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29 Cards in this Set

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Contaminated gloves and gauze are disposed of

a. in the sharps container

b. in the biohazard waste disposal

c. in the trash room receptacle

d. in any trash receptacle that is dated

Contaminated gloves and gauze are disposed of in (B) the biohazard waste disposal

Universal precautions; the box must also be dated

The optimal temperature for housing most mammals and birds is

a. 55 degrees F

b. 65 to 84 degrees F

c. 98.6 degrees F

d. 85 to 100 degrees F

The optimal temperature for housing most mammals and birds is (B) 65 to 84 degrees F

How many sides/surfaces are there to an animal cage?

a. 7

b. 6

c. 5

d. 4

There are (a) 7 sides/surfaces to an animal cage

One top, three sides, one bottom, two front bars (inside and outside)

Which of the following diseases/conditions warrants isolation of the affected animal?

a. Bordetella bronchiseptica

b. Diabetes

c. Renal disease

d. Lyme disease

(a) Bordetella bronchiseptica, one of the components of the kennel cough complex, warrants isolation of the affected animal.

It can be transmitted by airborne particles sneezed or coughed out by the affected animal

Universal precautions refers to

a. sterile surgical packs

b. blood-borne pathogens

c. disinfectants with a red label

d. the safe handling of MSDS

Universal precautions refers to (B) blood-borne pathogens

Offensive language in the workplace may be an example of

a. infringement of privacy

b. freedom of speech

c. sexual harassment

d. medical interpretation

offensive language in the workplace may be an example of (c) sexual harassment

According the the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), SOP refers to

a. synopsis of procedure

b. standard operating procedure

c. station of preference

d. situation of patients

According the the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), SOP refers to (B) standard operating procedure

Medical records must be maintained for a certain amount of time. Although this varies from state to state, the generally accepted minimum storage time is

a. 3 years

b. 2 years

c. 7 years

d. 1 year

Medical records must be maintained for a certain amount of time. Although this varies from state to state, the generally accepted minimum storage time is (c) 7 years

Health records issue for small-animal interstate travel are valid for how many days?

a. 10 days

b. 30 days

c. 15 days

d. 21 days

Health records issues for small-animal interstate travel are valid for (c) 15 days

A veterinarian from the originating state must examine the animal within 15 days of travel

Which of the following aspects of a written job description would you deem most important

a. performance of essential skills

b. education requirements

c. amount of experience

d. physical requirements and personality traits

(a) performance of essential skills would be the most important aspect of a written job description

The inability to perform the essential skills would make a prospective employeee unqualified for the position. This is usually the most detailed portion of a job description and is used as an initial screening device to hire an employee well trained in the required skills who will need only minimal additional training by the hospital staff

which of the following statements is the least appropriate use of a job description?

a. to recruit and select new employees

b. to review performance of employees

c. to determine salary

d. to determine disciplinary action by personnel when needed

the least appropriate use of a job description would be (d) to determine disciplinary action by personnel when needed

Disciplinary action for an employee by personnel should be state in a hospital policies and procedures manual that discusses reasons for termination of employment

which of the following would be the least profitable place to advertise a professional position for a licensed veterinary technician?

a. local newspaper

b. employment agency

c. professional school

d. professional journal or magazine

(a) A local newspaper would be the least profitable place to advertise a professional position for a licensed veterinary technician

newspaper advertising is the most commonly used source when seeking nonprofessional employees. if the position to be filled is for a professional employee you will want to advertise the position in the appropriate professional journal or with an agency

which term is defined as a vocation or occupation that requires advanced education and training and involves intellectual skills?

a. professionalism

b. professional expectations

c. professional ethics

d. profession

(d) profession is defined as a vocation or occupation that requires advanced education and training and involves intellectual skills

this definition is provided by NAVTA

How long must controlled substance records be maintained?

a. 90 days

b. 1 year

c. 2 years

d. 5 years

controlled substance records must be maintained for (c) 2 years

Which bovine brucellosis ear tattoo is incorrect?

a. 3V8

b. 5V2

c. 4V1

d. 1V0

The incorrect brucellosis ear tattoo is (B) 5V2

The first digit indicates the quarter of the year of brucellosis vaccination. the digit following the V shield indicates the year of vaccination. For example, a heifer vaccinated in November of 1995 would have a tattoo of 4V5

The accreditting body for veterinary technology education programs in the United States is the

a. North American Veterinary Technician Association (NAVTA)

b. AVMA Committee on Veterinary technician Education and Activities (CVTEA)

c. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

d. Association of Veterinary Technician Educators (AVTE)

The accrediting body for veterinary technology education programs in the United States is the (b) AVMA committee on veterinary technician education and activities (CVTEA)

if a veterinarian who is your employer commits acts that you as a veterinary technician consider to be unethical you should

a. do or say nothing

b. warn clients

c. discuss your concerns with the veterinarian

d. immediately report the veterinarian to the state board of examiners

if a veterinarian who is your employer commits acts that you as a veterinary technician consider to be unethical you should (c) discuss your concerns with the veterinarian

ethical concerns should first be discussed with the person involved. it would be inappropriate to voice the concerns to the clients

which of the following medical record formats takes more time to compile? because it makes available more historical data and other information this format supports case planning and provides protection in the event of litigation

a. problem-oriented medical records

b. conventional method

c. situation method

d. master problem list

(a) problem-oriented meidcal records take more time to complie but because it makes available more historical data and other information this format supports case planning and provides protection in the event of litigation

in which form of color coding is one color assigned ot each digit from 0 to 9 and the colors vary on the record according to the number. this system prevents chart misfiles.

a. alphabetic

b. sequential

c. numeric

d. microlegal

in (c) numeric color coding one color assigned ot each digit from 0 to 9 and the colors vary on the record according to the number. this system prevents chart misfiles.

a signed authorization form from the patient's owner is not needed before any information in the medical record can be released to

a. the owner

b. another veterinarian

c. the insurance company

d. a coworker veterinary technician

a signed authorization form from the patient's owner is not needed before any information in the medical record can be released to (d) a coworker veterinary technician

which separate financial record consists of a chornologic listing of every daily transaciton? thi sincludes client and patient identificaiton, service rendered, fee charged, and amount paid

a. daybook

b. ledger card

c. business record form

d. charge or fee slip

(a) daybook is a separate financial record consisting of chronologic listings for every daily transaction thi sincludes client and patient identificaiton, service rendered, fee charged, and amount paid

which of the following is not an ingredient of the inventory control system?

a. supply ledger or card file

b. want sheet

c. actual count of items in the hospital

d. ledger sheet

supply ledger or card file, want sheet, and an actual count of items in the hospital are all ingredients of the inventory control system but (d) a ledger sheet is not

in routine processing of veterinary product shipments, the usual sequence of document handling is

a. packing slip, bill, invoice, and inventory record

b. invoice, bill, packing slip, and inventory record

c. packing slip, invoice, inventory record, and bill

d. inventory record, packing slip, invoice and bill

in routine processing of veterinary product shipments, the usual sequence of document handling is (c) packing slip, invoice, inventory record, and bill

the bill usually lists all of the following except

a. invoice numbers

b. total amount of each invoice

c. total maount of purchases made during the mouth

d. packing slip numbers and dates shipped

the bill usually lists invoice numbers, total amount of each invoice, total amount of purchases made during the mouth but not (d) packing slip numbers and dates shipped

a veterinarian who dispense or regularly administers controlled substances must take an inventory of all substances on hando n the same date every

a. year

b. 5 years

c. 2 years

d. 3 years

a veterinarian who dispense or regularly administers controlled substances must take an inventory of all substances on hando n the same date every c) 2 years

when might a veterinary technician's error result in the veterinarian being foudn guilty of malpractice?

a. when the error endagers a patient or a client

b. whent he veterinarian is aware of the error

c. when the veterinarian is not present when the error is made

d. a veterinary technician's error would never result in the veterinarian's liability

a veterinary technician's error may result in the veterinarian being foudn guilty of malpractice (A) when the error endagers a patient or a client

if a client insists on restraining his or her animal and is then injured, are there grounds for a malpractice suit against the veterinary clinic?

a. yes the veterinary clinic has an obligation to always protect clients from injury

b. yes but only if the animal was previous known to be vicious

c. yes but only if the injury occurs as a direct result of the animal's being frightened by examination or treatment

d. no; there is no potential liability in such a case

(a) yes there are grounds for a malpractice suit against the veterinary clinic

to issue an interstate health certificate, a veterinarian msut be accredited and

a. have seen the animal within the last 7 days

b. have seen the animal within the last 30 days

c. have seen the animal on teh day the certificate is signed

d. familiar with the herd of origin, even though the specific animal in question has not been seen

to issue an interstate health certificate, a veterinarian msut be accredited and (a) have seen the animal within the last 7 days

which of hte following does not require a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship for dispensing?

a. dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)

b. prostaglandins

c. canine parvovirus vaccine

d. oxytocin

(c) canine parvovirus vaccine does not require a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship for dispensing

DMSO, prostaglandins, and oxytocin are prescription products and as such require a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship to dispense