bacteria is a strict aerobic bacteria that was isolated from fecal matter and then later discovered it is also found in stale beer. This bacteria can is found where infections take place but does not cause infection unless the person is
Johannes Petruschky in 1896 and was named because it was thought to only be from feces but in the 1896 it was also isolated from a stale beer (Piunno & Jackson, 2014). Alcaligenes faecalis is a biosafety level one, nonpathogenic, opportunistic, strict aerobe that does not ferment any sugars and is usually positive on the oxidase test (Parija, 2009). This bacteria can be motile or non-motile and found in fecal matter, gastrointestinal tract, cause sepsis, fever, appendicitis, abscesses, arthritis, pneumonitis, and endocarditis and has been known to be fatal because it is resistant to most antibiotics. It has been seen in the respiratory tract of cystic fibrosis patients which is known to be pulmonary disease (Kaláb, 2011). This organism is can be found in the alimentary tract as a harmless saprophyte Most of the time this bacteria is seen in people who ae immunosuppressed because it is an opportunistic pathogen. According to research by Bode Science Center this bacteria is a rod shaped but comes in many different types of bacilli and may trigger local infections such as peritonitis, meningitis, appendicitis, and a bloodstream infection (Rauhut, n.d.). This bacteria is Catalase, oxidase, decarboxylase positive. It does not ferment any sugars nor sulfur. It is motile but also can be no motile. This bacteria is a strict aerobic bacteria that was isolated from fecal matter and then later discovered it is also found in stale beer. This bacteria can is found where infections take place but does not cause infection unless the person is