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69 Cards in this Set

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The _____________ is a joint on each side of the head that allows for movement of the mandible for speech and mastication
Tempormandibular joint (TMJ)
The TMJ connects the condyle of mandible to the
temporal bone
The TMJ allows for
rotation and translation
The rotation movement of jaw ______ and ______
open and close
The translation movement is ________ and ________
forward and backward
The combination of rotation and translation allow for
Lateral and medial movement
Temporomandibular Joint is a _____________ joint
ginglymoarthrodial joint
_________ is a gliding joint that allows for gliding movement
The Condyle of TMJ articulates with the temporal bone in the
articular (glenoid) fossa
The condyle and the temporal bone are separated by an
articular disc
True or False
The Articular disc is only disc of its kind in body
The articular disc seperates the TMJ into 2 areas, the
- Superior component (upper synovial cavity)
- Inferior Compartment (lower synovial cavity)
___________________ allows for the rest of the opening of the mouth and also allows for translation down the articular eminence of the temporal bone
The Superior component (upper synovial cavity)
___________________ allows for pure rotation of condylar head and allows for the first 20 mm of the opening of the mouth
Inferior compartment (lower synovial cavity)
The Main components of TMJ include:
- Mandibular condyles
- Articular surface of the temporal bone
- joint capsule
- Articular disc
- Ligamnets
- lateral pterygoids
The ____________ completely encloses TMJ
joint capsule
The __________ is a fibrous membrane that surrounds joint and incorporates articular eminence
joint capsule
The joint capsue is attached to
articular eminenence, articular disc, and mandibular condyle neck
The Articular (Joint) Disc is between the
temporal bone & condyle
The Articular (joint) disc functions to
articulate the surfaces against both temporal bone and condyles
The articular (joint) disc divides TMJ into
Upper & lower synovial cavites
The articular (joint) disc is a biconcave structure that attaches to the medial and lateral poles of the
mandibular condyle
The posterior portion of the articular (joint) disc is called the
retrodiscal tissue
True or False
The posterior portion of the articular (joint) disc is connective tissue that is vascular and innervated
Pain is induced during anterior disc displacement because
the condyle is pressing on this area
There are 3 ligaments associated with TMJ:
- Temporomandibular ligament
- Stylomandibular ligament
- Sphenoimandibular ligament
the __________________ is located on the lateral side of each joint and forms a reinforcement of the capsule of the TMJ
Temporomandibular ligament
The temporomandibular ligament is actually the thickened lateral portion of the capsule and prevents
excessive retraction
The Temporomandibular ligament is divided into 2 parts:
Outer oblique portion & Inner horizontal portion
The ____________ is a variable ligament that is formed from thickened cervical fascia in the area
Stylomandibular ligament
The Stylomandibular ligament seperates the ___________ region from the _________ region
- infratemporal region
- parotid region
The ________________ runs from styloid process of temporal bone to angle of mandible
Stylomandibular ligament
The _____________ is not a portion of the TMJ, but is located on the medial side of the mandible
Sphenomandibular ligament
The ______________ runs from the spine of sphenoid bone to the lingual of mandibular foramen and is the landmark for the administration of inferior
local anesthetic block
Sphenomandibular ligament
Ligaments limit
border movements
Movement past limits constitute
abnormal function and even pathology
The TMJ is innervated by the
- Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V3)
- Auriculotemporal
- Masseteric
The TMJ is supplied by the
Superficial temporal branch of the external carotid artery
during jaw movements, only the _________ moves
The 2 basic movements are:
gliding & rotational
_________ movement occurs between disc and the articular eminence of the temporal bone in the upper synovial cavity, with disc plus the condyle moving forward or backward, and up in the articular eminence
gliding movement allows lower jaw to move forward or backward which =
protrusion & retraction
__________ movement occurs between disc and the condyle in the lower synovial cavity.
Rotational movement allows for _________ or __________ of mandible
- depression or elevation of mandible
Normal movements =
________ bringing lower jaw forward
________ bringing lower jaw backward
Movement of TMJ is primarily by four muscles of mastication
- lateral pterygoid
- medial pterygoid
- masseter
- temporalis
__________ opens mouth
lateral pterygoid
Contraction of lateral pterygoid pulls disc and condyle forward within __________ and down in _____________
-glenoid fossa
- articular eminence
__________ pulls up angle of mandible
medial pterygoid & masseter
__________ pulls up on coronoid process
temporalis muscle
muscles that close mouth
- medial pterygoid
- masseter muscle
- temporalis muscle
Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) pain is generally due to one of three reasons
- Disc displacement
- Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, primarily involving the muscles of mastication
- Degenerative joint disease (AKA osteoarthritis)
_______________ is organic degeneration of the articular surfaces within TMJ
Degenerative joint disease (AKA osteoarthritis)
Myofascial pain dysfunction can be caused from
- Overusage of the muscles
- parafunctional habits (Excessive gum chewing, Biting habits (nails, pencils, etc), Grinding habits, Clenching habits
- Other causes include infection, Trauma, Bruising / scarring,Trigger points in muscle tissue (Myofascial pain syndrome)
Most common disorder is
disc displacement
____________ is when the Articular disc moves out from between the condyle and the fossa, so that the mandible and temporal bone contact is made on something other than the articular disc
disc displacement
_______________ is when the Articular disc stays anterior to the condylar head upon closing
Displacement without reduction
_______________ is when the Articular disc goes posterior to condylar head upon closing and popping or clicking can be heard
Displacement with reduction
_____________ is the most common form of arthritis
____________ is a condition in which low-grade inflammation results in pain in the joints, caused by wearing of the cartilage that covers and acts as a cushion
in osteoarthritis more wear = __________, and decreased movements may cause muscles to atrophy and ligaments to become lax
more pain
Other problems associated with TMD include:
- Subluxation (dislocation with TMD)
- Bruxism
____________ is a condition in which a person opens his or her mouth too wide and is unable to close it again; head of condyle moves to far anteriorly on the articular eminence & when patient tries to close and elevate mandible, the condylar heads cannot move posteriorly because their muscles have become spastic
Subluxation (dislocation of both joints)
Treatment of Subluxation (dislocation of both joints) requires repositioning of the __________ by relaxing the muscles and carefully moving the mandible down and back allowing the condylar heads to assume normal posterior position in relation to articular eminence
___________ is a condition in which a person grinds their teeth and usually occurs nocturnally
Treatment for Bruxism includes
NSAIDs, nightguard, muscle relaxers
The __________Hinge joint allows for motion in one plane, forward and backward