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79 Cards in this Set

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Bones of the neurocranium

Covers brain

Frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, temporal, parietal, occipital

Bones of the viscerocranoum

Covers the face

Mandible S, Vomer S, Nasal P, Lacrimal P, Zygomatic P, Inferior nasal conchae P, Maxilary P, Palatine P.


Joining of 2 bones


A hole


Tube through bone

Frontal bone

Make up for head. Top of eyes to top of skull


Area below eyes to occlusal plane. Makes up cheekbone


Area below the eyes and upper jaw


Forms bridge of the nose


Forms inner or medial corner of eye

Inferior nasal conchae

Lower, lateral portions of nasal cavity

Medial of orbit

Ethmoid, maxilla, lacrimal, sphenoid

Posterior of orbit

Sphenoid, frontal, zygomatic, maxillae

Lateral of orbit


Floor of orbit

Maxillae and zygomatic

Roof of orbit

Orbital plane of frontal

Supraorbital notch/foramen

Carries nerve to skin of forehead

Above eye socket

Optic foramen

Opening to optic canal

Superior orbital Fissue

Hole in skull between sphenoid bone

Inferior orbital Fissur

Vessels go into head

Infra orbital foramen

Carries artery to cheek

Nasal aperture

Heart shaped hole for

Canine eminence

Bump above canine teeth

Canine fossa

Depression external to above canine teeth

Intermaxillary suture

Separate sides of maxillary

Mental foramen

Small holes on the bottom of the mandible for nerves


Form sides and roof of cranium


Form sides and base of skull


Forms back of skull


Unpaired middle of nose


Separates nasal cavity


On either side of nose


Lower jaw

Coronal suture

Across front of skull


Between temporal


Across back


Running front to back

Temporal fossa

Shallow fossa on temporal bone

Mandibular fossa

Depression where. Temporal bone articulates with mandible

Mastoid process

Just behind external auditory meatus

Articular eminence

The buldge of bone anterior in tmj joint

Styloid provess

Pointy part

External auditorium meatus

Path from outer to middle ear

Anterior nasal spine

Projection on maxilla

Incisive foramen

Hole behind front of teeth

Median Palantine suture

Going back to front on roof

Transverse Palatine suture

Separates hard and soft palate side to side

Greater Palentine foramen

Hold for greater Palatine nerve in the posterior of mouth

Was there a palatine Foramem

Smaller hole to provide why is that pallet

Prerygoid hamlus

U-shaped a part of sphenoid bone

Medial and lateral pterygoid plates

Origin of pterygoid muscle

Pterygoid fossa

Curve of hamlus

Foramen ovale

Large oval opening

Foramen Spinosam

Small opening behind ovale

Big hole in the center

Big hole in the center

Styloid mastoid foramen

Hole behind siloid process

Mandibular fossa

Articular eminence, jugular fossa,Occipital condyles

Jugular fossa

Deep depression on inferior part of base of skull

Jugular fossa

Deep depression on inferior part of base of skull

Occipital condyles

Depression were head sits

Crista galli

Attachment for calc cerebr

Cribriform plate

Passage for olfactory nerve from nasal cavity

Greater and lesser wings of ethmoid

Behind ethmoid bone

Hypophyseal fossa

Depression in sphenoid home to pituitary gland

Foramen ovale

Large oval bone

Foramen rotundum

Small hole round

Anterior cranial fossa

Houses frontal lobe

Foramen magnum

Large opening in occipital bone

Jugular foramen

Lateral to foramen magnum

Internal acoustic meatus

Inner ear

Pertrous portion of temporal bone

Above internal acoustic meatus and has middle and inner ear

Pertrous portion of temporal bone

Above internal acoustic meatus and has middle and inner ear

Middle cranial fossa

Houses temporal lobe of brain

Posterior cranial fossa

Houses stem and cerebellum

Sphenoid sinus

Within body

Lateral pterygoid plate

Thin walls of bone that project back

Medial pterygoid plate

Thin walls that project back

Pterygoid fossa

Area between plates

Pterygopalatine fossa

Opens to area behind and below eyes