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22 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What is a warning

Procedure that if not followed will cause injury or death

What is a caution

A procedure that if not followed will cause damage or destruction of equipment

Difference between ramp override knob and rescue hoist override knob

-Ramp override spring loaded to detent

-rescue hoist override not spring loaded and shear wired

•What does MRC stand for

•What cards are:





•maintenance requirement cards

•100 - turnaround

•200 - daily inspection

•300 - specials

•400 - phase

-What is 4790

-what chapter applies to PCs



What are the following cards:







1)pre and post flight, daily, and turnaround

2) SE pre ops


4)SE operator (yellow license)

5)A sheet

6) Plane Captain Designation

What does EAPS stand for

Engine air particle separator

How many Strata tubes are on the eaps

How many can be missing from a cluster and row


-5 from a cluster

-25 row

How many Hyds systems on the aircraft





Rotor Break

What hyds system powers which servos


-Main Rotor

-Tail Rotor

AFCS - 2nd (primary) U1 (secondary)

Main Rotor - 1st (primary) 2nd (secondary)

Tail Rotor - 1st (primary) U1 (secondary)

Where in the cabin are the deservicing ports ?

From forward cabin to aft of the cabin

- 2nd stage


-1st stage


What should be Shear Wired on the aircraft?

-cabin :

4 emer escape hatches

5 Emer exit lights

crewman rescue hoist cable shear switch

Hoist cable shear circuit tester

Rescue hoist override knob

-CockPit :

App fire T handle

FAS Press switch

Lower emer control panel

Pilot and co pilot emer egress handles

Landing gear blowdown bottle handle

Dual point cargo hook release handle

What do you check on the co rotator?

In and out play

When should the nose of the aircraft be faced towards the wind ?

During high winds and before pre flight

Where should you service hyds systems to ?

Optimum level

-With the tail folded what should U1 be at?

-With the Tail AND head folded what should U1 be at?

-With tail folded U1 should show mid green

-with tail and head folded U1 should show green red

Where are the pitot static drain lines?

Nose landing gear wheel well forward port side

-When checking the IGB and TGB what should you do to make sure the gauge isn’t stained?

-Where should they be serviced to?

-shake the pylon

-middle of the bullseye

With the tail folded where should servicing for IGB/TGB be at?

TGB - Above bullseye

IGB - below bullseye

Limits for the damper accumulator

-1 1/2 inches above is UNDER serviced

-1/2 inch below is OVER serviced

What systems are serviced with nitrogen?

How do you know?

Landing gear struts


Rescue hoist accumulator

Landing gear blow down bottle

1&2 App Accumulators

1st&2nd stage accumulators

Damper accumulator

Rotor blades

-anything with a yellow cap

What are the U1 Subsystems?

Landing gear extend and retract



Rescue hoist

AFCS Servos

FAS (force augmentation system)

Cargo winch

App/eng start

Rotor head positioning

Blade/tail fold

Tail rotor secondary servo