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31 Cards in this Set

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The Neolithic revolution
-Beginning Of Agriculture.
cultivating single crops and domesticating animals.
-Increase of disease and famine.
-It changed the way people in the Middle East area did things. It turned them from roaming, hunting people into settlement-building, planting (agriculture) people. It changed their thinking, way of doing things and many other things.
-10,000 B.C.
John Winthrop
-"The Models of Christian
-god operates the world with powerful people and creatures.
everyone has a job and can be appreciated for that specific job because everyone has to depend upon each other.
-His intent was to prepare people for living in a perilous society.
Mary Rowlandson’s “The Sovereignty and Goodness of God”
-On top of showing the fear of Indians that the Puritans had, this document also showed how the colonists in this particular time thought that God was always testing them.
Martin Luther
-indulgences in the Catholic Church.
-95 Theses.
-saved you by your faith.
-barrier between the individual and God
-He wanted to reform the Catholic Church and this idea sparked the Protestant Reformation.
John Smith
-He was recruited by the Virginia Company to go to American, where he helped found the Virginia colony Jamestown.
-marries John Rolf. This shows people in Europe that Indians do have the desire to change.
-Pocahontas law of 1/16 was passed. If you were 1/16 non-white, then you were considered non-white.
Indentured Servitude
-People sold labor to get free passage to America from Britain or Germany
- Most of America's pop. came from Inentured Servitude
- The poor Frontiersmen were later involved in Bacon's Rebellion
-1650s or 60s.
George Whitefield
- Preacher from First Great Awakening
- Good at advertising himself/ delivering the Salvation Service
- Brought people the idea of salvation (The Great Awakening)
-1730s to 1770s.
Bacon’s Rebellion
- Bacon leads Frontiersmen to attack Indians and rebel
- Offered to release Indentured Servants and lower their taxes if they joined
- Marked the beginning of American's quest for Independence
Christopher Columbus
-He was not the first to discover America, but he led a lot of Europe to know much more about the New World, and helped encourage more exploration.
Salem Witchcraft
- Last of the 'magical' beliefs in history, and where the belief that everything was ment to be analyzed died off.
- 1692
The Albany Congress
- British called it to become more friendly with Iriquois in case of future conflict
- Albany Plan of Union - colonial assembly used to collect funds for common defense
- Effect of these could have slowed down the revolution
-The disease has claimed many lives.
-Early as 10,000 BC.
-Calvinists wanted to purify the Catholic Church. -religion was full of strict morality
-demanded simplification of doctrine and worship. -It effected the way that religion is today, and created many rumors about itself and the severity of their morality.
-16th century.
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
-It was a pamphlet that was handed out that inspired people in the 13 colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain.
The Quartering Act
-It gave soldiers the right to use uninhabited buildings for quarters when they were in Massachusetts.
Columbian Exchange
- Immediately following Columbus' expedition
- The exchange of humans, animals, plants, and diseases from Europe to America
- Greatly affected society in that it brought diseases that killed people, and animals and plants to help people survive
King Phillip's War
- Indians were fighting to gain control of English. English were fighting to kill, and annihilate the Indians.
- Bloodiest war in history if based on population.
- 1630s - 70s
Stamp Act
- required every document to have a stamp of approval saying that taxes were paid on it.
- One step towards making Americans strive for Independence
- 1765
Proclamation of 1763
- No English settlers can settle west of the proclamation line to keep them from being near indians to prevent war; no legal title available to own land
- One step towards making Americans strive for Independence
- 1763
Navigation Acts
- Controls what comes and goes in colonies; everything must go to benefit the mother country
- same as before
- 1650s
Sugar Act
- lowers taxes on Molasses, but puts violation punishable by single judge who will usually convict
- Drew the line for taxation without representation
- 1764
French and Indian War
- War between England and France that was trying to figure out who's empire was going to control North America
- ^ Also the significance
- 1680s
Boston Massacre
- British troops kill American soldiers outside of the Boston capital
- Attributed to tensions between British and American soldiers and was one of the main starters of the Revolutionary War
- 1770
Stono Rebellion
- Slaves wanted Florida to be a free state, so they attack Englishmen and revolt. The Englishmen defeat them easily, and place their heads on stakes to warn off other rebels.
- Freedom for Englishmen = Slavery for others; it was the first rebellion of slaves against white Englishmen
- 1739
The Coercive Acts
-They were a series of laws passed by British Parliament after the Boston Tea Party.
-They pushed America to declare Independence.
The Boston Port act
-closed the Boston port until the East India Company was paid back for all of the wasted Tea.
The Massachusetts Government Act
-altered the Massachusetts government in that they were under the control of Britain.
Administration of Justice Act
-said that if royal officials in Massachusetts were, to Britain’s discretion, being mistreated in trial, they could be tried by another colony or even in Great Britain.
Iriquois Confederation
- Buffer zone between France and Britain territory
- 17th and 18th Century
First Great Awakening
-Religious revival of Calvinists and Protestants who believed in the free gift of salvation. People such as Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield make people feel the salvation through preaching.