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35 Cards in this Set

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Maxilary anterior teeth

Anterior superior alveolar of infra orbital

Maxilary Anterior labial gingiva

Superior labial branch of infraorbital

Anterior superior alveolar of infraorbital (ASA)

Maxilary anterior palatal gingiva

Nasopalatine branch of sphenopalatine

Maxilary anterior hard palate

Nasopalatine branch of sphenopalatine

Maxilary premolars, mb root of 1st molar

Middle superior alveolar

Maxilary DB and L roots of 1st molar and second and 3rd

Posterior superior alveolar nerve

Maxilary Posterior buccal gingiva

Posterior superior alveolar nerve

middle superior alveolar (MSA)

Maxilary posterior lingual gingiva

Greater palatine nerve

Maxilary posterior hard palate

Greater palatine nerve

Maxilar sinus

Posterior superior alveolar nerve (PSA)

Middle superior alveolar (MSA)

Maxilary Soft palate

Lesser palatine branch of IA

Maxilary Skin and mucosa of upper lip

Superior labial of infraorbital

Maxilary skin and mucosa of cheek

Baccal nerve and zygomatic nerve

Mandibular anterior teeth

Incisive nerve

Mandibular posterior teeth

Inferior alveolar nerve

Mandibular anterior labial gingiva

Menta nerve

Incisive nerve

Mandibular anterior lingual gingiva

Lingual nerve

Mandibular posterior buccal gingiva (to mental foramen)

Long buccal nerve

Mandibular posterior lingual gingiva

Lingual nerve

Mandibular skin and mucosa of lower lip and chin

Mental nerve of inferior alveolar nerve

Mandibular skin and mucosa of cheek

Buccal nerve

Mandibular floor of mouth

Lingual nerve

Mylohyoid nerve

Mandibular Sensation to anterior 2/3 tongue

Lingual nerve

Mandibular Taste anterior 2/3 of tongue

Chorda tympani

Lingual nerve

Mandibular Sensory posterior 1/3 tongue


Mandibular taste posterior 1/3 tongue


Mandibular motor to muscles that move tongue


Supraorbital nerve

Skin above eye and into forehead

Suprateochlear nerve

Upper medial corner of eye

Lacrimal nerve

Skin above lateral eye area and lacrimal gland

Nasociliary nerve

Nasal cavity

Infratrochlear nerve

Inferior medial corner of eye

Trigeminal nerve divisions

Frontal nerve

Maxilary nerve

Mandibular nerve

Ophthalmic nerve branches




Maxilary nerve branches

Posterior superior alveolar



Descending palatine

