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107 Cards in this Set

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A dog that experiences shock may have fluid replacement provided by all of the following. The least desirable is

a. crystalloids

b. hypertonic saline

c. dextrose

d. colloids

A dog that experiences shock may have fluid replacement provided by all of the following: crystalloids, hypertonic saline, dextrose, or colloids. The least desirable is (c) dextrose

Dextrose is least desirable because one of its major disadvantages is that the water will not stay in the intravascular space to provide much-needed expansion. Instead, it moves to the intracellular space

The first drug of choice for a cat that experiences status epilepticus is

a. pentobarbital

b. diazepam

c. potassium bromide

d. propofol

The first drug of choice for a cat that expierences status epilepticus is (b) diazepam

Status epilepticus is a prolonged seizure that the animal is unable to come out of. Diazepam is the recommended first-choice drug to stop seizures; if successful, then it is continued as a constant-rate infusion. IF the animal is not responsive to diazepam, phenobarbital may be administered

Tension pneumothorax occurs when

a. pressure in the thoracic cavity is less than atmospheric pressure

b. pressure in the thoracic cavity is equal to atmospheric pressure

c. pressure in the thoracic cavity is greater than atmospheric pressure

d. pressure in the thoracic cavity is constant as the animal breathes in and out

Tension pneumothorax occurs when (c)c pressure in the thoracic cavity is greater than atmospheric pressure

Pneumothorax is air in the pleural space. Tension pneumothorax occurs when the pressure becomes greater than atmospheric pressure; air is allowed to enter the pleural cavity but cannot escape

Vomiting should not be induced in patients that have ingested

a. organophosphates

b. salicylates

c. kerosene

d. ethylene glycol

Vomiting should not be induced in patients that have ingested (c) kerosene

Kerosene is a corrossive material. Do not induce vomiting because it is caustic and can cause damage on its way back up

The mucous membranes of a dog in septic shock are

a. icteric

b. pale

c. cyanotic

d. brick red

The mucous membranes of a dog in septic shock are (d) brick red

septic shock is a "distribution: problem. There is a flow maldistribution; therefore mucous membranes are congested

The least desirable anesthetic protocol for an emergency cesarean section is

a. epidural block

b. barbiturate anesthetic

c. neuromusuclar blocker

d. propofol and isoflurane

The least desirable anesthetic protocol for an emergency cesarean section is (b) barbiturate anesthetic

Barbiturates readily cross the placenta and therefore stand the risk of reaching and depressiong the fetuses

The underlying disease for most cases of feline aortic thromboembolism is

a. renal failure

b. myocardial disease

c. hepatic disease

d. diabetes mellitus

The underlying disease for most cases of feline aortic thromboembolism is (b)B myocardial disease

THe thrombi develop in the heart (left atrium). From there they enter the systemic arteries and eventually lodge in the distal aorta

Which of the following groups of conditions has been triaged in the correct order?

a. unconsciousness, dyspnea, abscesses

b. dystocia, severe hemorrhage, aural hematoma

c. hematuria, insect sting, gaping wound

d. fracture, prolapse eye, minor burn

The following groups of conditions has been triaged in the correct order: (A) unconsciousness, dyspnea, abscesses

Avulsed incised wounds may be closed by first-intention healing

a. 4 hours after injury

b. 8 hours after injjury

c. 12 hours after injury

d. at any point after injury

Avulsed incisioned wounds may be closed by first-intention healing (a) 4 hours after injury

The only possible answer choice is a. Once 8 hours or more have elapse after injury the wounds are left to heal by second intention because edges are less viable and tehre is an increased chance of infection and so fourth

A patient is experiencing cardiopulmonary arrest. The least effect route of drug administration is

a. intratracheal

b. intracardiac

c. cephalic

d. intraosseous

a patient is experiencing cardiopulmonary arrest. the least effective route of drug administration is (c) cephalic

it is best to place a jugular intravenous catheter. the more peripheral the vein, the longer it takes to get into the central circulation in the correct concentration

fluid administration of 24 hours or more is recommended to be administered via a(n)

a. winged-tip catheter

b. over-the-needle catheter

c. hypodermic needle

d. through-the-needle catheter

Fluid administration of 24 hours or more is recommended to be adminstered via a(n) (D) through-the-needle catheter

through-the-needle catheters are usually placed in the jugular, which is the route of choice for extended administration of fluids.

which of these signs is not an indication of dystocia?

a. green or black vulvar discharge

b. profuse vuvlar hemorrhage

c. pup or kitten in the birth canal or 5 minutes

d. more than 1 hour of vigorous contractions wiht no pup or kitten produced

Green or black vulvar discharge, profuse vulvar hemorrhage, and more than 1 hour of vigorous contraction with no pup or kitten produced are indications of dystocia but (c) pup or kitten in the birth canal for 5 minutes is not an indication of dystocia

pups and kittens normally take longer than 5 minutes to traverse the birth canal

Crackles on thoracic auscultation indicated

a. asthma

b. upper-airway obstruction

c. fluid in the lungs

d. pleural space disease

crackles on thoracic auscultation indicates (C) fluid in the lungs

crackles are produced as air is forced through fluid-filled airways

if the hindquarters are elevated in a dog with a severe diaphragmatic hernia, what effect does this have on respiration?

a. there is no change in respiratory rate or depth

b. respiratory rate decreases and respiration becomes less labored

c. respiration becomes more labored

d. a cough is induced

if the hindquarters are elevated in a dog with a severe diaphragmatic hernia (c) respiration becomes more labored

entry of abdominal organs into the chest cavity causes labored breathing

you are assessing a cat with a spinal injury. When you pinch its toe, a positive response to deep pain is indicated by

a. no response

b. withdrawal of the foot without vocalizing

c. vomiting

d. withdrawal of the foot and vocalizing

you are assessing a cat with a spinal injury. When you pinch its toe, a positive response to deep pain is indicated by (d) withdrawal of the foot and vocalizing

the patient must indicate somehow, such as with vocalization that it feels deep pain. withdrawal alone with no indication of feeling pain is a spinal reflex

signs of impending cardiopulmonary arrest include all of the following except

a. alertness

b. dilated pupils

c. agonal breathing

d. no femoral pulse

Signs of impending cardiopulmonary arrest include dilated pupils, agonal breathing, and no femoral pulse but not (a) alertness

the patient's mental status is not a reliable indicator of impending arrest

a patient with multiple pelvic fractures has not urinated in over 24 hours, you suspect the patient may also have

a. a ruptured urinary bladder

b. a diaphragmatic hernia

c. renal failure

d. urethral calculi

a patient with multiple pelvic fractures has not urinated in over 24 hours, you suspect the patient may also have (a) a ruptured urinary bladder

trauma sufficient to cause multiple pelvic fractures may also cause a ruptured urinary bladder

Signs of organophosphate toxicity include all of the following except

a. salivation

b. lacrimation

c. dyspnea

d. dilated pupils

Signs of organophosphate toxicity include salivation, lacrimation, and dyspnea but not (d) dilated pupils

organophosphate toxicity causes miosis (constricted pupils)

a client calls your clinic and tells you that his cat has just ingested antifreeze (ethylene glycol). what should recommended?

a. do not induce emesis and immediately bring the pet to the clinic for examination and treatment

b. induce emesis then immediately ring the pet to the clinic for examination and treatment

c. induce emesis; no further treatment is required

d. induce emesis then bring the pet to the clinic only if it shows signs of toxicity

A client calls your clinic and tells you that his cat has just ingested antifreeze (ethylene glycol). he should (B) induce emesis then immediately bring the pet to the clinic for examination and treatment

emesis should be induced because this is a noncorrosive toxin. The pet should be brought in for antidotal treatment before signs of toxicity occur

A dog has a lacerated paw pad. The client has placed a small bandage over the wound but blood is soaking through. The appropriate treatment is to

a. remove the bandage and apply digital pressure to the wound

b. apply a pressure bandage over the client's original bandage

c. remove the bandage and apply a tourniquet to the limb

d. do nothing; no further treatment is required if the bleeding is not excessive

A dog has a lacerated paw pad. The client has placed a small bandage over the wound but blood is soaking through. The appropriate treatment is to (b) apply a pressure bandage over the client's original bandage

removing the bandage would removing any clot that had started to form. For most lacerated extremities, a pressure bandage is applied; tourniquets are used only when bandages cannot effect hemostasis

A client calls the clinic and tells you that her small poodle has stopped breathing, and that she cannot feel a heartbeat. What should you recommend?

a. attempt no treatment; immediately transport the pet to the hospital

b. attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions; immediately transport the pet to the hospital

c. close the dog's mouth and attempt mouth-to nose resuscitation and chest compressions; immediately transport the pet to the hospital

d. attempt resuscitation; transport the pet to the hospital if attempts at resuscitation are unsuccessful

A client calls the clinic and tells you that her small poodle has stopped breathing, and that she cannot feel a heartbeat. You should tell her to (c) close the dog's mouth and attempt mouth-to-nose resuscitation and chest compressions; immediately transport the pet to the hospital

Mouth-to-nose resuscitation is more successful in most small patients and should be initiated during transport to the hospital

A patient with a head or neck injury should be transported to the hospital in what position?

a. head elevated, neck neutral

b. head elevated, neck flexed

c. head lowered, neck neutral

d. head lowered, neck flexed

A patient with a head or neck injury should be transported to the hospital with its (a) head elevated, neck neutral

elevating the head reduces intracranial pressure; a neutral neck minimizes spinal cord compression or possible vertebral fracture displacement

a patient with possible herniated interverebral disk should be

a. allowed to move freely; if no improvement is evident in 24 hours see the veterinarian

b. allowed to move freely; immediately see the veterinarian

c. kept strictly quiet and confined; if no improvement is evident in 24 hours, see the veterinarian

d. kept strictly quiet and confined; see the veterinarian immediately

a patient with possible herniated interverebral disk should be (d) kept strictly quiet and confined, see the veterinarian immediately

a patient with a possible herniated disk should be strictly confined to minimize further spinal cord damage. it should be immediately examined by a veterinarian to asses the extent of the injury and start appropriate therapy

A 16-year-old, 3 kig poodle, cyanotic with agonal respirations and frothy fluid coming from the nose and mouth, comes to your clinic. You should

a. administer intravenous fluids at 90 ml/kg/hr

b. administer furosemide intramuscularly, then place the patient in an oxygen cage

c. swing the patient to remove as much fluid as possible from the airway, then initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

d. prepare the patient for immediate tracheostomy

A 16-year-old, 3 kig poodle, cyanotic with agonal respirations and frothy fluid coming from the nose and mouth, comes to your clinic. You should (c) swing the patient to remove as much fluid as possible from the airway, then initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

this patient is in cardiopulmonary arrest. the airway should be cleared of secretions before instituting other resuscitation measures

The veterinarian for whom you work has authorized you to start infusing intravenous fluid in a 0.25 kg Yorkshire terrier puppy that is critically ill. You are unable to insert a catheter into a jugular or cephalic vein. An alternate site that can be used to administer large volumes of fluids is the

a. medullary cavity of the femur

b. carotid artery

c. lingual vein

d. ear vein

The veterinarian for whom you work has authorized you to start infusing intravenous fluid in a 0.25 kg Yorkshire terrier puppy that is critically ill. You are unable to insert a catheter into a jugular or cephalic vein. An alternate site that can be used to administer large volumes of fluids is the (a) medullary cavity of the femur

the medullary cavity of the femur can accept large volumes of fluid

The veterinarian for whom you work has directed you to give a whole blood transfusion to a 0.3 kg kitten with severe anemia from flea infestation. You are unable to insert a catheter into a vein. Which of the following would be the most effective alternate route to effectively administer the blood?

a. subcutaneous injection

b. intramusuclar injection

c. intraperitoneal injection

d. per os

The veterinarian for whom you work has directed you to give a whole blood transfusion to a 0.3 kg kitten with severe anemia from flea infestation. You are unable to insert a catheter into a vein. The most effective alternate route to effecitvely administer blood would be (C) intraperitoneal injection

although this route is not ideal, intact red blood cells will absorb from the peritoneal cavity

Hyperthermic patients should be treated immediately with

a. a cool-water bath

b. ice packs

c. corticosteroid injection

d. an alcohol bath

Hyperthermic patients should be treated immediately with (A) a cool-water bath

ice packs may shock the system; alcohol may cause toxicity

What is the recommended dosage for intratracheal drug administration during cardiac arrest?

a. 1.5 times the intravenous dosage

b. same as the intravenous dosage

c. double the intravenous dosage

d. half the intravenous dosage

The recommended dosage for intratracheal drug administration during cardiac arrest is (c) double the intravenous dosage

a 6-year-old mongrel is brought to your hospital with anisocoria, loss of consciousness, and involuntary urination. What is the most likely cause of these signs?

a. urethral obstruction

b. warfarin poisoning

c. epileptic seizure

d. organophosphate poisoning

a 6-year-old mongrel is brought to your hospital with anisocoria, loss of consciousness, and involuntary urination. The most likely cause of these signs is (c) epileptic seizure

anisorcoria means unequal pupil size

a 3-year-old female cat is brought to your hospital with petechiae on her abdomen, bleeding gums, and lethargy. What is the most likely cause of these signs?

a. head trauma

b. heatstroke

c. seizure

d. rat poison exposure

a 3-year-old female cat is brought to your hospital with petechiae on her abdomen, bleeding gums, and lethargy. THe most likely cause of these signs is (D) rat poison exposure

petecchiae are small pinpoint areas of hemorrhage, they indicate a blood clotting disorder

Intraosseous infusion can be used in all of the following cases except

a. young and debilitated animals

b. epinephrine and atropine administration in an arrest

c. animals with septicemia

d. rapid access to the circulatory system in hypovolemic animals

Intraosseous infusion can be used in all of the following cases young and debilitated animals, epinephrine and atropine administration in an arrest, and rapid access to the circulatory system in hypovolemic animals but it cannot be used in (c) animals with septicemia

intraosseous infusions may cause osteomyelitis in animals with septicemia

Whole blood is indicated over packed red blood cells in what case?

a. acute blood loss during surgery

b. disseminated intravascular coagulation

c. autoimmune hemolytic anemia

d. acute blood loss caused by trauma

Whole blood is indicated over packed red blood cells in (b) disseminiated intravascular coagulation

platelets are need in disseminated intravascular coagulation; platelets are not present in packed red blood cells

a dog that has been hit by a car has no palpable pulse or detectable heartbeat and maa need rhythmical compressions to stimulate the heart. these compressions to stimulate the heart. these compressions should be performed at the

a. first to second ribs

b. second to third ribs

c. third to sixth ribs

d. eight to tenth ribs

a dog that has been hit by a car has no palpable pulse or detectable heartbeat and maa need rhythmical compressions to stimulate the heart. these compressions to stimulate the heart. these compressions should be performed at the (c) third to sixth ribs

this is the best location to compression the heart

to minimize hemorrhage to the head of a canine trauma patient, pressure should be applied

a. at the thoracic inlet in both jugular grooves

b. at the thoracic inlet of the left jugular groove

c. to the area adjacent and ventral to the mandible

d. to the lateral points of the temporomandibular joint

to minimize hemorrhage to the head of a canine trauma patient, pressure should be applied (c) to the area adjacent and ventral to the mandible this area has the most effect on blood flow the head without restricting air flow

a trauma patient has had a primary survey performed. during secondary survey it is noted that in lateral recumbency the patient demonstrates a jugular vein with normal distention time but protracted relaxation time. this may indicate all of the following except

a. hypovolemia

b. chronic right heart failure

c. chronic liver failure

d. acute heart fialure

a trauma patient has had a primary survey performed. during secondary survey it is noted that in lateral recumbency the patient demonstrates a jugular vein with normal distention time but protracted relaxation time. this may indicate chronic right heart failure, chronic liver failure, or acute heart failure but it does not indicate (A) hypovolemia

in a case of hypovolemia, there is not a normal distention time

a cat has significant arterial bleeding from a distal extremity. it is best to

a. use a blood pressure cuff inflated to 30 mm Hg above systolic pressure distal to the bleeding

b. use a blood pressure cuff inflated to 30 mm Hg above systolic pressure proximal to bleeding

c. use a tourniquet to apply pressure distal to the bleeding

d. use a tourniquet to apply pressure proximal to the bleeding

a cat has significant arterial bleeding from a distal extremity. it is best to (b) use a blood pressure cuff inflated to 30 mm Hg above systolic pressure proximal to bleeding

tourniquets are not recommended because they have the most potential to cause vascular and neurologic damage. pressure should be proximal to stop arterial blood flow the bleeding

in emergency care cases in which it is not possible to adminster large volumes of desired fluids, it may be beneficial to properly administer

a. isotonic saline

b.hypertonic saline

c. hypotonic saline

d. D5W

in emergency care cases in which it is not possible to adminster large volumes of desired fluids, it may be beneficial to properly administer (b) hypertonic saline

hypertonic soltuion (7% NaCl) causes fluid shift from intracellular space to the extracellular space. this improves venous return and cardiac output

during emergency intubation, the cranial nerve ___ may be stimulated resulting in ____

a. I; bradycardia

b. X; tachycardia

c. X; bradycardia

d. XII; tachycardia

during emergency intubation the cranial nerve X may be stimulated resulting in bradycardia (C)

cranial nerve X is the vagus nerve and compressing it results in bradycardia

a man phones the clinic wher eyou work to say that he has just hit a dog with his car and it is now lying on the side of the road. it appears to be breathing with minimal distress and tehre is blood coming from both nostrils, there is a small river of dark blood coming from a laceration on the lateral side of its hind leg and it can raise its head and is attempting to stand. in advising the man, your recommednation is to do all of the following except

a. be aware of any signs of aggression

b. tie the mouth securely closed with your shoelace

c. transport the dog on a board lying on its side

d. apply direct pressure to the wound

a man phones the clinic wher eyou work to say that he has just hit a dog with his car and it is now lying on the side of the road. it appears to be breathing with minimal distress and tehre is blood coming from both nostrils, there is a small river of dark blood coming from a laceration on the lateral side of its hind leg and it can raise its head and is attempting to stand. in advising the man, your recommednations are be aware of any signs of aggression, transport the dog lying on a board lying on its side, apply direct pressure the wound but you do not recommend (B) tie the mouth securely closed with your shoelace

the blood from the nostirls may be an indication of airway trauma. the dog may need to breathe from its mouth; therefore do not tie its mouth closed with a muzzle

a normal CVP range is

a. 20 to 30 cm H2o

b. 0 to 10 cm h2o

c. 10 to 20 cm h2o

d. 50 to 100 h2o

a normval CVP range is (b) 0 to 10 cm h2o

facilitation of the placement of a jugular catheter in an obese animal may be achieved by

a. placing the animal in dorsal recumbency

b. placing the animal in lateral recumbency

c. placing the animal in sternal recumbency

d. placing the animal in a sitting position

facilitation of the placement of a jugular catheter in an obese animal may be achieved by (D) placing the animal in a sitting position

this position allows maximum epxosure to the vessel and allows skin and subcutaneous fat to be held taut for withdrawal

when monitoring patients on fluids and/or patients taht undergo diuresis, urine output is an important consideration. the normal urine production for a healthy dog or cat is approximately

a. 5 to 10 ml/kg/hr

b. 1 to 2 ml/kg/hr

c. 15 to 20 ml/kg/hr

d. 25 to 30 ml/kg/hr

when monitoring patients on fluids and/or patients taht undergo diuresis, urine output is an important consideration. the normal urine production for a healthy dog or cat is approximately (b) 1 to 2 ml/kg/hr

multiple parameteres are measured to determine a category of shock that an animal may be experiencing. the central venous pressure is high in which of the following tyupes of shock?

a. traumatic

b. septic

c. hypovolemic

d. cardiogenic

multiple parameteres are measured to determine a category of shock that an animal may be experiencing. the central venous pressure is high in (d) cardiogenic shock

hypoglycemia is most common in patients that experience

a. neurogenic shock

b. cardiogenic shock

c. septic shock

d. anaphylactic shock

hypoglycemia is most common in patients that experience (c) septic shock

in treating a shock patient it was necessary to bandage both hind limbs and the caudal abdomen. the correct way to remove the bandages is to

a. remove the bandages as quickly as possible from hind limbs but leave the abdomen bandages for another 24 horus

b. remove bandages slowly from the abdomen but leave hind-limb bandages on for another 24 hours

c. remove all bandages as quickly as possible so the animal can resume circulation to the area

d. slowly remove all bandages while monitoring the patient's heart rate and blood pressure

in treating a shock patient it was necessary to bandage both hind limbs and the caudal abdomen. the correct way to remove the bandages is to (d) slowly remove all bandages while monitoring the patient's heart rate and blood pressure

although the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of hypovolemic shock is controversial, it is generally agreed that their administration is most beneficial

a. once the animal has been stabilized

b. in the early stages after initial fluid administration

c. 24 hours after the event to treat pain

d. as a continuous slow infusion over the entire treatment period

although the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of hypovolemic shock is controversial, it is generally agreed that their administration is most beneficial (b) in the early stages after intial fluid administration

corticosteroids have the effect of improving oxygen transport to peripheral tissue, stabilizing cell and organelle membranes and enhancing cellular metabolism

the schiff-scherrington motor posture is characterized by

a. bilateral extensor rigidity of forelimbs and bilaterally flaccid or paralyzed hind limbs or both

b. bilateral extensor rigidity of forelimbs and bilaterally flexed hind limbs

c. bilateral extensor rigidity of fore and hind limbs

d. bilateral flexing of fore and hind limbs

the schiff-scherrington motor posture is characterized by (a) bilateral extensor rigidity of forelimbs and bilaterally flaccid or paralyzed hind limbs or both

the schiff-scherrington motor posture is indicative of

a. injry to c1 to t6

b. injury to t2 to l4

c. injury to the cerebellum

d. injury to the brainstem

the schiff-scherrington motor posture is indicative of (b) injury to t2 to l4

the PCV of the abdominal fluid of an animal with urologic injury is

a. the same as the pierpheral PCV

b higher than the peripheral PCV

c. lower than the peripheral PCV

d. noncontributaroy to a diagnosis

the PCV of the abdominal fluid of an animal with urologic injury is (c) lower than the peripheral PCV

l;ower because of the hemodilution with urine

NSAIDs jare also referred to as

a. proprostaglandins

b. prostaglandoids

c. antiprostaglandins

d. neoprostaglandins

NSAIDs are also referred to as (c) antiprostaglandins

NSAIDs will inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX 1 and COX 2) which in turn synthesize prostaglandins. The COX 2 group of prostaglandins mediate the inflammatory response

which of the following is a colloid solution?

a/ blood

b. lactated ringer

c. normosol-r

d. plasmalyte 148

(a) blood is a colloid solution

colloids contain larger insoluble molecules such as gelatin or proteins. blood, which contains large protein molecules is a colloid. lactaed ringers, normosol-r and plasmalyte 148 are all crystalloids

defibrillation is the passing of an electrical current through the heart to

a. cause the already depolarized cardiac cells to repolarize in a uniform manner

b. cause the cardiac cells to depolarize and then repolarize in a uniform manner

c. prevent the cardiac cells from depolarizing thus maintaining rhythm

d. prevent any contractile activity of the cardiac cells temporarily

defibrillation is the passing of an electrical current through the heart to (b) cause the cardiac cells to depolarize and then repolarize in a uniform manner

a fibrillating hear has a chaotic asynchronous electrical acitivity. if you depolarize and then repolarize with defibrillation, a resumption of normal coordinated electrical activity can be generated

which of the following is not a sign of shock

a. elevated body temperature

b. increased respiratory rate and effort

c. tachycardia

d. pale mucous membraes

increased respiratory rate and effort, tachycardia, and pale mucous membranes are all signs of shock but (a) elevated body temperature is not

shock patients have a low body temperature because their body is shutting down

gastric dilatation/volvulus (GDV) is a life-threatening emergency. its main damaging effect is the obstruction of the

a. renal vein

b. portal vein

c. femoral vein

d. splenic vein

gastric dilatation/volvulus (GDV) is a life-threatening emergency. its main damaging effect is the obstruction of the (b) portal vein

the distention and/or rotation of the stomach partially or completely blocks the portal vein

the placement of a urinary catheter in a male cat with a urethral obstruction usually serves all of the following purposes except

a. ability to document rate of urine fomration

b. prevent reobstruction within 24 hours

c. decompress bladder

d. administration of in situ antibiotics

the placement of a urinary catheter in a male cat with a urethral obstruction usually serves all of the following purposes ability to document rate of urine formation, prevent reobstruction within 24 hours and decompress bladder but it is not used for d) administration of in situ antibiotics

immediately on presentation and catheterization, there is no need for in situ antibiotics. if there were a more appropriate route would be selected

dystocia in the dog or cat may be defined as active straining without delivery of a fetus for

a. more than 20 minutes

b. more than 30 minutes

c. more than 40 minutes

d. more than 60 minutes

dystocia in the dog or cat may be defined as active straining without delivery of a fetus for (d) more than 60 minutes

when approaching an animal that requires emergency treatment, the recommended way to approach is

a. caudally

b. laterally

c. rostrally

d. let the animal come to you

when approaching an animal that requires emergency treatment, the recommended way to approach is (c) rostrally

allows for observation of the animal's behavior and state of mind

ocular exposure to a toxin has occurred in a dog. on examination it is discovered that there is possible damage tot he corneal epithelium. which of the following is contraindicated

a. continuous flushing with physiologic saline

b. provision of mild sedative or analgesic or both

c. corticosteroid administration to prevent inflammation

d. use of antibiotic cream after flushing

ocular exposure to a toxin has occurred in a dog. on examination it is discovered that there is possible damage tot he corneal epithelium. continuous flushing with physiologic saline, provision of mild sedative or analgeics or both, and use of antibiotic cream after flushing may be indicated but (c) corticosteroid adminsitration to prevent inflammation may be contraindicated

corticosteroids delay healing corneal healing and possibly exacerbate infection

a client calls the clinic where you are working to say taht 6 hours ago, her cat drank some ethylene glycol. everyone else is at lunch and you immediately page the veterinarian; however the clientw ants to make her cat to rid it of the toxin. you advise her

a. to use 3% hydrogen peroxide at 1 tbs/20#

b. to use salt on the back of the tongue

c. to use dry mustard powder only

d. not to induce vomiting and to immediately bring in the cat

a client calls the clinic where you are working to say taht 6 hours ago, her cat drank some ethylene glycol. everyone else is at lunch and you immediately page the veterinarian; however the clientw ants to make her cat to rid it of the toxin. you advise her (d) not to induce vomiting and to immediately bring in the cat

six hours have elapsed, it would only only be advisable to induce vomiting if it's been less than 3 hours

eclampsia produced elevated body temperature resutling from

a. increased level of endotoxins present

b. large fetal mass present

c. heat produced through msucle movement

d. eclampsia does not result in elevated body temperature

eclampsia produced elevated body temperature resutling from (c) heat produced through muscle movement

heat is generated by muscle tremors

a frantic client calls to say that her horse is acting strangely; the horse does not appear to be able to eat or drink and is moving with a stiff gait, there is a pink membrane present in the medial aspect of the eye, and it seems to be very agitated by loud noises. considering this description, the horse apparently is suffering from

a. night blindness

b. potomac horse fever

c. tetanus

d. equine herpes virus 4

a frantic client calls to say that her horse is acting strangely; the horse does not appear to be able to eat or drink and is moving with a stiff gait, there is a pink membrane present in the medial aspect of the eye, and it seems to be very agitated by loud noises. considering this description, the horse apparently is suffering from (c) tetanus

you have paged the veterinarian to go to the farm of a client whose horse is exhibiting the symptoms of tetanus; until the veterinarian arrives, you advice the client to

a. bathe the horse with cold water to cool it

b. encourage the horse to drink lots of water

c. keep the horse walking slowly

d. put the horse in a quiet, dark well-bedded stall

you have paged the veterinarian to go to the farm of a client whose horse is exhibiting the symptoms of tetanus; until the veterinarian arrives, you advice the client to (d) put the horse ina quiet, dark, well-bedded stall

to place a nasal oxygenation catheter in a dog you would

a. measure a standard 1.5 inch of catheter in length

b. measure to the beginning of the ear

c. measure to the medial canthus of the eye

d. measure toe pharynx

to place a nasal oxygenation catheter in a dog you would (c) measure to the medial canthus of the eye

if too shallow, air hisses out; if too far - that is, nasopharyngeal - cough is provoked

a client calls to say she has come home to find her cat lying witha lamp cord in its mouth. you advice her to

a. immediately place the cat in a carrier and bring it to clinic

b. explain how to perform CPR

c. immediately disconnect the plug of the lamp cord from the wall socket

d. take note of the amperage of the lamp

a client calls to say she has come home to find her cat lying witha lamp cord in its mouth. you advice her to (c) immediately disconnect the plug of the lamp cord from the wall socket

first you need to stop the flow of electricity

when doing physical therapy, which routine has the greatest capacity to reduce pain and muscle spasm?

a. wet heat produced by applying warm wet compresses to the area

b. dry heat

c. cold applied every 20 minutes

d. cold applied every 10 minutes

when doing physical therapy (b) dry heat has the greatest capacity to reduce pain and muscle spasm

a part of physical therapy of the respiratory tract is to

a. pinch the trachea to stimulate coughing

b. applying hot compresses to the neck area

c. avoid turning a recumbent patient often

d. place hands over the patient's nose to slow down rapid respiration

a part of physical therapy of the respiratory tract is to (a)pince the trachea to stimulate coughin

pinching the trachea will stimulate coughin and allow expansion of the lungs and prevent atelectasis

the proper site for intraperitoneal injection is

a. on the lateral abdominal wall just caudal to the rib cage

b. 2 to 3 inches caudal to the umbilicus on the midline

c. at the level of the umbilicus to the right or left of the midline

d. 2 to 3 inches anterior to the umbilicus on the midline

the proper site for intraperitoneal injection is (c) at the level of the umbilicus tot he right or left of the midline

at the level of the umbilicus to the right or left of the midline is the site that will result in the smallest chance of causing damage to the abdominal contents

when assessing skin turgor in a canine patient, which area of the body is best to avoid?

a. the neck

b. the thoracolumbar junction

c. the lumbar area

d. the chest area

when assessing skin turgor in a canine patient it is best to avoid (a) the neck

the neck in the dog often has extra skin making the skin tent test inaccurate in this area

where is the popliteal lymph node located?

a. at the angle of the mandible and the neck

b. in the inguinal area under the hind leg

c. proximal to the stifle at the caudal aspect of the leg

d. ventral aspect of the foreleg where it meets the body

The popliteal lymph node is located (c) proximal to the stifle at the caudal aspect of the leg

the popliteal lymph node is easily accessable at the caudal aspect of the hind leg inside the muscle group dorsal to the stifle

knuckling is

a. a normal phenomenon in some breeds of dogs and cats

b. a neurologic abnormality

c. an abnormality of the respiratory system

d. a swelling usually observed on the carpus or tarsus

knuckling is (b) a neurologic abnormality

knuckling is a symptom of malfunction of the nervous system. the patient walks on the dorsal surface of the paws

potassium solutions can be administered to dogs and cats without causing severe pain by what routes?

a. intravenous only

b. subcutaneous only

c. intramuscular only

d. intravenous and subcutaneous

potassium solution can be administered to dogs and cats without causing severe pain by (d) intravenous and subcutaneous routes

potassium can be adminsitered both intravenous and at no more than 30 mEq/L subcutaneous without causing pain to the patient

if a dog that receives parenteral fluids is pyrexic, how much additional fluids should be added to the maintenance fluid dose?

a. 20%

b. 15%

c. 25%

d. 10%

if a dog that receives parenteral fluids is pyrexic (d) 10% should be added to the maintenance fluid dose

fever (pyrexia) increases a patient's metabolic rate and tehrefore its fluid need. 10% additional fluid is added ot the maintencance requirement for pyrexic patients

which of the following is not a contraindication for fluid therapy?

a. pulmonary edema

b. cerebral edema

c. pitting of soft tissue

d. swollen soft tissue from bruising caused by trauma

pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, and pitting of soft tissue are contraindications for fluid therapy but (d) swollen soft tissue from bruising caused by trauma is not

car accidents and other forms of trauma to soft tissue are usually indcations for fluid shock therapy

what part of the eye can be used to indicate fluid overload?

a. conjunctiva

b. lens

c. pupil

d. nictitating membrane

(A) the conjunctiva can be used to indcate fluid overload

chemosis of the eye (conjunctival edema) can result from fluid overload

a common colloid preparation administered intravenously is

a. lactated ringer solution

b. normasol-r solution

c. sodium chloride 9%

d. pentastarch

a common colloid preparation administered intravenously is (d) pentastarch

normasol-r solution, sodium chloride 9%, and lactated ringer solution are all crystalloids

which of the following is the safest and most effective first aid for frostbite?

a. apply warm towels and massage the area

b. immerse the effect area in hot water

c. immerse the effected area in lukewarm water

d. rube the affected area with snow

the safest and most effective first aid for frostbite is (c) immerse the effected area in lukewarm water

the other choices could cause more tissue damage

which of the following methods of controlling hemorrhage from a traumatic wound is least likely to cause further damage to the animal?

a. clamping the wound witha hemostat

b. direct pressure

c. tourniquet

d. applying silver nitrate

of the listed methods (b) direct pressure is a method of controlling hemorrhage from a traumatic wound that is least likely to cause further damage to the animal

the other choices have greater potential to cause damage

patients in shock have

a. an inital decrease in heart rate that then increases as the patient nears death

b. a decreased heart rate

c. an initial increase in heart rate that then decreases as the patient nears death

d. an increased heart rate

patients in shock have (c) an initial increase in heart rate that then decreases as the patient nears death

compensatory mechanisms initially cause an increase in heart rate; as the patient nears death these mechanisms fail and the heart rate drops

the mucous membranes of patients in hemorrhagic shocks are

a. cyanotic

b. pale or white

c. brick red

d. unusually warm

the mucous membranes of patient in hemorrhagic shock are (b) pale or white

blood loss causes pale mucous membranes as a result of dimished peripheral vascular perfusion

the mucous membranes of patients with severe anemia and respiratory distress are

a. white

b. purple or blue

c. brick red

d. pink

the mucous membranes of patients with severe anemia and respiratory distress are (a) white

patients must have adequate amoutns of hemoglobin before cyanosis is demonstrated

normal urine output in cats and dogs is

a. 1 to 2 ml/kg/hr

b. 3 to 4 ml/kg/hr

c. 0.5 ml/kg/hr

d. 10 ml/kg/hr

normal urine output in cats and dogs is (a) 1 to 2 ml/kg/hr

petechial hemorrhages on the mucous membranes can indicate

a. trauma

b. methemoglobinemia

c. anemia

d. thrombocytopenia

petechial hemorrhages on the mucous membranes can indicate (d) thrombocytopenia

abnormally low platelet counts interfer with blood clotting. one sign of thrombocytopenia may be petechial hemorrhages on mucous membraes

which of these is not a characteristic of traumatic shock?

a. white mucous membranes

b. cool extremeties

c. capillary refill time under 1 second

d. weak femoral pulses

white mucous membranes, cool extermeties, and weak femoral pulses are charactersitics of traumatic shock but (c) capillary refill time under 1 second is not

traumatic shock is characterized by capillary refill time over 2 seconds

all of the following should be included in the first aid procedure for acute gastric dilatation/volvulus except

a. induce emesis

b. treat for shock

c. attempt to pass a stomach tube

d. trocarize the stomach

treating for shock, attempting to pass a stomach tube and troacarizing the stomach should be included in the first aid procedure for acute gastric dilatation/volvulus but you should not (a) induce emesis

inducing emesis is contraindicated in gastric dilatation/volvulus. vomitus cannot be passed if the stomach is twisted

all of the following should be included in the first aid procedure for epistaxis except

a. elevate the nose

b. apply warm compresses to the nose

c. apply an ice pack to the nose

d. keep the pateint quiet

the first aid procedure for epistaxis should include elevating the nose, applying an ice pack to the nose, and keeping the patient quiet but should not include (b) applying a warm compress to the nose

warm compresses may increase circulation and worsen the epistaxis (nosebleed)

which statement concerning administration of activated charcoal via stomach tube is elast accurate?

a. check tube palcement by adminsitering a small amoutn of water; listen for coughing or gagging

b. measure te tube from the tip of the nose to the area of the 9th through 13th ribs

c. measure the tube from the tip of the nose to the area of the thoracic inlet

d. use a roll of tape as speculum to keep the mouth open prevent the animal from biting the tube

in regards to administering activated charcoal via stomach tube you should check tube placement by adminsitering a small amount of water and listen for coughing or gagging; measure the tube from the tip of the nose to the area of the 9th or 13th ribe; use a roll of tape as a speculum to keep the mouth open and prevent the animal from biting the tube but you should not (C) measure the tube from the tip of the nose the the area of the thoracic inlet

if reaching the area of the thoracic inlet only, the tube will not reach the stomach, it will be in the esophagus

oxygen can be administered to a patient via any of hte following routes except

a. endotracheal tube

b. tracheotomy tube

c. chest tube

d. nasal oxygen catheter

oxygen can be administered to a patient via endotracheal tube, tracheotomy tube, nasal oxygen catheter but not through (C) a chest tube

administration of oxygen via a chest tube would result in pneumothorax

the initial first-aid procedure for a patient with heat stroke is

a. intravenous fluid administration

b. cool-water enema

c. oxygen administration

d. cool water bath

the initial first-aid procedure for a patient with heat stroke is (d) cool water bath

this initial step can be performed by the client at home

first aid for a dog with paraphimosis includes all of the following except

a. lubricate the penis

b. apply ice packs to the penis

c. apply hypertonic solutions to the penis

d. apply a warm compress to the penis

first aid for a dog with paraphimosis includes lubricating the penis, applying ice packs to the penis, and applying hypertonic solutions to the penis but not (d) applying a warm compress to the penis

a warm compress may increase circulation and worsen the paraphimosis (prolonged erection)

initial treatment for a cat with an open pneumothorax may include all of the following except

a. thoracocentesis

b. oxygen adminstration

c. covering the wound

d. radiographic examination

initial treatment for a cat with an open pneumothorax may include thoracocentesis, oxygen administration, and covering the wound but not (D) radiographic examination

a radiographic examination should not be performed until the patient's condition is stabilized

which statement concerning emergency treatment of cats with urethral obstruction is least accurate?

a. cats must always be sedated ot have a urinary catheter passed

b. sometimes the obstruction can be relieved by massaging the tip of the penis

c. cats with a slow irregular heart rate probably have a high serum potassium level

d. if the obstruction is not relieved, the cat will die

in regards to emergency treatment of cats with urethral obstruction sometimes the obstruction can be relieved by massaging the tip of the penis; cats with a slow, irregular heartbeat probably have a high serum potassium level; if the obstruction is not relieved, the cat will die but it is not accurate that (A) cats must always be sedated to have a urinary catheter passed

cats with prolonged urethral obstruction may be comatose and often require no sedation for urinary catheterization

what procedure is not routinely performed to resuscitate neonates following cesarean section?

a. clean the nose and mouth of secretions

b. rub them with a towel to stimulate breathing

c. administer a drop of oxytocin under the tongue

d. ligate the umbilical cord

procedures performed to resuscitate neonates following cesarean section include cleaning the nose and mouth of secretions, rubbing them with a towel to stimulate breathing, and ligating the umbilical cord but (c) administering a drop of oxytocin under the tongue is not routinely performed

doxapram is usually adminsitered under the tongue; oxytocin is not given to neonates

inducing emesis after ingestion of a solid toxin is probably no longer of value after how much time as elapsed since ingestion?

a. 10 minutes

b. 30 minutes

c. 1 to 4 hours

d. 24 hours

inducing emesis after ingestion of a solid toxin is probably no longer of value after (c) 1 to 4 hours have elapsed since ingestion

after this length of time the toxin has been absorbed into the system

during cardiopulmonary arrest, what route is the least effective for drug administration?

a. intraosseous

b. intratracheal

c. intramuscular

d. intravenous

during cardiopulmonary arrest (c) intramuscular administration of a drug is the least effective route when compared with intraosseous, intratracheal, and intravenous

drugs administered by the intramuscular route in patients with cardiac arrest are not absorbed quickly because of decreased perfusion of muscles

at what rate should cardiac compressions be administered to a small dog in cardiopulmonary arrest?

a. 80 to 120/min

b. 60 to 80/min

c. 110 to 140/min

d. 25 to 30/min

cardiac compressions should be administered at a rate of (a) 80 to 120/min to a small dog in cardiopulmonary arrest

all of the following are signs of shock except

a/ weak and thready pulse

b. vasodilation

c. prolonged capillary refill time

d. tachycardia

weak and thready pulse, prolonged capillary refill time, and tachycardia are all signs of shock but (b) vasodilation is not

vasoconstriction occurs in shock

central venous pressure is used in monitoring

a. pulse quality

b. temperature

c. hydraiton status

d. heart rate

central venous pressure is used in monitoring (c) hydration status

a 20 kg springer spaniel is brought to the clinic because of anorexia and lethargy. dehydration is estimated at 8%. the maintenance requirement of fluids is 66 ml/kg/day. to correct this dog's dehydration, how much fluid should it receive over the first 24 hours?

a. 2920 ml

b. 1600 ml

c. 1302 ml

d. 1336 ml

a 20 kg springer spaniel is brought to the clinic because of anorexia and lethargy. dehydration is estimated at 8%. the maintenance requirement of fluids is 66 ml/kg/day. to correct this dog's dehydration it should receieve (a) 2920 ml of fluid over the first 24 hours

0.08 x 20 x 1000 = 16000 ml; 20 x 66 = 1320 ml; (1600 ml + 1320 ml = 2920 ml)

a 20 kg springer spaniel is brought to the clinic because of anorexia and lethargy. dehydration is estimated at 8%. the maintenance requirement of fluids is 66 ml/kg/day. what is the hourly rate of fluid infusion to provide two times the daily maintenance requirement?

a. 55 ml

b. 110 ml

c. 235 ml

d. 1320 ml

a 20 kg springer spaniel is brought to the clinic because of anorexia and lethargy. dehydration is estimated at 8%. the maintenance requirement of fluids is 66 ml/kg/day. the hourly rate of infusion to provide two times the daily maintenance requirements would be (b) 110 ml

20 x 132 = 2640 ml; 2640/24 = 110 ml/hr

placement of a jugular catheter is contraindicated in which of these situations?

a. vomiting

b. pancreatitis

c. thrombocytopenia

d. renal failure

placement of a jugular catheter is contraindicated in cases of (c) thrombocytopenia

low platelet count causes higher risk of bleeding. the jugular vein should not be used for fear of causing a large hematoma near the trachea

what is the first consideration in cardiac arrest?

a. ventilate the animal

b. apply cardiac compressions

c. be sure the airway is patent

d. intravenous catheter placement

the first consideration in cardiac arrest is (C) be sure the airway is patent

tissue perfusion can be assessed by all of the following except

a. capillary refill time

b. blood pressure

c. mucous membrane color

d. rectal temperature

tissue perfusion can be assessed by capillary refill time, blood pressure, mucous membrane color but not by (d) rectal temperature

during triage which patient should be attended to first?

a. dog with penetrating wound of the abdomen

b. cat in respiratory arrest

c. cat with an intestinal foreign body

d. dog with gastric dilatation/volvulus

during triage (B) a cat in respiratory arrest should be attended to first of the cases listed

respiratory function is an immediate concern

which of the following is not a sign of blood transfusions reaction?

a fever

b. vomiting

c. tachycardia

d/ seizure

fever, vomiting, and tachycardia are all signs of blood transfusion reaction but (D) seizures are not

the normal blood pH for a dog is

a. 6.4

b. 7.0

c. 7.4

d. 8.0

the normal blood pH for a dog is (c) 7.4

what electrolyte imbalance is most likely to be found in a cat with total urethral obstruction?

a. hyperkalemia

b. hypokalemia

c. hyponatremia

d. hypercalcemia

(A) hyperkalemia is most likely to be found in a cat with total urethral obstruction

hyperkalemia is too high a level of potassium in the body. because potassium cannot be properly eliminated from the body, the cat becomes hyperkalemic

all of the following are ways to monitor heart rate in an unanesthetized animal except

a. stethoscope

b. electrocardiographic monitor

c. pulse rate

d. esophageal stethoscope

stethoscope, elctrocardiographic monitor, and pulse rate are all ways to monitor heart rate in an unanesthetized animl but (d) esophageal stethoscope is not

an animal must be anesthetized ot insert an esophageal stethoscope