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19 Cards in this Set

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The tmj is the articulation between which bones?

Mandible and temporal bone

What type of movement occurs in the upper synovial cavity of the tmj?


What type of movement occurs in the lower synovial cavity of the tmj?


What structure is located between the bony articulations of the TMJ and divides the TMJ into two compartments?

Articular disk

The _ is the anterior bony protuberance on the skull portion of the TMJ

Articular eminence

The _ Is the posterior bony protuberance of the school portion of the TMJ

Post Glenoid process

__Involves shifting the lower jaw to one side during mastication

Lateral excursion

The superior portion of the articular disc is_From anterior to posterior

Cóncavo convex

An acute episode of TMD known as__Occurs when a patient open to wide causing the Maximal depression and protrusion of the mandible


Fewer than half of the patients with TMD seek treatment for their disorder...t or f


Most patients with TMD require surgery or other extensive treatments... t or f


I close all the discrepancies in malocclusion are not involved in most cases of TMD... t or f


Referred oain

Spasms of neck muscles

Muslces of mastication

V, VII,IX and X nerves


Central portion of disc-no nerve supply

Mesial and lateral attachments and anterior/ posterior attachments have nerve supply but cause pain


Posterior band of disk gets caught between head of condole and articular eminence

Need stethoscope and palpate to feel jump

Treat with ultra sound, therapy or splint


May come from adhesión in synovial membranes

Arthritic changes

Perforations if disk

Disc derangement

Constant anterior displacement and damage

Posterior laminae May be torn

Mesial and lateral attachments to the poles of condyle may be torn

Requires surgury


Clenching or grinding

Tmj tired and sore

Needs nightguard or tranquilizers


Cortisone May release pain

Pain is large factor