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To get more course tutorials visit - http://entire-courses.com/IT-240-Study-Guide

This paperwork of IT 240 Entire Course 2014 Latest Version A+ Study Guide comprises: INTRO TO LAN TECHNOLOGIES

To get more course tutorials visit - http://entire-courses.com/IT-240-Study-Guide

Computer Science - General Computer Science 1. (TCO 1) Object-oriented programming does not generally focus on _____. (Points : 5) A. data abstraction. B. cutting down on the lines of code. C. client side access to implementation details. D. information hiding. All of the above None of the above Only B and C 2. (TCO 2) Which of the following components of a class definition can be overloaded? (Points : 5) Properties Destructors Static data members All of the above None of the above 3. (TCO 5) Which of the following method pairs are examples of method overloading? (Points : 5) A. public void Dance() ; public int Dance(int x) B. public int Walk(int x, int y) ; public void Walk(int x, int y, int z) C. public int Jump(int x, int y) ; public int Jump(int y, int x) All of the above Only A and B 4. (TCO 1) Which of the following statements is/are true? (Points : 5) Abstraction is the process of ignoring the unimportant details about a category entity or activity, while concentrating on the high level information. Abstraction is the basic concept of the object-oriented paradigm. Objects are created during program execution and eventually destroyed. All of the above 5. (TCO 1) Which of the following would be the most appropriate choice for a method in a Cup class? (Points : 5) Drink() Hot() Break() Color() 6. (TCO 2) Which of the following statements is/are true? (Points : 5) A. A private (helper) method can only be used inside the class. It cannot be called outside of the class, through an object of that class. B. The programmer can control the scope of a data member of a class using access specifiers. C. An important consideration when designing a class is identifying the audience, or users, of the class. All of the above Only A and C 7. (TCO 4) Which of the following terms can be used to describe inheritance relationships between classes? (Points : 5) parent/child super/sub base/derived All of the above 8. (TCO 4) A Car class, Civic, and Driver class have what type of relationships? (Points : 5) The Driver has a Civic, and the Civic is a Car. The Driver has a Civic, and the Car is a Civic. The Driver has a Car, and the Civic is a Car The Driver uses a Car, and the Car is a Civic. 9. (TCO3) Which of the following might be potential class(es) in an application? (Points : 5) address item credit All of the above None of the above 10. (TCO3) What happens right after the identification of classes in the object oriented design process? (Points : 5) Determining the class responsibilities Determining class interaction Creating UML diagram Developing SOW 11. (TCO 4) Which of the following is true about an inheritance hierarchy? (Points : 5) It is not a good practice to have deeply layered inheritance hierarchies. When inheritance hierarchy is too deep, it is easy to lose track of the members in the great-grandchildren classes. Inheritance hierarchies are easier to implement than to design. All of the above None of the above 12. (TCO 6) _____ is the ability to use the same expression to denote different implementation depending on the type of object calling the expression. (Points : 5) Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Composition 13. (TCO 2) What parts of a class, designed as a black box system, should not be exposed to future programmers? (Points : 5) Inputs Outputs Interface Implementation 14. (TCO 2) Given a private attribute called species, which of the following are proper pseudocode implementations for a getter and a setter? (Points : 5) void GetSpecies(){return species} void SetSpecies(string newSpecies){ } string GetSpecies (){return species } string SetSpecies (string newSpecies){return newSpecies } string GetSpecies (){ } void SetSpecies (string newSpecies){return species } string GetSpecies (){return species } void SetSpecies (string newSpecies){ } 15. (TCO 2) You have been tasked to create an EntertainmentSystem class and your boss wants you to consider the concept of encapsulation as you design your class. Which of the following actions will you take? (Points : 5) Declare a single no-arg constructor in order to prevent outside entities from initializing the state of a new EntertainmentSystem object. Combine attributes and behaviors specific to an EntertainmentSystem together into one cohesive unit. Declare the class as static so that only one instance of an EntertainmentSystem can be used at a time. Declare the class as private. All of the above 1. (TCO 7) Which of the following statements are true? (Points : 5) Interfaces contain a list of methods to be implemented later. Interfaces contain at least one abstract and one implemented method. Interfaces are instantiated just like regular classes. An Interface is a very specific type of class implementation. 2. (TCO 7) In an object-oriented program, methods with no implementation might be found in an _____ and/or a(n) ______. (Points : 5) abstract class; base class abstract class; interface interface; base class None of the above 3. (TCO 7) An object-oriented program may use _____ and _____ to force programmers to adhere to a contract or a specification defined by a framework. (Points : 5) base classes; abstract methods abstract classes; interfaces has-a; is-a relationships abstract classes; constants None of the above 4. (TCO 8) Data/information hiding and encapsulation improves construction and maintenance because: (Points : 5) A. Program bugs are isolated to a single class. B. Programming to an interface makes the code more logical. Both A and B None of the above 5. (TCO 8) What are some of the characteristics of “self-documenting” code? (Points : 5) Detailed comments, addressing all aspects of the code Deep levels of nesting to ensure all situations are addressed Straightforward algorithms All of the above None of the above 6. (TCO 9) Which of the following allow a programmer to reduce the complexity of an object-oriented program? (Points : 5) A. create each class in a separate file B. using namespaces as a container for logically related items Both A and B None of the above 7. (TCO 1) Assuming a class definition of a Horse that has a default constructor and constructor that accepts three string arguments, and the appropriate properties defined, how many objects are created in the code below? static void Main(string[] args) { Horse newObject; Horse Horse(); Horse Horse("Horse", "Ben", "Appaloosa"); ; ; } (Points : 5) 3 4 2 5 8. (TCO 2) Given a private attribute called weight, which of the following are proper implementations for a getter and a setter? (Points : 5) void GetWeight(){return weight;}, void SetWeight (int weight){;} intGetWeight (){return weight;}, intSetWeight (int weight){return weight;} intGetWeight (){;}, void SetWeight (int weight){return weight;} intGetWeight (){return weight;}, void SetWeight (int weight){;} 9. (TCO 7) Which of the following declares an abstract method in an abstract class? (Points : 5) public abstract CalculateTip(); public abstract double CalculateTip(); public double abstract CalculateTip(); public double CalculateTip() {}

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