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9 Cards in this Set

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Aviation instructor responsibilities.


Help students learn: learning should be enjoyable.

Provide Adequate instruction: have a genuine interest in the well being of the student. Tailor the instruction to each student.

Minimize student frustrations.

Standards of performance: Follow ACS and PTS. They are testing documents not teaching documents.

How can you minimize student frustrations.

Motivate them.

Keep them informed.

Approach them as individuals.

Give credit where credit is due.

Criticize constructively.

Be consistent

Admit your errors.

Praise in public

criticize in private.

Emphasize the positive.

Flight instructor responsibilities.

Help students overcome physiological obstacles, ensure the students ability, be professional.

Physiological obstacles.

G-forces, turbulence, radios.

A sick student doesn’t learn.

How do you ensure the students ability.

Constantly evaluate the students performance.

Share the evaluation with the student.

The instructor is responsible for the students safety.


Sincerity: be honest and straightforward, admit mistakes, and find the answer if you don’t know it.

Accept the student. Students are different but all have the same goal.

Dress appropriately.

Students emulate instructors so use proper language, be kind, and have a positive attitude.

Evaluation of the students ability.

Demonstrated ability: considers the master of the maneuver elements.

Keep the students informed: inform the students of their progress, critique them honestly and often, address deficiencies, and praise accomplishments.

When correcting a student, don’t always take the controls immediately. Let them make the mistake and attempt to correct it.

Aviation instructors and exams.

An instructor that recommends an applicant for a knowledge test, they are confident is the students abilities, is responsible for their safety and deficiencies.

Professional development.

A good instructor is always learning and staying current.

Higher education or degrees, AOPA or asa seminars, additional ratings.