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20 Cards in this Set

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_occurs as a result of the fact that permanent premolars have a smaller width than the primary molars

Leeway space

In a __ occlusal relationship the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxilary first molar occluded with the buccal groove of the Mandibular first molar

Class 1 (nutraocclusion)

___ spaces are the spaces found mesial to the primary maxilar canine and distal to the primary mandibular canines


The tongue lips and cheeks are responsible for the __ alignment of the teeth


The crowns of Mandibular posterior teeth have a tendency to tip __


A ___ relationship could result Id the mandible does not continue to grow or if the maxila outgrows the mandible

Class 2 skeletal

The__ is a fairly even curve of the occlusal plane in an anterior to posterior direction

Curve of splee

__ is the extension of the incisal edges of the maxilary anterior teeth below the Incisal edges of the Mandibular anterior teeth


___ is the amount of facial horizontal overlap of the maxilary teeth


In a ___ occlusal relationship the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxilary first molar occluded mesial to the buccal groove of the Mandibular first molar

Class 2 (distoclusion)

In a ___ skeletal classification of the mandible is prognathic

Class 3

___ refers to the most retruded position of the mandible where the condyles are in their most posterior superior position in the Mandibular fossa

Centric relation

A ___ occlusal relationship is also known as mesioocclusion

Class 3

In A ___ skeletal classification the mandible is retrognathic

Class 2

In a ____ occlusal relationship the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxilary first occludes distal to the buccal groove of the Mandibular first molar

Class 3 (mesioocclusion)

___ is the maximum interdigitation of the teeth

Centric occlusion

__occurs when one or more Mandibular teeth are facial to their maxilary counterparts

Cross bite

A ___ occlusal relationship is also known as distoclusion

Class 2

In a ___ malocclusion the permanent maxilary central incisors are retruded and inclined lingually

Class 2 div 2

Most children have a __between the distal surfaces of the primary second molars

Mesial step